This Week in the News

During the last two weeks, this world was introduced to the concept of man’s creation of artificial life. Upon further analysis, it is not REALLY such a creation, but close enough to send shivers down the spine of any thinking person. Arrogant scientists are playing God, and they are fooling themselves and others as to their Frankenstein monsters which might soon become a frightening reality. Sadly, as American scientists have the dubious honor of having created the atomic and hydrogen bomb, so it is again American scientists who have created this latest artificial “bomb” of potentially horrible and devastating consequences.

The ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico should have told greedy, exploring man what catastrophes he is capable of creating. But man’s deceitful and rotten heart seems to be incapable of heeding the warnings.

Britain is facing an uncertain future as well. Deep spending cuts were announced by the queen and the new government, while Mr. Cameron postulated that Britain will not become a part of the eurozone. This is not a surprise, as we have proclaimed for decades that Britain will in all likelihood not be a part of core Europe. At the same time, Italy announced budget cuts to defend the euro.

Even though the euro is falling against the U.S. dollar, this does not mean that Europe is facing inflation. In fact, according to articles in Der Spiegel Online and Bild Online, dated May 22, 2010, the weak euro has already saved 80,000 jobs in the German industry, due to higher export possibilities.

While many uninformed voices speak of a demise of the EU and the “European project,” Horst Seehofer, state premier in Bavaria and coalition partner of Angela Merkel, said that TOO MUCH POWER had been shifted to Europe at the expense of the German Parliament, and European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said he is looking to establish a clearer “HIERARCHY” among the EU institutions and member states.

There are fears that a war will break out involving North and South Korea, and according to some press releases, Egypt and Israel are preparing for war as well. While Angela Merkel, Guido Westerwelle and other German officials and top managers are visiting key Arab countries to improve their prosperous economic relationships, reports suggest an increasing anti-Israel stance of European nations, including Germany.

The low-enriched uranium deal between Iran and Turkey, which was brokered by Brazil, shows the close alliance between these three countries against western nations and especially the USA. The Washington Post wrote that this “is not just an America in decline. This is an America in retreat — accepting, ratifying and declaring its decline, and inviting rising powers to fill the vacuum… This is retreat by design and, indeed, on principle.”

Our two remaining articles deal with the Catholic Church, the immunity of the pope and the trouble and hypocrisy caused by enforced celibacy. Deutsche Welle explains that “a life of celibacy cannot be regarded as a commandment from God, since it is not specifically called for in the Bible. It was probably economic considerations which lay behind the decision to make celibacy obligatory in the 12th century; priests were thus unable to pass on church property to their descendants.”

And so, the Catholic Church grew in wealth and riches; it is said that the Vatican State is perhaps the richest “state” in the world.

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