Why So Many Problems Now?

As the Fall Holy Days are upon us, many of us find ourselves in unusually stressful situations, experiencing more difficult trials and challenges than usual. These problems might involve health issues; difficulties in marriage or with family members; persecutions at work or in school; threats of termination or failing grades for non-attendance if we celebrate God’s Feast Days; and a myriad of other serious temptations. They all seem to have the goal, in one way or another, to stress us out so that we become disillusioned to the extent that we may not develop the joyful anticipation which we should have in preparation for God’s Holy Days.

None of this is coincidental, of course, and it is most certainly not because of time and chance. Rather, Satan and his wicked army of hateful demons are behind these attacks, as they do not want us to focus on and keep God’s weekly and annual Sabbaths, knowing that they are a sign between God and us which identify us as God’s people. They signify our sanctification and holiness; our future rule in God’s Kingdom; and the replacement of the Devil and his demons. If they can be successful in fooling us to give up our fight for God and His Law and to compromise instead, by not practicing what we must, then they have won, and we have lost our crown. They know, for example, that no one will be in God’s Family who has given up on God’s weekly and annual Holy Days. They know, as we should, that if we love anything or anyone more than Christ, we are not worthy of Him, and He will be ashamed of us at His Coming.

But still, those challenges are never easy to endure. Our human mind focuses with anxiety on a potentially terrible outcome for our loved ones and us, reasoning like this: “What is going to happen if I take time off from work or school in light of drastic threats? Surely, God will understand that I must give in under those circumstances.” However, it is we who must understand that God is stronger and more powerful than the evil spirits which are ruling this rotten world, and that He allows challenges to test us and try us and make us stronger spiritually. At the same time, He IS there to intervene, to help us and to show us the right way out, without compromise, if a temptation or trial would be too difficult for us to handle (1 Corinthians 10:13). But God also knows that we might be much stronger than we may think.

When challenges come through mean-spirited people, we should realize that we are fighting with wicked spirits in high places. Many times, people don’t even know why they are behaving towards us in such a hostile and disapproving manner. Their carnal nature, which is enmity against God and His Law, developed within them because of Satan’s influence. We might become the subjects of contempt by professing “Christians” because they see us stand up for God’s “crazy” rules and these superseded “Old Testament” “Jewish” festivals, while rejecting their beloved Christmas and Easter celebrations. They have no clue as to what the truth is, and do not possess any correct godly comprehension because Satan has blinded them. In most cases, they don’t understand that it is they who reject God and who accept instead ungodly pagan holidays which man adopted under Satan’s inspiration. All the while, we must remember that our spiritual warfare is not with people, but with Satan, the god of this deceived world (Ephesians 6:12-13; Galatians 1:4; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 12:9).

We know of many examples in the Bible when God’s disciples fell into despair. Elijah faced a big problem when Jezebel tried to kill him–he had enough and wanted to die. Jeremiah was also faced with threats on his life, so he complained to God that He could not be relied upon. Job was severely plagued by Satan, but God allowed it, and his response to God was that He treated him unjustly. But in spite of those temporary setbacks and misguided evaluations of their situation, God’s people found renewed strength in God and continued their responsibilities. They knew that the righteous may fall seven times and get up and go on (Proverbs 24:16).

Sometimes, challenges before God’s Feast Days, especially before the Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles, may not be earth-shaking events, but they could just be stressful daily occurrences which we might compare with little rocks or with small bricks. After a while, the accumulation of the rocks has become a huge mountain which appears to be unclimbable, or the bricks, taken together, have become a strong wall which does not let us pass through. This condition can become so frustrating for us that we conclude that it is just too much to handle–the problems are piling up with such speed and regularity that we are feeling stressed out and unable to continue. Paul was being threatened many times with death, but he also spoke about daily challenges, including his deep concern for all the churches (2 Corinthians 11:28). He warned us that “in the last days there will come times of stress” (2 Timothy 3:1, Revised Standard Version).

Dear brethren and friends, Satan is very angry right now. He KNOWS, perhaps better than we do, that his time is short and that God will crush him under our feet shortly (Romans 16:20). He is our enemy and wants to destroy us like a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8). We must resist him, knowing what he has in mind. God will give us renewed strength so that we can mount up with wings like eagles (Isaiah 40:31)—rising high above our problems. And viewing our difficult circumstances from a distance that far away, they will appear very small indeed.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God