Update 791


Edify; A Pattern that Binds

On July 15, 2017, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “Edify,” and Robb Harris will present the sermon, titled, “A Pattern that Binds.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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by Rene Messier (Canada)

We find in the book of Revelation a statement in regard to perseverance. In Revelation 3:10, Christ is quoted as telling the Church in Philadelphia: “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.”

Other translations word it in this way:

“Because thou didst keep the word of my endurance, I also will keep thee from the hour of the trial that is about to come upon all the world, to try those dwelling upon the earth” (Young’s Literal Translation).

“Because you have obeyed my command to endure, I will keep you from the hour of testing that is coming to the whole world to test those living on the earth” (International Standard Version).

Notice, this is not just a suggestion, but rather a command.

The definition of “persevere” is to “continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success.” For example, we may read that “his family persevered with his treatment.”

Synonyms for “persevere” are “persist, continue, carry on, go on, keep on, keep going, struggle on, hammer away, be persistent, be determined, see/follow something through, keep at it, press on/ahead, not take no for an answer, be tenacious, stand one’s ground, stand fast/firm, hold on, go the distance, stay the course, plod on, stop at nothing, leave no stone unturned.”

This important character trait must be active at the current time. We must be tenacious so that we can obtain what God has destined for us—eternal life in His Kingdom as His sons and daughters.

It is also emphasized that we need to persevere so that we can be protected from the great tribulation which shall come upon the whole earth.

It is not just a matter of hanging on to our dear physical life in a state of fear, but rather being engaged in the process of preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God to this world, even as we face more and more pressure from misguided governments, increased persecution and even martyrdom for some of God’s children.

The end of this present evil age will not come until our commission has been accomplished, according to God’s evaluation. Matthew 24:14 tells us: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”

In the meantime, we are strongly admonished to put our shoulders to the plow with perseverance, to bring us to that point in time when the Kingdom can be established under a just and equitable rulership.

Let us ensure to persevere to that end.

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by Norbert Link

In the section, we begin with extensive reports on the G-20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, and the appalling violence committed by anarchists. We show the unparalleled disagreements and disharmony between the USA and the rest of the world. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled “G 20—Weak America Replaced by Strong Europe.” 

We report on a very recent odd prayer meeting for and with President Trump and the ongoing scandal involving his son’s controversial contact with a dubious Russian attorney during last year’s presidential campaign.

We continue with reports on the recapture of Iraq’s Mosul and the premature declaration that the days of ISIS are numbered; the transfer of German troops and supply airlines from Turkey to Jordan; and the fight over Hebron. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled,The Man of Sin in the Temple of God.” We also address corruption and bribery scandals in Israel and Brazil in high places.

We report on a crazy decision in Canada; the Pope’s evaluation of America’s and Russia’s world views; “eradicated” diseases which can easily be brought back; and scientific temperature “adjustments” to support man-made global warming.

We conclude with a revealing article about the consumption of coffee, debunking some unsubstantiated myths.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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The G-20 Summit—What Is It?

The Telegraph wrote on July 8:

“The G20 is made up of the world’s leading industrialised and emerging economies. The Group of 20 accounts for 85 per cent of world GDP and two-thirds of its population. Much of the summit’s most important business takes place on the sidelines and in informal meetings… UK, US, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, Italy, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Australia, South Africa, South Korea, Japan, China, India, Brazil, Argentina and Russia are… part of the club. A representative from the EU is also involved…

“The first G20 summit of world leaders was held in Washington in 2008, hosted by President George W. Bush, as countries coordinated a response to the global financial meltdown… Many believe the G20’s failure to deliver on many past pledges raises questions about the credibility of future promises.”

During the latest summit, not too many unanimous promises were made in the first place, due to the resistance of the USA, as the next articles will show.

G-20 Summit—Disagreements between USA and the Rest of the World

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 8:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel didn’t mince words on Saturday when talking about the results of the G-20 summit in Hamburg… She said that the disagreement with the U.S. was clearly stated in the [summit’s closing] declaration. She also said she doesn’t share the belief of some that the U.S. will ultimately return to the Paris climate agreement… adding that the closing declaration clearly enunciates the dissent between the U.S. and the other 19 members of the G-20…”

Remarkable Scale of Disharmony

The Mercury News wrote on July 8:

“President Donald Trump and other world leaders on Saturday emerged from two days of talks unable to resolve key differences on core issues such as climate change and globalization, slapping an exclamation point on a divisive summit that left other nations fearing for the future of global alliances in the Trump era. The scale of disharmony was remarkable… European leaders said that a chasm has opened between the United States and the rest of the world…

“The divisions were most bitter on climate change, where 19 leaders formed a unified front against Trump. But even in areas of nominal compromise, such as trade, top European leaders said they have little faith that an agreement forged today could hold tomorrow.”

The Distance Has Widened

AFP wrote on July 8:

“… the distance between the US leader and America’s long-standing partners has widened with his climate-sceptic opinions and ‘America First’ policy. The growing rift has turned this year’s G20 summit… into one of the stormiest in the forum’s history.”

The relationship between the USA under President Trump and Europe is deteriorating. Very soon, a strong leader will arise in Europe to stand up to American nationalism and protectionism, while introducing European nationalism in response. The results will be catastrophic for the entire world.

Europe—We Could Respond to Trump with Arms within Days

The Washington Post wrote on July 7:

“The growing international isolation of the United States under President Trump was starkly apparent Friday as the leaders of major world economies mounted a nearly united opposition front against Washington on issues ranging from climate to free trade… there were tough clashes with the United States and even talk of a possible transatlantic trade war…

“In one of the most consequential decisions of his young administration, Trump could… impose the restrictions on steel, a move that could affect trade with more than a dozen major countries. ‘We will respond with countermeasures if need be, hoping that this is not actually necessary,” European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker told reporters, adding figuratively: ‘We are prepared to take up arms if need be.’ Juncker warned that Europe would respond in days, not months, if Trump announces the restrictions.

“The comments made for a remarkable display of disharmony as the gathering got underway. They also were a reflection of how European officials not only do not fear Trump but also see much to gain from opposing him. Trump is deeply unpopular in Europe, and politicians here can get a boost when they emphasize their differences…”

Even though Juncker’s comments might have been figurative now, they will become brutal reality in the near future.

Trump Mocked over Cyber Unit With Russia Plan

The Week wrote on July 9:

“President Trump sent out a string of tweets Sunday morning reflecting on the G-20 summit and specifically his first face-to-face meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He recounted ‘strongly press[ing] President Putin twice about Russian meddling in our election’ before arguing ‘it is time to move forward in working constructively with Russia’ by ‘forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit’ with Moscow to prevent election hacking…

“Following his morning tweet, Trump was mocked by Democrats and Republicans alike, including Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who said on Meet the Press it was ‘not the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard – but it’s pretty close,’ and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who told CNN’s State of the Union he thought the U.S. ‘might as well mail our ballot boxes to Moscow.’ [Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) tweeted that working ‘with Putin on a “Cyber Security Unit” is akin to partnering with Assad on a “Chemical Weapons Unit”‘.] After dealing with jokes at his expense all day, Trump broached the topic again on Sunday night, this time backtracking from what he said 13 hours earlier [stating that it might not happen or may not work].”

President Trump had to realize very quickly that his cozying up to Vladimir Putin is deeply unpopular in the USA, including among many of his supporters.

Trump Loses Badly Against Putin

The EUObserver wrote on July 11:

The meeting between US president Donald Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit, which took place on 7-8 July in Hamburg, confirmed the expected naivete of the American president… The fact that Trump and Putin discussed the Russian meddling into the US presidential election, and that Trump accepted Putin’s claims at face value that Russia was not involved is sad and naive.

“This is doubly so as all US security and intelligence agencies repeatedly confirm the exact opposite of what their Denier-in-Chief publicly tweets, while his inner circle is being investigated because of their Russian connections.

“I did not know whether to laugh or cry when Trump and Putin announced they wanted to set up a cyber security unit, so that election-tampering cybercrimes were ‘under control’. The image this idea brought to my mind was of creating an anti-burglary working group with a burglar who had just cleared out your house.

“But at least this farce will not create any real damage – except turning the US administration into a laughing stock and damaging the US’ global image – as the message from Trump is clear: Feel free to attack us, nothing will happen to you if you deny it nicely and with a smile.

“The real damage was done a bit later in the meeting, when Trump agreed to Putin’s ‘demand’ that the two countries will not interfere in each other’s affairs. Donald Trump has thus equated Russian election manipulations and repeated attacks on the US democratic system with a long-standing cornerstone of US policy, to support democracy and the rule of law around the world – especially in places where there is little of both.

“The Kremlin is undoubtedly excited about this result, as it allows it to claim that the growing civil unrest in Russia was caused by American meddling in Russian domestic affairs and not by the ever worsening economic and political situation in Russia. But many authoritarian politicians in Central Europe will be excited too, as they have built their career on fear-mongering and fighting an imaginary enemy labelled interchangeably as Washington, Brussels or Berlin.

“After Trump shot down free trade from the agenda, limited US involvement around the world, and refused to fight climate change he chose to kill the US support for democracy-building in countries where simply asking for a free election may land you in jail. And he did not even get anything in return for this enormous concession to Putin…

“There are far too many red flags raised by the Trump administration.

“To name only a few: making deals with Russia on Syria while cutting Europe out of the discussion; dithering about the validity of Nato’s mutual defence clause (Article 5) and transatlantic defence cooperation; closing the US to international trade and trying to dismantle the Paris agreement on climate change.

“All this means we need to work together, not only as the European Union, but also by engaging with other European countries to make sure they are not left behind… A few years ago I would not have expected myself to say that the EU is the leader of the West… [Trump] has done what Vladimir Putin’s threats have failed to do – unite us and make us focus on the future as we push forward in closer integration, defence and security cooperation, as well as forging trade deals that strengthen our economies.”

Again, we find that Europeans want to take their fate in their own hands, while deeply distrusting America’s reliability and Donald Trump’s competency.

Violence in Germany— Debacle for Merkel?

AFP wrote on July 8:

“The violent clashes in Hamburg meant that US First Lady Melania Trump was unable to join fellow leaders’ spouses on a tour of Hamburg harbour, while the car tyres of the Canadian delegation were slashed. Militants torched cars, smashed windows and broke up paving slabs to throw stones at riot police who resorted to water cannon and tear gas as helicopters buzzed overhead…

“… the influential Bild daily slammed Merkel in a stinging editorial, calling the summit a ‘debacle’ for the chancellor ahead of elections in September. ‘Of course the police did all it could. But the street belonged to the mob. The feeling of general security that the state must guarantee has ceased to exist in Hamburg over the last 48 hours,’ Bild thundered.”

AFP wrote on July 10:

“Nearly 500 police officers were injured in clashes with protesters during the G20 summit… after fresh riots broke out overnight. Violence continued to rage after G20 leaders returned home Saturday, with far-left protesters setting fire to a number of vehicles into the early morning hours, police said. Demonstrators gathered after the close of the summit in the Schanzen district, a stronghold for radicals which was the site of multiple confrontations since Thursday. Armed with glass bottles and targeting vehicles, many of which they set on fire, the rioters were pushed back by officers, using water cannon and tear gas…

“Earlier President Frank-Walter Steinmeier surveyed the damage and visited wounded officers in hospital with Hamburg Mayor Olaf Scholz, saying he was ‘shocked and dismayed’ by the ‘will to destroy shown by demonstrators against police and private citizens’ property’.

“… The explosion of violence at the meeting had sparked pointed questions over how Hamburg could descend into ‘mob rule’ and why Chancellor Angela Merkel chose a hotbed of leftist militancy as the venue. Hamburg, a vibrant port city, is a citadel of anti-capitalist radicals and authorities had long been bracing for possible violence on the sidelines of the summit.

“… The German police officers’ union GdP on Friday hit out at so-called black bloc anarchists, accusing them of ‘hijacking peaceful demonstrations by tens of thousands of people to deliberately attack’ police.”

The debate will continue, and it might have some influence on the September election.

Praying for the President

The Daily Mail wrote on July 12:

“Evangelical pastor Rodney Howard-Browne led a prayer circle alongside his wife Adonica in the White House [laying their hands on Donald Trump’s back] and then shared the image on Facebook…

“Mr Howard-Browne… wrote: ‘Yesterday I was asked by Pastor [and Trump’s “spiritual advisor”] Paula White-Cain to pray over our 45th President – what a humbling moment standing in the Oval Office – laying hands and praying for our President – Supernatural Wisdom, Guidance and Protection – who could ever even imagine – wow – we are going to see another great spiritual awakening.’

“Mr Howard-Browne’s teachings on the concept of ‘holy laughter‘ – an outpouring of joy caused by the Holy Spirit – helped to inspire the Toronto Blessing, which many believe to be an instance of mass blessing which took place in 1994.

“President Trump put his Christian faith at the front and center of his campaign for the presidency, and made a particular point of appealing to evangelicals… It was Trump’s positioning of himself as a defender of the faith – at one point vowing ‘to protect Christianity’ – that saw him ultimately defeat Ted Cruz to become the Republican nominee.

“And this latest image attracted a lot of support on social media.

“Writing on the Facebook post, Melinda S. Wiley wrote: ‘Thank you Jesus! Cover Your President Lord! Anoint him and fill him with the Holy Spirit for Your will to be done! Hallelujah! Thank you Abba!’

“Tammie Rogers added: ‘Praise God fill him Jesus with your spirit keep your hands on him. It’s time we have a president that puts America first and belief in the almighty God the one that can change everything…’

“But not everyone was convinced by the show of faith.

“Kenneth Averell said: ‘Lord help us all. How anyone sees Trump as the savior of the evangelicals is beyond me. Doesn’t have a Christian bone in his body. Doesn’t attend church. Multiple divorces. Adultery. Literally about every single commandment he’s broken. We’re all sinners, but c’mon, the evangelical right is choosing this guy to lead their ‘spiritual awakening’?”

IF there is a “spiritual awakening” in America, it most certainly will not be an awakening to the God of the Bible and His commandments. What we are observing is a belief in a totally false version of true Christianity with all its wrong doctrines and practices—taught by the fallen woman, Babylon the Great.

Category 5 Hurricane… White House in Chaos

The Washington Post wrote on July 11:

“The White House has been thrust into chaos after days of ever-worsening revelations about a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a lawyer characterized as representing the Russian government, as the president fumes against his enemies and senior aides circle each other with suspicion…  President Trump — who has been hidden from public view since returning last weekend from a divisive international summit — is enraged that the Russia cloud still hangs over his presidency and is exasperated that his eldest son and namesake has become engulfed by it…

“The disclosure that Trump Jr. met with a Russian attorney, believing he would receive incriminating information about Hillary Clinton as part of the Kremlin’s effort to boost his father’s candidacy, has set back the administration’s faltering agenda and rattled the senior leadership team. Even supporters of Trump Jr. who believe he faces no legal repercussions privately acknowledged Tuesday that the story is a public relations disaster — for him as well as for the White House. One outside ally called it a ‘Category 5 hurricane’… Even Vice President Pence sought to distance himself from the controversy, with his spokesman noting that Trump Jr.’s meeting occurred before Pence joined the ticket…”

Deutsche Welle added on July 11:

“In a televised interview on Tuesday, US President Donald Trump’s eldest son denied a meeting with a Russian lawyer during the 2016 election campaign had yielded potentially explosive information about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton… Hours earlier, Trump Jr. released an email thread [but only after he had been informed that the New York Times had the full story and was about to publish it] that showed him discussing an offer to receive damaging material on Clinton…

“… The emails are the first documentary evidence disclosed showing that a Trump family member was willing to accept a meeting with a Russian government source in order to help Trump score favorably in the 2016 election. The private meeting, first reported by the New York Times, is just one of the many threads in a deepening scandal surrounding Trump’s road to the White House. Several Congressional and FBI investigations are looking into whether Trump’s entourage colluded with Moscow to influence the outcome of last November’s presidential vote…”

Then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, also attended the meeting. 

The Week added on July 13:

Last month, President Trump’s attorneys were told about the email chain from June 2016 between Donald Trump Jr. and Rob Goldstone setting up a meeting for Trump Jr. with a Kremlin-connected attorney…

“… on Wednesday, Trump told Reuters he first heard about it ‘two or three days ago.’… Yahoo News reports Trump’s chief lawyer in the Russia investigation, Marc Kasowitz, and Alan Garten, executive vice president and chief legal officer of the Trump Organization, found out about the emails in the third week of June, after they were discovered by Kushner’s lawyers.”

No Connection with the Kremlin?

The gatewaypundit wrote on July 11:

“More information leaked out today on Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya. [She] told NBC News on Monday she was not with the Kremlin as was reported by The New York Times… The law firm where Veselnitskaya is listed as managing partner, Kamerton Consulting, is based in a Moscow suburb… Her office in Moscow may be a shell. There is no working phone, email or website…

“Natalia Veselnitskaya was sitting with Obama’s Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul during a Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, 8 days after cold-contacting Trump Jr. in Trump Tower.”

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 12 that her strong ties and close connections with Russian governmental agencies pose questions.

“Criminally Stupid”

The New York Post Editorial Board wrote on July 11:

“Democrats and the media are frothing to find something criminal in it all, with the most unhinged talking treason. What it clearly was, was criminally stupid.”

The Huffington Post wrote on July 12:

“Donald Trump Jr. has defended his meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer by saying he didn’t get anything out of it, but Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer isn’t buying it… ‘If you get a call to go to a certain place in the middle of the night to pick up stolen goods and it turns out the stolen goods don’t show up but the cops show up,’ he added, ‘I think you’re going to have a very weak story saying, “Well, I got swindled here.”… ‘This is a foreign power, and not just any foreign power, an adversary foreign power.’”

Whether legally relevant or not, the mistakes and misjudgments by some within the Trump clan are truly amazing.

How Donald Trump Jr. Changed His Story

The Associated Press wrote on July 12:

“President Donald Trump… dismissed the ongoing Russia investigation as the ‘greatest Witch Hunt in political history.’…

“Trump Jr.’s account of the meeting, its nature and purpose has evolved over the past several days… On Saturday, in his initial description of the encounter, Trump Jr. said it was a ‘short introductory meeting’ focused on the disbanded program that had allowed American adoptions of Russian children.

“A day later, Trump Jr. changed his account, acknowledging that he was told beforehand that Veselnitskaya might have information ‘helpful’ to the Trump campaign, and was told by her during the meeting that she had something about Clinton. In his most recent description of what occurred, on Tuesday, Trump Jr. said he had believed the information he would hear about Clinton would be political opposition research.”

FBI Nominee Wray Disputes ‘Witch Hunt’ Label for Russia Probe

Bloomberg News reported on July 12:

“Christopher Wray pledged ‘strict independence’ if confirmed to head the FBI, as senators focused on his ability to pursue investigations independently amid revelations about a meeting the president’s son held with a Russian lawyer during last year’s campaign… Pushing back on President Donald Trump’s repeated dismissals of the federal Russia probe now led by special counsel Robert Mueller, Wray said, ‘I do not consider Director Mueller to be on a witch hunt.’”

Revised GOP Health Bill Immediately in Danger of Failing

The Week wrote on July 13:

“Senate Republicans on Thursday released a revised draft of their plan to repeal and replace ObamaCare, and its chances of passage already look slim. The new bill puts an additional $70 billion toward covering out-of-pocket costs and $45 billion toward battling the opioid epidemic; adds a provision that would allow people to use health savings accounts to pay their premiums; and enables insurers to provide lower-premium plans that provide less coverage as long as they offer at least one plan that follows ObamaCare standards.

Cuts to Medicaid remain largely intact. Republican leadership is eyeing a vote next week, but Sens. Susan Collins (Maine), Rob Portman (Ohio), and Rand Paul (Ky.) have already indicated their opposition, enough to defeat the bill.”

Recapture of Iraq’s Mosul from “Islamic State”

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 10:

“Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Monday formally announced victory over the ‘Islamic State’ (IS) militants who have held the city of Mosul for three years… US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called the liberation of Mosul after a nearly nine-month offensive a ‘critical milestone’ in the fight against the extremist group… The US president later also issued a statement saying that ‘the victory in Mosul’ signaled that IS’ ‘days in Iraq and Syria are numbered.’

“But Iraq’s prime minister warned that the work of creating stability in Mosul and clearing smaller IS cells still remained

“Many of those who have fled the city are unlikely to be able to return any time soon, the UN says, as the city has been extensively damaged in fighting. The Iraqi government has said that in the Old City, some 65 percent of buildings have been severely damaged, while destruction in western neighborhoods such as Zanjili is even greater. IS still controls areas south and west of Mosul, and is expected to wage an insurgency from its nearby strongholds…”

ISIS is by no means defeated, and it is feared that radical and demon-inspired ISIS terrorists and sympathizers will continue to murder innocent people in cowardly attacks around the world.

Germany Starts to Withdraw Troops from Turkey

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 9:

“Germany has started to withdraw troops from a Turkish air base where they have been supporting international operations against the so-called ‘Islamic State.’… A German defense ministry spokesman said on Sunday that the withdrawal… was the next step in one of several bilateral disputes between Germany and Turkey…

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Saturday that a bilateral meeting with Turkish President Erdogan had revealed ‘deep differences’ between the two NATO allies… According to German news magazine Der Spiegel, two supply airplanes will be transferred to an air base near al Azraq in Jordan…”

The relationship between Germany and Turkey will not be getting any better, as long as dictator Erdogan is in power, and Turkey has no chance of obtaining membership in the EU. A transfer of German troops and equipment to Jordan is quite remarkable, as al Azraq is much closer to Jerusalem than the current base in Turkey.

Hebron Belongs to Israel

The Times of Israel wrote on July 9, 2017:

“Raging over a decision by a UN body to declare Hebron’s Tomb of the Patriarchs a part of endangered Palestinian heritage, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday recited Biblical verses [Genesis 23:16-19] meant to prove the millennia-old Jewish connection to the West Bank site.

“… the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO) voted to list Hebron’s Old City, home to the shrine holy as the burial place of Abraham and other biblical patriarchs and matriarchs, as an endangered Palestinian world heritage site…”

The Associated Press added on July 7:

“Hebron is part of the West Bank, a territory captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war. The international community considers it to be occupied. Palestinians claim the West Bank is an integral part of a future independent state, a position that is widely backed internationally… In the meantime, Israel has built dozens of settlements in the West Bank housing about 400,000 Israelis. The Palestinians – and most of the world – consider these to be illegal obstacles to peace…

“Hebron is especially contentious. Several hundred ultranationalist settlers live in heavily guarded enclaves in the city, amid about 170,000 Palestinians. There is frequent friction between the two populations… Many of the Palestinians involved in the current wave of attacks that began in 2005 came from Hebron…”

There will be no peace between Israel and its neighbors until Christ returns. Current and future negotiations and talks will fail and Europe will try to impose “peace” in the Middle East with military means, but this will fail too.

Turmoil over Germany’s Sale of Submarines to Israel

JTA wrote on July 12:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s personal attorney in a corruption investigation into the purchase of German submarines was placed under house arrest. Police questioned David Shimron, 65, who is also a cousin and friend of Netanyahu, on Monday and placed him under house arrest for three days…

“Police suspect a series of crimes was committed surrounding the purchase of three submarines from the German company ThyssenKrupp, including bribery, fraud, tax evasion and money laundering. Germany has authorized the sale of the submarines to Israel, though with a clause that allows the deal to be canceled over the results of the investigation…

“Former Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon… said Netanyahu will be indicted in the affair. Yaalon, who served as defense minister in 2015 at the time of the deal, was opposed to the purchase. ‘Too many issues are under investigation,’ Yaalon said, also referring to investigations regarding gifts from businessmen overseas and an alleged deal with the editor of a major Israeli newspaper for favorable coverage…”

Are there any honest politicians out there? See the next article.

Corruption in Brazil

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 12:

“The presiding federal judge in Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s corruption trial told Brazilian media… that the ex-president will be facing a nine-and-a-half-year jail term for corruption and money laundering. He was accused of receiving a three-story beachfront  apartment in the Atlantic coast municipality of Guaruja in exchange for helping the OAS construction company obtain lucrative government contracts with the state oil company Petrobas… On multiple occassions, Lula has expressed his desire to run for president in 2018…

“Lula is one of the most prominent Brazilian politicians among the 179 individuals who faced charges in operation ‘Car Wash’ (Lava Jato), an extensive corruption probe that uncovered widespread bribery among Brazil’s elites. The investigation revealed that politicians received billions in kickbacks from construction firms… Former presidents Henrique Cardoso and Dilma Rousseff, who was impeached in relation to the Petrobas scandal, remain under investigation.”

Crazy Canadian Ruling

Israel National News wrote on July 10:

“John Alabi, 53, is a Christian and a landlord who lives in the Toronto area and is being ordered to pay a fine of $12,000 by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal because he failed to remove his shoes when he entered the apartment he was renting to a Muslim couple… His crime, according to the tribunal, is religious discrimination.

“The tenants were planning to move out of his rental home, and he says he gave the couple the required 24-hour’s notice that he would be showing the apartment to another tenant. They told him not to come while they were praying, and to text first. He agreed. But when they stopped answering his text messages, he showed up at the apartment.

“The Muslim tenants waited eight months before filing their grievance with the human rights tribunal, where they receive free representation, the Toronto Sun reported… The tribunal agreed he harassed them and failed in his duty to accommodate their religious needs – and awarded them $6,000 each – plus interest…”

We agree that this is a case of religious discrimination… by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal against a Christian.

Pope: Distorted World View by USA, Russia and Others

CNS wrote on July 8:

“Pope Francis told the Italian newspaper La Repubblica on Thursday that the United States of America and Russia, China, North Korea and Bashar al Assad’s Syria-have ‘a distorted vision of the world’…  ‘The danger concerns immigration,’ the pope continued… In the same interview, according to La Repubblica, Pope Francis said that Europe must take on a ‘federal structure.’”

If the Pope means by federal structure that Europe should become ONE entity under a federal head, then this is exactly what will happen.

Eradicated Diseases Can Easily Be Brought Back

Yahoo News reported on July 10:

“Only a few hundred years ago the world’s most feared disease was smallpox. Smallpox killed millions, and no one was safe. But thanks to a global campaign to eradicate the disease… smallpox no longer exists. No one has suffered from smallpox since 1978…

“But all that it would take to change that might be a bit of cash and some DNA. A group of researchers at the University of Alberta managed to recreate a relative of smallpox called horsepox,  another extinct virus. The team purchased DNA fragments from a commercial DNA company and combined them to create a fully-functioning horsepox genome, which they used to create more copies of the virus.

“The entire process took around half a year and cost the team about $100,000, meaning that it may be possible for another small lab to replicate the work. That team could recreate any pox virus-including the deadly smallpox-with minimal effort. There are even fears that terrorists or a rogue nation could resurrect smallpox for use as a biological weapon.

“If that does happen, it could be disastrous… it’s a bit worrying to realize that no matter how thoroughly we eradicate a disease, all it takes to bring it back again is a little money.”

This is indeed frightening, as the Bible predicts that diseases which were meant to have been eradicated, such as the Plague or the Black Death, will return.

Temperature Adjustments by Scientists to Support Global Warming

The Daily Caller wrote on July 5:

“A new study found adjustments made to global surface temperature readings by scientists in recent years ‘are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data.’ ‘Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published [global average surface temperature (GAST)] data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever – despite current claims of record setting warming,’ according to a study published June 27 by two scientists and a veteran statistician…

“Climate scientists often apply adjustments to surface temperature thermometers to account for ‘biases’ in the data. The new study doesn’t question the adjustments themselves but notes nearly all of them increase the warming trend…”

We find again that “scientific” research and results are highly overrated.

Coffee Drinkers Live Longer and Have Lower Risks of Disease

On July 10, the San Diego Union Tribune published the following article:

“Coffee drinkers live longer, according to two large-scale studies released Monday that add to extensive research indicating coffee consumption is associated with better health. The studies examined the health histories of hundreds of thousands of people who were tracked over many years. They found that coffee-drinking reduced the risk of various diseases among people from several ethnicities, and this effect was seen in drinkers of regular or decaffeinated coffee. And the more coffee consumed, the greater the benefit.

“These are observational studies, not controlled clinical trials. So while they demonstrate an association, they don’t prove cause and effect. But at the least, researchers said the latest evidence reinforces a large body of previous reports indicating there’s no harm from coffee — and that it might very well benefit people’s health…

“Funded by the National Cancer Institute, [one California study] examined coffee-drinking habits among more than 180,000 whites, African-Americans, Latinos, Japanese-Americans and native Hawaiians. They were followed for an average of 16 years. [Another European study, which was funded by the European Commission Directorate-General for Health and Consumers and International Agency for Research on Cancer] examined coffee-drinking among more than 520,000 adults from 10 European countries.

“The [California] study… found those drinking one cup of coffee daily had a 12 percent lower risk of death from heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, respiratory and kidney disease. For those drinking 3 cups a day, the risk reduction rose to 18 percent

“The [European] study… likewise found a lower death risk from various ailments, including digestive, circulatory and liver disease…

“The coffee tree is believed to have originated in Ethiopia. The beans were originally eaten for energy before the art of brewing the beverage was discovered. About 1,000 years ago, its use was first described in writing by Avicenna, the medieval Persian physician/philosopher. Coffee’s use spread throughout the Moslem world in the next few centuries. The first coffee houses opened in Istanbul and other parts of the Ottoman Empire. It gradually became popular in Europe, and gained predominance in the nascent United States as a patriotic alternative to drinking tea…”

Coffee drinkers have known these results for a long time—in spite of those “experts” who have been claiming that coffee is hazardous to your health.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Why Are We Commanded to Be Thankful?

Do we realize that the Bible actually commands us to be thankful? Shouldn’t this be a voluntary action? What does God think about this subject and what has He inspired to be written down in His Holy Word? 1 Thessalonians 5:18 states “… give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (New International Version).

Why would God have inspired Paul to write this? In this fifth chapter, Paul is exhorting the Thessalonian brethren to continue living in a Godly manner. He is spelling out for them the things that they should keep in mind and practice in their Christian walk. One of the most challenging things to do is to remain thankful in every situation we encounter.

But how can we get into this state of mind?

It comes down to our willingness to obey God and our desire to serve in whatever capacity that we can. Paul was confident that it was God who gave him strength and that he was given the opportunity to be appointed to the service of God. He was thankful that even though he suffered mightily, he was not afraid to continue on (1 Timothy 1:12).

The Scripture in 1 Thessalonians with which we started mentions that in every circumstance there is the opportunity (as well as God’s will) for us to give thanks. This doesn’t mean that our trials (numerous as they may be) will be easy. No, in fact, they will become even harder as we draw close to the end, and Satan wants to destroy us by any means possible. The words “hard” and “difficult” are often used to describe something negative. In many cases, that’s appropriate. It is hard to watch a loved one fall ill and suffer, or watch others struggle through their own trials. It is difficult when a family member or a pet dies. Some situations are all pain and seemingly insurmountable.

In Matthew 19:26 Christ exhorts the disciples that things with men are indeed impossible but that with God all things are possible. Learning a lesson in a trial is hard, but the process is to develop the ability within us and in our minds to become more like, and in tune with, God. It allows us to seek His Will more thoroughly.  The easy path is more tempting; the difficult path is more rewarding.

Psalm 34 paints a picture of a time when David was feigning madness (1 Samuel 21:13-15) to get out of a situation that he got himself into, but look at his attitude. It was one of thanks and blessing for God for what he was going through, after God had delivered him, even though he had lied by his conduct. And despite many setbacks and failures, he never gave up on God and was always thankful.  Ephesians 5:20 states that we should give thanks to God the Father for EVERYTHING.

It is easy to be thankful in good times.  Deuteronomy 8:17-19 speaks of a warning that we should heed. When we stop being thankful, our hearts start to wander from God.  Appreciating good things is really just being glad that we are benefiting from them. But being truly full of thanks requires looking beyond our blessings to the One who blesses us. It is about being full of gratitude for ALL situations that we find ourselves in, because God loves us and wants us to overcome ALL things so that we can make it into His Kingdom.

In Daniel 6:10, we read of Daniel who knew what the law of the land said, and yet he decided to obey God and give thanks, as was his custom. Just because some man-made law ordered something foolish and was not in accordance with God’s law, it did not stop him from doing what was his custom. This shows that Daniel was truly thankful to God from the very center of his being. He was willing to take that risk of praying and giving thanks because that is what centered him and gave him purpose.

We read about the children of Israel who were coming out of Egypt and how after an innumerable amount of miracles for them, they didn’t remember them nor were thankful. In fact, we find just the opposite. After Caleb and Joshua and the other ten spies came back, showing the good produce they had acquired, the ten men convinced the entire nation (literally a nation of people) not to go in as God had commanded. They were no longer thankful for the blessings but rather were ready to go back to Egypt. They were stuck in their way of thinking. Fear gripped them. They displayed no faith or resilience that God would give them the land as He had promised! This fear spread like wildfire until it consumed the entire assembly.

We must not act likewise, by forgetting everything and falling into the trap of being fearful. There really is no need for this. We will be faced with what we NEED to be faced with, so that we grow according to God’s Will.

God is willing to bless us. He wants to bless us. He wants to protect and lead us.

It is easy to be thankful when we are blessed… but how much more should we be thankful when we are in hard spots? We must come to the point where we are able to give God thanks for whatever we are going through, good or bad. For if we truly believe in God, we will believe that He has called us for a purpose; that He allows us to go through trials; and that He makes the ways of escape, as well as opportunities to do good. We must truly be thankful from our core. When we persevere, we will gradually come to see over time that both the trials and God’s answers and blessings will be for our good.

Lead Writer: Kalon Mitchell

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

Norbert and Johanna Link, along with Margaret Adair, will begin traveling next week to visit some of the brethren. During this time Mr. Link will present the sermon on July 22, 2017, in Woodburn, Oregon, and in Fort Collins, Colorado, on July 29, 2017.

“The Man of Sin in the Temple of God,” is the newest StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Jews will build a Third Temple on the Temple Mount, and this will cause unparalleled turmoil in the Middle East. Already today, Muslims are asked to “save” parts of the Temple Mount by building on the site, and Israel is charged with plans to build a synagogue and to open the “Gate of Mercy” on the eastern side of the Temple Mount. Expectations for the arrival of a red heifer in 2018 are high, which orthodox Jews maintain is necessary to purify the area and permit animal sacrifices and the building of a Temple. The world is already condemning Israel for its occupation of the West Bank, including Hebron, and it cannot rely on any help from the USA. Soon, European armies will occupy Israel, and the man of sin will sit in the Third Temple in Jerusalem, claiming to be God.

“Alkoholmissbrauch in der Bibel,” is the title of this Sabbath’s German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: ” Alcohol Abuse in the Bible”

“Stranded on a Limb,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Robb Harris, is now posted.

“Does Your Life Matter?” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

With the unspeakable atrocities of war, persecution, slavery and abuse by those who have power over others, human life doesn’t seem to matter very much. That, however, is not the case. The life of every man, woman and child matters to God! The truth and certainty of this fact is revealed in the Word of God, and it is something we must understand!

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

©2025 Church of the Eternal God