Update 1078


In Despair / The Power of Love

On July 29, 2023, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “In Despair,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Power of Love.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Humility and Obedience

by Christoph Sperzel (Germany)

Humility and obedience are two characteristics which every Christian should have.

Modern man has a proud, self-satisfied attitude and thinks he can get along without God. Neither does he fear God nor does he respect God’s Word as an authority in his life. He is selfish and puffed up. Is it any wonder then that God does not hear the prayers of such people?

The most important requirement for knowing God is to fear or respect Him and to honor His Word. Psalm 111:10 tells us: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.”

Man must realize that he is only dust and will return to dust when he dies. In James 4:14, we read: “… For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.”

However, if a person has received the Spirit of God in this life, he will inherit eternal life at his resurrection, which is a gift from God: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

We should be humble and show obedience, understanding that all the gifts and talents we possess were given to us by God.

If we approach God with such an attitude and if we acknowledge His power and authority over our lives, then He will hear us.

When Christ lived as a human being, He also feared or respected God, just as we should do. Hebrews 5:7 tells us, that “in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, [He] was heard because of His godly fear…”

An attitude of humility and fear of God is always essential in prayer. And by respecting God’s Word, we are obedient.

The requirement for an answered prayer is neglected and constantly disregarded by most professing “Christians.” Matthew 6:7 states, for example: “And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words.”

Very few people know the true God. Most do not look towards God as the authority in their lives. Instead, the society of this world with its morals, customs, traditions and religious practices have become their “god.”

God inspired Paul to write: “Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?” (Romans 6:16).

When we are obedient to the ways of sin that are practiced in this world, we are replacing the true God with society and its pagan customs!  God does not want “lip service.” He demands humility and obedience!  If one has not learned to fear and respect the true God and accept His Word as authority in our lives, then one cannot even start to know the true God in the first place.

In 1 John 2:4, we read: “He who says, ‘I know Him,’ and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”

So, how can people stubbornly refuse to keep God’s commandments and yet expect Him to hear their prayers? Peter gives us the following answer, “‘For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, And His ears are open to their prayers; But the face of the LORD is against those who do evil’” (1 Peter 3:12).

Sin is the transgression of God’s law, as the Authorized Version accurately states in 1 John 3:4.  The New King James Bible translates it in this way: “Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness.”

God will not hear the prayers of those who persist in sin and wickedness. If people were to obey God, they would receive answers to their prayers. In that case, God would not seem so far away and so unreachable.

If one goes to God with humility and a repentant attitude, and if one is determined to obey God, He will answer one’s prayers.

As true Christians, we can have extraordinary confidence that God will answer our prayers if we are humble and obedient. 1 John 3:22 confirms this: “And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.”

Humility and obedience are very closely related, since without humility one cannot have obedience. Both are crucial for a good relationship with God and with our neighbor. Therefore, obedience and humility are two qualities that every Christian must have.

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by Norbert Link

We report on the declining health and deteriorating condition of Joe Biden; the mounting evidence of his business deals with foreign entities which pose serious security concerns; and the question raised whether “a criminal family” occupies the White House.

We continue with a demand for the prosecution of Dr. Fauci; the BRICS Economic Bloc; threats of military actions pertaining to Poland and Russia; and the allegation that Western hesitancy helped Russia in its war against Ukraine. We publish Donald Trump’s warning of the possibility of obliteration in the next nuclear war; and Hungary’s attitude toward Ukraine and the EU.

We speak on the gridlock situation in Spain and we quote assessments to the effect that the EU is not a friend of the UK; and that the USA is not a friend of Israel. We also address the tumultuous situation in Israel.

Please view in this context our new StandingWatch program, titled, “America and Great Britain Without True Friends.”

We speak on the terrible reputation of Justin Trudeau; controversial statements by Pope Francis; the end of visa-free travel to Europe; the unparalleled support of Germany’s right-wing party, the AfD; and the ludicrous idea of criminalizing politically incorrect speech.

We conclude with another appalling attempt by scientists to play God.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Biden Mumbles Indecipherable Comments

The Daily Mail wrote on July 21:

“[Israel’s] President Isaac Herzog had been in Washington D.C. for a meeting on Tuesday… Video footage of their exchange shows Biden mumbling indecipherable comments towards Herzog while avoiding eye contact, and looking down at himself, as if he’s about to nod-off…

“The footage shows Biden with his eyes closed talking to Herzog, saying: ‘We brought Israelis and Palestinians together, at a political level’.”

Biden Struggles to Read From Teleprompter

Rare wrote on or about July 21:

“President Biden held brief remarks today on artificial intelligence from the White House. Biden spoke for just 6 minutes before shuffling out of the door. During his remarks, Biden struggled to read from his teleprompter, repeating himself over and over again. Biden can be quoted as saying, ‘Artificial Intelligence or promises an enormous, enormous promise of both risk to our society and our economy and our national security but also incredible opportunities.’

“As Biden concluded his short 6 minute remarks, reporters shouted questions about a recent Chinese hack of government emails. The hack is purported to have affected high-level Biden officials, including Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and others. The reporter shouted, ‘Mr. President, can you tell us about the hacking of cabinet officials by China?’ As she spoke, Biden turned and walked away, beginning to talk to Secret Service in the hallway as reporters awaited a response. Biden said, ‘Ready? How we getting these guys down there?’

“There has never been a less transparent Administration occupying the White House than that of Joe Biden. Why are Biden officials still traveling to China? Why have they not appropriately responded to China’s spy balloon, which flew clear across the contiguous United States with no response from our government officials? This is simply absurd.”

Biden is clearly not up to the task, as the next article points out as well.

Biden’s Declining Health

The Telegraph published on July 21 the following commentary by Nile Gardiner, Director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at The Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC:

“Biden’s evidently declining health should be an issue of huge concern on both sides of the Atlantic. The US President’s schedule on international trips is increasingly being curtailed by his advisers who fear that he is simply not up to the task… Biden’s own team carefully limit his engagements, appearances and speeches, for fear that he will embarrass himself and the United States on the international stage. Biden’s relatively brief visit to Windsor Castle earlier this month was a case in point, with King Charles III having to closely watch Biden’s movements, clearly irritated by his meandering inspection of the Welsh Guards.

“Biden’s recent speeches at home and abroad have been littered with gaffes and gasp-inducing moments… When Biden speaks to audiences these days it’s impossible to predict what exactly he will end up saying or how it will end. He is increasingly reduced to reading out carefully scripted answers in press conferences…

“Biden’s White House aides also have major concerns over his physical frailty, demonstrated by a series of potentially dangerous stumbles while boarding Air Force One in recent months. As Politico reported this week, the President is now using the ‘short stairs’ to board the presidential plane, with just 14 steps as opposed to the traditional 26…

“President Biden’s rapidly deteriorating condition is clearly good news for America’s adversaries, from Beijing to Moscow, Pyongyang and Tehran, given that Biden’s deputy, Vice President Kamala Harris, is viewed as an even less effective leader than her boss. But the Chinese, Russians, North Koreans and Iranians relish even more the weak-kneed policies the Biden administration advances on the world stage.

“This is a feeble presidency at every level, enveloped in woke left-wing ideology while pursuing short-sighted policies of appeasement towards some of the most wicked regimes on Earth… The Biden presidency represents American retreat, decline and despair, headed by a president regarded by the enemies of the free world as a soft and easy opponent.”

Even worldly commentators confirm, inadvertently, the end-time biblical prophecy about America’s decline.

Hunter Biden’s “Sweetheart Deal” Falls Apart

Fox News reported on July 26:

“Hunter Biden’s plea deal fell apart during his first court appearance Wednesday morning and pleaded ‘not guilty’ as federal prosecutors confirmed the president’s son is still under federal investigation. The president’s son was expected to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax counts of willful failure to pay federal income tax, as part of plea deal to avoid jail time on a felony gun charge.

“But Judge Maryellen Noreika did not accept the plea agreement, questioning the constitutionality–specifically the diversion clause [regarding the gun charge] and the immunity [regarding other future charges] Hunter Biden would receive…

 “The judge pressed federal prosecutors on the investigation and questioned whether there was the possibility for future charges, and asked prosecutors if Hunter Biden was currently under active investigation. Prosecutors said he was, but would not answer specifically what the president’s son is under investigation for. Prosecutors on Wednesday, though, said Hunter Biden pleading guilty to the two misdemeanor tax offenses would not immunize him from future charges.

 “At one point… Noreika asked if the government could potentially bring a charge related to the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), to which Wise replied: ‘Yes.’

 “At that point, the original plea deal broke down. Defense attorney Chris Clark said he did not agree with that. ‘Then there’s no deal,’ Wise said…

 “The developments in the case Wednesday come after IRS whistleblower testimony revealed allegations of DOJ misconduct throughout the years-long investigation into the president’s son [saying] politics influenced prosecutorial decisions throughout the investigation. 

 “House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith filed an amicus brief to the court, requesting that testimony be considered ahead of accepting the planned plea deal, saying Hunter Biden ‘appears to have benefited from political interference which calls into question the propriety of the investigation of the U.S. Attorney’s Office.’”

Many observers feel that this is currently the worst possible outcome for Hunter Biden and his father, President Joe Biden, as the floodgates of further investigations and possible criminal charges are still wide open. It also appears that the parties tried to pull a fast one. Note the next article.

How the JD Tried to Protect Joe Biden

The New York Post Editorial Board wrote on July 27:

 “With the text of Hunter Biden’s plea deal now public, it’s no longer possible to deny that the Justice Department’s been bending over backward to protect the Biden family — including President Joe Biden. ‘The United States agrees not to criminally prosecute [Hunter] Biden . . . for any federal crimes’ related to the case, the deal reads. It left only the possibility of ‘prosecution for any future conduct.’

“No wonder Hunter and his attorneys were convinced he’d be off the hook for other crimes, such as those related to foreign lobbying — and, perhaps, bribe-taking, influence-peddling or other corruption. Federal Judge Maryellen Noreika questioned such a ‘broad,’ ‘nonstandard’ agreement, and wondered why both parties wanted her to ‘rubber stamp it.’

“Her questioning forced Special Assistant US Attorney Leo Wise to shift gears on a deal he was intimately knowledgeable of because he had hammered it out over weeks with Hunter’s lawyers. Stunning Hunter’s lawyer, and the rest of the court, he suddenly claimed the deal allowed only a narrower set of potential Biden crimes to be off limits to prosecutors. 

“The first son then balked, of course, and his lawyer, Chris Clark, declared the deal ‘null and void.’ Yet why would Justice include such blanket immunity in the first place?… It has little to do with protecting Hunter Biden. And everything to do with protecting his dad.

“… The reason the judge called the deal ‘nonstandard’ — and why Wise couldn’t provide any precedent — is that no normal defendant ever gets such a sweetheart deal… But despite enormous evidence— millions of dollars in alleged bribes to Joe and his family, Mafia-like threats and apparent Watergate-level coverups — don’t expect the Biden DOJ to ever launch a serious probe. Not with Joe [Biden] in office, anyway.”

Joe Biden’s Business Deals With Foreign Entities

Professor Jonathan Turley wrote the following on July 19 in the New York Post:

“The peril of the poorly crafted question was on display in Wednesday’s hearing with two whistleblowers on political interference in the Hunter Biden investigation… Rep. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.) often goes where wiser members fear to tread. On this occasion, Goldman may have delivered one of the most damaging moments for the Democrats. In the course of just a few minutes, the freshman New York congressman seemed to demolish the defense of President Biden.

“Goldman was trying to get the witnesses to say that there is no evidence that President Biden was personally involved in the alleged felonies of his son. He raised the shocking WhatsApp message that Hunter had allegedly sent to a Chinese official with foreign intelligence contacts. In the message, Hunter wrote: ‘I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.’

“Most Democrats have avoided the message, which is incredibly damaging and seems to contradict the President’s long denial of any knowledge or involvement in his son’s dealings. Goldman pressed veteran IRS investigator Gary Shapley about his suggestion that Joe Biden discussed the foreign dealing with his son. Shapley eagerly said that he would be happy to explain but Goldman cut him off and said that he did not have time for such explanations.

“At this point, most lawyers would have reversed engines out of troubled waters, but Goldman plowed full speed ahead. He said that the references to Joe sitting next to his son does not mean that they actually discussed his business. Goldman then went even further and raised a ‘lunch where Joe Biden came to say hello at the Four Season’s hotel to a lunch that he was having with CEFC executives.’ He then reads from the record in how Biden associate Rob Walker described the origins of the meeting with the Chinese officials to get his dad to stop by: ‘Hunter told his Dad that “I may be trying to start a company or try to do something with these guys.”’

“Goldman then pounced and said slyly ‘Now let me ask you something, that doesn’t sound much like Joe Biden was involved in whatever Hunter was doing with the CEFC if Hunter Biden is telling him that he is trying to do business with them, does it?’ That is when Shapley stated the obvious: ‘No, but it does show that he told his father that he was trying to do business…’

“This is the same Joe Biden who has repeatedly told the American people that he never discussed any of Hunter’s deals and had no knowledge of such deals. He has maintained that denial as evidence has mounted contradicting him. Even when he flew his son to China where Hunter cut lucrative deals, he insists that they never mentioned that deal.

“There are also repeated references to President Biden as the ‘Big Guy’ in emails who was to receive a 10 per cent cut on a deal with the Chinese as well as other benefits. There are other references to Hunter Biden paying portions of his father’s expenses and taxes.

“People apparently were told to avoid directly referring to President Biden…  In one email, Hunter’s business associate Tony Bobulinski was instructed by Biden associate James Gilliar not to speak of the former veep’s connection to any transactions…  There are also the disclosures that Biden met with at least 14 of Hunter’s business associates from the US, Mexico, Ukraine, China and Kazakhstan over the course of his vice presidency.

“Then there is the audiotape message from President Biden for Hunter that specifically discussed coverage of those dealings. Finally, there is another audiotape of his uncle, Jim Biden, telling Hunter that he and his father had discussed his collapsing financial position and could arrange a ‘ safe harbor.’…”

The evidence is mounting that Joe Biden did not only lie repeatedly to the American people, but that he was also involved in business deals with foreign entities which might have jeopardized America’s security. Note the next article:

A Criminal Family Sitting in the White House?

The New York Post wrote on July 23:

“Former House Speaker Newt… Gingrich speculated that the evidence of alleged wrongdoing could soon become overwhelming. ‘What this says to me is that it’s very possible that there was a direct payment to the then-Vice President of the United States,’ Gingrich said… ‘At some point, the dam is going to break and even The New York Times and The Washington Post are going to recognize that we have a huge problem on our hands,’ he added.

“‘We may have a criminal family sitting in the White House that took money from foreigners in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Romania, Russia, and China… Now, that’s a pretty sobering comment that has huge national security implications and also just basic honesty implications,’ he continued…

“As vice president, Joe Biden had sought to leverage US support to oust Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin. At the time, his son was on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company that Shokin’s was investigating…”

None of that looks good for Joe Biden and his family.

The Media Would Love to Move On, But…

The New York Post published the following article by Professor Turley on July 25:

“The media’s desire to ‘move on’ from the scandal is reaching an almost frantic level… the release of the new evidence of corruption had left no room to maneuver for both Democrat politicians and the media… Any question would now trip a wire on the Bidens, so most avoid the allegations in favor of talking about Trump or other shiny objects… No matter the severity of the revelations, the liberal media calls the investigations a ‘clown show.’ Others have continued to tell the public that there remain no alleged ties from Hunter to President Biden despite emails, pictures and witness testimony. Yet it is becoming harder and harder to avoid these details…

“Members and the media were literally citing a plea bargain [the so-called ridiculous “sweetheart deal” with Hunter] as dispositive, even as two lead investigators were saying it was fixed and politically influenced… Others insisted that the allegations were still ‘unproven’ or ‘unverified’ while showing the same lack of interest in establishing the truth. Notably, these same media outlets did wall-to-wall coverage of the false Russian collusion claims in the Steele dossier. They are now simply shrugging off what could be one of the most serious corruption scandals in modern history despite the testimony of highly credible whistleblowers and thousands of pages of supporting evidence.

“None of this is going to work, of course. The public has long ago lost trust in the media… Polls show that the public is not ‘moving on’ and now view this as a major scandal. A majority believes that Hunter has received special protection in the investigation. While the media can continue to suppress the evidence and allegations within their own echo-chambered platforms, truth like water has a way of finding a way out. The scandal is moving forward with or without the media.”

Let’s hope so!

Why No Special Counsel to Investigate Joe Biden

Breitbart wrote on July 24:

“During Sunday’s broadcast of FNC’s ‘Life, Liberty & Levin,’ New York Times best-seller author Peter Schweizer explained why a special counsel had not been appointed to investigate alleged Biden family wrongdoing… ‘The reason that one has not been appointed is if they’re appointed, all hell is going to break loose. Let’s remember what we’re talking about here… Just look at China. Based on the laptop, based on public corporate records, what we know is that Hunter Biden and the Biden family received $31 million from four businessmen in China, and when you look at those four businessmen in China, these are not ordinary businessmen…

“‘These are not even ordinary members of the Chinese Communist Party. Each and every one of them has ties to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence,’ he continued. ‘Xie Feng, who arranged a $20 million deal for Hunter Biden in that private equity deal, his business partner at the same time, he is setting up Hunter Biden was the vice minister for State Security for China, whose job is to recruit foreign nationals to spy for China. Or look at Henry Zhao, who wires $5 million to Hunter Biden. He wires him to $5 million out of an account of a company called Harvest that Henry Zhao co-owns with the family of the former Minister of State Security, who runs the entire spy apparatus in China.

“‘Or you look at Chairman Yi, the CEFC energy company who, sends $6 million to Hunter Biden,’ Schweizer added. ‘His previous job before he gets appointed to this energy position is running an organization that is widely known to be a front for Chinese military intelligence. This was an intelligence operation by the Chinese to extract information, to get their claws into the then Second Family, now First Family of the United States.

“‘Nobody in Washington, DC wants to have that conversation, and Merrick Garland is not going to go there, even though this is the poster child for an independent counsel because of how the investigation is being stifled and who the investigation is actually about.’”

It really sounds as if America’s national security might very well have been compromised.

Breitbart added on July 24:

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr…. called for an investigation into the alleged Biden bribery scheme…  the Democrat presidential candidate said allegations surrounding President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden about allegedly accepting $5 million in bribes are worth ‘a real investigation… I mean, these revelations about the, where you had Burisma, which is, you know, a notoriously corrupt company that paid out, apparently, $10 million to Hunter and his dad. If that’s true, then it is really troubling.’”

Rand Paul Demands Prosecution of Dr. Fauci

Outkick wrote on July 19:

“Rand Paul is not letting the pressure up on Dr. Anthony Fauci. Fauci through his role as head of the NAIAD made any number of unimaginable mistakes. He claimed, inaccurately, that masks work to stop the spread of COVID. He advocated for school closures, afterwards denying he did any such thing.

“His misinformation on the efficacy of COVID vaccines helped usher in the spread of vaccine mandates and passports. Inexcusably, he’s also avoided acknowledging mistakes or admitting that he was wrong about many of these disastrous assertions.

“But one of the most contentious aspects of Fauci’s tenure revolves around the origins of COVID. And as more information emerges, it’s becoming even more clear how hard he worked to protect himself and his colleagues by deflecting from his organization’s role in funding gain-of-function research. The release of new, unredacted, emails shows that he was well aware that gain-of-function experiments were happening in Wuhan. That directly contradicts his previous claims that NIH had nothing to do with funding such experiments.

“And as a result, Senator Rand Paul’s referred him to Attorney General Merrick Garland to prosecute him for potentially lying under oath

“… But Merrick Garland has proven to be far from an independent, unbiased enforcer of the law. Instead, unsurprisingly, he’s function[ing] primarily as an enforcer of Biden administration priorities. Most notably through his lax prosecution of Hunter Biden and alleged interference in an IRS investigation… The odds that this Department of Justice prosecutes him for potentially lying under oath is infinitesimal, to say the least.

“But Rand Paul’s dogged efforts are necessary and immensely valuable to publicize how Fauci repeatedly mislead the public to protect himself. There may never be true accountability, but every opportunity to remove the veneer of Fauci’s credibility is worth pursuing.”

In this context, the New York Post reported on July 25 about Joe Biden’s latest blunder regarding COVID, as follows:

“In yet another embarrassing slip-up, President Biden Tuesday accidentally provided a lowball estimate of COVID-19’s death toll — saying ‘over 100’ Americans have died from the disease since it emerged over three years ago. Biden, 80, committed the gaffe — which was later corrected to ‘over 1 million’ in an official White House transcript — while announcing a new plan for the expansion of mental health care.

“‘We’re still feeling the profound loss of the pandemic.  As I mentioned, we have over 100 people dead,’ Biden said at the White House. ‘That’s 100 empty chairs around the kitchen table. Every single loss, there are so many people left behind and broken-hearted,’ the commander-in-chief added.”


The BRICS Economic Bloc

Modern Diplomacy wrote on July 24:

Twenty two nations have formally applied to become members of the BRICS economic bloc… An equal number have also informally sought to join the organization that groups Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa… Anil Sooklal, the bloc’s ambassador from South Africa… previously said that countries including Saudi Arabia and Iran have formally asked to become BRICS members, while countries that expressed an interest in joining include the United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Egypt, Bahrain, Indonesia and others…

“The countries agreed to pool $100 billion of foreign currency, which they can lend to each other during emergencies,,, They founded the New Development Bank — a World Bank-inspired institution that has approved more than $30 billion of loans for projects like water and transport infrastructure since it began operations in 2015… They plan to discuss the feasibility of a common BRICS currency this year…

“BRICS is similar to clubs such as the Group of 20 in representing a move toward a more multipolar world and away from one dominated by the US…”

America’s influence in the world is clearly diminishing and failing…

Russia Threatens Poland

Al Jazeera wrote on July 21:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused Poland of having territorial ambitions in the former Soviet Union and said any aggression against its neighbour and ally Belarus would be considered an attack on Russia itself.

“In televised remarks on Friday, Putin warned that Moscow would use any means at its disposal to protect Belarus, which forms a loose Union State with Russia, against possible attacks. Putin said there were reports of plans for a Polish-Lithuanian unit to be used for operations in western Ukraine – parts of which in the past belonged to Poland – and ultimately to occupy territory there…

Poland, a NATO member and one of Ukraine’s staunchest allies in its fight against Russia’s invasion, denied any territorial ambitions in Ukraine or Belarus…

“In his remarks, Putin argued Poland’s western territories were a ‘present’ from former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. ‘Thanks to the Soviet Union, to Stalin, Poland got significant amounts of lands in the west, lands that used to belong to Germany. It is so. Western territories of Poland are the present given by Stalin to Poles. Our friends in Warsaw had forgotten about it. We will remind them.’

“Putin’s comments are a message that ‘Poland has to be grateful to the Soviet Union, to Russia, and instead they are becoming more of an enemy to Russia,’ said Nina Khrushcheva, professor of international affairs at the New School and great-granddaughter of former Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. ‘Also this is a message to the Ukrainians: “Please remember that for many years Ukraine and Poland were not great friends, and so now you’re being duped.”’…

“Warsaw’s Security Committee decided on Wednesday to move military units to eastern Poland after Wagner fighters arrived in Belarus…”

Germany Pledges Military Support for Poland

Express wrote on July 21:

“Germany’s Defence Minister [Boris Pistorius] has pledged support for Poland in the event the NATO member’s eastern border comes under attack from Belarus or Russia… Mr Pistorius emphasised that if Poland wants assistance, it will receive it since they are trusted NATO members…

“Poland’s intention to beef up its military along the Belarusian border has alarmed the Kremlin. The Kremlin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov… told reporters: ‘Of course it is a cause for concern. The aggressiveness of Poland is a reality. Such a hostile attitude towards Belarus and the Russian Federation requires heightened attention [from our side].’”

Germany is again at the forefront of potential military activities.

Western Hesitancy Helped Russia

The Washington Examiner wrote on July 21:

“Western hesitance to provide Ukraine with heavy weaponry and training provided Russia with ‘more time than they needed’ to fortify their lines, according to Ukrainian President… Zelensky. ‘We did plan to start it in spring, but we didn’t because, frankly, we had not enough munitions and armaments and not enough properly trained brigades… in these weapons,’ Zelensky said… Friday…

“Much of equipment arrived far later than Ukrainian officials first hoped. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, for instance, declined to authorize the transfer of Leopard tanks until Biden promised to pledge U.S.-made Abrams tanks. That protracted conversation drew to a conclusion in January — weeks after France and the United Kingdom unveiled their respective decisions to provide light and heavy NATO-designed tanks and nearly a year after Zelensky began to ‘express a need for tanks’ and other heavy arms in anticipation of this clash.”

Ukraine will not easily forget “Western hesitance”—especially from Germany.

Zelensky Fires His Ambassador to the UK

The Daily Mail wrote on July 21:

“Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky has dismissed the country’s ambassador to the United Kingdom… Vadym Prystaiko had criticised Zelensky’s sarcastic response to suggestions from Defence Secretary Ben Wallace that Ukraine should show more gratitude for arms supplies from its allies…

“The row began when Wallace told journalists at a NATO summit in Vilnius this month that Britain was not an Amazon delivery service for weapons to Ukraine and suggested Kyiv could express more ‘gratitude’… Zelensky responded at a press conference at the summit, saying he did not know how else to make clear Ukraine’s gratitude, adding: ‘We could wake up in the morning and express our words of gratitude to the minister personally.’

“The Ukrainian diplomat agreed with a suggestion from a Sky News interviewer that Zelensky responded with ‘a little bit of sarcasm’ to Wallace. ‘I don’t believe that this sarcasm is healthy. We don’t have to show the Russians that we have something between us, they have to know that we are working together,’ Prystaiko added, stressing the need to smooth over relations with the UK…

“Prystaiko is a career diplomat who has served as ambassador to the United Kingdom since July 2020. He became a prominent figure in London amid the UK’s response to the war, often appearing on TV and radio to outline the latest view in Kyiv while also attending various official events in Downing Street and elsewhere linked to Ukraine’s war effort.

“Only last Thursday, he was in the royal box at the Wimbledon tennis championships. Before taking up the diplomatic role in London, he was Ukraine’s vice-prime minister for European and Euro-Atlantic integration and is also a former foreign minister.”

Zelensky’s outbursts and his hasty and unpopular decisions might very well backfire on him.

Trump and His Supporters on the Russia-Ukraine-War

Newsweek wrote on July 23:

“Former President Donald Trump said in an interview broadcast on Sunday morning that Ukraine should receive over $100 billion more in aid from European nations to match what the United States has contributed… In recent months, the former president has repeatedly said that the war would not have happened if he was still president, and that he’d end the conflict in a day if he’s reelected in 2024.Trump’s comments about the war have garnered significant criticism from Democrats and Republicans who strongly support Ukraine…

“… data from the Kiel Institute for World Economy, a German research institute, shows that as of May 31, the U.S. has sent just north of $75 billion of the allocated assistance to Ukraine. Meanwhile…  EU institutions have contributed a little more than $27 billion, while the United Kingdom and Germany have each given more than $10 billion. Several other European nations’ contributions have totaled in the billions of dollars, while a number of others have given hundreds of millions, according to the research institute…

“Although most Republican and Democratic lawmakers in Congress continue to support U.S. assistance to Ukraine, there is a vocal faction of GOP lawmakers who staunchly oppose any support to Kyiv… 43 percent of Trump voters believe the U.S. has provided too much support to Ukraine, while 20 percent felt it was too little. In addition, 20 percent said it was about right and 17 percent answered ‘don’t know.’

“The survey also found that 41 percent of Trump voters believe the U.S. ‘should reconsider our levels of support as the war continues,’ while 20 percent believed U.S. support should stop now. A further 26 percent said support should continue until Ukraine wins the war and 13 percent didn’t know…

“Meanwhile, Trump previously told Fox News that he’d warn Putin that U.S. aid to Ukraine would increase if he didn’t make a deal to end the war. ‘… We’re going to [give Ukraine] more than they ever got if we have to…’”

This Is Obliteration!

Fox News wrote on July 23:

“Former President Donald Trump said in a new interview clip aired Sunday that President Biden is not up to the task during a precarious time for the U.S. amid growing tensions around the globe. ‘Look, this is the most dangerous time in the history of our country because of weaponry. The nuclear power is so enormous. This isn’t two Army tanks going and shooting each other in World War I, World War II, soldiers standing behind a bunker and shooting people,’ Trump said during a sit-down interview with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo. ‘This is obliteration,’ Trump added…

“‘And we have a man that doesn’t understand what he’s doing. We have a man that … stood up and told the whole world that we have no ammunition,’  Trump said of Biden… ‘You talk about classified documents. That’s worse than any document that you could give,’ Trump continued… ‘So, now these people are sitting back in China and other places that hate us, including North Korea… They’re talking about the United States of America has no ammunition. Think of it. How stupid can somebody be to say that?’” 

The USA will reach a point where it will NOT go out to battle anymore, even if it wanted to.

Germany Critical of Ukraine

The Times wrote on July 25:

“Germany’s armed forces have criticised the tactics adopted by the Ukrainian army in its counteroffensive against Russian positions and said that battle-hardened troops and officers were ignoring methods taught in western training, according to a leaked Bundeswehr paper.

“The Bild newspaper reported that it had obtained a confidential German army assessment of the Ukrainian assault that Kyiv has admitted is making slower progress than hoped.

“The Ukrainian forces were splitting their western-trained brigades into small units of just ten to 30 soldiers in some cases to attack an enemy position, which meant they weren’t putting their western training, superior weapons or large troop numbers to use, the report said.”

Frictions between Germany and Ukraine will continue.

Kennedy: US Pushed Ukraine War

The Daily Beast wrote on July 26:

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr. debated Fox News host Sean Hannity during a town hall event Tuesday about the United States’ role in the Russia-Ukraine war, with the 2024 presidential candidate claiming that the U.S. had been ‘pushing’ Ukraine into the war…. ‘Do I trust Putin? No,’ Kennedy Jr. said… [He] then accused the U.S. of sabotaging the Minsk agreements in 2014 and 2015, which aimed to end the Donbas war yet largely failed to stop the fighting between Russian separatists and Ukraine’s armed forces…

“Kennedy Jr. claimed that the expansion of NATO after the fall of the Soviet Union was an example of the U.S. deliberately bringing out the conditions that ultimately led to the war. Minutes later, Kennedy Jr…. dismissed the idea that Russia would lose the war it started. ‘It would be like us losing a war to Mexico,’ he said. ‘They are not going to lose the war.’”

Kennedy also repeated his claim that the CIA was involved with the murder of his uncle, John F. Kennedy. According to an article in the New York Post, dated May 9, 2023, it had been reported:

“RFK Jr. claimed to remember that his father’s first call after receiving the news of his brother’s assassination was to CIA officials, asking them if they were responsible. ‘It was my father’s first instinct that the agency had killed his brother,’ said Kennedy.

“The candidate added that his father had also investigated Jack Ruby, who killed accused triggerman Lee Harvey Oswald on live television, and found he had ties to mob bosses and casino owners who were in ‘cahoots’ with the CIA.”

Hungary Opposed to Unconditional Financial Long-Term Support for Ukraine

Ukrainska Pravda wrote on July 20:

“Hungary has opposed the EU’s attempt to create a long-term fund of up to €20 billion to support the Ukrainian army…

“Foreign ministers met in Brussels on Thursday, 20 July, and discussed for the first time a proposal that would allocate at least €5 billion a year over the next four years to cover the costs of EU countries buying and donating arms to Ukraine as well as training Ukrainian troops.

“But during the meeting, Hungary said it would object to the plan until Ukraine removed Hungarian Bank OTP from its list of ‘war sponsors’… The National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) has included Hungary’s OTP Bank in the list of international ‘war sponsors.’”

This is idiotic. There are nothing but “international war sponsors” around these days. Many major business corporations or organizations, including in the USA and Europe, are in one way or another involved in promoting and sponsoring war activities.

Hungary and the EU

Hungary Today wrote on July 22:

“Prime Minister Viktor Orbán… claimed that the European Union has rejected its Christian heritage, and it is carrying out a population replacement. Mr Orbán said that people have the feeling that the EU is plagued by anxiety and feels hemmed in. It is a rich and weak Union, which sees around it a world in revolt, millions of people heading for Europe…

The big European companies do not want to break away and leave Russia, Mr Orbán said. He pointed out that seventy percent of energy companies are still present in Russia, and Western companies have paid $3.5 billion into the Russian budget…

“The EU… is waging an LGBTQ campaign against family-friendly nations. The Prime Minister said that Europe has created its own political class, which is no longer accountable, no longer Christian or democratic in its beliefs…”

Europe will become much more undemocratic and dictatorial, and even though its “Christian heritage” will be revived, it will not be the Christianity taught in the Bible.

Gridlock in Spain

USA Today wrote on July 24:

“Spain was plunged into political uncertainty Monday a day after Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s conservative Popular Party narrowly won the country’s national election but without securing the parliamentary majority needed to topple the five-year-old coalition government of Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez.

“The result means Feijóo can’t claim outright victory, though he told his supporters he would try to form a government. That process is likely to take weeks or even months as Sánchez may also be able to secure support from smaller parties to form a governing coalition. A new election could also be called.

“Expectations Santiago Abascal’s far-right Vox party would perform well enough to prop up a Feijóo-led government did not happen…

“Jobs. The economy. The cost of living. These were the issues that appeared to matter most to Spanish voters. However, climate change, nationalism and LGBTQ and gender issues also featured in campaigns.

“Feijóo’s best chances of forming a government had been with a partnership with Vox. That’s unlikely to happen now because of the latter’s poor performance. A route to power for incumbent Sánchez could be if he were able to secure the backing of Junts, a Catalan pro-independent party founded by Carles Puigdemont. Catalonia is a region of Spain with Barcelona as its capital that has long sought to breakaway from Spain’s government.

“‘The results are so close that they leave everything up in the air,’ the Spanish newspaper El Pais wrote Monday. ‘The Spanish political landscape is wide open.’”

The Associated Press added on July 25:

“The divided results have made the hardline Catalan separatist party Junts (Together) emerge as Sánchez’s potential kingmaker. If Junts asks for a referendum on independence for northeast Catalonia, that would likely be far too costly a price for Sánchez to pay. ‘We won’t make Pedro Sánchez PM in exchange for nothing,’ Míriam Nogueras of Junts said…

“Spain’s new Parliament will meet in a month. King Felipe VI then appoints one of the party leaders to submit him or herself to a parliamentary vote to form a new government. Lawmakers have a maximum period of three months to reach an agreement. Otherwise, new elections would be triggered.”

It appears to us that Spain will be one of the prophesied ten nations or groups of nations forming core Europe. The developments in Spain are therefore of great significance.

The EU Is Not UK’s Friend

The Telegraph wrote on July 21:

“During her Tory leadership campaign Liz Truss was asked if President Macron of France was a friend or foe. She indicated it was too early to tell… Today, however, the question is not whether France is our friend or foe but whether the EU as a whole is

“For this week, at the end of a meeting with Latin American states collectively known as Celac, the EU issued a communique which called the Falkland Islands the Malvinas. Regarding their sovereignty the EU merely noted the historical position of the Latin American states on the issue and backed a peaceful solution to the dispute. Frantic British objections before the communique were simply brushed aside…

“Clearly all member states had discussed the matter before agreeing to the communique and backing the Hispanics… The EU must have known that the Argentine claim is baseless. There has been a British colony on the Falklands since 1833. There has never been an equivalent Argentine one. We fought a war to retain the islands in 1982, where 255 British servicemen died. In 2013 in a democratic referendum 99.8 per cent of the population voted to remain British. The EU knows all this but chooses to ignore it because, since Brexit, we are now its enemy. It wishes to humiliate us whenever possible. The defence of democracy matters little to it…

Gibraltar is like the Falklands. The Spanish seized it from the Moors in 1462. The British conquered it in 1704 and acquired it permanently by the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. So it was Spanish for 242 years and has been British for 319 years. Moreover a referendum in 2002 showed 98.97 per cent of the population rejected joint sovereignty with Spain. Another in 1967 had shown 99.67 per cent wanted to remain British. Now though, we can expect the new government [of Spain] to blame the situation on Brexit and push again for ‘sovereignty’ talks – with the full support of the EU…

The EU is not our friend. It is only nice to us when it needs us…

“The EU’s true colours have been shown over Northern Ireland, too. There the Windsor Framework was supposed to solve trade disputes by creating a ‘green lane’ which would allow all goods from the UK headed only for Northern Ireland free and frictionless transit. Yet the EU has imposed such a burden of regulation on the ‘trusted traders’ supposed to benefit from this that many have given up trying to use it. In short the EU is making Northern Ireland a foreign country. And it is doing so deliberately…”

The hostilities between the EU and the United Kingdom will continue.

USA Not a True Friend of Israel

Israel Today wrote on July 20:

“The mantras that ‘the US-Israel relationship is rock solid’ and ‘the US has Israel’s back’—so often proclaimed in the breach by both countries—may be wearing thin in Israel…

“Israel knows the US has never truly had its back. During Israel’s 1947-1948 War of Independence, the US imposed an arms embargo to prevent Israel from defending itself against the heavily armed Arab armies invading it. In the 1956 Suez War, the US forced Israel to withdraw from the Sinai and Gaza after Israel’s victory over Egypt.

“In the 1967 Six-Day War, the US pressured Israel to halt its advance on Damascus. In the 1973 Yom Kippur War, US fear of Arab criticism led to delays in resupplying Israel. The 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict, which saw the US temporarily suspend arms shipments, showed again that Israel could not depend on a US resupply during wartime.

“The US opposed Israel’s destruction of Iraq’s nuclear reactor in 1981 and Syria’s in 2007. Now the US is facilitating Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons. Over the decades, whenever Israel defended itself against attacks from its neighbors, the US intervened to force Israel to back off. This prevented decisive victories that could have discouraged future wars and led to lasting peace settlements.

“The claim that Israel can always count on American military support is a fiction that both countries want to maintain. The US does it to reassure its domestic Jewish population. Israel does it so its enemies will see Israel as that much stronger

“American support, which includes some $4 billion a year in military aid, is a mixed blessing, partly because it comes with strings attached. Israel must spend the lion’s share of the money on US arms that don’t always provide value for money. Worse, the subsidies lead many Americans to believe Israel should be accountable to the US, giving Israel’s critics license to interfere in Israeli affairs

“While many US administrations have been high-handed in their relations with Israel, the Biden administration has been especially discourteous, reflecting increased hostility towards Israel from America’s progressive left. It has referred to the Israeli government as extremist, scolded Israel on all manner of issues and refused to invite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House.”

What an insightful and powerful article, stating FACTS which are easily forgotten or suppressed by America’s mainstream media.

Uproar in Israel

CNN wrote on July 24:

“The Israeli parliament on Monday passed a law stripping the Supreme Court of its power to block government decisions, the first part of a planned judicial overhaul that has sharply divided Israeli society and drawn fierce criticism from the White House.

“The controversial bill passed by a vote of 64-0 in the Knesset. All members of the governing coalition voted in favor the bill, while all opposition lawmakers walked out of the chamber as the vote was taking place.

“Huge crowds of angry protesters gathered outside, attempting to block access to the building… Thousands of military reservists – including more than 1,100 Air Force officers – said even before the bill passed that they would refuse to volunteer for duty if it did.

“The so-called reasonableness law takes away the Supreme Court’s power to block government decisions by declaring them unreasonable. Its passing could trigger a constitutional crisis – if the court declares the law itself is unreasonable.”

Breitbart added on July 24:

“The new law prevents courts from using their own idea of ‘reasonableness’ in blocking government policies. Critics had long argued that the ‘reasonableness’ doctrine allowed the left-leaning judiciary to abuse its power, and that it tended to do so more often against Israel’s conservative governments…

“U.S. President Joe Biden, whose administration publicly opposes Israel’s internal reforms, issued a last-minute warning to Netanyahu not to proceed… Many of the reforms closely parallel existing practice in the U.S. and other democratic countries; Israel’s judiciary began amassing extraordinary powers in the 1990s…”

Why does Biden get involved in this? Didn’t he cause enough problems at home?

Justin Trudeau Canada’s Worst Prime Minister

The Telegraph wrote on July 24:

“The votes have been tallied. The results are in.  Justin Trudeau is Canada’s worst Prime Minister… in the past 55 years… Trudeau, a left-leaning Liberal, was once the political darling of the progressive set. That reputation came unglued…

“He’s… spent taxpayer dollars like a drunken sailor on the much-ridiculed federal carbon tax, national dental care, voluntary euthanasia, legalized marijuana, firearms regulation, Covid-19 measures and so on. Private investment and involvement in Canada has dried up like the Sahara Desert. Trudeau embarrassingly took a knee during Black Lives Matter in front of TV cameras. He claimed to admire China’s economy, which was later explained away as a joke…”

If similar honest surveys were to be conducted in other countries, we are sure that Joe Biden would turn out to be the worst President (even though some in the media suggest that Jimmy Carter was the worst President, followed by Joe Biden); Olaf Scholz would be the worst German Chancellor; and Emmanual Macron would be the worst French President. And the list would go on. There are no true leaders around these days…

Pope: God Loves Us As We Are!

ANSA reported on July 25:

“God loves us just as we are, Pope Francis tells a young transgender person in a new podcast produced by Vatican Radio ahead of World Youth Day in Lisbon and released on Tuesday… after hearing the story of Giona, who spoke about the challenges of being a believer, while accepting the reality of having physical challenges and being transgender.”

This is of course NOT what the Bible says.

No More Visa-Free Travel in Europe

Travel Noire wrote on July 21:

“The days of visa-free travel throughout most of Europe are about to change. Starting early next year, the European Union will implement the European Travel Information and Authorization System requiring all visitors from visa-free countries to obtain travel authorization prior to their departure.

“The European Travel Information and Authorization System is not your traditional visa. It’s a straightforward online application process with approval delivered by email. Travelers will need to fill out an online form with basic biographical information, travel plans and travel history, along with security questions. While most applicants will receive approval within an hour, some may experience a wait of up to 96 hours for further checks. The cost of the application is approximately $8, applicable to travelers of all ages. Once approved, the travel authorization will be valid for multiple entries over three years or until the traveler’s passport expires

“European Travel Information and Authorization System will be required for travel to all member countries including full Schengen members, like Spain, France, and Italy, European Free Trade Association countries, like Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland, future Schengen members, like Bulgaria and Cyprus, and European microstates, like Andorra and Monaco…

“As Europe gears up for the rollout, it’s essential to remember that the length of time American tourists can spend in Europe remains unchanged. United States passport holders are still allowed to stay up to 90 days within a 180-day period without a visa. For stays longer than 90 days, a special visa will be required.”

Support for Germany’s AfD Reaches Unparalleled Levels

Bloomberg wrote on July 22:

“Support for the far-right Alternative for Germany climbed to a record, widening its lead over all three parties in Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s ruling coalition. In the latest sign of voter frustration with the government, the AfD — as the party is widely known — increased to 22%, trailing only the conservative Christian Democrat-led bloc [CDU] at 26%, according to a poll conducted for the Bild am Sonntag newspaper by INSA.

“Support for Scholz’s Social Democrats was at 18%. The junior coalition partners, the Greens and the liberal Free Democrats, were at 14% and 7%, respectively. The AfD’s advances in recent months have been fueled by discontent over issues ranging from record immigration, persistently high inflation and costly climate-protection measures.

Coalition infighting, including a drawn-out feud over measures to shift household heating away from fossil fuels, has further irritated voters. The INSA poll said 70% were dissatisfied with the government and 60% with Scholz’s performance as chancellor…”

As reported by Bild Online, dated July 23, according to some experts and observers, the AfD is already the strongest party in Germany, even leading over the CDU.

Criminalizing Politically Incorrect Speech?

The Washington Examiner wrote on July 18:

“A new poll conducted for Newsweek found that ‘44% of those aged 25-34 think “referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense,’ versus just 31% who disagree. The remainder ‘neither agree nor disagree’ or ‘don’t know.'”

“This is a striking finding…  It is worthwhile to ask a simple question: Why?… Knowledge of history, which could teach us that compelled speech is antithetical to the idea of a free society, has gone by the wayside. Fidelity to tradition, which ensures we do not make revolutionary changes without due thought, is now out of fashion. And a sense of humility, which endows people with the sense that the accumulated wisdom of the past may be greater than an on-the-fly thought in the present, has all but disappeared…

“If we value tolerance more than anything else, then why do so many support draconian punishments — quite intolerant, if you ask me — for those who use incorrect pronouns?… even the most tolerant of societies must be intolerant of something. After all, there is no such thing as a society without any standards…’

This whole woke concept is so nonsensical. And the consequences of this brain-washing mentality are alarming and pose real threats to a democratic society, not to speak of the lack of upholding godly standards. Also note the next article.

Mad LGBT Scientists Playing God

IFN wrote on July 22:

“Scientists from the LGBT community have started a biotech firm with the express purpose of seeking to manufacture human eggs and sperm in a lab so that same-sex couples can produce children containing the DNA of both partners…

“If the experimental technology pans out, the human egg created in a lab with the DNA of a gay man in a same-sex relationship could be fertilized by the sperm of his partner, and then the resulting embryo would be carried by a surrogate through to the birth of a baby that is genetically related to both men. Lesbians could also use the technology to create sperm, allowing them to have babies with genes from both women. Transgender couples could also have biologically related babies.

“So much is wrong about this situation. The creation of lab babies to satisfy the desires of LGBT activists is morally and ethically bankrupt. It not only challenges the natural order created by God, but it raises extremely serious concerns relating to issues such as human cloning, designer babies, eugenics and even cross-species developmentThese mad scientists are playing God…”

God DESTROYED Sodom and Gomorrah. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. His standards do not change. What the article above is describing is sickening and ungodly.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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How do you understand Paul’s statement that our children are holy? And what are the practical consequences? (Part 2)

In the previous Q&A, we discussed the fact that children of at least one converted parent are “sanctified” or “holy” in God’s eyes, which means that they can have a special and intimate relationship with God; that they CAN speak to God, expecting to be heard, and they can experience and obtain an answer from God. They are not cut off from God the Father, but they must make the decision of wanting to have continuing contact with God, by not neglecting or forsaking the Way of God.

We also discussed the blessing of little children and the fact that God assigns guardian angels to them for their protection, so that they can reach their potential of becoming baptized and ultimately born-again members in the God Family.

It is true, of course, that the teaching and conduct of parents can have an influence on the decision of the children to either become and stay loyal to God or to reject Him, but, as we will show, it is ultimately the decision of the child or teenager or young adult as to how to conduct his or her Way of Life and whether or not to maintain a relationship with God.

For instance, we read in 2 Kings 22:1–2, “Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned thirty-one years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Jedidah the daughter of Adaiah of Bozkath.And he did what was right in the sight of the LORD, and walked in all the ways of his father David; he did not turn aside to the right hand or to the left.”

Josiah was eight years old when he became king. His mother is mentioned by name—Jedidah. Although the son of an evil father, Amon, he turned out to be one of the most righteous and outstanding kings that have ever lived (compare 2 Kings 23:25). It is obvious that his mother Jedidah had trained him up “in the fear of the LORD.”

When Josiah was 16 years old, “while he was still young, he began to seek the God of his father David” (2 Chronicles 34:3). Notice, it was he himself who made the decision; it was his decision—not the decision of his mother—prompting him to really seek the true God and to become more and more familiar with Him.

It is critically important to realize and emphasize the individual decision of the child. The righteousness of parents does not automatically mean that their children become and stay righteous; and the unrighteousness of parents does not mean that their children must become and stay unrighteous.

David was a righteous man who will be in the Kingdom of God. But his son Absalom rebelled against his father and God. David’s son Amnon violated his step-sister. David’s son Solomon departed from God’s Way of Life–at least temporarily.

Samuel was a righteous prophet of God, but his sons did not walk in God’s ways (1 Samuel 8:3).

Noah was a righteous man, but the Bible does not say that his sons were righteous. In fact, we read that his grandson Canaan, the youngest son of Ham, violated and sexually abused his own grandfather (see Genesis 9:20-27; it was Ham’s youngest son Canaan who had violated Noah, compare verse 24 in most translations, but Ham was not Noah’s youngest son).

Lot was righteous, but this cannot be said about his two daughters (Genesis 19:30-38).

There is even strong evidence to conclude that Moses’ grandson, Jonathan, was deeply involved in idolatry (Judges 18:30; other translations and commentaries say here that Gershom was the son of “Moses”; not of “Manasseh”).

The Bible makes it very clear that in the end, every person is individually responsible for what he or she is doing. To blame shortcomings on others is not an acceptable “excuse” in the eyes of God. In Ezekiel 18:4, God explains that the soul who sins shall die. He then describes a righteous father who begets an unrighteous son, and explains that the unrighteous son will die because of his unrighteousness, while the father will live because of his righteousness (Ezekiel 18:5-13). We read in Ezekiel 14:19-20:

“‘Or if I send a pestilence into that land and pour out My fury on it in blood, and cut off from it man and beast, even though Noah, Daniel, and Job were in it, as I live,’ says the LORD God, ‘they would deliver neither son nor daughter; they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness.”‘

On the other hand, we also read in Ezekiel 18:14-17 that if an unrighteous father begets a son who sees and considers the sins of his father and decides to live a righteous life instead, he will “not die for the iniquity of his father; He shall surely live.”

Exodus 20:4-6 does not contradict the foregoing. It reads: “You shall not make for yourself a carved image… you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.”

This passage does not say that the child will be cursed by God because of his or her parents’ sins, even though the child itself is innocent. Note that Exodus 20:5 speaks of those “who hate Me.” Soncino points out that the phrase applies to the children; i.e., God will punish those children who hate Him. Soncino comments, too, that the punishment will be brought upon the children, “when they retain the evil deeds of their fathers.”

The Companion Bible comments on Ezekiel 18:4, 20: “Descendants were not punished for the sins of their ancestors unless they persevered in their ancestors’ sins.” In addition, passages like Deuteronomy 24:16 state that children are not to be put to death for the sins of their fathers. The same is expressed in 2 Kings 14:6. Again, it depends on the child’s decision to either live righteously or unrighteously; to either be blessed or cursed by God. The child of a converted parent is “sanctified” or “holy”; that is, he or she CAN have a relationship with God, but the child must respond to God’s sanctification in order to ultimately receive his or her glorification. 

Rightly understood, Proverbs 22:6 does not teach that a child who has been trained by a righteous parent will continue automatically in God’s Way of Life. Proverbs 22:6 reads: “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Some claim, this passage implies that the child might depart for a while from God’s Way of Life, but later return to what he or she has been trained in. Some go a step further and claim that the correct rendering should be, “Train up a child in the way he should go, EVEN when he is old he will not depart from it.” They teach that this passage conveys the thought that the child will never depart from his way, throughout his life, including or even when he or she is old. Most, though, reject this rendering and interpretation for good reasons, as this understanding is clearly not biblical.

The Broadman Bible Commentary points out: “The ‘way he should go’ of v. 6 is not defined specifically, but in the context there can be little doubt that it includes the way reflected in the positive elements of vv. 1, 3, 4, 5, i.e., pious and properly prepared for life. However, this may well include vocational training as well. The training needed for life should be given in the early years, when habits and patterns of behavior and work are set.”

In light of the fact that the Bible emphasizes individual responsibility, it must be concluded that Proverbs 22:6 does not intend to impress the idea that the righteous teaching of parents will automatically lead to the conversion of a child. It is true, of course, that parents are to teach their children about God and His Way of Life (Deuteronomy 11:18-19). But this does not mean that converted parents can bring about the conversion of their children. They have their own responsibility in the matter.

Ultimately, a child who is “brought up” in God’s Church CAN make it into God’s Kingdom. Those who are called today for salvation have been foreknown and predestined by God to be called before they were born. This does not only apply to converted parents, but also to their children (Of course, many times those who were predestined to be called in this day and age were not even children of believing parents, but we are concentrating in this Q&A on those children who were and are being raised by converted parents.)

This means, God is willing to protect them, beginning with conception and birth and continuing throughout their growth until they reach the point where they can become baptized. (Of course, God will continue to protect His converted children.) The influence of their converted parent(s) can be of great help in this regard, but even if both their parents were to leave God’s Church and His Way of Life, this does not mean that the children must follow their bad example. If they have learned that it is God’s Will for them to keep the Sabbath, they can and must decide to continue to do so—even if they are the only ones in their family, in school or on the job. God looks at those who stand up for Him—no matter the costs and circumstances. This requires a strong will and great conviction—but God will give them the strength and the wisdom to continue in His right Way of Life, if they are willing.

It is also true, of course, that those children who are being taught and raised by their converted parents must come to the point where they prove for themselves that what they are being taught is true. They might have developed a “habit,” due to the teaching and practice of their parents, to “keep” the Sabbath by “going to church” that day and sitting quietly in services for two hours, but that alone is never enough. Rather, they must prove for themselves in due time that God demands of them the keeping of the Sabbath and the annual Holy Days; the abstention from unclean meat; and the rejection of observing Sunday, Christmas, Easter or Halloween—again, no matter the costs and circumstances.

The sanctified child, growing up, has a wide-ranging responsibility for making right decisions. Having been taught that it is wrong to smoke or to take drugs or to get tattoos, the child or teen must decide not to smoke or to take drugs or to get tattoos. The sanctified child had been taught that it is wrong to engage in pre-marital or extra-marital sex, and as a teen, he or she has to make the decision not to engage in such practices. The sanctified child had been taught that it is wrong to marry someone who is not converted; and as an adult, he or she has to make the decision not to even consider such a mixed marriage. The sanctified child had been taught that it is wrong to live an alternate lifestyle; as a teen, he or she will have to refuse to become and live as a gay or a lesbian; and he or she will certainly have to refuse to change his or her sex with which he or she was born.

A sanctified child had been taught to stay away from the bad crowd—not to “enter the path of the wicked” (Proverbs 4:14); as a teen or young adult, he or she will need to decide not to follow them or be a part of their company (compare Psalm 1:1). A sanctified child was taught about the Law of God; as a teen or young adult, he or she will have to decide to have “delight… in the law of the LORD” (Psalm 1:2; compare Psalm 119:97). He or she will have to appreciate that the law of God makes him or her wiser than his or her enemies and even his or her teachers (Psalm 119:98-99); and he or she will grow more and more in godly wisdom when doing what God commands (John 7:17; compare John 8:31-32).

As a sanctified child, he or she has been taught that it is wrong to cheat or to lie; as a teen or young adult, he or she will have to decide not to cheat or to lie, having convinced him- or herself that lying is of the devil (John 8:44). As a sanctified child, he or she has been taught that it is wrong to steal or to kill; as a teen or a young adult, he or she will have to decide never to steal or to kill, and his or her conviction will also prevent him or her from joining the army or the police force (compare Matthew 26:52; Revelation 13:10). This is not to say that a young child should ever engage in evil; but in many cases, he or she will behave “correctly”—generally speaking—due to the influence, direction and discipline of his or her parents; but the time will come for the teen or young adult to become thoroughly convicted and, based on this conviction, to decide doing the right thing irrespective of his or her parents.

As we pointed out before, King Josiah was eight years old when he became king. He did what was right, due, no doubt, to his mother’s influence, but when he was sixteen, he himself began to seek the true God, and when he was twenty, he had become convicted and bold enough to carry out what he, as the king in the service of God, was obligated to do (compare again 2 Chronicles 34:3). He started as a young boy and he became a strong man. Others started as young girls and became strong women. They had been sanctified by God, and they fulfilled their destiny (Compare Song of Solomon 8:8-10: When she was young, her older brothers protected her and took care of her, making sure that she lived the right way; when she grew older, she herself decided to live the right way).

It is a priceless privilege to be a “sanctified” child. Only very few children have this privilege today; and those who do should regard it as invaluable. It must never be belittled or neglected or treated in a lackadaisical way. Rather, a sanctified child is holy to God. It must be holy to us as well.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“America and Great Britain Without True Friends,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

We all know that Russia, China, North Korea and Iran are not America’s friends. But what about America’s so-called closest ally, Israel? Surely, their relationship is rock solid, right? 

And then, many believe the lip services of European countries, especially Germany, claiming that they are true friends and trusted allies of Great Britain, but are they really?

“Aufstieg und Fall von Deutschland und Europa,” our new German booklet has been sent to graphic artist Shelly Bruno for finalization. This has been translated from, “The Rise and Fall of Germany and Europe.”

“Warum Israel, Amerika und England im Dritten Weltkrieg besiegt werden!” this Sabbath’s new German sermon will be presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Why Israel, America and England Will Be Defeated in World War 3.”

“Laodizäa 2.0.” last Sabbath’s first split sermon presented by Daniel Blasinger in Germany, is now posted. Title in English: “Laodicea 2.0.”

“Gottes Warnungen an diese sterbende Welt!” last Sabbath’s second split sermon presented by Mike Richter, is now posted. Title in English: “God’s Warnings to this Dying World!”

“Love for God,” last Sabbath’s sermonette presented by Rene Messier, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Even though many profess to have a love for God, they deny that love by not keeping the first four commandments which demonstrate our love for God.

“The Mystery of Biblical Numbers,” last Sabbath’s sermon presented by Michael Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

When it comes to symbolism, the Bible is full of explanations and specific reasons for certain numbers, showing how the Bible complements each number. In this sermon, we will discuss the meaning of the numbers one through four.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

©2025 Church of the Eternal God