Update 710


The New Religion; Finding the Perfect Church

On November 7, 2015, Robb Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “The New Religion,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “Finding the Perfect Church.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Obey and Live

by Michael Link

“…You shall keep My commandments, and perform them: I am the LORD” (Leviticus 22:31).  God clearly revealed to us what we are to do and He gave us specific laws to keep.  He points out that He is serious about His laws and why they are to be obeyed, and why we need to heed His Word.  He made it very clear from the beginning that His rules were established and that there would be severe consequences if we broke them.  Furthermore, in Matthew 5:17, Christ also assured us that He did not come to destroy the law but rather to fulfill it.  He took it even a step further in verse 19, stating that we are not only to obey the law, but we are to teach it also.

God states many times that we are not only to remember His commandments and keep them in mind, but also to perform and do them (Leviticus 19:37; 22:31; Numbers 15:40).

In this lifetime and the society  we are faced with, rules by man have changed and are changing more and more, and abominations in God’s eyes are now acceptable in man’s eyes.  Severe penalties in Old Testament times were carried out for breaking His laws such as adultery, homosexuality and even cursing one’s parents in Leviticus 20:8-10, 13.  The penalty for violating the Sabbath, which God commands for us to keep holy and observe still to this day, was death (Numbers 15:32-36).  Imagine if these penalties were carried out today.

If Christ didn’t come to destroy the law but to fulfill it, then what we read about in the New Testament would apply for us today and in the future.  The same abominations are mentioned in Galatians 5:17-21 and Revelation 21:7-8. The penalty for committing such acts is (spiritual) death.

For those of us who are converted and baptized Church members, we have a much bigger responsibility to fulfill.  We have given our lives into God’s hands, and we are to commit ourselves to Him in everything we do.  We will continue to sin, as we are not perfect, but we will repent and continue to do as God commands so that we will live, not just physically, but also spiritually.  The things that we have put to death at our conversion are the very things that the world still revels in today (compare Colossians 3:5-9).  We need to be aware and “…not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2).

The question we need to ask ourselves is the same question asked in Luke 10:25, “… what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”  Christ’s answer is to keep His commandments!  The law is very much alive, and God expects us to keep it and do as He says.  Even though we will continue to go through trials and will be tested on the very things that we struggle with the most, if we remain faithful and strong, recognize our weaknesses, learn from them and do our best to refrain from sinning, God will continue to be with us.  If we do these things, we will not die, but rather, as it says in verse 28: “… do this and you will live!”

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In this edition, we report on the growing Migrant and Muslim crisis in Europe and German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s willingness to grant Turkey EU membership and billions of euros in exchange for Turkey’s “help” with the crisis, while Turkey’s totalitarian regime under its unquestioned dictator, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, continues to suppress the individual freedom and liberty of its citizens.

We point out the conflicting messages of the White House and Obama Administration officials, desperately trying to “explain” President Obama’s broken promises regarding his highly controversial decision to send Americans to the Middle East to engage in combat in Syria and Iraq.

We address the deadly crash of a Russian airplane for which ISIS claims responsibility; speak of Common Core and Islamic propaganda in American schools; and report about the terrible consequences of President Obama’s and Congress’s unconscionable decision to eliminate any debt ceiling for America’s rising debts, which by the beginning of the week had reached the astronomical figure of 18.5 trillion dollars.

We speak of religious belief and practices among Americans and American Jews, and we address the unpleasant truth—which is largely ignored and suppressed by the mainstream media—that many people die from the flu after having been vaccinated against the flu.

We conclude with a most ridiculous article advocating Halloween celebrations in spite of the recognized history and immoral activities of this devilish feast.

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“Where Did All the Muslims Go?”

WorldNetDaily wrote on October 31:

“Die Welt [a highly respected German daily newspaper] is reporting that thousands of refugees have left their assigned accommodations. ‘They are simply not there anymore,’ the news outlet reports. Refugees disappear daily from the initial welcoming centers in Brandenburg without giving notice… Several hundred migrants have disappeared each week since the beginning of September without signing in, Ingo Decker, the spokesman of the Potsdam Ministry of the Interior, told Die Welt…

“According to official figures of the state government, more than 17,000 newcomers came into the country since early September. About 7,800 have been housed in cities and villages, about 2,700 people are still in the initial reception centers. That leaves at least 7,000 who have left…

“Paul McGuire, an analyst who has appeared on Fox News and the History Channel…, says the heavy influx of Muslim migrants almost assures there will be another terrorist attack at least as big as what happened in Paris earlier this year at the Charlie Hebdo newspaper office. He said sources in Germany tell him the majority of the nearly 1 million migrants who have streamed into the country are between 18 and 25…

“A large portion of Germany’s missing refugees had not been registered, nor had they applied for asylum, which is a recipe for chaos. The local authorities point out that they have no authority to hold people…”

Europe’s Migrant Crisis… It Will Only Get Worse

Daily Mail wrote on October 31:

“One million more people could flee war-torn Syria for Europe in a dramatic escalation of the migrant crisis, it was claimed yesterday. Turkey is expecting the worsening situation in the country to displace another two million people over the winter. And capital Ankara claimed that half of them were likely to head across its borders into Europe as a result of Russian air strikes in the region…

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel has promised Turkey speedier talks on its aspirations to join the EU in exchange for it sealing its borders and halting the flow of migrants. Ukip leader Nigel Farage said: ‘David Cameron has been a cheerleader for Turkish accession to the EU for years. Now [President] Erdogan is blackmailing the EU, using the migrant crisis as his crowbar to prise open European taxpayers’ pockets.’

“He told the Daily Mail: ‘This new demand for 3billion euros annually is directed as much at the guilt-stricken governments of Europe as to his own people as a grubby election promise. Britain should have nothing to do with plans to salve Angela Merkel’s conscience, particularly when we can see the Erdogan government intensifying both its crackdown on the freedom of speech and in the prosecution of its war against the Kurds.’”

The Associated Press wrote on November 5:

“The European Union is predicting that 3 million migrants could arrive in the 28-nation bloc by the end of next year…”

The New York Times wrote on October 31:

“There are more displaced people and refugees now than at any other time in recorded history — 60 million in all — and they are on the march in numbers not seen since World War II. They are coming not just from Syria, but from an array of countries and regions, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza, even Haiti, as well as any of a dozen or so nations in sub-Saharan and North Africa. They are unofficial ambassadors of failed states, unending wars, intractable conflicts.

“The most striking thing about the current migration crisis, however, is how much bigger it could still get… There are between six million and eight million people displaced in Syria, along with more than four million Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan. Egypt’s five million or more Copts, the Middle East’s last remaining major Christian sect, are deeply worried about their future in an unstable and hostile country…

“While Yemenis have yet to abandon their homeland in substantial numbers, their plight is worsening daily amid wartime shortages of food and medicine and persistent bombardment by Saudi warplanes. Yemen is not much farther away from Europe than Eritrea, now the biggest source of African refugees, just across the Red Sea, and at some 25 million it is as populous as Afghanistan.

“Nor is it only the Middle East and North Africa that European leaders need to consider… in Nigeria, which already has double the population of Germany, 40 percent of people would emigrate to the West if they could. And the lesson of 2015 — for them and much of the world — is that they can…

“There are now some two million Iraqi refugees, many bound for Europe…”

For more information, please view our StandingWatch program, Germany’s Disastrous Migrant Crisis.”

Turkey’s Totalitarian Crackdown Against Freedom Continues

The EUObserver wrote on October 30:

“Almost a week after German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to Istanbul, Turkish police together with judiciary seized one of the country’s largest media groups [which]… was one of the few remaining critical voices in today’s Turkey, where 60-70% of the press is already controlled by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his cronies.

“The editor-in-chief of Bugun TV, Tarık Toros, managed to continue to broadcast for another 5 hours by locking himself up in the control room. He was then thrown out of the building, which he had run for the last 8 years, by police force. Both Toros and Erhan Basyurt, the editor-in-chief of Bugun daily were immediately sacked by the new so-called ‘trustees’, all from AKP ranks despite the law dictating that they should be neutral…

“Erdogan is a shrewd politician and master tactician. He calculates well and moves quickly when he deems the atmosphere is ripe. Being given red-carpet treatment in Brussels on 5 October to discuss how to stem the flow of refugees to Europe, Erdogan quickly realised that he was no more a pariah in Brussels…

“Erdogan rightly thought that the EU would simply shut up regarding his domestic actions and that he could get concessions from Brussels… as long as he promised Turkey’s help to rein in refugees. Unfortunate as it is, he was right.

“… Commission spokesperson Alexander Winterstein [said] about the EU’s reaction to the seizure of IPEK Media group…  ‘[W]e do not comment on internal developments’. He was in tune with his boss, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker…

“As Human Rights Watch (HRW) and many MEPs put it, the EU seems to betray… its own principles. HRW underlines that the EU is willing to soft-pedal Turkey’s abusive rights record in exchange for its cooperation in stopping asylum seekers and migrants.

“What is also very surprising is that Juncker is behind this… who, back in 1997 as the prime minister of Luxembourg, was strongly opposed to the idea of Turkey being declared a candidate country due to its poor human rights record…”

Politics is SUCH a corrupt and dirty business. It is high time that ALL politicians in EVERY country be replaced by Jesus Christ, which will happen when He returns to this earth to set up the RIGHTEOUS government of God. In the meantime, we will only hear of more and more corruption and betrayal of any “principles” by ALL leaders and potential leaders in this Satan-ruled evil world. To prove this point, see the next series of articles.

Erdogan Wins Decisively in Turkey

The Telegraph wrote on November 1:

“President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has won a decisive victory in the Turkish parliamentary election, with his Justice and Development Party (AKP) winning a majority of seats and defeating the other three opposition parties.  With 98 per cent of the vote counted, the AKP had won 49.4 per cent and 316 seats in the 550 seat parliament, a far better performance than predicted by the polls…

“The pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) had a surprisingly sharp fall in its vote from 13 per cent in the last election, which denied the AKP its majority, to bring it dangerously close to the 10 per cent threshold below which it would lose all its members of parliament. This would have left Turkey’s Kurdish minority, with its long history of confrontation with the state, without any effective parliamentary representation…

“In the wake of the AKP’s spectacular victory, it will be in a strong position to take control of all remaining levers of power: army, security services and media. Ever since it first formed a government in 2002, the AKP has been progressively eliminating all opponents in positions of authority in the secular Turkish state founded by Kemal Ataturk. Almost all the state and private media has already come under AKP control, which is one factor explaining its gain in votes. State television has given blanket coverage to Mr Erdogan and the AKP, while largely ignoring its opponents…

“Mr Erdogan will be strengthened by his new mandate to influence events in Syria. He has clearly not suffered in the minds of Turkish voters from his failure to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad… The past three years have also seen the rise of a de facto Syrian Kurdish state in north-east Syria controlled by a branch of the PKK. This has an army of some 25,000 fighters who act in close cooperation with the US air force, despite being repeatedly denounced by Mr Erdogan and Mr Davutoglu as ‘terrorists’. Mr Davutoglu has threatened a Turkish military response if the Syrian Kurds advance west of the Euphrates.

“Mr Erdogan is reported to have wished for direct Turkish military intervention in Syria in the past, but to have been restrained by the Turkish army. After this impressive endorsement by the 58 million electorate on an 86 per cent turn out, he may be better able to push for greater military engagement in Syria.”

Corrupt Turkish Government’s Cover-Up of Corruption Investigation

Newsmax wrote on November 3:

“The victory of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party this week is a blow to press freedoms and rule of law, Turkish opposition journalist Sevgi Akarcesme tells Newsmax TV. Appearing Tuesday on ‘The Hard Line,’ Akarcesme told host Ed Berliner she now fears for freedom as two of her editors already have been arrested and she has been sued over her tweets. ‘We are one of the remaining free, independent and critical newspapers in Turkey,’ Akarcesme said…

“Erdogan’s victory will make journalists an even bigger target, she said, because they are reporting on a two-year-old corruption case that hits him and members of his family. Police and judges have been jailed as well, including one judge who ordered a jailed journalist freed. ‘The government has done everything in its power to silence opposition media to cover up the corruption investigation,’ she said. ‘This is not a democratic country anymore.’”

For more information as to what will happen to Turkey in the very near future, please view our newest StandingWatch program, “What’s in Store for Totalitarian Turkey?”

“Please, White House, Call It Combat in Iraq and Syria”

The Huffington Post wrote on October 30:

“It boggles the mind that the White House, in announcing the deployment of more Special Operations to Syria, still insists on saying that they won’t have a ‘combat mission.’… The point is, unless the White House can guarantee that these troops will be far behind the wire, surrounded by vetted friends, and out of the reach of any enemy operations, there’s a good chance they’ll be in combat, with mortal consequences.

“In fact, just this past week Master Sgt. Joshua L. Wheeler was killed during a raid to free hostages held by ISIS. He was one of the troops sent over there, also with no ‘combat mission.’ And yet, he was killed — in combat. ‘Of course he died in combat. That’s what happened,’ Secretary of Defense Ash Carter said last Wednesday. Finally, honesty! But, by Friday, Carter was singing a different tune. ‘It [Wheeler’s death] doesn’t represent assuming a combat role. It represents a continuation of our advise-and-assist mission,’ Carter said.

“That brings us to today’s announcement. ‘These forces do not have a combat mission,’ White House press secretary, Josh Earnest said throughout the announcement that the White House was sending additional troops…

“The White House needs to be honest, and needs to prepare Americans for the lives that very well may be lost in combat — if they truly believe that there is no other way to address the rise of ISIS than to deploy more U.S. troops… In the end, spinning military action at the outset almost always ends badly. The White House would be wise to remember that.”

The Guardian wrote on October 30:

“Administration officials were left squirming on Friday to explain how sending special forces to work alongside Syrian rebels fighting the Islamic State was compatible with Obama’s earlier promises not to ‘put boots on the ground’ in Syria or ‘engage in combat operations’ against Isis.”

The answer is clear: President Obama does not keep his promises. What else is new in this politically corrupt environment? The next article confirms this.

The Associated Press reported on October 31:

“U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says American special operations troops being sent to Syria will only fight Islamic State militants and won’t become involved in the long-running civil war. Kerry calls IS a threat to every nation and says U.S. policy is clear — the group must be defeated. Kerry isn’t ruling out a further U.S. escalation of the fight, saying he can’t predict the future.”

According to John Kerry, American troops WILL FIGHT in Syria. They WILL have a combat mission. So, in his idle attempt to “explain” President Obama’s decision, he is making matters worse by blatantly contradicting the official position which was expressed by the White House press secretary (see above).

Russian Airline Destroyed by ISIS?

JTA wrote on November 2:

“The Russian airplane that crashed in the Sinai was brought down by an ‘external force,’ according to the airline… The airline’s deputy director, Viktor Yung, said the crew appeared to have been disabled before the crash as well… ‘This explains why they didn’t attempt to contact air traffic and report the incident happening on board’…

“The officials appear to be alluding to a bomb or sabotage. All 224 people aboard the plane were killed in Saturday’s crash… The Sinai affiliate of the Islamic State claimed responsibility for bringing down the flight on Saturday, saying it was in retaliation for Russian airstrikes on rebels in Syria’s civil war…”

The Telegraph added on November 4 that the “state of [the badly burned] bodies suggests [a] mid-air explosion.” The Associated Press added on November 4 that the “British government says it is increasingly concerned that a Russian jet was brought down by a bomb and is suspending flights to and from Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.”

Newsmax reported on November 4:

“Evidence now suggests that a bomb planted by the Islamic State (ISIS) militant group is the likely cause of last weekend’s crash of a Russian airliner over Egypt’s Sinai peninsula, U.S. and European security sources said on Wednesday… Robert Baer, a former CIA officer and author, told CNN that he thought a plastic explosive was a likely tool used by the terrorists. He said it would have been quite [easy] for the terrorist group to have the expertise to design such a device. He said the technology was widespread in Baghdad among insurgents during the Iraq war…”

Deutsche Welle added on November 5:

“A top UK official has said there was a ‘significant possibility’ an ‘Islamic State’ affiliate was behind the crash of a Russian passenger plane in Egypt…  a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin, told reporters on Thursday that while Moscow ‘cannot rule out a single theory’ about the crash, he insisted that singling one out at this stage was merely speculation…

“The UK and Ireland have suspended all flights to and from the resort indefinitely pending a review of security. London has called an emergency cabinet meeting and is planning to evacuate its tourists from the resort. News agency AFP estimates about 20,000 Britons were currently there… Almost a million Britons visit Red Sea resorts each year.

Egyptian officials have stressed the need to wait for the results of an international investigation. Tourism is a key earner for Egypt. The country’s economy is struggling to recover from years of political conflict. The British acted ‘too soon,’ Hany Ramsay, deputy head of Sharm el-Sheikh’s airport told The Associated Press, adding that other countries might follow and suggesting that there may be political and commercial motives at play. ‘They want to hurt tourism and cause confusion,’ he added.”

Common Core and Islamic Propaganda in American Schools

Breitbart wrote on November 2:

“A mindset that has gradually led American parents to leave the education of their children — unchecked — to schools and elitists has spawned controversies such as the promotion of Islam in classrooms and the unpopular Common Core standards… Donna Hearne, former Reagan official in the U.S. Department of Education… tells Breitbart News that a look at the history of Common Core shows the reform is the latest effort by progressive elites to take decision-making about children away from parents and transfer it to government bureaucrats…

“Hearne says the controversial math and English standards reflect teaching that is not based on logic. ‘Children’s brains are no longer trained logically,’ she explains. ‘In math, traditionally we have laid down a knowledge base and then built on it until it becomes automatic. The same with grammar and English as traditional and classic education, but not so now.’…

“With regard to world history, Hearne says as far back as the1930s there was a movement to collect and write curricula that would be hostile to America. The Frankfurt School – which was the source of Critical Theory – was developed with the goal of advancing Marxist philosophy in Germany. Following the Nazi takeover, the Frankfurt School eventually moved to New York and Columbia University. ‘In the states that have seen more of an emphasis on Islam – students wearing the burqas and such – Islam is described as a “religion of peace” and there is limited study of the nation’s Judeo-Christian foundation,’ Hearne says…

“As a Breitbart News investigation recently revealed, the current seventh grade Social Studies standards… were adopted by the state and promote Islam at the same time they also tone down Christianity…

“CBN reported the Saudi government donated millions of dollars to Middle East Centers at universities that received the Title VI funds. Both the Harvard Center for Middle Eastern Studies Center and Georgetown University each received a $20 million donation from Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal in 2005. The outcome is that through the U.S. taxpayer-funded Title VI university centers, Saudi-funded ‘lesson plans’ made their way into America’s K-12 classrooms. ‘Saudi donations to American universities should be seen in a much larger picture of Saudi promotion of a Saudi point of view,’ Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum in Philadelphia told CBN…”

Debt Without Ceiling

The Washington Examiner reported on November 3:

“The U.S. national debt jumped $339 billion on Monday, the same day President Obama signed into law legislation suspending the debt ceiling. That legislation allowed the government to borrow as much as it wants above the $18.1 trillion debt ceiling that had been in place. The website that reports the exact tally of the debt said the U.S. government owed $18.153 trillion last Friday, and said that number surged to $18.492 on Monday.”


Ben Carson: “Pyramids Were Built by Joseph”

The Huffington Post reported on November 4:

“Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson once vocalized an odd theory about Egyptian history. According to a video unearthed by BuzzFeed on Wednesday, Carson posited in a 1998 commencement address at Andrews University that the pyramids in Egypt were used for grain storage rather than as tombs for ancient kings and queens. ‘My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain,’ Carson said, referring to the Old Testament. ‘Now all the archeologists think that they were made for the pharaohs’ graves. But, you know, [something to store that grain] would have to be something awfully big, if you stop and think about it.’

“Carson appeared to be referencing the biblical figure of Joseph, who was sold into slavery in Egypt and later went on to advise the Egyptian pharaoh to store grain due to a coming famine. The famed neurosurgeon, who is currently the front-runner for the GOP nomination, added in the speech that he didn’t think aliens built the pyramids, as some conspiracy theorists have stated… Asked Wednesday by CBS News whether he still believed the pyramids were primarily used for grain storage, Carson said, ‘It’s still my belief, yes.'”

The Times of Israel wrote on November 4:

“Carson added [on CBS News]: ‘And when you look at the way that the pyramids are made, with many chambers that are hermetically sealed, they’d have to be that way for various reasons.’”

This is not an odd belief at all. In fact, it has been established, based on biblical and historical evidence, that at least the Cheops Pyramid WAS built by Joseph and Job.

Americans Are Becoming Less Religious

The Associated Press reported on November 3:

“Americans are becoming less religious, judging by such markers as church attendance, prayer and belief in God, and the trend is more pronounced among young adults, according to a poll released on Tuesday. The share of U.S. adults who say they believe in God, while still high compared with other advanced industrial countries, slipped to 89 percent in 2014 from 92 percent in 2007…

“The proportion of Americans who say they are ‘absolutely certain’ God exists fell even more, to 63 percent in 2014 from 71 percent in 2007…

“Younger people also are less likely to pray daily, at 39 percent… Young adults are also much less likely to attend religious services… Both the 2007 and 2014 studies surveyed more than 35,000 adults and had margins of error of less than 1 percentage point.”

American Jews Even Less Religious

JTA wrote on November 3:

“Compared with the last time Pew surveyed Americans about religion, in 2007, the percentage of Jews who said religion is very important to them grew from 31 percent to 35 percent. Similarly, the percentage who said they attend religious services weekly or more often grew from 16 percent to 19 percent; the proportion of Jews who said they read ‘scripture’ at least weekly grew from 14 percent to 17 percent, and the percentage of those who said they participate in prayer groups or religious study groups at least weekly grew from 11 percent to 16 percent…

“Jews think about the meaning and purpose of life less than American Christians or Muslims — 45 percent of Jews compared to 64 percent of Muslims, 61 percent of Protestants, 52 percent of Catholics and 59 percent of Buddhists…

“Eleven percent of Jews believe the Torah is the literal word of God…

“Forty percent of Jews say they believe in heaven… and 22 percent say they believe in hell… Seventy-nine percent of Jews believe other religions can also lead to eternal life — a higher proportion than among Christians (66 percent) or Muslims (65 percent)…

“While 90 percent of Muslims surveyed said they abjure pork and 67 percent of Hindus said they avoid beef, only 40 percent of Jews abstain from eating pork. Fifty-seven percent of Jews surveyed affirmed they eat pork…

“Acceptance of ‘homosexuality in society’ grew among all Americans between 2007 and 2014, from 50 percent to 62 percent, and among Jews from 79 percent to 81 percent. The religious groups least tolerant of homosexuality in society are Mormons (only 36 percent favor societal acceptance), Jehovah’s Witnesses (16 percent) and Protestant evangelicals (36 percent). Buddhists were the most accepting at 88 percent. Seventy-seven percent of Jews said they support same-sex marriage, compared to 53 percent of all Americans.”

These are some sad figures for American Jews.

Many Healthy People Die from Flu after Vaccination

Health Impact News wrote on October 30:

“Another flu death of an otherwise healthy person after receiving the flu vaccine has been reported in Wisconsin… 26-year-old Katherine McQuestion has died from flu complications, after she received the flu shot. Katherine was reportedly a newlywed, and was required to receive the flu shot as part of her employment…

“A review of the quarterly reports issued by the Department of Justice showing cases in which the government has paid out damages for vaccine injuries and deaths clearly shows that the majority of cases are awarded to flu vaccine victims… Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) is the most common side effect and injury due to the flu vaccination. It is listed as a side effect with a warning in the flu vaccine package insert…

“Is not one death from the flu in a healthy individual after receiving the flu vaccination worthy of an investigation into the safety of flu vaccines, and the supposed science behind them? When multiple deaths occur, when health officials call it ‘rare’ after healthy individuals die from the flu after receiving the flu shot, does that not qualify as an ‘epidemic?’…

“Dr. Mark Geier explains…that the flu shot causes Guillain-Barré Syndrome, and that the flu shot is not very effective in preventing the flu. He also explains that the CDC [Center for Disease Control] does not follow the law for vaccines in requiring long-term safety testing for the influenza vaccine like they do with other vaccines, as it is impossible to test a vaccine that changes every year. So the flu vaccine is basically an experimental vaccine that they want to give out to 300 million people every year. There are also no studies showing the safety of giving the flu vaccine to the same person every single year…

“Dr. Geier goes on to explain that flu is ‘the wrong thing to vaccinate against’ because you have to keep re-vaccinating against it every year, unlike childhood infectious diseases, such as smallpox, that are only vaccinated for once…”

But the vast majority of gullible people, believing the government-sponsored propaganda of the mainstream left-wing media, have been influenced to conclude that flu vaccines are helpful or even necessary.

You Can’t Be Serious… “Why Trick-or-Treating Is Good for the Soul!”

In this most ridiculous article, which was published on October 30 by the Washington Post, Halloween celebrations were advocated, in spite of the fact that the evils associated with this immoral Satanic feast were clearly pointed out, although they were downplayed or wrongfully denied. The following was stated:

“Although we may not traditionally think of Halloween — with its ghouls and ghosts and toilet paper in the trees — as a night of hospitality, today it functions as one of the few times we really give to those we’ve never met and connect with people outside our network. We should do everything we can to celebrate it.

“Of course, Halloween has its critics. It’s deeply commercial: Americans spent $7.4 billion on it last year, more than any other holiday except Christmas. Adults have co-opted it as their own, as evidenced by the proliferation of the ‘sexy’ witch/devil/cat/pumpkin costumes that have turned the holiday into foreplay. And then there are the perennial warnings that it’s a pagan holiday, or, quite wrongly, satanic. But as far back as the Puritans, the religious right has been bad mouthing Halloween — not for its lack of churchiness but for having too much Catholic ritual about it: All Saints’ Day (Nov. 1) and All Souls’ Day (Nov. 2) were two of the most important dates in the medieval Catholic calendar, and the hallowed eve of Oct. 31 marked the gateway to the two-day celebrations of the dead.

“… if you can’t do it for the sake of your immortal soul, do it for society. Prepare the candy feast. Throw your door wide. And welcome all to your home… Don’t speculate about what the holiday once was. Don’t complain about what it has become. Just keep it going. It may be our best defense against social isolation.”

One has to wonder whether the author can possibly be serious. This must truly be one of the most horrendously stultifying and stupefying articles ever written on the subject of Halloween. For more information about the Satanic character of Halloween, please view our StandingWatch program,Halloween—a Feast for the Devil?”

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How is the City of Jerusalem Important to Christians? (Part 3)

In Part 2 of this series, we pointed out that the dramatic events taking place in Jerusalem at the present time are the fulfillment of prophecy—which will lead to the establishment of another Temple of God in the near future.

In this final section (Part 3), we will address Jerusalem’s future and how Christians will be involved.

When Jesus Christ establishes the Kingdom of God on earth, He will return to an area from which He also ascended to Heaven—that location is the Mount of Olives. It was specifically at Bethany, which is on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives, that Jesus Christ left His disciples (Luke 24:50-51).

We have more details of this event:

“Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.’ Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day’s journey” (Acts 1:9-12).

Next, consider what is prophesied about Jesus Christ’s future return—in the Old Testament:

“And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, From east to west, Making a very large valley; Half of the mountain shall move toward the north And half of it toward the south… Thus the LORD my God will come, And all the saints with [Him]” (Zechariah 14:4-5).

In the New Testament—Christ’s return is similarly described:

“Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s name written on their foreheads” (Revelation 14:1).

Mount Zion is closely identified with the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This verse in Revelation 14 seems to indicate a time immediately following that of Zechariah 14, as quoted above. Then, in Ezekiel’s vision of the future Temple of God, Jesus Christ is described as having entered the Temple:

“Afterward he brought me to the gate, the gate that faces toward the east. And behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east. His voice was like the sound of many waters; and the earth shone with His glory. It was like the appearance of the vision which I saw–like the vision which I saw when I came to destroy the city. The visions were like the vision which I saw by the River Chebar; and I fell on my face. And the glory of the LORD came into the temple by way of the gate which faces toward the east.  The Spirit lifted me up and brought me into the inner court; and behold, the glory of the LORD filled the temple. Then I heard Him speaking to me from the temple, while a man stood beside me. And He said to me, ‘Son of man, this is the place of My throne and the place of the soles of My feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel forever…” (Ezekiel 43:1-7).

Important considerations confront us! These verses that have been referenced show that Jesus Christ, the “King of kings and Lord of lords” (Revelation 17:14; 19:16), will return to the Mount of Olives, to Jerusalem and to His Temple. He will have the saints—that is, the then immortal Christians who will be part of the first resurrection, the “firstfruits”—with Him (Revelation 14:4; 17:14; compare 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17)!

Deceived, self-appointed ministers teach that the reward of Christians is to go to Heaven “to be with the Lord.” The idea that some will be “raptured” and protected in Heaven while those left behind suffer miserable retribution is widely believed by many. Yet, depending on which denomination or group one might consult, there is little consistency on the details of what Christians are to experience—especially, when their doctrines are measured against the Word of God!

Jesus said that His servants would be with Him, but His promise was for a future time—in the Kingdom of God. On this point it is critical that we understand—no Christian is NOW with Jesus Christ!

Note what Jesus told the people who heard His preaching:

“Then Jesus said to them, ‘I shall be with you a little while longer, and then I go to Him who sent Me. You will seek Me and not find Me, and where I am you cannot come’” (John 7:33-34).

And—what He told His own disciples:

“‘Little children, I shall be with you a little while longer. You will seek Me; and as I said to the Jews, “Where I am going, you cannot come,” so now I say to you… Simon Peter said to Him, ‘Lord, where are You going?’ Jesus answered him, ‘Where I am going you cannot follow Me now, but you shall follow Me afterward’” (John 13:33, 36).

“‘In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also’” (John 14:2-3).

As we have already established, Jesus will return to the earth. Jerusalem will then become the center of world government:

“Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the LORD’S house Shall be established on the top of the mountains, And shall be exalted above the hills; And all nations shall flow to it. Many people shall come and say, ‘Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, To the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, And we shall walk in His paths.’ For out of Zion shall go forth the law, And the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, And rebuke many people; They shall beat their swords into plowshares, And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, Neither shall they learn war anymore” (Isaiah 2:2-4).

“‘Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion! For behold, I am coming and I will dwell in your midst,’ says the LORD. ‘Many nations shall be joined to the LORD in that day, and they shall become My people. And I will dwell in your midst. Then you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent Me to you. And the LORD will take possession of Judah as His inheritance in the Holy Land, and will again choose Jerusalem’” (Zechariah 2:10-12).

The Kingdom of God will replace all governments on the earth (Daniel 2:44). In this context consider that Jesus promised the apostles who had followed Him that they would rule the twelve tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:28-29; Mark 10:29-30; Luke 22:28-30). Rulership—with Jesus—is the promise given to Christians:

“Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years” (Revelation 20:6; also, Revelation 5:10).

How, then, is the City of Jerusalem important to Christians?

First, Jerusalem is a KEY for watching prophesy in our generation. All-important, crucial events in Jerusalem will be among those indicating the imminent RETURN of Jesus Christ.

Second, Jerusalem will be WHERE Jesus Christ establishes God’s government in His millennial rule. Christians will be WITH Him.

Third, Jerusalem—created anew by God—will exist FOREVER as a spiritual city. Christians, as born again sons and daughters of God, will be with God the Father and Jesus Christ—ETERNALLY!

Lead Writer: Dave Harris

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

On November 1, 2015, a Tech Team Meeting was conducted via SKYPE. Led by Eric Rank, various team members contributed ideas centered on improving our web presence—especially, how to publish our English and German video-taped sermons and sermonettes and our StandingWatch and AufPostenStehen programs in a more effective and viewer-friendly way.

This week, a new email campaign was begun featuring our booklet, “Heavens and Earth… Before and After the First Man!”

With the help of our graphic designer, Shelly Bruno, we sent four German booklets to our printer for printing. Upon completion, we will have all of our 17 German booklets printed. We are working on additional translations into German.

“What’s in Store for Totalitarian Turkey?” is the title of our newest StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The current migrant crisis in Europe has set the stage for a temporarily friendly relationship between Germany and Turkey, with grave consequences for the future. Most people, especially in the USA and the UK, are totally ignorant about what the Bible prophesies in this regard and how they will be affected directly by these developments, culminating in nuclear warfare, defeat in war and captivity, and the worst time in human history. It is high time to wake up, as our personal survival is at stake. We are offering two free booklets, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy” and “Germany in Prophecy.”

 Halloween–A Feast for the Devil?” is the title of another StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link, which had been published before. Here is a summary:

Halloween is dedicated to Satan the devil. Satanists celebrate it as one of Satan’s holidays. It is associated with the occult, with witches and paganism, and it is known as the festival of the dead. Trick-or-treat, masks and jack-o’-lantern are all ancient practices or symbols in connection with feared encounters with spirits of the dead, demons and damned souls. But some professing Christians argue that it is not wrong for them and their children to observe Halloween and participate in at least some of its practices. Does God agree?

We also re-published an older German AufPostenStehen program on the topic of Halloween, titled, Halloween– Ein Fest für Dämonen? (in English,  “Halloween—a Festival for Demons?”)

“Kann Man Satan Sehen?” is the title of this week’s German sermon. As always with our German sermons, Video Production Manager Johanna Link inserted all Scriptural references. Title in English: “Can We See Satan?”

“The Alien Life,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Christians are to live as strangers and sojourners on the earth. They are to live in the world but to be separate from it? What does this actually mean?

“First Love,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

When we talk about becoming converted Christians, we often express the experience as discovering our first love. The Bible is clear about the importance of hanging onto our first love, but how do we do that? What is the substance of our first love? If we have lost our first love, how can we return to it? When we have our first love, what do we need to do to nurture it? Our future in God’s Family depends on the answers!

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His Truth Is Marching On

by Phyllis Bourque

A well-known hymn that we sometimes sing in Church services is entitled, “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” In this hymn, the phrase “His truth is marching on” has deep personal meaning for me in light of changes that have taken place in the Churches of God through the years.

A seemingly normal course of ministerial transition in the Church was to train men to serve in various ways and to learn to speak to the congregation, ultimately being ordained to various offices according to their growth. I remember when listening to their messages, which most often were scriptural proof messages, I would nod my head and say to myself, “Yes, I agree. What you are saying is true.”

But something is different now with the messages I hear from our men in this organization. I hear, and see, a depth of conversion and commitment in them that goes beyond proving Scriptures, and I find myself inspired by their messages–their experiences, their perspective–not simply agreeing with the words of proof. Their growth became even more evident at the Feast this year as the speakers stepped forward and shouldered the many responsibilities put upon them, including giving multiple messages, all in stride. Their service to the Church and their care and concern for God’s people was sincere.

So what I see is that in spite of changes in leadership and organizations through the years, God has provided a clear path and continuity of instruction to facilitate my journey of conversion that began over 43 years ago, and thanks to a faithful ministry at this time, the truth is still marching on… and I am still being inspired to make changes in my life!

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

©2025 Church of the Eternal God