This Week in the News

Violence has once again overtaken the news of the week. Such mindless acts as random mass murders in both the United States and Germany were added to the deliberate execution of two British military personnel in Northern Ireland.

Survivors were so stunned by the senselessness of the acts that few could offer anything but utter dismay at the sudden impact of their tragedies.

As the financial morass of the U.S. and the rest of the world only grew worse, plans for recovery and its mounting costs seem to be lost in an ever more distant future. The fact that the Dow Jones industrials shot up 240 points, bringing its gains over the past three days to 622 points, should not obscure the reality that–as USA Today put it on March 12–“No one is calling the end to the selling on Wall Street. The economic picture is too uncertain, and much of this week’s rally has been driven by technical factors.” In addition, German Chancellor Angela Merkel just described the present worldwide economic crisis as the worst since World War II.

Undoing what had been viewed as more middle ground in stem cell research approved under the Bush Administration, President Obama backed up by a chorus of determined supporters has now approved the destruction of human embryos in order to harvest embryonic stem cells!

And in the Middle East, Jerusalem and Israel continue to simmer as the focus of attention from the Pope, the EU and Iran’s military!

In our websites, listed below, we present biblical explanations that help explain WHY the people of our generation have entered into such a dark and seemingly hopeless period of troubles. There is good news, and it is revealed in the knowledge that God will soon send Jesus Christ back to bring His government and to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth—only then will true and lasting peace replace the violence that threatens even now to overwhelm us!;;;;;

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