What do we know of the Stone of Destiny? (Part 2)


In the previous installment, we began discussing the history of the Stone of Destiny and its relationship with the Throne of David. In this second installment, we will continue with astonishing claims in this regard.

  1. Wallace Connon wrote in “The Stone of Destiny,” cp. 1951:

“Tradition identifies this stone with the one upon which Jacob rested his head at Bethel… Jacob’s sons carried it to Egypt, and from thence it passed to Spain with King Garthelus, son of Cecops, the builder of Athens.  About 700 B.C., it appears in Ireland… there it was placed upon the sacred hill of Tara, and called ‘Lia-Fail, the ‘fatal’ stone, or ‘stone of destiny’… Fergus II (d. 501), the founder of the Scottish monarchy and one of the Blood Royal of Ireland, received it in Scotland, and King Kenneth (d. 860) finally deposited it in the monastery of Scotland (846)… Upon the stone their kings, down to John Baliol, were crowned.

… after the death of Zedekiah [it] was carried by a migrating colony, with ‘Scota the King’s daughter’ under the leadership of the prophet Jeremiah.

“There is no record of what Jacob did with the Stone, but it is hardly likely that he who had had such a dream, and believed its import, would leave it lying just where he ‘set it up’; it is more likely that, at the earliest opportunity, he secured its safe keeping as an heirloom for the generations to some, the seed that were to be ‘as the dust of the earth.’”

In commenting on Jacob’s SECOND visit of Bethel in Genesis 35, it is stated:

“Is it not a reasonable suggestion that he used for this second occasion the same ‘pillar of stone’ as when at Bethel the previous time he had received his first promise from God?…

“It is but fair also to mention the Mohammedan belief that Jacob’s Stone was brought to Jerusalem, and is still preserved in the mosque now standing where the Temple once stood.”

We do not believe that the Stone is in Jerusalem AT THIS POINT, but it is interesting that the Muslims believe that “Jacob’s Stone” had been brought to Jerusalem at one time.

Much information about the history of the Stone of Destiny is provided by E. Raymond Capt, “Jacobs’s Pillar,” cp. 1977.

Capt draws a connection between the pillar, mentioned in 2 Kings 11:13, 14, with Jacob’s pillar stone, saying: “In the Revised Standard Version it is rendered, ‘standing by THE PILLAR, as was their custom,’ the article ‘the’ denoted a particular pillar, by, or upon, which it was the custom of Israel to crown their kings.” He also refers to 2 Chronicles 23:13, describing the king standing “at the pillar.” Later, Capt refers to Hosea 3:4, stating:

“‘The children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a sacrifice, and WITHOUT AN IMAGE,’ or as the marginal reading gives it, ‘WITHOUT A STANDING PILLAR.’ Young’s Exhaustive Concordance gives, among other definitions of the original Hebrew word, both ‘Memorial stone’ and ‘pillar.’ Other authorities give us ‘pillar-rock’ and ‘pillar stone’ as the correct rendering. All this justifies our conclusion that the pillar in question is the Bethel Pillar Stone which was used as a Coronation Stone and retained by the royal family which ruled over the remnant of Judah until the overthrow of Zedekiah.”

Later, when referring to Jeremiah 15:14; Isaiah 37:31 and Jeremiah 1:10, Capt states:

“Since the planting and building was to take place in a land that Jeremiah did not know, it could not have been Egypt, Palestine or Babylon, or any of the small nations around Palestine. The expression ‘to pass’ is significant, for it implies travel by sea, passage by boat. … Upon leaving Egypt, Jeremiah would doubtless have had in his possession the Stone of Bethel…

“The ‘History of Ireland’ … states that the ancient Irish, called the ‘Danai’ or ‘Danes’, separated from Israel around the time of the Exodus from Egypt, crossed to Greece and then invaded Ireland. The ‘Tuatha De Danann’, means the ‘Tribe of Dan.’ The ‘Leabha Gabhala’, or ‘Book of Conquests of Ireland’, give their earlier name as ‘Tuathta De’, meaning ‘People of God.’… the ships of the Tuatha De Danann are accredited with bringing Jeremiah and Jacob’s Pillar to Ireland

“Many of the ancient Irish records, when making reference to an ‘eastern king’s daughter,’ also mention an old man; ‘a patriarch, a saint, a prophet’, called ‘Ollam Fodhla’ and his scribe-companion called ‘Simon Brug, Brach, Break, Barech, Berach’, as it is variously spelled. Reportedly, they carried with them many ancient relics. Among these were a harp, an ark or chest, and a stone called, in Gaelic, ‘Lia -Fail’… meaning ‘Stone of Fate’ or ‘History of Destiny.’

“Tradition asserts that Ollam Fodhla was none other than Jeremiah, the prophet; that the king’s daughter was the heir of Zedekiah, the last king of Judah. Simon Brug (Baruch) was Jeremiah’s scribe who figures prominently in Biblical history, and the harp was the one belonging to King David.  The ark or chest was the Ark of the Covenant. Finally, that the stone, ‘Lia Fail’ was the stone that Jacob anointed with oil at Bethel.”

Capt then relates several versions of the story as to how Jeremiah planted the throne of David in Ireland:

“One story relating to Scota (a princess from Egypt and daughter of the Pharaoh of Egypt) tells of her son, named ‘Eochaidh’ (later called Eremhon or Heremon, meaning King) marrying a girl named ‘Tea Tephi’… Another version [which seems to be more reliable] lists Tea Tephi as being the daughter and heir of King Zedekiah (Scota, her younger sister, having married in Spain) who accompanied Jeremiah to Ireland to meet and marry Eochaidh. In this version Tea was made Queen at her husband’s coronation (by Jeremiah) on the Stone of Bethel… and the Harp of David became the national emblem.

“… all (versions) agree in the following: The Stone, known as the ‘Stone of Destiny’, came from Spain, and before that, from Egypt. It came in the company of an aged guardian, who was called ‘Ollam Folla’ (Hebrew words that mean ‘revealer’ or ‘prophet’). Eoachaidh (Eremhon) with his Queen Tea Tephi was crowned King of Ireland upon the Stone which remained at the Palace of Team-hair Breagh. It was the Coronation Stone of every ‘Ard-Righ’ (High King) of ‘Eireann’ for a period of about 1010 years; from King Eremhon (The Heremon) to the 131st Ard-Righ, named ‘Murcheartach.’…”

Regarding the Harp of David, Capt states: “Tradition has it that the Harp of David was brought to Ireland by Jeremiah and is buried with Tea Tephi at Tara. It is a significant fact that the royal arms of Ireland is a representation of the Harp of David, and has been such for 2500 years.”

Capt also points out:

“The crowning of Eochaidh, the son of Scota (daughter of Zedekiah) on the Stone of Destiny completed the first ‘overturn’…”

We need to clarify that the transfer or receipt of the Stone would not constitute the “overturn” or transfer of the crown or the Throne of David, but this claim of the transfer of the Stone, in conjunction with coronations, is interesting and a contributing “visibly manifesting factor,” visualizing a change of location of the crown and Thone of David from Jerusalem to Ireland.

Capt continues:

“… after Fergus the Great… had obtained power of Scotland… he … ask[ed] [the King of Ireland] to send him this stone, to sit upon, for the purpose of being proclaimed King of Scotland… and he [received the stone and was] inaugurated King of Scotland on the same stone, and he was the first King of Scotland of the Scottish nation…

“When the Stone of Destiny landed on Scottish soil, it constituted the second ‘overturn’; the first being its removal from Palestine, through Egypt and Spain, to rest in Ireland…”

Again, the same comments as above apply. The transfer of the Stone does not constitute, per se, the overthrow or transfer of the “crown” or the rulership on the Throne of David from Ireland to Scotland.

Capt continues:

“On Moot Hill stands a stone chapel, marking the place where the Stone of Destiny had rested and where the kings of Scotland presided over their Parliaments until Edward I of England removed the Stone to Westminster Abbey… The third ‘overturn’ of Jacob’s Bethel Stone was realized when Edward I of England (1296 A.D.) carried off the Stone to Westminster Abbey. There it became the crowning stone of the successors to the English throne…”

Again, the same comments as to what constituted the third overthrow or transfer of the crown from Scotland to England apply. Continuing:

“King James VI of Scotland was crowned on the Stone in Westminster Abbey when he became James I of England…

“From the time of King Edward I onward, all the Monarchs of England have been crowned on the ‘Stone of Destiny’ and the Coronation Chair with the exception of Mary I (known as Bloody Mary)… Queen Elizabeth II was crowned upon the Stone in 1953, in fulfillment of God’s Covenant with David…

“… the Monarchy of Britain as well as most of the other monarchies of Europe are descendants from Judah… In the Scottish National Library there is a Gaelic manuscript … containing the complete genealogies of the Scottish Kings, showing their descent through the Irish Kings by way of Judah, Jacob and Isaac back to Abraham. In Windsor Castle there is also a genealogical table showing the descent of the British kings from David through the Irish and Scottish lines. Thus the Monastery existed long before there was a British Nation.”

Sometimes, the question is asked as to whether the Queen of England knew that she was Jewish, and whether her first-born son, King Charles III, also knows about his real heritage. Based on the foregoing, the answer would be yes, but it is a different issue as to whether or not they believed or believe it. On the other hand, according to an article of Die Abendzeitung of July 23, 2013, referring to an article of The Observer, Queen Victoria was convinced that the royal family members were direct descendants of King David, and that partially because of that belief, circumcision was practiced. Allegedly, King Charles III and his brothers Andrew and Edward were also circumcised, but it is unclear whether Charles’ and Diana’s sons William and Harry were.

Capt also makes the following interesting observation:

“One of the most significant facts about the Coronation Stone is that no similar rock formation exists in the British Isles… Odlum discovered a stratum of sandstone near the Red Sea at Bethel, geologically the same as the Coronation Stone…”

In 1996, the Stone was returned to Scotland and is now displayed in Edinburgh Castle. But this transfer of the Stone did not consist another overthrow of the crown and of the Throne of David, since, in any event, no king or queen has been coronated on that stone since its return to Scotland. It is clear that Queen Elizabeth sat on and occupied the Throne of David, and as of today, King Charles III occupies the Thone of David as well.

BBC wrote on September 8:

“At the moment the Queen died, the throne passed immediately and without ceremony to the heir, Charles, the former Prince of Wales… He will be known as King Charles III… The symbolic high point of the accession will be the coronation, when Charles is formally crowned. Because of the preparation needed, the coronation is not likely to happen very soon after Charles’s accession – Queen Elizabeth succeeded to the throne in February 1952, but was not crowned until June 1953. For the past 900 years the coronation has been held in Westminster Abbey – William the Conqueror was the first monarch to be crowned there, and Charles will be the 40th.”

When King Charles III’s coronation as the King of England occurs, it will be interesting to see whether the Stone will be loaned or sent back from Scotland to England for the purpose of the coronation, as did happen before. Even though it would not be necessary for the ongoing fulfillment of God’s promise and His prophecy regarding the crown and the Throne of David, it would still be a remarkable occurrence, given the claims made in regard to the Stone of Destiny or Jacob’s Pillar Stone.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

©2025 Church of the Eternal God