This Week in the News

In light of a most recent court decision, declaring the individual mandate of the new U.S. healthcare law to be unconstitutional, we speak of analysts describing Obamacare as a terrible curse, and what it would do, and is already doing for or, more accurately, to this country. We continue reporting on the awful economic situation for many Americans; the fear of worldwide recession; and, what appears to be, short-sighted opinions of a leading U.S. Republican Presidential Candidate.

We address the volatile situation in the Middle East, especially in Israel, Iraq, Libya and Syria; speak of the universal moral decay in the UK and elsewhere; address Germany’s consistent and correct conviction that the euro will not and cannot fail, and that it is stable and sound; speak of German and French plans to create a European economic government; address the revelation of more oil spills; and conclude with terrible statistics about our family life.

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