This Week in the News

We begin with–what may at first sight appear to be–a rather strange article about aliens. But it’s none other than Stephen Hawking, allegedly the most intelligent man alive–who warns of the existence of hostile aliens. He proposes that aliens might attack this planet in the future. Even though no aliens exist, Satan and his demons do.

As The Telegraph reported on April 26, “Spooky sightings of ghouls, ghosts and evil spirits are higher than they have been in the past 25 years, according to a new report on haunted Britain. There have been nearly 1,000 reports of demonic activity in the past quarter of a century… Encounters with devils, demons and evil spirits are as widespread today as they were in medieval times.”

In addition, we read in Scripture that deceived men will fight the returning Jesus Christ and His angels. Will they do so, in part, because they believe that they are encountering an alien attack?

We continue with reports on Arizona’s controversial new Immigration law that is bound to increase foreign hostility towards the USA, and quote articles about increasing hostility towards the state of Israel. While President Obama is accused of adopting a policy shifting away from Israel and towards Arab nations, we are informed that allegedly “all” Muslims believe that there never was a First or a Second Temple; and another article reports about the well-known fact of Nazi propaganda in the Arab world during World War II. 

We also quote from a Canadian article, discussing the many unanswered and troublesome questions pertaining to Barack Obama’s “eligibility” as US President under the US Constitution.

Focusing on Europe, and Germany in particular, we report on Germany’s highly unpopular war in Afghanistan; Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg’s suffering image; the future of Greece and the Eurozone–and the fact that the EURO IS HERE TO STAY; the political and economic situation in Great Britain; the bumpy start of Germany’s newly appointed Muslim minister; and Austria’s pitiful presidential “election.”

We continue with a series of articles on the ongoing sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church and on that Church’s high profile in Portugal, and conclude with an article claiming that Noah’s Ark has been found.

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