What Is the Real Truth?

Anger has surged and justice is desperately demanded by many people in this nation as a result of the killing of an unarmed black man by a white police officer. Sadly, occurrences like these have been an ongoing story for many years, and the answers that the majority are seeking haven’t been found.  As of Monday, June 1st, protests over this death have hit all 50 states in America, many of which are considered peaceful but far too many also have led to violence, destruction and more death. The unity of this nation is failing more and more with a leadership in disarray and a society on the brink of collapse.

The finger-pointing, the racial tension, the anger, and the call for justice are at the forefront of the minds of many people, something that has repeated itself numerous times in history. And due to this present problem, especially in this nation, it seems like the news about COVID 19 has taken a back seat and isn’t as prevalent as it was just a week ago. Some even claim that the pandemic and the resulting governmental restrictions were a setup and a political scheme, postulating all kinds of reasons to explain the timeline of events.  Even questions have arisen whether the Corona Virus will suddenly “disappear” after November 11.  And so, conspiracy theories are invented and continue to be spread. Certain groups that purposely inflict chaos, deception, devastation and fear, add fuel to the fire.

The real question is, what is THE truth?

It is easy to get caught up in all the mayhem and confusion that is present all over social media and news outlets across the nation and all around the world.  We can see how one thing leads to the next, especially now with the current situation which escalated into worldwide protesting, looting, and violence.  It is normal to feel angry about this but we should also realize why this is happening. And we should ask ourselves, what this will lead to next and how quickly?

Society wonders why God is letting this happen, or how we can live in peace, but we know that this is not God’s world. It is Satan who rules man and influences people to act and react with violence and hatred. There is another important question that not too many people ask themselves in these troublesome times.  And that is, “Am I ready for Christ’s return?”  This very question is something we must ask ourselves, for we in God’s Church know why all of this is happening.  We are observing Satan’s wrath who knows that his time is short. And because we know this, then we need to be honest with ourselves and ask ourselves whether God would look at us as being worthy of His protection and of being able to stand before the Son of Man when He returns. Our booklet, “How Can We Know That Christ’s Return Is Near?” gives us the answers on how we are to prepare and how we are to live NOW so we are not blindsided when He does return.  We need to stay vigilant and diligent in obeying God and to keep doing what God requires of us.

Christ tells us in Luke 21:34-36:

“But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

We say in our above-mentioned booklet, “God will provide the way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13). While many will have to endure persecution and martyrdom, some members of the true Church of God who have been counted worthy to escape such terrible fate will be protected during that time at a physical location or ‘place of safety’ here on earth (Revelation 12:13–16; 3:10). As we see devastating end-time events developing with enormous speed, we should make sure that God will count us worthy of His protection (1 Thessalonians 2:12; 2 Thessalonians 1:5, 11; compare also Luke 20:35).

“We have not yet seen the beginning of the Great Tribulation, but we know that it is the next major event to occur in our time.”

This IS the real truth that we need to be focused on, making sure that we are spiritually ready.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God