This Week in the News

Why this paradox in the USA? On the one hand, radical jihadists are apparently permitted to operate unhindered in the USA, according to WorldNetDaily, while on the other hand, President Obama signs a most controversial law (NDAA), which was passed by the American Congress, potentially jeopardizing the freedom and liberty of, arguably, every innocent citizen and lawful resident of the USA (not even to mention all the others around the world who are not American citizens or residents). We are quoting excerpts from an outstanding article by the Huffington Post, which should be read by everyone.

We are publishing a few articles on the outcome of the American Grand Old Party (GOP) caucuses in Iowa; we are hearing of strong voices in Syria, asking for outside military intervention to oust President Assad; and we are told that “Iran is playing with fire,” while it is felt that the USA is engaged in “domestic policy maneuvering” towards Iran, and that the USA and Iran are “playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse.”

Focusing on Europe, Deutsche Welle reminds us that ten years ago, on January 1, 2002, euro notes and coins were formally launched as a common currency in 12 European countries. It also postulates that there is “no euro crisis” and that the euro is strong and robust. Nevertheless, challenges lie ahead for Europe.

We report on the devastations in 2011, the ongoing mysterious death of many birds, and warn of potentially devastating volcanic eruptions in Germany. We conclude with several articles stating that German President, Christian Wulff, is in big trouble, due to problems of his own making. The German press seems to be unanimous in their evaluation: Herr Wulff is the wrong president and should resign.

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