Update 88


Keys To Understanding Bible Prophecy

Edwin Pope will give the sermon this Sabbath, April 12, 2003. The sermon is titled, “Keys to Understanding Bible Prophecy.”

On Tuesday, April 15, 2003, in the evening, is Passover. On Wednesday, April 16, 2003, is the Night to Be Much Oberserved.

On Thursday, April 17, 2003, Holy Day services for the First Day of Unleavened Bread will be broadcast live from San Diego. Norbert Link will be discussing in his sermon important principles related to the meaning of the Days of Unleavened Bread.

All our live services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org at the appropriate time, just click on “Connect to Live Stream.”

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Why God’s Holy Days?

by Edwin Pope

The third day of April marked the beginning of a new year according to God’s Sacred Calendar and we are just days from the beginning of God’s spring festival season. The vast majority of people on the earth today are totally ignorant of these days. Many do observe holidays based upon certain ancient pagan practices, yet do not understand that God specifically forbids the observance of those days.

Many in the Church of God, who formerly observed God’s Holy Days, in agreement with Biblical instructions, have since turned from God’s clear instructions and have begun observing the holidays of this world. How can we know we must not follow that example?

We know that God created the Sabbath Day on the seventh day of the week. He blessed the seventh day, sanctified it and commanded that we keep it holy (Genesis 2:2-3; Exodus 20:8-11). We also know that God established the annual Holy Days, each in their season, to be observed forever. God states that His Sabbaths are a sign between Him and His people, forever (Exodus 31:13, 17).

We know, also, that it was the custom of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and His disciples to keep these days (Luke 2:41-49; Luke 4:16; Matthew 26: 2, 17-18; Acts 2:1). Once the Kingdom of God is established on this earth, everyone will be keeping these days (Zech. 14:16-18).

Our new booklet, “God’s Commanded Holy Days,” is hot off the presses and is in the mail to all on our regular mailing list. This booklet is a complete study of these days and shows what God expects of you in relation to them. If you are not receiving our publications on a regular basis, you may request a copy of our new booklet by going to www.eternalgod.org/contact or by writing to:

The Church of the Eternal God
PO Box 270519
San Diego, CA 92198

The current Member Letter was mailed along with our new booklet. There is a link to that letter from this Update. Church members, not able to take Passover with a local congregation, can find a tape of the Passover Service on our website under the AUDIO section.

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For decades, the Church of God has published and preached a warning message to this world, explaining the significance of events in light of Biblical prophecy. The Church has been announcing well in advance the reunification of Germany, the establishment of a powerful European power bloc – economically with one common currency, politically, militarily, and religiously.

The Church has also pointed out the increasingly influential role of the Catholic Church, the formation of a power bloc in the Arab world, an initial peaceful relationship between Europe and the Middle East, followed by European occupation of that region. The Church has also explained in advance the clear Biblical teaching that the United States of America, Great Britain, and other Commonwealth nations will find themselves more and more in opposition to the opinion of the other nations of the world, including continental Europe. Our free booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord,” explains these developments in much more detail.

As a service to our readership, we are bringing you in this special report the opinions and reactions of the continental Europeans as to the war with Iraq and the days thereafter. The Church of the Eternal God does not necessarily agree with the opinions set forth below, nor do we take any political side. However, we feel it is important that you know the feelings overseas, as they show clearly the continued fulfillment of prophecy in the direction as set forth in God’s word, the Bible, thousands of years ago, and they prove that the return of Jesus Christ is near.


84 % of Germans Are Against the War: 62% believe that the war is in violation of international law. 49% believe that President Bush is mainly responsible for the war – only 26 % believe that Saddam Hussein is responsible (Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, March 29, 2003).

The Reaction of the World: Vladimir Putin: “The attack is a serious political mistake.” Jacques Chirac warned against a humanitarian catastrophe. Pope John Paul II expressed his deep sorrow of the Vatican. Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission: “A sad moment for the nations of the world” (Bild, March 21, 2003).

Iraq War Prompts Massive Protests: About 200,000 people demonstrated in Germany against the attack of the United States. Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder criticized in a television program the military action, stating that it was wrong… He said Germany would not participate in this war (Rhein-Neckar Zeitung, March 21, 2003).

War Under Protest: Never before in the history of Germany has a war led to so much resistance, protest and rejection… The protest is so severe because the reasons, given by President Bush, are equally as fundamentalist as those of his enemies. The concept of religious motives and his crusade in the name of good are met especially in Europe with serious concerns. This prompts the churches, which have in their history supported many times the powerful nations, to now form a never-before seen opposition (Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, March 21, 2003).

Churches Attack US Government: The Catholic and Protestant churches in Baden-Wuerttemberg (in the southern part of Germany) criticized with unusually strong words the preventive war of the US. “We do not support those who fight a war,” they stated in a common declaration. They object that the Bush administration justified actions of war with religious language and a religious mission (Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, March 21, 2003).

Bush Against the Rest of the World: There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein is a detestable dictator and mass murderer who is suppressing his people… There is also no doubt, however, that a preventive war by President Bush against Iraq without a UN mandate is an aggressive war, which violates international law and is illegal. The following is true for the only existing super power: One cannot defend law by breaking it (Stern, March 20, 2003).

Attack in the Name of Freedom: The American President has found stronger and stronger words to justify an attack against Iraq. To carry it out, he used every means – including the lies of propaganda and the breach of international law (Stern, March 20, 2003).

The War of Lies – a Protocol of Deceit: In war, truth dies first. This time, it died long before the first shot was fired. The invasion of Iraq has been planned by mighty men in Washington already six years ago (Stern, March 20, 2003).

For the first time, German President Johannes Rau attacked President Bush directly and strongly. He uttered doubts in regard to Bush’s godly mission. “There are situations where a war is unavoidable, but this was not the case with Iraq,” Rau said. Bush is suffering from a grandiose misunderstanding when he talks about a godly mission, which is inspiring him to fight this war, according to Rau… Nowhere in the Bible are we asked to start a crusade, Rau said (Der Spiegel Online, March 31, 2003).

Bad Suspicion Against the Americans: The International Federation of Journalists raised serious accusations against the Americans. [They claim] that the “Palestine”- hotel was attacked on purpose [In the attack, two camera men died.] It is in the best interest of the Americans [according to a Board member of the Federation] that journalists only report what the Americans want them to (Focus Online, April 9, 2003).

Federation of Journalists Accuse the United States of War Crime: The British BBC uttered doubts about the accuracy of the version of the US military that a US tank had been shot at from the building… The Spanish government demanded an explanation from Washington. The Greek government condemned the incidence (Der Spiegel Online, April 9, 2003).

Hate Against the Arrogant Super Power: What the world sees is quite different from the American promises to free Iraq from Saddam in a clean walk in the park. TV broadcasts and pictures show corpses without heads and burned people… Even if this was caused by Iraqis – hate and resistance grow day by day especially in the Arab world… Does President Bush know what is rising up against him?… America is virtually alone in this fight… Governments might support the United States – the peoples do not (Format, April 9, 2003).

[Austria’s] Hugo Portisch [speaks about] the Real Motives of the United States: “[The Americans] are in the process of winning… But to win means more than just to beat one’s opponents militarily. One has only won when one has reached one’s military goals… The official goals only covered and hid the real ones – to protect and secure the oil reservoirs in the Middle East… If they had made that clear they would not have received the support of the people for this war… Henry Kissinger told me once, when the U.S. goes to war, it has to be a crusade – otherwise, the people won’t support it. There has got to be a moral reason for a war. That’s why Bush speaks about a godly mission, and Saddam was declared to be a Ben Laden who threatens the United States and the world with weapons of mass destruction” (News Online, April 9, 2003).


Pope Condemns War: The pope has again condemned the war against Saddam. Only peace is the way to establish a more just society, he said. “War threatens mankind” (Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, March 23, 2003).

Vatican – Miraculous Healing: His energetic mission against the American-British war has given him new strength, believers claim (Der Spiegel, March 24, 2003).

Big Gulf Between Spain and the Vatican: When he visits Spain in May, pope Paul II will have to clarify some questions – such as, whether dedicated Catholics can violate orders of the pope. The president of the Spanish Conference of Bishops, Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco, pointed out that the position of the pope against the war with Iraq is binding on all Catholics. Cardinal Rouco mentioned recently that the pope could even excommunicate Catholic politicians because of their stance on the Iraqi question (Der Spiegel Onlin
e, April 6, 2003).

John Paul II Prays for Speedy End of Iraqi War: He mentioned that April 11 will be the 40th anniversary of the promulgation of the encyclical “Pacem in Terris,” in which Pope John Paul XXIII traced the great lines for the promotion of peace… “My thoughts turn in particular to Iraq and to all who are involved in the war that rages over there,” he added. “I think especially of the unarmed civilian population that is subjected to a harsh test in various cities”… [He] noted that there is a sign of hope amid the darkness, based on the general “conviction that eventual controversies among peoples must not be resolved with recourse to arms but, instead, through negotiations.” (Zenit, April 6, 2003).


Restoration of Iraq Will Take Many Years: It will cost between 25 billion and 100 billion dollars… The restoration of the Iraq is an explosive topic for Washington. The US government has been accused that it is only interested in the control of Iraqi oil. This the government has consistently denied. Officials insist that the oil belongs to the Iraqis… There is no doubt, however, that the Americans, after a victory, will be in control over Iraqi oil and they will decide who should be involved in the restoration of Iraq (Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, March 29, 2003).

After the War: Victory for Bush in this unnecessary war is certain. The only question is, For what price? (Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, March 26, 2003).

Expensive Bill: Even 200 billion dollars might not be enough for the necessary replacement of weaponry and restoration of Iraq… After this war, we might see an economic crisis, which this world has never experienced before… And what is the price for the many many dead, maimed and injured? Only God can evaluate that (Bild, March 25, 2003).

The Bitter Victory: After the war, there will still be no peace in Iraq… Joy will end in tragedy… What does freedom and democracy mean in a country in which the people have known nothing for decades but violence, murder and war?… This war will depose of Saddam, but it will not lead to peace or freedom in the Middle East… It will end a terrible dream, only to replace it with another one (Stern, March 27, 2003).

Is Iraq Controllable – Or Will the Situation Be as Rocky as in Afghanistan?… It will be even rockier… Risk #1: The Turks will invade in the north, if the Kurds occupy the oil-producing city of Kirkuk… Risk #2: Islamic fighters will rise up against the Allies… Risk #3: Shiites plunder churches and rich cities… To whom does Iraqi oil belong? The Iraq – the oil industry is owned by the state. Former US vice-minister for energy, David Goldwyn: “The United States do not have the authority, according to international law, to sell Iraqi oil, as long as there is no resolution of the UN Security Council” (Bild Online, April 7, 2003).

Bush Must Present a Peace Plan – Interview with former American national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski: “The only possible outcome now is a new regime. Part of the definition of victory is that it results in stability and democracy, and not simply a military occupation that must be maintained to counter resistance on the part of the local population… Of course, the presence of the US military is necessary for a certain period of time, but hopefully not too long. However, an international body should assume supreme civil authority on a transitional basis as quickly as possible, and should then transfer power to the Iraqis… The problem posed by Iraq was tremendously exaggerated, particularly when compared with the challenge presented by North Korea” (Der Spiegel Online, April 7, 2003).

Counter Summit in Russia: Does Germany help with the restoration of Iraq? Russia’s President Putin, France’s President Chirac, and Germany’s Chancellor Schroeder will determine this weekend their course of action for the time after the war. The leaders of the anti-war coalition want to prevent a leadership of the United States in Iraq and demand a leadership role of the United Nations… The announcement of the meeting occurred at the same time, when Bush met with Blair in Belfast. Both agreed that the United Nations should play a “vital role” in Iraq. The two warlords did not announce further details. When a journalist asked what this phrase means, Bush answered in a nebulous way: “A vital role for the UN means a vital role for the UN” (Der Spiegel Online, April 8, 2003).

World Security Council Will Decide Soon About Reconstruction: Javier Solana, the foreign ambassador of the European Union, stated that a distinctive role of the UN in Iraq is a condition for economic and political participation of the European Union (Spiegel Online, April 9, 2003).

Economy of Fear: The war against Saddam and the restoration of Iraq will cost billions – that much is certain. The costs of uncertainty, caused by this war, will be much higher… “It can already be said that this war increases economic uncertainties and endangers, if not destroys, hope for economic growth,” according to Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder… When US President George Bush refuses to accept phone calls from his French and German colleagues, then that is a political debacle (Spiegel Online, April 10, 2003).

The Change of the Regime — Too Early For Freedom:
“What liberation? What freedom?”, the musician Fais Chalil asked angrily. “They plunder everywhere.”… He does not understand the reason for the enforced regime change. “We have lived quite peacefully so far,” he said… The retired 63-year old Chalid Abduldschabar explains, “Our country has been occupied by the Americans. They only want our oil and our riches.” The partially brutal conduct of the Americans has increased antagonism against them… When on Wednesday a statute of Saddam in front of the “Palestine” hotel was destroyed, TV showed pictures of jubilant Iraqis… But pictures deceive sometimes. Firstly, the crowd was not all that big. And secondly, they did not represent the average people of Baghdad. “There we see people cheering,” according to an older Iraqi, ” who yesterday cheered for Saddam” (Der Stern, April 10, 2003).

Historical Experience – Excitement does not last long: Celebrations of joy were also seen in 1992, when US troops entered Somalia. A few months later, the same people dragged dead corpses of American soldiers through the streets… Washington is deeply satisfied about pictures of jubilant crowds in Baghdad, destroying symbols of Saddam’s power. But the population is already angry in Basra, which has been under British control since Monday, because the troops cannot prevent plundering and lawlessness in the city (Der Stern, April 10, 2003).


Interview with Raif Georges Khouri, Professor for Islam at the University of Heidelberg: “The Iraqis view the Americans as imperialists, rather than as liberators… Iraqis resist intervention from the outside, especially when it comes through Americans… The Americans do not understand the mentality of the people… In the hour of need, all Muslims gather together to defend the Islam identity. They feel like brothers. The Americans don’t want to understand that. They think, they march in, and the people feel liberated, because the Savior has come. But it’s not that easy… If the Americans are not careful, they will lose any sympathy in the Arab world… The risk of terrorist attacks has largely increased due to the war… At the moment, there is absolutely no foundation for a democracy in Iraq… One has to ask where there are any democratic powers in Iraq… After the war, mainly the Europeans must get involved. Only the European culture could give Iraqis more than just economic help… The Arabs trust Europeans more than Americans. They especially trust France, Germany and Russia. Why? Because Germany was never a colonial power” (Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, March 29, 2003).

European Bishops Call for a More United EU to Promote Peace: A commission of European bishops called on t
he European Union to promote a more just and peaceful global order, as it considered the EU response to the Iraqi crisis… [The] bishops… urge[d] the EU leaders and institutions to work together for peace and justice in the Mideast and elsewhere (Zenit, April 1, 2003).

Common Army Planned: Germany, France and Belgium plan a common defense army. Other European Nations are asked to join the initiative (Bild, March 22, 2003).

More Europe: The political battle continues. Germany and France refuse to accept the superiority of the United States, not even after the war in Iraq. Berlin and Paris are planning the development of a 60,000-man intervention force… Along the long road to creating a European military force, officials in Berlin are already considering that each state would not necessarily need its own army, air force and navy… Although America and Great Britain can win the war on their own, they cannot win the peace… Chirac is determined, together with a coalition of those desiring peace, to break the hegemonic efforts of the US president… With great satisfaction, the Germans and French have found that this time they have gained an unexpected ally: British prime minister Tony Blair, who insistently pushed for a UN solution during last week’s meeting with Bush. According to French diplomats, Blair, unlike Bush, is a true moralist, one who places great faith in the law, justice and international consensus… Meanwhile, Schroeder and Fischer view the German-French cooperation as the most successful outcome of their diplomatic efforts…
The United States have 1.4 million soldiers. Presently, the Europeans have 1.6 million soldiers (This figure includes, however, the British contingent) The correct figures are as follows:

Germany 308,000
France 274,000
Italy 230,000
Great Britain 211,000
Greece 159,000
Spain 144,000
Netherlands 50,000
Portugal 44,000
Belgium 39,000
Austria 35,000
Sweden 34,000
Finland 32,000
Denmark 22,000
Ireland 11,000
Luxembourg 1,000…
The USA spends 322.4 billion dollars for the military. Europe only spends 149.3 billion dollars (Der Spiegel, March 31, 2003).

The Superpower and the Rest of the World: “He went without knowing where he would go.” With this verse from the Bible, President Bush started the day when he decided to begin the war… Saddam Hussein is done. That is the good news. The bad news is: Not only Iraq needs to be restored, the international relationships have to be restored, too… Bush and Rumsfeld have transformed the legitimate war against terrorists into a crusade against everything that does not match their world view… Europe has to emancipate and take their economic and political future into their own hands. In the end, the New World order might look quite differently than anticipated by the Bush-men (Stern, March 27, 2003)

Interview with Professor Paul Kennedy (He wrote a book in 1988 before the fall of the Berlin Wall, titled, “The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers.” In it, he stated that the influence of the United States would decline, due to “imperial overstretch”): “The Iraq war could prove to be one war too many… The war against Iraq is not the final destination… When an 85-year old senator such as Robert Byrd is the only one who utters essential criticism, then Congress cannot be in a healthy condition… Militarily, no one can compete with us in the short term. But the situation is different economically. The European Union is as strong as the United States… It is noteworthy that with the exception of Great Britain and Australia, no developed democratic country was really supporting the war against Iraq. The Americans have to rely on Rumsfeld’s absurd coalition of the willing, for instance Mongolia or El Salvador or Columbia.” (Stern Online, April 4, 2003).

EU – Enlargement — The Time Has Arrived: The European Parliament has resolved with a great majority to add ten new member states to Europe by next year… The need was stressed to act in a unified way… Next week, discussions about the new European Constitution will be held… Germany and France propose to create a new European Foreign Minister (Spiegel Online, April 9, 2003).


29% of the Germans fear that the war against Iraq will lead to a new World War (Bild, March 21, 2003).

The War threatens the entire Middle East, including Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi-Arabia, and Catarrh (Bild, March 23, 2003).

The United States warn Iran, Syria and North Korea: The defeat of the Saddam regime should be used as a lesson by countries such as Iran, Syria and North Korea, which are likewise suspected of producing weapons of mass destruction, according to John Bolton, the U.S. commissioner for disarmament… 42 percent of the Americans would favor an attack against Syria, if Syria should in fact support Iraq (Spiegel Online, April 9, 2003).

“I Warn Against Repetitions”: Chancellor Schroeder conditioned German participation of a restoration in Iraq on the role of the UN in the process. At the same time, he warned the USA against further unilateral military actions… against other countries in the region (Der Spiegel Online, April 10, 2003).

USA Bring MOAB to the Middle East: The USA have transported their most powerful conventional bomb, MOAB, to the Golf region… There is no official explanation as to why the United States need this bomb at the end of the war with Iraq. The bomb with the nickname, “Mother of all Bombs,” is officially named, “Massive Ordnance Air Blast” (Der Spiegel Online, April 10, 2003).


The Weapons Speak in Iraq. We Germans think that that is far away. The Chancellor repeats daily his iron “No” to German participation in the war. But Germany is part of it. Whether we want to admit it or not. German soldiers are stationed in Kuwait… German airplanes with German soldiers, as part of AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System) fly over Turkey to defend against Iraqi attacks… At the horn of Africa, German vessels with German marines are to prevent any terror initiated by Saddam. German participation cannot be denied (Bild, March 21, 2003).


The World of the Atom Bomb: Saddam Hussein is not the biggest problem in the world. More and more irresponsible regimes have nuclear weapons. While U.S. President Bush is attacking the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein with 200,000 soldiers, a new crisis is developing at the other end of the world — in North Korea… Another evil regime has nuclear weapons – it does not look good for the world… Albert Einstein, who had encouraged the United States in 1939 to develop the atom bomb, in order to preempt Hitler, subsequently realized that this would not lead to a good solution. He wrote in a letter to American President Roosevelt: “I’m not sure with what weapons World War III will be fought. But in World War IV, they will fight with sticks and rocks” (Max, April 2003 edition).

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Q: Would it be alright, in light of 1 Corinthians 11:26, to partake of the Lord's Supper or Communion more often than just once a year?

A: 1 Corinthians 11:26 reads, “For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.” Many have interpreted this Scripture to say, “Take it as often as you please.” But this is not what the Scripture teaches.

Reading the context, Paul was reminding the disciples of the events that happened on the “same night in which He (Christ) was betrayed.” (verse 23). Paul stated that on that night, Christ took the bread and the wine, gave it to His disciples, and said, “Take, eat… do this in remembrance of Me… This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” (verses 24, 25).

Christ commands His converted disciples to partake of the symbols of bread and wine “in remembrance” of “the Lord’s death.” This is a memorial — and memorials of momentous occasions are always observed annually, once a year, on the anniversary of the event they commemorate. It should be noted that God specifically denotes seven ANNUAL Sabbaths to be observed in their appointed times. These annual Holy Days are either memorials of events that have already taken place, or they foreshadow events that will still occur. It is during these annual observances that we are instructed to keep exactly what God has commanded.

Christ and His disciples were keeping the Passover — an annual celebration of the time when Old Testament Israel was spared from death. In ancient times, the Israelites had to take some of the blood of the Passover lamb and put it on the two door posts and on the lintel of the houses where they ate the lamb (Exodus 12:7-8). God had promised to “pass over” the Israelites, when He saw the blood (Exodus 12:13, 23). The entire service was called the “LORD’S Passover” or the “Passover sacrifice” (Exodus 12:11, 27) — it was a “memorial,” to be kept “by an everlasting ordinance” (Exodus 12:14, 27).

Luke 22:15 tells us that Christ had “desired with fervent desire to eat this Passover.” We read in Matthew 26:17-20 that the disciples had prepared the Passover, and that Christ and His disciples ate it — that is, the Passover lamb — “when evening had come.” (Matthew 26:20; notice also Mark 14:12-18, 22). Christ changed the symbols that night from the flesh and the blood of a lamb to the bread and the wine of the true “Passover Lamb” — Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 5:7; notice, too, John 1:29). By partaking of the bread and the wine on the Passover night, we symbolically partake of the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ for the continued forgiveness of our sins (John 6:35, 48-51, 53-56), as well as for our physical and spiritual healing (Matthew 8:16-17; Is. 53:4; 1 Peter 2:21-25), eventually leading to eternal life (John 6:58). So we see that it was the night of Jesus’ last Passover supper that He introduced new symbols. What was changed were the symbols–not WHEN or how often Passover itself was to be observed.

The Passover was kept once a year — “as a memorial.” On the night when Christ was betrayed, He kept the Passover. The Passover was at that time celebrated as a supper — that is why it is called in Scripture “the Lord’s supper.” We are today to continue keeping the Passover, but not as a meal — not as “the Lord’s Supper.” We are to only partake of the symbols of bread and wine on the Passover night — we do not eat a full meal during the Passover service. In fact, we are told that we must “discern the Lord’s body” — we must distinguish the symbols of bread and wine from an ordinary meal (1 Corinthians 11:29). 1 Corinthians 11:20, 34 tells us, “Therefore when you come together in one place, it is NOT to eat the Lord’s Supper… But if anyone is hungry, let him eat at home.” (As an aside, nowhere does the Bible speak about “communion,” during which we are to partake of bread and/or wine).

There is no evidence in the Bible that the New Testament Church ever partook of the symbols of bread and wine more often than once a year. Some point out that the disciples “broke bread” on other occasions as well, and that this proves that they frequently partook of the New Testament Passover symbols. However, the term, “to break bread,” simply means, “to eat a meal.” Acts 2:46 tells us that the disciples “broke bread daily from house to house,” eating “their food with gladness.” They were eating bread daily to satisfy their hunger. Paul says, however, that if we satisfy our hunger, when we partake of the symbols of bread and wine, we do it to our condemnation (1 Corinthians 11:34). “Breaking bread,” then, was just a common term to indicate eating a meal.

Paul did NOT say in 1 Corinthians 11 that we should partake of the “Lord’s Supper,” and that we can do so “as often as we please.” Rather, we are partaking of the New Testament Passover symbols of bread and wine once a year — during the Passover service — in memory of and as a memorial of Christ’s death and sacrifice. Every year, when we do so, we proclaim Christ’s death until He returns.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

©2025 Church of the Eternal God