Current Events

Worldwide Catastrophe Coming–The Fight For Food

The Financial Post wrote on January 4:

“A new crisis is emerging, a global food catastrophe that will reach further and be more crippling than anything the world has ever seen. The credit crunch and the reverberations of soaring oil prices around the world will pale in comparison to what is about to transpire, Donald Coxe, global portfolio strategist at BMO Financial Group said… ‘It’s not a matter of if, but when,’ he warned investors. ‘It’s going to hit this year hard.’

“Mr. Coxe said the sharp rise in raw food prices in the past year will intensify in the next few years amid increased demand for meat and dairy products from the growing middle classes of countries such as China and India as well as heavy demand from the biofuels industry… The impact of tighter food supply is already evident in raw food prices, which have risen 22% in the past year…

“At the centre of the imminent food catastrophe is corn – the main staple of the ethanol industry. The price of corn has risen about 44% over the past 15 months… This not only impacts the price of food products made using grains, but also the price of meat, with feed prices for livestock also increasing… 54% of the world’s corn supply [are] grown in America’s mid-west… The amount of U.S. grain currently stored for following seasons was the lowest on record, relative to consumption, he said.”

Scientists Fear Threat to Their Holy Cow of Evolution

AFP wrote on January 4:

“A day after ordained Baptist minister Mike Huckabee finished first in the opening round [in Iowa] to choose a Republican candidate for the White House, scientists warned Americans against electing a leader who doubts evolution. ‘The logic that convinces us that evolution is a fact is the same logic we use to say smoking is hazardous to your health or we have serious energy policy issues because of global warming,’ University of Michigan professor Gilbert Omenn told reporters at the launch of a book on evolution by the National Academy of Sciences… ‘I would worry that a president who didn’t believe in the evolution arguments wouldn’t believe in those other arguments either. This is a way of leading our country to ruin,’ added Omenn…”

We are not in politics; we are not endorsing a political candidate; and we are not commenting on the qualifications of Mike Huckabee or Barack Obama (the two winners in the Iowa caucus), or of John McCain and Hillary Clinton (the two winners in the New Hampshire caucus) or of any of the other candidates for president. In fact, we don’t vote in governmental elections, as this would be violating our conscience. But we ARE commissioned to uphold God’s Word, and so, we WILL comment on the incredible allegations of Prof. Omenn. All we can say is this:

Professor Omenn and all of his colleagues who CLAIM that evolution is a FACT, SHOULD KNOW THAT IT IS NOT! To make such an outrageous statement is in clear VIOLATION OF THE TRUTH. For more information as to how other SCIENTISTS ADMIT that evolution is NOT a fact–and by the very nature of the theory, it NEVER CAN BE CONSIDERED A FACT– please read our free booklet, “The Theory of Evolution–a Fairy Tale for Adults.”

The above-mentioned article continued:

“A poll conducted last year showed that two-thirds of Americans believe in creationism, or the theory that God created humans at a single point in time, while 53 percent believe that humans developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life — the theory of evolution. Around a quarter of Americans said they believe in both.”

We’d like to add this additional comment: As a Christian, who believes in the inspiration of the Bible, one CANNOT believe in BOTH EVOLUTION AND CREATION. The theory of evolution, which is the atheist’s attempt to explain a creation without a Creator, is diametrically opposite to the Biblical account of man’s creation. Why do Christians think they must compromise with God’s Word, in order to appear “intellectual” and “intelligent,” by following the “foolishness” of this world and adopting the inventions of carnal minds which are hostile toward God?

Again, if you want to learn the plain truth on this matter, please read our aforementioned free booklet on the “Fairy Tale” of Evolution.

“America Is Confused About Its Own Course”

On January 10, 2008, Der Spiegel Online reported:

“Commentators writing in Germany’s main newspapers Thursday speculate about what the results [in New Hampshire] mean and Obama’s and McCain’s chances. The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes: ‘The double comeback of the political veterans Clinton and McCain in New Hampshire reveals just one thing: America is confused about its own course. The nation wants to get away from George W. Bush, who continually divided not only the world but also his own people into good and evil and into left and right. But voters are still uncertainly groping for a balance between change and stability — in both parties. Hillary Clinton promises a break with Bush, but her person symbolizes a return to the 1990s. And the Republican John McCain, who would be 72 in January 2009 when he entered office as the oldest president in US history, is regarded by his fellow countrymen as a reliable hand at the wheel.”

“‘The question is where to go now: Back to the future, or forward into the past? But such phrases misjudge just how much Barack Obama, the loser of New Hampshire, has up until now been the winner of this election campaign. He articulates passionately the longing for fundamental change in Washington. … No matter what becomes of his ambition, the longer he survives, the easier it will be for the next president to liberate Washington from its sordid reflexes and its paralyzing self-blockade.’

“The center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes: ‘The lesson of the New Hampshire primary … is that nothing is decided… Democratic voters want change — in style, content and personnel. The Republicans expect strong leadership and integrity from their standard-bearer. What both sides have in common — at least partially — is a dissatisfaction with the Bush administration. … Could McCain win against Obama or Clinton? Against the wife of the former president he would certainly have a chance. She polarizes voters — even with tears in her eyes.’

“The right-leaning Die Welt writes: ‘It wasn’t just her hesitant tears that helped Hillary Clinton to win in New Hampshire. Her success was also helped by distrust in the supposed savior Obama. Fresh-faced youth did not succeed against a hardened career woman this time — life experience, scars included, clearly count… Obama’s radical anti-Iraq card is not so successful in the end. While Obama would be unbeatable almost anywhere in Europe, it seems that things are a bit different in once-isolationist America: Here, ideas about change for the better and living in peace do not automatically stand in opposition to democracy’s expansive impulse.’ …

“The left-leaning Die Tageszeitung writes: ‘… Both Democratic candidates are becoming better and better through this head-to-head race — and increasing their chances of winning the actual election in November. And that is ultimately what it’s all about. Because after eight years of Bush, the idea of now having four years of the Mormon minister Romney, the Baptist preacher Huckabee or the Iraq warrior McCain is too terrible a prospect.'”

Does the Second Amendment Protect the Rights of Individuals to Bear Arms?

The Associated Press reported on January 4:

“[The] District of Columbia…  is seeking to preserve its three-decade ban on handgun possession after a federal appeals court ruled in March that the ban is an unconstitutional infringement on an individual’s right to keep and bear arms. The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to take the case, setting up what could be a landmark ruling on the scope of the Second Amendment. The court has not addressed the issue in a significant way for nearly 70 years…

“The primary issue is whether the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right or a collective right belonging to state militias. A majority of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that the founding fathers intended the right apply to individuals and struck down the D.C. law, though it remains in effect while the case is on appeal. The district argues that the Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms only in the context of an organized militia…

“The Supreme Court may hear arguments in the case in March. Because the case addresses not only the Second Amendment but also the peculiar status of the District of Columbia as a federal enclave, it is unclear whether the Supreme Court ruling will have a direct impact on the national gun-control issue.”

Will America Recover?

On January 6, 2008, the Washington Post published an editorial by George McGovern, former United States Representative, Senator, and Democratic presidential nominee. We are bringing you the following excerpts:

“The political scene is marked by narrow and sometimes superficial partisanship, especially among Republicans, and a lack of courage and statesmanship on the part of too many Democratic politicians… [The war against Iraq] has killed almost 4,000 Americans, left many times that number mentally or physically crippled, claimed the lives of an estimated 600,000 Iraqis… and laid waste their country. The financial cost to the United States is now $250 million a day and is expected to exceed a total of $1 trillion, most of which we have borrowed from the Chinese and others as our national debt has now climbed above $9 trillion — by far the highest in our national history…

“How could a once-admired, great nation fall into such a quagmire of killing, immorality and lawlessness?…

“When the Iraqi army marched into Kuwait in August 1990, President George H.W. Bush gathered the support of the entire world, including the United Nations, the European Union and most of the Arab League, to quickly expel Iraqi forces from Kuwait. The Saudis and Japanese paid most of the cost. Instead of getting bogged down in a costly occupation, the administration established a policy of containing the Baathist regime with international arms inspectors, no-fly zones and economic sanctions. Iraq was left as a stable country with little or no capacity to threaten others. Today… Iraq has become a breeding ground of terrorism and bloody civil strife…

“I believe we have a chance to heal the wounds the nation has suffered in the opening decade of the 21st century… At age 85, I won’t be around to witness the completion of the difficult rebuilding of our sorely damaged country, but I’d like to hold on long enough to see the healing begin. There has never been a day in my adult life when I would not have sacrificed that life to save the United States from genuine danger, such as the ones we faced when I served as a bomber pilot in World War II. We must be a great nation because from time to time, we make gigantic blunders, but so far, we have survived and recovered.”

Unfortunately, it does not appear, from Biblical prophecy, that the United States will greatly recover this time. For more information, please read our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”

U.S. Economy–“Not Just That Good”…?

The New York Times wrote on January 7:

“Dampening the administration’s customary upbeat tone on the economy, President Bush acknowledged Monday that the economic signs were ‘increasingly mixed,’ but he also suggested he would oppose Democratic initiatives to increase spending to head off a recession…

“Mr. Bush’s comments insured that the economy would become an even more central issue in the campaign and Washington as Democrats and Republicans scramble to figure out how to address rising oil prices, the home mortgage crisis, a weakening job market and recession fears. Mr. Bush, in his speech, told business leaders that… the nation faces economic uncertainty. Though Mr. Bush did not warn of a recession — as some economists have — his speech, coupled with a separate address in New York by the Treasury secretary, Henry M. Paulson Jr., was a marked shift from their most recent optimistic assessments… polls showing Americans are now more concerned with the economy than the war in Iraq…”

… Or REALLY Bad?

USA Today wrote on January 9:

“The economic news continues to get bleaker. Oil is near $100 a barrel, housing is weak, major employers such as Citigroup are eyeing big layoffs, and the stock market dropped again Tuesday. The whiff of recession is in the air. This being an election year, calls for government rescue plans are growing louder. The details are skeletal, but they’re taking predictable forms.

“Republicans are talking about new tax cuts and extension of President Bush’s earlier ones. Democrats are discussing spending increases, including grants to states and aid to homeowners. Voters should be wary of such proposals… This is not to say that the current downturn should be ignored. But the best weapon is the Federal Reserve’s ability to cut interest rates. Such monetary policy, as it’s called, is more effective and precise than the fiscal policies wielded by politicians.”

Close Call Between USA and Iran

ABC News reported on January 7:

“The standoff between three U.S. Navy ships and five Iranian speedboats in the Strait of Hormuz Sunday was one step away from turning violent. ‘They were a heartbeat from being blown up,’ a Pentagon official, speaking of the Iranians, told ABC News. According to the Navy intelligence report on the incident, the Iranians radioed, ‘I am coming at you. You will blow up in a couple of minutes.’ The Navy ships radioed back, presumably transmitting a warning.

“All three ships also engaged in ‘evasive action,’ and according to senior Pentagon officials, the ‘prepare-to-fire’ order had been given and the gun stations manned. Pentagon officials today expressed surprise the Navy ships allowed at least one of the Iranian speedboats to get so close — just 200 yards away — without firing… A Navy official told ABC News that while there have been similar incidents in the Gulf, Sunday’s differed because of the ‘aggressive actions’ taken by the Iranians. ‘I’ve never seen a provocation like this… in international waters,’ another military official who has served for more than 25 years said. The White House seconded that notion.”

President Bush Warns Iran

AFP wrote on January 9:

“US President George W. Bush issued a new warning to regional archfoe Iran on Wednesday as he began a Middle East tour under the shadow of a weekend naval face-off between the two countries. Bush threatened Iran with ‘serious consequences’ if it attacked US warships, saying ‘all options’ were on the table to protect US assets after Sunday’s standoff in the strategic Strait of Hormuz. Speaking in Jerusalem after talks with Israeli leaders, Bush also said that he remained convinced like them that Iran’s nuclear programme made it a threat to world peace, despite a recent US intelligent report that said Tehran abandoned an atomic weapons drive in 2003.”

Middle East Peace Treaty Within a Year?

The Associated Press reported on January 10, 2008:

“President Bush, summing up meetings with both sides in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, said Thursday that a peace accord will require ‘painful political concessions’ by each. Resolving the status of Jerusalem will be hard, he said, and he called for the end of the ‘occupation’ of Arab land by the Israeli military… Bush is in the Mideast for eight days, trying to bolster his goal of achieving a long-elusive peace agreement by the end of his presidency in a year. Speaking at his hotel in Jerusalem, he said again that he thinks that is possible…

“Bush gave his most detailed summation yet of what a final peace should include, including U.S. expectations for the resolution of some of the hardest issues in the violent conflict, one of the world’s longest-running and most intractable… In his set of U.S. bottom lines were security for Israel, a ‘contiguous’ state for the Palestinians and the expectation that final borders will be negotiated to accommodate territorial changes since Israel’s formation 60 years ago… On borders, Bush said ‘any agreement will require adjustments’ to the lines drawn for Israel in the late 1940s. He was referring to Israeli neighborhoods on disputed lands that Israel would keep when an independent Palestinian state is formed…  ‘The point of departure for permanent status negotiations to realize this vision seems clear,’ he said. ‘There should be an end to the occupation that began in 1967. The agreement must establish a Palestine as a homeland for the Palestinian people just as Israel is a homeland for the Jewish people.’

“He offered no specifics to resolve the fact of disputed Jerusalem, but urged both sides to work toward a solution in what he said could be the most difficult issue to settle in a long list of difficult issues.”

AFP added on January 10:

“Underscoring scepticism about the prospects for peace, an opinion poll published in a Hebrew newspaper found that 77 percent of Israelis doubted that Bush’s visit would advance the negotiations.”

Cooling Off Between Poland and the USA

The Associated Press reported on January 7:

“Poland’s new prime minister broke from the staunchly pro-American stance of his predecessor, saying in comments published Monday he will not rush a decision on hosting a U.S. missile defense base. The tough line suggests the Bush administration’s clout with allies is weakening… Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk told the Polish edition of Newsweek… ‘Remember, the shield is supposed to defend America, not Poland.'”

German Immigrants Have Had Enough

On January 10, 2008, Der Spiegel Online reported the following:

“It was bound to happen. After weeks of being portrayed by Hesse Governor Roland Koch as being little better than uncivilized savages, Germany’s immigrants on Thursday struck back. In an open letter addressed to Chancellor Angela Merkel and to Koch — both of the conservative Christian Democrats — an association representing some 100 immigrant groups in Germany expressed its frustration at the populist tones coming from Koch, as he campaigns for re-election in a Jan. 27 state vote.

“‘Instead of open, constructive debate coupled with sober proposals based on the facts,’ the letter reads, ‘you are causing serious damage with your campaign polemic. A short-term success in a state election cannot be so valuable that it is worth feeding prejudice … with the effect of a further social split.’

“Koch began demanding that more action be taken against ‘criminal young foreigners’ after a Dec. 20 attack, perpetrated by a 20-year-old Turkish man born in Germany and a young immigrant from Greece, on an elderly man in the Munich subway. But many of his comments have seemed to veer away from the problem of youth violence in Germany and taken on racist overtones.

“He said ‘it must be clear that the slaughtering (of animals) in the kitchen … runs counter to our principles.’ He also said: ‘People who live in Germany must behave properly and refrain from using their fists. That’s how one behaves in a civilized country.’

“Those with foreign backgrounds in Germany have felt under attack by the blast of rhetoric and accuse Koch in Thursday’s letter of ‘tactical populism.’ The treatise also points out that many of those Koch has lumped together grew up in Germany…

“The left-leaning Social Democrats aren’t the only politicians to have mounted a counter-offensive — even members of Koch’s own party are less than impressed with his aggressive rhetoric… In Munich, meanwhile, anger is exploding over a campaign poster on display showing images of the Dec. 20 subway attack. The poster, displayed in support of the Christian Social Union — a sister party to the CDU that exists only in Bavaria — reads ‘No clemency for violent criminals’ across the top. In small print on a silhouette of the attack’s victim, it reads ‘so that you won’t be next.’ Munich Mayor Christian Ude, a Social Democrat, called the ad a ‘low point in democratic culture.'”

Fair Elections in Georgia?

The EUObserver wrote on January 7:

“Georgia president Mikhail Saakashvili was re-elected Sunday (6 January) in a move set to keep the country on its pro-EU and NATO course. But opposition leaders and Russia say the poll was fixed… The snap elections were held after street protests in November complaining about government corruption, which ended in a police crackdown that undermined Mr Saakashvili’s democratic credentials.

“European democracy watchdog [the OSCE] said Sunday’s poll was imperfect but ‘consistent with most international standards’ and ‘genuinely competitive.’ It also warned that Georgia faces ‘immense challenges’ in terms of future stability…

“‘Reports from mass media, NGOs and opposition representatives have been coming in on numerous violations of election laws by the authorities,’ the Russian foreign ministry said in a statement. ‘Assessments by western observers [the OSCE]…appear superficial.’ Mr Saakashvili took power in the 2003 Rose Revolution, which overthrew the country’s post-Soviet regime and saw it steer toward future EU and NATO membership in the teeth of Russian opposition.”

Der Spiegel Online added on January 7:

“The elections in Georgia came out well for President Saakashvili, as expected. Even without immediate evidence of fraud, though, trust in his government has eroded, and people are marching in the streets… German papers on Monday point out that Saakashvili — who cracked down violently on street protests last November, and managed to deny his opponents time on Georgian TV — may have found other ways besides vote-rigging to arrange a victory; and they worry that an ally of Washington may be slipping into totalitarianism.”

Strong Earthquake in Greece

AFP reported on January 6:

“An earthquake measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale jolted Greeks in the southern Peloponnese region from their beds Sunday but experts warned it could have spelt disaster if it had not been so deep. The powerful quake was felt throughout the country and even as far away as Rome, but there were no reports of casualties or major damage.

“‘We were very lucky… Greece escaped the worst because it was a medium depth earthquake,’ said Georges Stavrakakis, director of the geodynamics institute of the Athens observatory… Observatory spokesman Yannis Drakatos had said earlier: ‘The tremor occurred at a depth of more than 70 kilometres (45 miles) and that is why there have been no casualties.’… Stavrakakis said Greece’s last serious earthquake, which occurred near Athens on September 7, 1999, registered 5.9 on the Richter scale and left 143 people dead. Its epicentre was less than 30 km below the Earth’s surface. Greece is the European country most prone to earthquakes, with seismic activity here accounting for half of the continent’s tremors.”

Pakistan–From Bad to Worse

On January 10, 2008, Der Spiegel Online wrote:

“As Pakistan prepares to go to the polls in February, the tensions in the country are mounting. A new suicide attack on police officers on Thursday is the latest in a wave of bomb attacks in recent months while the country endures an ongoing political crisis. The assassination of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto two weeks ago forced a delay in parliamentary elections, now the opposition is voicing concerns that the poll will be rigged.

“Thursday’s blast in the city of Lahore killed at least 22 people, all but two of whom were part of a group of police officers gathered outside of the city’s High Court ahead of an anti-government protest rally by lawyers. The suicide attacker arrived at the court on a motorbike, then walked up to the police and blew himself up, the police reported. The explosion also injured around 60 people.

“The security forces had been braced for violence in Pakistan as Muharram, a month-long Islamic period of mourning, commences on Thursday — a time that has become a lightening rod for sectarian violence in recent years. However, the authorities had been mainly expecting attacks in the northwestern part of the country, where Sunni sectarian militants are active and where Shiite processions have been attacked in previous years. Lahore, on the other hand, is a city that is home to many of the country’s elite, particularly army officers, and it is in Punjab, the country’s most populous and richest province…

“On Tuesday Bhutto’s son, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari told reporters in London that only a United Nations investigation [of his mother’s death] would satisfy him. ‘We do not believe that an investigation under the authority of the Pakistani government has the necessary transparency,’ said Zardari, who was chosen as chairman of his mother’s party after her death, despite the fact that he is a 19-year-old student. ‘I fear for my country,’ he said at the press conference.”

Ongoing Violence in Kenya

Der Spiegel Online wrote on January 7:

“The outbreak of violence in Kenya during the past few days is not just the result of election fraud. Tribal rivalries, the social marginalization of entire ethnic groups and the shameless abuse of power are the root causes for the bloody tragedy. [President] Kibaki heads a highly corrupt cabinet, with almost all ministerial posts held by members of the Kikuyu people. Though the country’s largest ethnic group, the Kikuyu still make up only about 20 percent of the population. They have dominated Kenya for decades, which has translated into their receiving the best jobs, the best roads in the regions where they live and the best health care. Kenya’s founding father, Jomo Kenyatta, was a Kikuyu, as is Mwai Kibaki, the country’s third president since Kenyan independence.

“The European Union election monitoring group, headed by German politician Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, also confirmed that the presidential election was a farce. ‘The 2007 general elections have fallen short of key international and regional standards for democratic elections,’ he said. Voter turnout was reported at an impossible 115 percent in at least one polling location. And in at least two districts there were wide disparities between the results of the local vote count and those later announced by the Kenyan election commission in the capital Nairobi. The changes were in the president’s favor in each case.

“Challenger Odinga soon accused Kibaki of election fraud, arguing that his Orange Democratic Movement’s (ODM) landslide victory in the parliamentary election that took place on the same day supported his claims… Odinga is a member of the Luo ethnic group, which represents roughly one-tenth of Kenya’s population. The Kikuyu live in the center of the country, in the region surrounding Mount Kenya, while the Luo are concentrated along the shores of Lake Victoria in western Kenya. They have felt discriminated against by the Kikuyu for decades. In 1969, a Kikuyu murdered Tom Mboya, a prominent Luo politician, and the Luo have never forgotten his assassination.

“Odinga is a tall, charismatic man. He studied in the eastern German cities of Leipzig and Magdeburg in the 1960s and speaks fluent German. His father was the country’s vice-president under Kenyatta. After Kibaki had himself sworn in at a hastily staged ceremony in the garden of the official presidential residence, the Nairobi State House, Odinga also proclaimed himself president. The dispute led to clashes between anti-government protestors and the police in the streets of Nairobi, where barricades were set up and businesses looted. Dozens died in the unrest…

“It is unlikely that Kibaki will be able to ignore international pressure for long. Even the Americans, who prematurely congratulated him on his election victory, were quick to withdraw their statement. Although Washington sees Kibaki as a loyal ally in the war against terrorism, it distanced itself from the autocratic ruler in the wake of growing protests against the president…”

Rampant Smuggling of Radioactive Material

ABC News reported on January 4:

“In a troubling disclosure, the Russian Federal Customs Service has revealed that authorities thwarted more than 850 attempts to smuggle highly radioactive materials in and out of Russia in 2007. Eighty-five percent of these smuggling attempts were going into the country, and 15 percent were going out. The figures are likely to fuel fears about how many illegal exports were not detected, and what the potential dangers of such radioactive materials can be.”

Britain’s Jack Straw Under Religious Fire

The Daily Mail wrote on January 9:

“Church leaders yesterday warned that new gay hate laws threaten to stop Christians speaking of their beliefs. Both Church of England and Roman Catholic bishops [said that] Christians should be allowed to hold open discussions about sexuality and they must be permitted to criticise homosexual behaviour and lifestyles… The bishops also said that the new law which will make it a crime to harass or bully anyone because of their sexuality will also have a general chilling effect on free speech. Police are already ‘over-zealous’ in cracking down on Christians who stand up for their traditional views, they said…

“The move from two biggest and most influential churches came amid a Cabinet split over the hate crime amendment proposed by Justice Minister Jack Straw to the Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill, which goes before Parliament next month… Mr Straw’s law would make it a crime to stir up hatred on grounds of sexual orientation. It would carry a maximum penalty of seven years in jail for those found guilty – a longer sentence than the five years handed down to a typical rapist… Leaders of the gay pressure group Stonewall, which has been highly influential in drawing up the new law, have said that it will permit religious leaders to continue to express their views on homosexuality provided they are ‘temperate’ and ‘polite.'”

666 and the Church of England

AFP wrote on January 10:

“Eyebrows were raised in the House of Commons on Thursday when a motion calling for the Church of England to be disestablished was listed with the number 666, symbol of the AntiChrist. ‘This number is supposed to be the mark of the Devil. It looks as though God or the Devil have been moving in mysterious ways,’ said Bob Russell, a Liberal Democrat MP among those proposing the motion for debate. ‘What is even stranger is that this motion was tabled last night when MPs were debating blasphemy,’ he added.

“The motion calls for an end to the formal link between Church and State in England — embodied in the monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, who is both head of state and head of the Church of England. The number 666 is referred to in the Book of [Revelation] in the Bible: ‘Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred, three score and six.’

“‘It is… incredible that a motion like this should have, by chance, acquired this significant number,’ said Russell. Under the rules of the House of Commons the motion by backbenchers has little chance of actually being debated in parliament.”

The Russian Orthodox Church and the West

On January 10, 2008, Der Spiegel Online published an interview with Metropolitan Kyrill, foreign minister of the Russian Orthodox Church and the possible successor to Patriarch Alexy II. We are bringing you the following excerpts from his statements, especially as they relate to homosexuality, the evolution theory, and the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church:

“[The West] distorts the boundary between good and evil, between sin and sanctity. Even adultery is apparently no longer considered a sin, despite the fact that every adulterer senses that he has done something wrong. But human beings have a conscience. That’s something even the Marxists were unable to eliminate. They had an explanation for everything, a self-contained philosophy [which determined conscience] — just as your philosophers in Germany say, the conscience is the result of cultural development. But whether you are in Papua New Guinea, Munich or Novosibirsk in Siberia, the principles are the same everywhere: Thou shall not steal, thou shall not kill… The Bible calls it [homosexuality] a sin. But we do not condemn these people. The church is opposed to these people being persecuted or offended. But why should sin be propagated? The gay parade is a blatant display of sodomy. In that case, we might as well promote other sins, as has long been the case on television. This degenerates public morality. It is the church’s job to call a sin a sin. Otherwise it no longer serves a purpose. Unfortunately, the tendency in today’s world is to champion the freedom of choice, while freedom from evil is virtually forgotten…

“We are talking about morals. They want us to believe that morality is relative. But that’s completely untrue. The communists said that good is what is good for the working class. That was relative morality — and 60 million people were exterminated. Hitler claimed that what is good is what is good for greater Germany. That too cost millions of lives. Morality is either absolute or it doesn’t exist at all. If you can justify homosexuality, why not pedophilia?… In a few years, they’ll tell you that 12-year-old girls used to be children, but that they are now much further developed. Twenty years ago, no one would have dreamed that Germany would pass a law one day that recognizes homosexual marriages. But now that too has been accepted… Nowadays many pursue the logic that everything they want ought to be good and justified. We are too quick to treat emotions that ultimately harm us as natural needs. When moral foundations are shaken, we unleash our instincts… The difference between men and animals is that men can control their drives…

“[Regarding Darwin and the evolution theory] no one has provided precise proof of the transition from one species to another. It would be wrong to treat Darwin’s theory as the only correct one. It is the leading theory today, but it could be replaced by another theory tomorrow. There was also a time when Marxism considered itself the only correct and scientifically justified theory…

“The division [between the Roman Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church]  is a consequence of human sin. In this respect it resembles a divorce. The Christian West and the Christian East parted ways because they believed that they didn’t need each other anymore. Reunification can only [be] achieved through spiritual rapprochement. It doesn’t matter how many documents we sign. Unless we have the feeling that we love each other, that we are one family, and that each member needs the other, it will not materialize… Our relations have improved since Benedict became pope. He has removed the issue of a visit to Moscow from the agenda. This sort of visit would not have solved any problems, but it would have provoked new ones. Many of the faithful in Russia mistrust Catholics. This is a legacy of the wars and of proselytization efforts in the 17th and 18th centuries.”

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