This Week in the News

Our lead articles this week deal with the renewed desire of most Jews to build a third temple in Jerusalem. The Bible clearly predicts that daily sacrifices will be offered again in Jerusalem in the near future, and although a temple may not be initially necessary to offer sacrifices, the Bible strongly indicates that a third temple will be built just prior to Christ’s return. Our free booklets, “Is That in the Bible?–The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation,” and, “The Book of Zechariah–Prophecies for Today!”, explain this question in much detail.

In other overseas developments, we focus on explosive and peace-threatening or -preventing events in the Middle East and especially pertaining to Iran; on Bill Clinton’s trip to North Korea to free two American journalists; on Europe’s desires to build an army and its “observer status” in Georgia; on India’s warlike goals; and on the ongoing unsuccessful war in Afghanistan.

Turning to the United States, questions regarding Barack Obama’s eligibility to serve as President are not going away; and while more U.S. banks are shut down, politicians try to push through the health care overhaul, while beginning to admit that new taxes may have to pay for it–even though President Obama had made promises to the contrary. And as our political system is “broken,” so is our court system–as exemplified by another ridiculous decision of a federal jury against a 25 year-old graduate student for downloading and sharing songs.

We conclude with two articles reporting about serious side-effects to swine flu drugs, and the transmission of the HIV virus from gorillas to humans.

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