Current Events

Why is the Pope Visiting Britain?

Overshadowing the papal visit to Britain, the first for Pope Benedict XVI, are questions as to why he would confront the obvious public outcry against his trip. reported on September 16:

“As the United Kingdom braces to receive one of the best-known and most controversial figures on the planet, Pope Benedict XVI, a question hangs over the state visit: Why is he coming?”

The article continues:

“And the United Kingdom is not a Catholic country. On the contrary, Britain’s break from Rome in the 16th century echoes, if faintly, to the present day, with laws on the books forbidding the heir to the British throne from marrying a Catholic.

“In fact, the country is one of the less religious ones in Europe, home to vociferous critics of religion, like Richard Dawkins, and those who find belief in a higher power simply unnecessary, like Stephen Hawking.

“Public opinion on the eve of his visit ranges from indifference to downright hostility. There will be protests from critics who consider him a protector of pedophiles and from liberal Catholics who resent his staunch defense of orthodox doctrine.

“And all this will play out in in front of the British media — one of the world’s most aggressive.

“So why, aged 83 and happier at home, is the professorial vicar of Christ on earth stepping into the lion’s den? It may be the very factors that seem to argue against his coming that impelled him to come, according to two experts.

“This pope relishes a challenge, said John Allen, CNN’s senior Vatican analyst. His ‘No. 1 priority is to combat secularism, and in some ways the United Kingdom is the dictionary definition of a post-religious society,” Allen said. “He just created a whole new department in the Vatican to reawaken the faith in the West, and this trip is a chance to elaborate a strategy.’

However, ABC NEWS/International (online 9/16/10) further reports on the swirling resentment that is following the pope’s visit:

“But this four-day, $20 million visit is already mired in controversy. The cloud of the sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church is hanging over events.

“Belgian investigators just published a report detailing sexual abuse by priests in nearly every diocese in that country.

“Some of the victims were reportedly as young as two years old.

“British victims of abuse are demanding more than just an apology from the Pope. They want money for counseling and they want the Vatican to throw open its files on abuse.

“Protests are also planned by those who oppose the Pope’s views on condom use, homosexuality and the ordination of women.

“When asked about the sex scandals, he said ‘the revelations were a shock to him’ and ’caused great sadness.'”

UK is Like “Third World Country!”

The, on September 15, 2010, reported the reactions to very controversial remarks made by a leading papal advisor:

“The pope’s visit to the UK is mired in controversy after one of Benedict XVI’s senior advisers dropped out after comparing an arrival in multicultural Britain to landing ‘in a third-world country’.

“Cardinal Walter Kasper – the Vatican’s leading expert on relations with the Church of England – also accused the UK of discriminating against Christians.

“The cardinal’s remarks, made hours before the papal party was due to land in Edinburgh this morning, came in an interview with the German news magazine Focus, in which he noted that Britain was a ‘secular, pluralistic’ country.

“Asked by the magazine whether Christians were discriminated against in the UK, Kasper replied: ‘Yes. Above all, an aggressive new atheism has spread through Britain. If, for example, you wear a cross on British Airways, you are discriminated against.'”

Strife Builds Over French Actions

Controversy continues over France’s crackdown on illegal migrants, and BBC reported on September 16:

“President Nicolas Sarkozy was furious after European Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding appeared to compare France’s removal of Roma with Gypsy deportations during World War II…

“Although France has deported thousands of Romanian and Bulgarian Roma over the past few years, it began accelerating the process last month, as part of a high-profile crackdown on illegal camps in the country.

“On Tuesday, Ms Reding seemed to compare France’s actions to the persecution of Jews and Gypsies in Nazi-occupied France, when she said: ‘This is a situation I had thought Europe would not have to witness again after the Second World War.’

“She also urged the European Commission to take legal action against France over the deportations.”

Also, from the BBC on September 16, 2010:

“France and Germany are embroiled in a diplomatic row after German Chancellor Angela Merkel flatly contradicted President Nicolas Sarkozy on the issue of Roma camps.

“The issue of Roma (Gypsy) deportations from France has dominated an EU summit.

“Mr Sarkozy told a news conference that Chancellor Merkel had said to him that she intended to follow France’s example in dismantling Roma camps.

“Mrs Merkel’s spokesman denied she had discussed the issue with Mr Sarkozy.

“Fresh from a blazing row with the president of the European Commission, President Sarkozy has managed to fall out with his closest ally in Europe, says the BBC’s Oana Lungescu, who was at the summit in Brussels.”

The focus on human rights is pre-occupying the planned summit of EU leaders in Brussels, while the intended focus was a co-ordinated approach towards China and India–new emerging power-houses on the world stage.

We are witnessing a steady emergence of issues that will soon call for a new kind of leadership in Europe, and Bible prophecies reveal that the stage is set for a startling shift in who is the true super-power! Please read our free booklet: Europe In Prophecy-The Unfolding of End-Time Events.

No Middle-Ground in the Middle East!

Following more “peace talks,” the stalemate remains deeply entrenched in the volatile West Bank.

On September 16, CNN World reported:

“Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has proposed a three-month extension of Israel’s construction moratorium on the West Bank, a diplomatic source told CNN Thursday.

“The proposal, which was made this week during Middle East peace talks being held in the region, was accepted by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, but essentially rejected by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“The two sides appear to be at a stalemate, the source said.

“Netanyahu’s official position remains that he will not support any extension of the moratorium, which has been in place for 10 months and is set to expire September 26.

“The U.S. special envoy to the region, former Sen. George Mitchell, is attempting to negotiate a “quid pro quo” from the Palestinians in exchange for an extension, the source added.

“‘There are all kinds of ideas in the air’ over different ways to break the logjam, the source noted.’

“‘Nobody is going to let the talks break down over this issue,’ the source said. ‘Nobody is walking out of these talks.'”

Along with the momentous changes occurring now in Europe, the Middle East remains one of the most troublesome challenges in today’s diplomatic efforts. Like Europe, this region, and especially the State of Israel and Jerusalem, are destined to fulfill prophecies from the Word of God that only few now understand.

Our free booklet, “The Book of Zechariah-Prophecies for Today!,” will help you understand, as well. 

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