Update 718


Love of Life; Have You Seen God?

On January 2, 2016, Robb Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Love of Life,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “Have You Seen God?”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Are We Ready for 2016?

by Michael Link

As 2015 comes to a close, we look back at how much destruction, pain and misery have taken place.  From natural disasters to terrorism, this world we are living in is getting more and more destructive, and we know that we are getting closer and closer to Christ’s Return.  We find ourselves becoming much more aware of what is going on and how these events are aligning with what the Bible is prophesying.  Based on the numerous requests for literature and questions we are receiving about what has been going on this past year and what the future holds, it is starting to become more evident that some people are “waking up” to the truth and what we have been preaching about for several years, in light of biblical prophecy.  Our messages and programs are drawing increasing attention and it begs the question, “How much longer do we really have left?”

We are living in a godless society and the accessibility to weapons and violent activities of terrorists are unstoppable; that is, until Christ returns to put an END to all this violence.  That is the only way.  There will be no peace until He returns.  Man’s futile efforts to bring about peace through his wars is IMPOSSIBLE.  God is the One Who does the fighting for us (Exodus 14:14; Hosea 1:7).  He is the One Who makes wars cease (Psalm 46:9; Isaiah 9:6-7).  And God will destroy all the weapons here on earth (Hosea 2:18; Isaiah 2:4; Ezekiel 39:9).

The times we are living in will get worse.  By comparison, we haven’t seen anything yet.  The events we have already witnessed this past year will occur with more and more frequency and with powerful devastation.  The Bible tells us that when this happens, we KNOW that the time of Christ’s Return is near (Luke 21:25-28). As mentioned, some are beginning to realize that what the Bible has been stating since the beginning is in fact true, especially as the events prophesied are taking shape (compare Matthew 24:29-31; Revelation 6:12-17).

What about us in the Church?  What have we experienced this year?  We have all endured trials but we, as a whole, have certainly stayed strong. We have come together to pray for one another, to pray for the success of the Church and to continue steadfast with doing the Work by preaching the true gospel of God’s Kingdom to the nations.  What we are doing now is related to the potential for ALL mankind in the future.  Some will listen and respond now.  The hurt, the pain, the sorrow and death which this nation and the entire world have experienced this year will unfortunately continue to happen next year, and will continue until Christ returns.  We know this! We know what to expect.  Should we be surprised?  It’s exactly what the Bible tells us; exactly what is prophesied; exactly what we are trying to convey to the world—to warn everyone and to simply point out what is to come.  Those of us who understand the Bible and know what it says, know how to escape all these things – by doing His Will, keeping His Law, and watching.

1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us that no trial that comes upon us will be too difficult to bear and that God will show us the way of escape.  God has the confidence that we will overcome and there should be no reason then for us to doubt Him.  By putting it all in God’s hands, we can be assured that He will take care of us.  We need to remember this as we continue on, as we move forward and look forward to a time when there will be “no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, no more pain, for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:4).  In the meantime, we need to continue with doing the Work, while staying vigilant and preparing for what 2016 will bring.

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We begin with a reflection on events in 2015, which paint a pretty grim and uncertain picture of a world in turmoil and “on edge.” But as our Editorial in this Update shows, things will even get worse in 2016. We also emphasize developments in Germany, including the desire of building a unified European army.

We continue with frightening news on increasing Holocaust denials in Eastern Europe, and we focus on an interesting personality in Israel—Rabbi Yehudah Glick, the director of the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation, which advocates the freedom of Jews to pray on the Temple Mount. Glick had previously worked as the executive director of The Temple Institute, a group that supports the building of the Third Temple on the Temple Mount. The article points out the distinct possibility that Glick might soon become a member of the Israeli parliament. We comment that the Bible reveals that a Third Temple will be built prior to Christ’s Return, and that arguments to the contrary are unconvincing.

We speak on the true pagan origin of Christmas, which can even be seen in most of the languages describing this festival; address the false evolution theory and the ridiculous conclusions of some atheistic evolutionary “scientists” and popular writers; and we discuss controversial statements regarding and pertaining to Islam and Mohammed.

We conclude with a “prophecy” for Europe by a truly blind mystic, called the Nostradamus of the Balkans”; and with an eye-opening article on the spread of Gonorrhea, which might become untreatable. The tragic fact is that it is clearly preventable.

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2015—A World on Edge

The Financial Times wrote on December 28:

Battered, bruised and jumpy — the whole world is on edge. Not one global power is optimistic…

“In 2015, a sense of unease and foreboding seemed to settle on all the world’s major power centres. From Beijing to Washington, Berlin to Brasília, Moscow to Tokyo — governments, media and citizens were jumpy and embattled.

“This kind of globalised anxiety is unusual. For the past 30 years and more, there has been at least one world power that was bullishly optimistic… Yet at the moment all the big players seem uncertain — even fearful…

“On the political and security front, the implosion of the Middle East continues. Outside powers have proved unable to restore order to the region and are finding that disorder is spreading to Africa and Europe, in the form of refugees and jihadi terrorism.

“The biggest common factor is… a bubbling anti-elite sentiment, combining anxiety about inequality and rage about corruption that is visible in countries as different as France, Brazil, China and the US. In America and Europe, such complaints are often linked to a pervasive narrative of national decline. These social and economic anxieties have political side effects, fuelling a demand for ‘strong’ leaders, such as Mr Xi, Mr Trump or Vladimir Putin of Russia…

“The global gloom makes the international political system feel like a patient that is still struggling to recover from a severe illness which began with the financial crisis of 2008… Another severe shock, such as a major terrorist attack or a serious economic downturn, could spell real trouble…”

2015 — A Horrible Year

Deutsche Welle wrote on December 31:

“2015 was a horrible and depressing year. It was a year of crises, of war and of catastrophes. It was a year of things starting to unravel, of shows of force and of monstrous terror… The world is in political disarray and on the move. And the center of this commotion is the Middle East… terrorism is starting to spread out from the Middle East…

“Meanwhile, Europe has been dealing with war on its front doorstep, in Ukraine… Russia – despite all the sanctions against it – is back on the world stage… Obama’s USA is focusing on itself again… He knows that America can’t solve all of the world’s problems, and he knows it doesn’t want to, either.

“2015… has shown that crises around the world are starting to merge at a global level… countries are pursuing nationalist political interests… That is why 2015 was such a horrible, depressing and difficult year. And also because there is not much reason to hope that things will be any better in 2016, either.”

2015—A Year of International and National Violence and Domestic Turmoil for the USA

Deutsche Welle reported on December 27:

“It’s been a year of violence, unrest and historic change for the United States – both at home and abroad. With a presidential election just around the corner, the country’s future course is far from settled.

“President Barack Obama broke two major taboos in US foreign policy this year: he re-established diplomatic ties with Cuba, and cut a deal with Iran over its nuclear program… The nuclear deal with Iran has sparked fierce opposition from one of America’s closest allies, Israel…

“While negotiating with US adversaries, the president sought to end the country’s controversial wars. The rise of the self-styled jihadist group ‘Islamic State’ (‘IS’), however, has upended those plans. Three years after withdrawing, US troops have returned to Iraq in small numbers to combat ‘IS.’ In October, the president decided to keep more than 5,000 troops stationed in Afghanistan after he leaves office to check a resurgent Taliban and budding ‘IS’ branch…

“Domestically, gay and lesbian Americans won the right to marry nationwide over the summer, capping a decades-long struggle and a sea change in public attitudes toward homosexuality.  Earlier this month, the military opened combat positions to women, one of the few areas in the country where gender discrimination was still official policy…

“Muslims have been the target of increasingly discriminatory rhetoric in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California. Thirty-one governors oppose resettling Syrian refugees, while Republican front-runner Donald Trump has called for an outright ban on Muslims entering the United States. Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said the US should focus on settling Syrian Christians…

“Racial tensions have also been running high amid recurring incidents of unarmed African Americans dying at the hands of police. In the case of Baltimore, April protests boiled over into riots… In June, a white supremacist opened fire in a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, killing nine worshipers… The massacre sparked a renewed debate on white supremacy in America and its symbols, particularly the Confederate flag – which represents the former slave-holding states of the south.

“The shooting spree in Charleston was one of 30 mass killings in the United States this year…

“The political environment is ripe for outsiders. According to the Economic Policy Institute, the US is witnessing a level of income inequality not seen since the 1920s. Nearly eight years after Obama was first elected president, Americans are still looking for change.”

2015—The Year of Terror in Europe

Deutsche Welle wrote on December 30:

“The year 2015 began as it ended: with shots ringing out in terror attacks in the heart of Paris…

“European politicians… promised solidarity and aid… the end of this year of terror saw the formation of an unlikely coalition that intends to take action against ‘Islamic State’… the USA, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, France and Turkey are all… pursuing totally different goals in the region…

“Germany and other European allies such as Great Britain and Denmark are now intent on putting their declared solidarity into action. The states have mobilized their air forces for the war against ‘IS.’ German Chancellor Angela Merkel… ordered the deployment of Tornado reconnaissance planes, a naval ship and a fueling aircraft to Syria. Security authorities have warned that Germany, too, has long been a potential target for terrorists, and more than ever at the end of the year…

“The European Union is promising France military assistance according to Paragraph 42 of the Lisbon Treaty. That’s never been the case before… The intended result is to have more monitoring of travel and money transfers…

“The open inner borders in Europe are doubly under pressure: first, because of the refugees who have been coming to the continent for months without being controlled, and secondly, because of the realization that terrorists with EU passports can obviously travel unhindered or mingle with the influx of refugees and thus arrive in France from Syria without being recognized. German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere has called for better protection of the EU’s external borders… From there, terror attacks are being coordinated and carried out in Europe… A joint border guard is to be set up…

Nearly all the traces left by the perpetrators of the Paris terror attacks lead to Belgium. The attacks were apparently prepared in the Brussels district of Molenbeek, an Islamist stronghold that has long been known to the Belgian authorities… Soldiers are patrolling the streets at the end of the year 2015. Will that offer protection against jihadists?…”

“2015: The Year Merkel Became Europe’s Boss”

The Local wrote on December 28:

“In a year of crises for Europe, from the Ukraine war to Greece’s debt turmoil to the historic refugee influx, Germany’s Angela Merkel emerged as the continent’s de facto leader, drawing more praise and fire than ever. Whether spearheading EU diplomacy with Moscow, bargaining with Athens over tough bail-out terms or responding to the world’s biggest refugee wave since World War II — Merkel was in the middle, again and again.

“At a time of growing uncertainty and division in Europe, the pragmatic quantum chemist whom Germans call ‘Mutti’, or mummy, preached fiscal rectitude and humanitarian principles, often drawing a mixed response. Her unusually bold move to throw open Germany’s doors to Syrian refugees has particularly battered her long-stellar poll ratings at home, and left the leader of Europe’s top economy isolated on key issues in the 28-member EU. ‘2015 has been an incredible year, hard to comprehend really,’ said the 61-year-old chancellor, who is not usually given to hyperbole, at a congress of her centre-right party this month. ‘I’ve never experienced such a rapid sequence of highly significant events.’

“That was quite a statement for the Protestant pastor’s daughter, who grew up behind the Iron Curtain and lived through the fall of the Berlin Wall a quarter-century ago… The rise of Germany’s influence during Merkel’s decade in power has often unsettled European neighbours. When an unyielding Merkel told debt-hit eurozone members to slash public spending, she was caricatured as an austerity dominatrix in Nazi garb who deployed accountants rather than tanks…

“Merkel won over some of her harshest critics with her decision in September to open the doors to a record wave of refugees who were heading in, many on foot, from Budapest. The country that once sent rail carriage-loads of people into concentration camps was now cheering as trains arrived packed with refugees from war-torn Syria, in moving TV footage seen around the world… In rare unanimity, media organisations including Agence France-Presse, Time magazine and the Financial Times declared the long-time ‘Queen of Europe’ the world’s most influential person of 2015.

“New York Times columnist Roger Cohen wrote that ‘she has become a towering European figure, certainly the equal of such postwar German giants as Konrad Adenauer, Helmut Schmidt and Helmut Kohl — perhaps even surpassing them’…

“Many Germans, however, now have doubts, fearing that Merkel, their trusted guarantor of stability, is plunging the country into chaos. Polls point to growing fears about the influx of mostly Muslims, a right-wing populist party has been gathering steam and there has been a spike in racist hate crimes. ‘Germany is definitely split,’ said Oskar Niedermayer of Berlin’s Free University. ‘In general, Merkel and her work are still very highly regarded, but on the refugee crisis a majority think she is pursuing the wrong policy.’

“Merkel’s plan to avoid a million more arrivals next year is based in large part on convincing other EU members to accept more refugees. Yet the response so far has ranged from deafening silence to howls of protest. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban rejected Germany’s ‘moral imperialism’ and sealed national borders with razor wire, while Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka charged that Merkel had ‘encouraged illegal migration’ to Europe. Even European Council president Donald Tusk labelled Merkel’s migrants policy ‘dangerous’.

“At the party congress, Merkel conceded that the refugee influx…  presented an ‘enormous’ task and would change the country forever. ‘It is a historic challenge for Europe, and I say we want Europe to meet this challenge,’ she said, to thundering applause. ‘And I am convinced it will.’

“Niedermayer said that Merkel, in her best speech so far, had ‘bought herself a few months, but not more’ while voters and her own party base would likely grow more impatient. ‘That’s why 2016 will be the true acid test.’”

Will the Deutschmark Replace the Euro? No Way!

On December 30, the Local published an article with the following headline: “Supermarket to accept Deutschmarks again.” But before anti-Euro politicians, parties and demonstrators get all excited, one has to read on:

 “Kaufland supermarkets will be accepting the former German currency at their cashiers. To support the campaign, many of the company’s products will also be given a 1960s design to enhance the nostalgic theme. But the food giant hasn’t suddenly been bought over by right-wing political party the Alternative for Germany (AfD) – who famously want to reintroduce the old German currency. Instead, this is a limited campaign, lasting from January 4th until January 30th, and the aim is to get Germans to use the old currency they still have lying around. The estimated value of that currency is over €6 billion.

“A spokesperson for the company told The Local that customers can do all their normal shopping but pay with the currency which went out of use in 2002. The cashier will then calculate the payment based on an exchange rate of 1 Euro to 1.95 DM, a rate which has remained unchanged for 14 years… Calculations made by the Federal Bank in November estimate that 168 million Deutschmark notes and 24 billion coins were never exchanged. In fact these estimations suggest that around 54 percent of Deutschmark coins are still in the hands of the general public.

But bankers also reckon that a large proportion of this booty no longer exists – or at least is no longer to be found in Germany. Many smaller coins will have simply been lost, while special edition silver coins could have been melted down to take advantage of the high price of silver in recent years, the Federal bank believes. Meanwhile, because the Deutschmark was used as a stable currency in the countries of former Yugoslavia for many years, other coins and notes were taken out of Germany years ago.”

Germany Criticizes Greece; Pleads for a EU Army; Establishes Special Classes for Foreign Children

The EUobserver wrote on December 29:

“Germany’s finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, who has often been on collision course with Greek politicians over the last years of the country’s debt crisis, on Sunday (27 December) told Bild am Sonntag that Athens has for years ignored the rules that oblige migrants to file for asylum in the EU country they arrive in first. He recalled that German courts decided that refugees were being treated inhumanely in Greece, therefore it is not possible to send asylum seekers back there…

“Athens has been pushed to accept EU help to patrol its islands, where most migrants land from Turkey, and additional EU staff to help with fingerprinting new arrivals. Greece’s reluctance to accept EU assistance has also given birth to an EU Commission proposal to be able to send European border guards to a country in crisis at the external border area of the passport-free Schengen travel zone, even without that country’s consent…

“Schaeuble also said, the refugee influx meant that European countries will have to increase spending on defence. ‘Ultimately our aim must be a joint European army. The funds that we spend on our 28 national armies could be used far more effectively together,’ Schaeuble was quoted as saying. Earlier this year, EU Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker also called for the gradual establishment of an EU army. He said the European Union needs its own army to help address the problem that it is not ‘taken entirely seriously’ as an international force.

“Faced with refugees from war torn areas in the Middle East and Asia, Germany has also stepped up efforts to play a more visible role in international affairs. In December, lawmakers approved a mission to Syria, which includes sending six Tornado reconnaissance jets, a frigate to help protect a French aircraft carrier, a refueling aircraft, and 1,200 military staff…

“Germany stepped up efforts at home too to accommodate the unprecedented number of new arrivals, many of whom are children in need of education. The country has recruited 8,500 people to teach child refugees German… With some 196,000 children fleeing war and poverty entering the German school system this year, 8,264 ‘special classes’ have been created to help the new arrivals catch up with their peers… According to Germany’s education authority, 325,000 school-age children reached the EU country in 2015.”

German MPs Angry at NATO Plane Mission

The Local wrote on December 27:

“A Nato force of reconnaissance planes that includes German personnel will be sent to help Turkey police its border, drawing ire from politicians in Germany who said on Sunday they were not consulted.The government must immediately inform parliament of the details of this deployment, in particular what missions will be assigned to these planes and the destination of any data they collect,” Tobias Lindner, the green party’s head of defence matters, demanded…

“Though the mission involves sending German troops abroad, the government said it has no plans to consult the Bundestag, Germany’s lower house of parliament… It was not immediately clear how many planes were to be sent to help Ankara ‘ensure Turkish security’ in view of conflicts in neighbouring Syria and Iraq…

“The head of the Bundestag’s defence committee, Social Democrat Wolfgang Hellmich, said the timing of the news was ‘a bit curious’ given that lawmakers were away for the holidays and have not yet taken up the matter.”

One has to wonder whether the German government is trying to secretly “pull a fast one,” while keeping the German people and even German MPs in the dark.

US Foreign Arms Sales Reach Astronomical Height

The New York Times wrote on December 25:

“Foreign arms sales by the United States jumped by almost $10 billion in 2014, about 35 percent… American weapons receipts rose to $36.2 billion in 2014 from $26.7 billion the year before, bolstered by multibillion-dollar agreements with Qatar, Saudi Arabia and South Korea. Those deals and others ensured that the United States remained the single largest provider of arms around the world last year, controlling just over 50 percent of the market.

“Russia followed the United States as the top weapons supplier, completing $10.2 billion in sales, compared with $10.3 billion in 2013. Sweden was third, with roughly $5.5 billion in sales, followed by France with $4.4 billion and China with $2.2 billion.

“South Korea, a key American ally, was the world’s top weapons buyer in 2014, completing $7.8 billion in contracts. It has faced continued tensions with neighboring North Korea in recent years over the North’s nuclear weapons program and other provocations. The bulk of South Korea’s purchases, worth more than $7 billion, were made with the United States and included transport helicopters and related support, as well as advanced unmanned aerial surveillance vehicles.

“Iraq followed South Korea, with $7.3 billion in purchases intended to build up its military in the wake of the American troop withdrawal there. Brazil, another developing nation building its military force, was third with $6.5 billion worth of purchase agreements, primarily for Swedish aircraft.

“The report to Congress found that total global arms sales rose slightly in 2014 to $71.8 billion, from $70.1 billion in 2013…

“Despite the competition, the report concluded that, given its positioning, the United States was likely to remain the dominant supplier of arms to developing nations in coming years…”

What utter insanity!

Holocaust Denial on the Rise in Eastern Europe

Ynetnews.com wrote on December 29:

“The testimonies are fading away, the memorial sites are turning into entertainment centers, and the historical story is seen as just another ‘Jewish narrative’: If anyone thought that Holocaust denial was a marginal phenomenon among a few anti-Semites and Israel haters, evidence shows that is it a much wider, more well-established and dangerous phenomenon that is receiving reinforcement on the ground from eastern European countries.

“In Lithuania, for example, people are doing everything to downplay the significance of the horrors of the war as a unique event in the history of mankind, and in Ukraine a famous mass murder site has turned into a thriving jogging spot. According to Dr. Efraim Zuroff, a Nazi hunter and director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center office in Jerusalem, many countries have adopted an intentional policy leading to de facto Holocaust denial…

“Dr. Zuroff pointed at Lithuania as the country leading the change… He says there is an attempt to conceal and blur the eastern Europeans’ role in the massacre. ‘In Lithuania there was a systematic killing of Jews by the local population,’ he explained. ‘That is the reason why 96 percent of the Jews there did not survive and many communities were completely erased. The intentional goal is to conceal this fact. ‘The mass murderers of Jews among the local population are perceived as national heroes because of their war against the communists, and streets, squares and governmental institutions have been named after them…’

“Lithuania is not alone… ‘soft denial’ is taking place in Baltic countries like Estonia and Latvia, as well as in Poland, Croatia and Hungary… many Poles were far from being righteous gentiles, but… rather played a role in the annihilation in wide areas in Poland as the Nazis’ active partners…  sites of mass killing across Europe are being deserted or turned into parks which attract families on Sundays… The Babi Yar mass murder site in the heart of Kiev, where one of the deadliest massacres in Eastern Europe took place, has become a green band of jogging and baby strollers…

“According to Dr. Zuroff, Eastern European countries’ efforts to ‘conceal the evidence’ and blur history have increased since the Baltic countries became part of the European Union… The EU is keeping quiet… the leading countries in Holocaust denial today have good relations with Israel, even if they may be anti-Semitic towards Jews. So instead of crying out against what was done to the Holocaust victims, Israel is keeping quiet…

“According to Zuroff, the United States… is keeping quiet too, as are France and Germany. ‘The fact that there are countries in Europe which have not taken responsibility for the Holocaust must be acknowledged. In Austria, for example, they are still using all kinds of legal measures to prevent the prosecution of Nazi war criminals. Only recently, they rejected our request to try a woman who was responsible for putting women in gas chambers, arguing that she only played “a passive role” which she cannot be prosecuted for… We must understand that we are standing at a decisive junction in the history of the Holocaust. Most of the survivors can no longer cry out and speak, so it’s our mission to make sure that Europe, which wants to forget, will not forget.’”

Yehudah Glick to Become Member of Parliament?

The Times of Israel wrote on December 27:

“Yehudah Glick is undeterrable. Last year, he survived an assassination attempt when a Palestinian shot him four times at point-blank range. Before firing, the terrorist had called Glick an ‘enemy of al-Aqsa’ for his vocal advocacy on behalf of Jews’ rights on the Temple Mount.

“But Glick is not backing down. Even now that Israel finds itself in the middle of an extended terror wave, which is to a large extent inspired by Muslim concerns over the Jews’ alleged intention to destroy the al-Aqsa mosque, Glick does not intend to stop calling for Jews to be allowed to pray on the Temple Mount. And he might soon be able to make his case as a member of Israel’s parliament. ‘Just as I do it today outside the Knesset, I’ll try to do it inside the Knesset,’ the 50-year-old redhead told The Times of Israel this week in Jerusalem. ‘If I am in the Knesset, I will try do my best to change the situation on [the] Temple Mount.’…

“Jews can currently visit the contested site but are forbidden from praying there. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has asserted numerous times in recent months that he does not wish to change this arrangement — the so-called status quo — which has been in place ever since Israeli troops captured Jerusalem’s Old City in the 1967 Six Day War… But currently, Jews can’t even go up there without being harassed, argued Glick, the director of the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation…

“Glick… is next in line to enter parliament for the Likud party. In internal Likud elections before the general election in March, he placed 33rd on the party’s roster for Knesset, which seemed like a long shot. But then Likud surprisingly got 30 seats. After that, Danny Danon left to become Israel’s ambassador to the UN. And now Silvan Shalom is quitting politics amid harassment allegations. If one more Likud MK drops out, Glick will be sworn in as a lawmaker.

“Political pundits say it’s not unlikely that rabble-rousing MK Oren Hazan, currently barred from participating in parliamentary debates because of his behavior in the House, will be forced to quit the Knesset. A recent state comptroller report accused him of severely violating campaign finance laws and he now faces a three-year prison sentence. According to the abridged version of the so-called Norwegian Law, which the Knesset passed in July, government ministers may also quit the parliament while holding on to their ministerial portfolios, freeing up their seat.

“One way or another, Yehudah Glick could become Yehudah Glick MK pretty soon… In preparation for that possible future position, Glick has been regularly attending the Likud’s weekly faction meetings. Ideologically, he appears a good match: like most Likud MKs… he rejects Palestinian statehood…

“Left-wing groups and even centrist politicians… argue that any change to the fragile status quo on the Temple Mount has the potential to inflame the entire Arab world. Some worry that any move advancing Jewish rights at the site could spark World War III…”

Even though the article only reports about Glick’s ambition to allow Jews free access to the Temple Mount to be able to pray there, it is worthwhile noticing that Glick previously worked as the executive director of The Temple Institute, a group that supports the building of the Third Temple on the Temple Mount. Glick has been referred to in the Israeli press as a Temple Mount activist and a Third Temple activist.

The Bible shows that a Third Temple will be built, even though some biblical readers claim the opposite. Their argument is correct that sacrifices were offered at the time of Ezra before the Second Temple had been built (Ezra 3:1-6); however, those sacrifices were only given because it was settled that the Temple would be built (Ezra 3:8-13); further, it is not a question as to whether a Temple is “needed,” but whether it is going to be built in these end times. Paul’s statement in 2 Thessalonians 2:4 that just prior to Christ’s return, the false prophet—the man of lawlessness—will sit in the Temple of God, claiming to be God, REQUIRES the building and existence of a literal Temple. The notion that the “Temple” could refer in this context to the Church of God—a symbolical spiritual Temple—is preposterous.

No Christ in “Christmas”!

MSN wrote on December 25:

“How do you keep the Christ in Christmas if your language doesn’t have a Christ in it to begin with? The languages of the world have quite a variety of names for Christmas… And many of them have nothing to do with Christ.

“Christmas lands right at the same time as winter solstice festivals that were celebrated long before the coming of Christianity. That’s likely an important reason Christmas is celebrated when it is: to co-opt the pagan festivals. (Jesus probably wasn’t actually born on December 25. Scholars — including, in a 2012 book, Pope Benedict XVI — have raised many questions and made many suggestions about his actual birth date.) And Christmas isn’t the only Christian celebration to co-opt pagan festivals: Hallowe’en and All Saints’ Day take over from a fall festival, for instance, and Easter gets its English name — and those eggs and bunnies — from a pagan goddess, Eostre. Likewise, Christmas gets its trees and holly and mistletoe and even its gift-giving traditions from pre-Christian religious celebrations, and in many languages it gets its name from them too.

“Take Yule, for instance (Old English spelling: Geol). Yule featured trees, logs, boars, carol-singing, and feasting at night. It appears in Scandinavian languages as Jul (or, in Iceland and the Faroe Islands, Jól) and was borrowed into Finnish as Joulu and Estonian as Jõulud — all now their words for Christmas. Yule was a festival of a holy night (or nights), and that’s where [the] German name for Christmas, Weihnachten, comes from: Middle High German wihen nahten, ‘holy night’ (also converted by Czech into Vánoce). Oh, yes, it’s holy for Christians too. It was easy enough to convert the festival to Christianity. Other nearby countries had winter festivals, too. In Latvian, Christmas is Ziemassvētki, which means… ‘winter festival.’

“The Romans had a similar festival: the day of the birth of the unconquered sun. In Latin, that’s dies natalis solis invicti. Just as the festival came to celebrate the birth not of the sun but of the son (of God), that word natalis, ‘of the birth,’ changed over time as Latin split into different languages. It became French Noël, Italian Natale, Spanish Navidad, and Portuguese Natal. Celtic languages also borrowed it: Gaelic Nollaig, Welsh Nadolig, and Breton Nedeleg.

“Romanian also came from Latin, but in Romanian, Christmas is Crăciun, which is thought to come from Latin calatio, the name of a calling together of the people by priests — pre-Christian ones. Hungarian uses another version of the same word, Karácsony. In Lithuanian, Christmas is Kalėdos, which has an unclear origin but may come from the same source or a related one.

“Birth shows up in other languages’ names for Christmas, and it’s not always easy to say whether the term started in reference to the birth of Jesus or whether it was carried over from a reference to a pagan birth (as of the sun god, for instance). In Polish it’s Boże Narodzenie, ‘birth of God.’ Croatian Božić is a similar reference to God (or a god)…”

This should tell us a lot about the true origin of Christmas.

Religion and Belief in God a Product of Atheistic Evolution?

If you have never read a ridiculous article by God-defying atheists, then here is a classic example.  It shows HOW FAR this evil and rotten world has departed from the true God. Satan must have a field day in reading [and inspiring] this nonsense. First, scientists taught atheistic evolution. Now, they are beginning to teach that atheistic evolution produced religion and a belief in a (non-existing) God, and that the Bible is a fabrication of “fearful” men. This is truly abominable, and woe to those scientists and teachers who fill the heads of our children with such blasphemous thoughts.

The Daily Mail wrote on December 25:

“Religion is often seen as being at odds with the science of evolution, but according to a growing area of research, it may actually be a product of this fundamental biological process. Fear of incurring the wrath of God, or a range of gods, may have played a key role in the development of our species, according to a leading expert in the evolution of human co-operation. He argues that belief in a divine being who will punish bad behaviour may have allowed humans to co-operate in a way our relatives in the animal kingdom do not…

“… it appears floods, famines and plagues may have… helped to start belief in some gods in the first place… The findings may help to shed light on how religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam first emerged and why stories of hardship play such a central role…”

And if that was not enough, an accompanying article suggested that “it is possible to significantly change a person’s beliefs simply by targeting their brain with magnets… People who were subjected to this treatment reported that their belief in God dropped by a third following the stimulation, while there was an increase in positive feelings towards immigrants…”

Indeed, Satan has brain-washed the entire world, and he is now using “educated” scientists to continue doing so. Please also note the following article about Professor Richard Dawkins, an atheist and one of the leading Evolutionists.

Richard Dawkins Attacks Islam… and other Religions

Express wrote on December 28:

The furious academic walked out of an interview when a Muslim journalist confirmed he personally believed the prophet Muhammad flew to heaven on a winged horse. Dawkins… told the New Statesmen’s Emad Ahmed that his belief was ‘pathetic’ before angrily storming off… [He said on Twitter]: ‘I left when he said Muhammad rode a winged horse. A non-timewasting journalist needs at least SOME grasp of reality.’ He added: ‘Ridiculing belief in a winged horse is not “bigotry”, not “Islamophobia”, not “racism”. It’s sober, decent, gentle, scientific realism.’…

“The attack on Islamic belief is the latest in a long line by Dawkins. Last month he said Islamic culture could ‘go to…’ on a live TV chat show in the United States when referring to some practices in Islam, such as women being made to wear burkhas. Nor is it… the first time Dawkins has attacked the belief in the ascension of Muhammad…

“The Qur’an briefly refers to the Isra and Miraj, two parts of a night journey Muhammad took during a single night in the year 621. The ‘physical and spiritual journey’ sees the Islamic prophet travel on the steed Buraq to the ‘furthest mosque’ where he leads other prophets in prayer. He then ascends to heaven in the Miraj journey where he speaks to God, who gives instructions to take back to the faithful.

“Dawkins – who was once named the world’s leading thinker by Prospect Magazine – has been equally critical of other religions. He has described Judaism as a ‘tribal cult of a single fiercely unpleasant God, morbidly obsessed with sexual restrictions’. And he once claimed that being raised a Catholic and taught to fear hellfire is ‘worse than child abuse.’…

“Dawkins was born in Kenya but moved to Britain aged eight. He studied at Oundle School, in Northamptonshire, before reading Zoology… at Oxford University, where he is now an emeritus fellow of New College. He became an atheist in his early teens after learning about Darwin’s theory of evolution and has written 13 books on evolution, biology and religion, including several international best-sellers.”

Sadly, especially younger people in the UK believe in Dawkins’ pronouncements, and may view him almost like a Savior of mankind. However, Dawkins is dead wrong on his atheistic evolutionary beliefs. The fact that the crowd follows him is a strong testimony about the ability of “scientists” to brain-wash people. On the other hand, his comments are right on regarding the belief that “Mohammed rode to heaven on a winged horse.”

Horrible! Do Some Islamic Jurists Allow Cannibalism?

The Washington Examiner wrote on December 25:

“The Islamic State’s religious scholars have ruled that taking the organs of non-Muslims is permissible under Islamic law to save the life of a Muslim, because killing apostates to eat their flesh has previously been allowed. The revelation comes in a January 2015 document that was captured by U.S. special forces in Syria in May and obtained by Reuters… the document notes that Islamic jurists have ‘permitted, when necessary, the killing of the infidel combatant or the apostate should one need to consume their flesh for the purpose of saving his own life.’ Islamic scholar Imam al-Nawawi, according to the document, wrote about the ‘legitimacy of killing the infidel fighters and apostates and eating them.’

“The Islamic State scholars argue that ‘If the jurists had permitted, when necessary, the consumption of human flesh as a means [to] counter… death or harm, then it is even more appropriate [to] transplant… organs from the apostate to the Muslim to save the life of the latter. This is especially true because it was ruled that the apostate’s life and organs are not protected. On the contrary, the apostate’s life and organs don’t have to be respected and can be taken with impunity.’

“The document notes that, ‘The permission to transplant the apostate’s organs into a Muslim body facilitates, alleviates and removes the difficulties endured by Muslims [and] is corroborated by a reason strongly rooted in the pure Sharia.’”

Thomas Aquinas Against Islam (and the Catholic Church?)

Breitbart wrote on December 27:

“The 13th-century scholar Thomas Aquinas, regarded as one of the most eminent medieval philosophers and theologians, offered a biting critique of Islam based in large part on the questionable character and methods of its founder, Mohammed… Aquinas—considered by Catholics as a saint and doctor of the Church… wrote between 1258 and 1264 AD [that] the spread of Islam was worked through the promise of sensual pleasures and the violence of the sword…

“Islam’s violent methods of propagation were especially unconvincing to Aquinas, since he found that the use of such force does not prove the truth of one’s claims, and are the means typically used by evil men…

“Aquinas wrote that Mohammed ‘perverts almost all the testimonies of the Old and New Testaments by making them into fabrications of his own, as can be seen by anyone who examines his law.’ According to the noted historian Hilaire Belloc, Islam ‘began as a heresy, not as a new religion… It was a perversion of Christian doctrine… It was, Aquinas wrote, ‘a shrewd decision on his part to forbid his followers to read the Old and New Testaments, lest these books convict him of falsity.’”

It is undisputable that the Koran has changed and re-written numerous passages of the Old Testament. However, with the above-quoted statements, Thomas Aquinas also convicted his church of the same wrong methods and ideas, because many times the Roman Catholic Church resorted to brutal violent means to fight any “detractors” and “heretics,” and it also forbade its followers to read the Bible.

Blind Mystic Predicts Destruction of Europe in 2016

Express wrote on December 30:

“A BLIND mystic who ‘foresaw’ the 9/11 terror attacks on America and the Boxing Day Tsunami also predicted that Europe would be ‘DESTROYED’ in next year. Bulgarian peasant Baba Vanga claims a vision came to her showing Europe desolate and deserted in 2016 following a series of devastating catastrophes which rocked the continent… adding that Europe will ‘cease to exist’ by the end of next year… The bold prophecy has caused a stir, coming at a time when the 28-nation bloc faces being ripped apart by internal divisions. Experts have warned that ‘arrogant’ EU leaders are sleepwalking into catastrophe, with dire economic results and the ongoing migrant crisis sparking a surge in anti-Brussels sentiment…

“Ms Vanga, who died in 1996 aged 85, said in a dire prediction that Europe will ‘cease to exist’ in 2016, with the continent becoming a ‘wasteland almost entirely devoid of any form of life’ after a series of catastrophes. She predicted that the population of the continent will reach almost zero by 2025 with Muslim invaders – believed by some to refer to Islamic State (ISIS) – moving in to conquer the former European countries by 2043.  In a chilling echo of ISIS’ own stated goals, she prophesied that Islamist militants will conquer Rome in 2066 before the US will respond with a ‘climate change’ weapon to try and claim the city back for Christianity.

“She finishes her dire predictions for Europe by stating that the entire continent will come under the rule of a Communist dictator by 2076. Whilst the so-called ‘Nostradamus of the Balkans’ may be outlandish in her statements, other experts have also predicted that 2016 could be the year the EU falls apart.”

All of this is of course utter and complete nonsense. The late blind mystic was indeed very blind. She might have had some inspirational help from demons who know the future in part, but they are lying spirits, willing to deceive gullible people.

 Is Gonorrhea Becoming Untreatable?

BBC News reported on December 27:

“A highly drug-resistant strain of gonorrhoea was detected in the north of England in March. That strain is able to shrug off the antibiotic azithromycin, which is normally used alongside another drug, ceftriaxone. In her letter, the chief medical officer said: ‘Gonorrhoea is at risk of becoming an untreatable disease due to the continuing emergence of antimicrobial resistance… Gonorrhoea has rapidly acquired resistance to new antibiotics…’

“The infection is spread by unprotected vaginal, oral and anal sex… Often the person has no symptoms… but can still easily spread the disease to others. Untreated infection can lead to infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease and can be passed on to a child during pregnancy.

“Gonorrhoea is the second most common sexually transmitted infection in England and cases are soaring…”

The spread of sexually transmitted diseases such as Gonorrhea would be largely avoided if sexual conduct would be restricted to married couples.

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Will There Be Punishment in the Third Resurrection? (Part 1)

In previous Q&As, we discussed the concept of godly punishment in this day and age, in the Millennium and the Great White Throne Judgment, including for the purpose of betterment as well as leading a person to repentance and conversion, while helping the person so that he or she does not fall away.

But there is another aspect of godly punishment, which has also been alluded to in previous installments. This aspect is very important and finds its full application in the Third Resurrection.

Sadly, there are those who have had their opportunity. They have committed the “unpardonable sin.” They knew and understood perfectly well that they had to submit to Christ, but they refused to do so. They became bitter, hateful, resentful and malicious. They made the unchangeable decision NEVER to repent. If a person has reached that stage that he CANNOT repent, because he has made the final decision NOT to WANT to repent, then God will not force repentance on such a person. God grants repentance, but a person must want to receive it. A person, though, who maliciously rejects Christ would only continue to live in misery and pain–and that is why God will save such a person from eternal misery, by DESTROYING him or her in a lake of fire.

The Third Resurrection describes those sinners who have made the final and irrevocable decision to rebel against God. They have refused to ever obey God, and they have developed a hostile attitude towards Him, filled with hatred and contempt, which prevents them from ever repenting of their terrible sinful conduct and nature. They will be raised to physical life to be burned up and destroyed in the lake of fire.

The Bible does not teach the concept of an ever-burning hell-fire in which the “immortal souls” of the wicked will be tortured for ever and ever. The Bible does not teach the concept of a purgatory either, in which “immortal souls” will be tortured for a while to obtain purification so that they can ultimately leave purgatory and ascend to heaven.

On the other hand, the Bible does not negate the fact that the incorrigible sinner has to pay for his evil conduct. He or she will be punished in the Third Resurrection, before being destroyed and annihilated in the Gehenna fire. Otherwise, sins would go unpunished, which is not in accordance with God’s righteous judgments.

Some have wondered why there should be a Third Resurrection, if their fate was already sealed at the time of their death. Why wouldn’t God just throw those incorrigible sinners into the lake of fire who are still alive at the end of the Great White Throne Judgment period, and why wouldn’t He leave the others of times past in their graves—rather than resurrecting them again to physical life to destroy them forever?

We address the concept of a Third Resurrection in chapter 12 of our free booklet, “Biblical Prophecy–From Now Until Forever.”

We explain in detail that every human being has a spirit in man which goes to God in heaven when man dies. This spirit is not the person, nor is it immortal or eternal, nor does it have a conscious existence when the person dies. Man’s spirit does not continue to live consciously, apart from the body. Rather, God “stores” it, so to speak, in heaven, until He unites it at the time of the resurrection of man with a new spiritual or physical body.

The spirit in man records all the human characteristics of the person, as well as his or her outward appearance. At the time of the resurrection, the spirit of the dead person is combined with a newly created body of the dead person. This means, all the experiences, memories and ideas of the former life are back in the resurrected individual, and the resurrected person will also look the same way he or she did in their former life. There must be a final Third Resurrection to everlasting condemnation when the spirit in man is placed back in the (newly created) physical body of the person here on earth; otherwise, the spirit in man would remain in heaven and with it, the recording of the personalities, thoughts and memories. But somehow, everything which was recorded by the spirit in man must be erased, so that it is as if the incorrigible sinners had never existed (Obadiah 16).

In order to destroy the entire human being, the spirit in man must be destroyed as well. This will be accomplished in the Third Resurrection when the human spirit, combined with the (newly created) physical body, will be thrown into the lake of fire. Realize that the human spirit of the incorrigible sinners will still be in heaven at the time just prior to the Third Resurrection. Therefore, THERE MUST BE a Third Resurrection; otherwise, their spirit would remain in heaven, while those incorrigible sinners would stay buried in their graves.

However, Christ said in John 5:28-29 that ALL who are in their graves will come forward when they hear the voice of the Son of Man, and we read in Daniel 12:2 that some who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake to shame and everlasting contempt. We also read in 1 Corinthians 15:22 that all who died in Adam will be made alive in (or by) Jesus Christ.

But there is another all-important reason why there MUST BE a Third Resurrection.

We explain in our afore-mentioned booklet that “God is a God of JUSTICE. In raising those who have committed the unpardonable sin to physical life, their attitude will become manifest to all alive at that time. When they witness their conduct, they will never be able to question God’s compassionate and uncompromising justice; as well as His merciful wisdom to free those hateful human beings from their emotional misery and pain.”

And God’s justice requires punishment for sin.

The Bible confirms that those who are raised to physical life will be punished before being destroyed in the lake of fire. This punishment is psychological as well as physical. Even though many do not seem to grasp this, it should be obvious that the very act of being burned up in a lake of fire involves physical pain. But it also involves psychological pain when the sinner is faced with his or her immediate fate, after their judgment and condemnation have been pronounced.

The psychological punishment of the unrepentant incorrigible sinner is vividly portrayed by Jesus Christ in His parable about Lazarus and the rich man, in Luke 16:19-31. While Lazarus is resurrected in the First Resurrection, the rich man faces his fate in the Third Resurrection. We discuss this parable at great length on pages 29-32 of our free booklet, “Do We Have an Immortal Soul?”

To briefly summarize the relevant points in the context of this Q&A,  “Luke 16:22… tells us that the rich man died and was buried… Luke 16:23 explains that the rich man lifted up his eyes in ‘hell,’ ‘being in torments,’ and seeing Abraham ‘afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.’ Verse 24 goes on to tell us that the rich man asks Abraham to send Lazarus ‘that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool’ the tongue of the rich man, as he is ‘tormented in this flame.’… The word ‘hell’ is a translation of the Greek word ‘hades.’ ‘Hades’ … describes the grave or death.

“What Christ is saying here is that the rich man lifted up his eyes, while in the grave—in other words, he is being resurrected from the dead. And when he opens his eyes from his ‘sleep’ of death, he sees Abraham and Lazarus ‘afar off,’  and he notices that flames are awaiting him. He is actually seeing the flames of the ‘lake of fire,’ referred to in Revelation 20:14. He is close enough to experience some physical pain from the flames—but his real anguish and torment is one of a psychological nature. That is, he knows that he had committed the unpardonable sin and that he will now have to face the eternal consequences—a death from which there will be no resurrection.

“What is being described here is the [T]hird [R]esurrection. We read in Revelation 20:13–14 that ‘death and hell [‘hades’ in the Greek] delivered up the dead’ (which would include the rich man), and that ‘death and hell [‘hades’ in the Greek] were cast into the lake of fire.’ The rich man was resurrected to physical life to be cast into the lake of fire. And those who are to be cast into the lake of fire will suffer psychological torment when they face that moment. They will face ‘everlasting punishment’ [compare Matthew 25:46]—that is, a punishment with everlasting consequences for all eternity—their existence will end forever… Their psychological torment is described in Matthew 13:42: They will be ‘cast…into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.’

“Luke 13:28 adds, ‘There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye… shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets… in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.’…

“In Luke 16:27–28, the rich man asks that Lazarus be sent to his brothers to warn them about what would await them if they ended up like he [Verse 28: “… lest they also come to this place of torment”]. Abraham denies that request (v. 29) because by that time it is too late. The [T]hird [R]esurrection occurs after everyone, including the rich man’s brothers, have had their chance.”

The repeated reference in Luke 16 to “torment” in the context of godly punishment can also be found in additional passages.

In Revelation 14:9-11, we read:

“Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, ‘If anyone worships the beast [an end-time political leader, as well as the political system that he represents] and his image [made by an end-time religious system, as well as by a religious leader representing that system] and receives his mark on his forehead or on his head [permitting or preventing him to buy and sell, Revelation 13:16–17], he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb [Jesus Christ]. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”

We discuss this passage in great detail in chapter 18 of our free booklet, “Is That In the Bible? The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation.”

We explain therein that the term “forever” can mean “age-lasting,” and that the passage in Revelation 14:11 refers to the Return of Jesus Christ at a time when people worship the beast and receive its mark.

We stated in particular:

“All of this will occur BEFORE the Millennium. The smoke of their torment will ascend for a while—as long as the necessary conditions exist to allow smoke from burned bodies to ascend. The unrepentant wicked will ultimately be burned up. That will happen AFTER the Millennium and the Great White Throne Judgment. However, the passage in Revelation 14:11 does not address that time period. It merely serves as a forerunner and a warning.

“Most people who will worship the false political and religious system of Babylon, as well as its human representatives, won’t fully comprehend what they will be doing—they will not commit the unpardonable sin leading to the second death, from which there will be no resurrection (Revelation 20:14–15; 21:8). Rather, God will bring them back to life in a Second Resurrection, when the gravity of their wrong conduct will be revealed to them, and when they will be given an opportunity to repent and accept God’s Way of Life.”

Nevertheless, we need to emphasize that even for those who will be punished by Christ when He returns, reference to “torment” is made. The same terminology is used in Revelation 9:5, where a war is described between the beast power and the kings of the east. We read that “they (soldiers of the beast power with military weaponry) were not given authority to kill them (those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads, verse 4), but to torment them for five months. Their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man.”

So we see that torment includes physical pain. But it most certainly includes psychological pain as well. We read in 1 John 4:18 that there is “no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear has torment.”

Torment is caused by the anticipation of punishment for sin (while the sinner is unwilling to repent of his or her sins). James 2:19 explains that demons believe in God, but they tremble. Satan and his demons are spirit beings. They cannot die. They cannot experience physical pain either. But they tremble when they think of the psychological torment which they will have to endure when God proceeds to punish them. Knowing his ultimate fate, Satan has great wrath, because he knows that his time is short (Revelation 12:12).

We read in Matthew 8:29 that demons asked Christ whether He had come “to torment [them] before the time.” In Mark 5:7 a demon pleaded with Christ not to torment him.

But punishment and torment for Satan and his demons will come. Revelation 20:10 reads that the “devil, who deceived [the people], was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone… And they [Satan and his demons] will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” This passage is fully explained in chapter 23 of our before-mentioned booklet on the Book of Revelation. In the context of this Q&A, we would just like to emphasize the fact that Satan and his demons will be “tormented” in the future. We state:

“We read in Matthew 25:41 that the lake of fire was ‘prepared for the devil and his angels.’ Therefore, it will be the devil and his demons who will be tormented in the lake of fire, for as long as that lake exists. Since spirit beings cannot die (compare Luke 20:36), they will be tormented—in a spiritual way—while being confined to the lake of fire, when they come to the realization that they are unable to deceive man anymore, and when they see all their ‘works’ and evil ‘accomplishments’ replaced by the good and prosperous ways of God.”

In the second part of this series, we will discuss additional Scriptures which reveal the concept of physical punishment in the Third Resurrection.

(To Be Continued)

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

We are very pleased to announce the translation and publication in French of our booklet on baptism: “Baptême — Une Exigence Pour Le Salut.”

The 2016 Church Conference will be conducted in San Diego, California. Arrival date is April 7th with departure scheduled for April 13th.

The Whole World Is on Edge!” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

2015 was a “horrible and depressing year.” This program gives a short overview regarding terrible events in the world, the USA, Europe and the Middle East, and raises the pertinent question as to whether we can expect any better news in 2016. Most commentators and global powers are pessimistic, pointing out that the “whole world is on edge” and comparing it with a sick “patient.” They say that America’s “future course is far from settled,” and while Europe’s “aim must be a joint European army,” many Germans fear that Angela Merkel “is plunging the country into chaos.” Even lying demons are raising their voices about the future of the world, desiring to deceive gullible people. What DOES the future hold?

“Gottes Strafe für unsere Sünden,” is the title of this coming Sabbath’s German sermon. Title in English: “God’s Punishment for Our Sins”

“Spiritual Growth in God’s Church,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

When we want to grow spiritually, we must be faithful in what is least; we must help the least; and we must not despise the day of small things. We must control our thoughts, and we must avoid false ideas and hypocrisy. What God begins, He begins in a small way, so that it can grow and become bigger. Even His Kingdom and His Government must and will grow. God’s Church is small today, a little flock, but it is predestined to grow, if it fulfills its godly commission. Individual Christians must also be partakers of this growth.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

©2025 Church of the Eternal God