This Week in the News

China Threatens Taiwan

BBC News wrote on April 8:

“US President Joe Biden has said on several occasions that the US would intervene if China attacked the island, but US messaging has been murky…

“Taiwan’s status has been ambiguous since 1949, when the Chinese Civil War turned in favour of the Chinese Communist Party and the country’s old ruling government retreated to the island. Taiwan has since considered itself a sovereign state, with its own constitution and leaders. China sees it as a breakaway province that will eventually be brought under Beijing’s control – by force if necessary. China’s President Xi Jinping has said ‘reunification’ with Taiwan ‘must be fulfilled.’”

Will America REALLY intervene militarily if China invades Taiwan? This is highly doubtful.

EU and China: Is Taiwan Really Europe’s Problem?

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 23:

“Macron caused international consternation by stating… that Europeans should not simply be ‘followers’ of the US amid escalating tensions with China over the east Asian island, nor get caught up in ‘crises that aren’t ours.’

“His words prompted backlash in Washington and raised eyebrows in EU capitals, most notably in Warsaw…

“But the controversy Macron’s comments caused doesn’t mean Macron is wrong, said Jeremy Shapiro, research director for the European Council of Foreign Relations. ‘I suspect that the vast majority of [European leaders] agree in terms of wanting to maintain some independence from the United States, to have a relationship with China, and in fact, how Taiwan isn’t really their problem,’ he told DW…”

The division between the USA and Europe is getting greater.

Baerbock’s Position Regarding China

Reuters wrote on April 13:

“German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock…said Europe needed to maintain a close exchange with Beijing, one of the bloc’s biggest trade partners, but also to draw lessons from Russia’s war in Ukraine by tackling ‘unhealthy’ dependencies on China… ‘A military escalation in the Taiwan Strait … would be a worst-case scenario globally and affect us as one of the biggest industrial nations in particular,’ she added of Germany, the EU’s largest economy…

It’s all about money. Baerbock’s controversial comments are well known; for instance, when she declared that NATO was at war with Russia.

Washington’s Worst National Security Breach

The Guardian wrote on April 11:

“US intelligence reportedly warned in February that Ukraine might fail to amass sufficient troops and weaponry for its planned spring counter-offensive, and might fall ‘well short’ of Kyiv’s goals for recapturing territory seized by Russia, according to one of a trove of leaked defence documents.  

“The leaked documents also revealed fraught relations with supposed allies and partners, including some who appear to lean more towards Moscow…

“The disclosure of the highly classified material represents Washington’s worst national security breach in many years…

“One of the latest leaks claims Egypt was planning to covertly supply Russia with rockets and other munitions…”

Suspected Leaker Arrested—How Could It Have Happened?

The Associated Press reported on April 14:

“The emergence of Teixeira as a primary suspect is bound to raise questions about how such a profound breach, one that the Pentagon termed a ‘very serious risk to national security,’ could have been caused by such a young, low-ranking service member…”

The Sun added on April 14:

“A treasure trove of classified documents was shared on Discord, Twitter, and Telegram, containing bombshell US intelligence gathered on other countries… and reports that the US has been spying on key allies.

“… intelligence experts fear the most damaging revelation of all is the simple fact that the US appears to have lost the ability to keep its secrets safe.”

America’s reputation is steadily diminishing.

Possible Motives?

JTA wrote on April 14:

“Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the influential Republican congresswoman from Georgia… has come to Teixeira’s defense. She tweeted that ‘Teixeira is white, male, christian, and antiwar. That makes him an enemy to the Biden regime’…

“The Post… quoted a friend who said he was a ‘devout Catholic’ who often spoke of God in the chats. He also reportedly referred to government raids on far-right compounds in the 1990s, events that have spurred extremist antigovernment anger.

“The documents Teixeira allegedly leaked exposed weaknesses on both sides in Russia’s war against Ukraine

Breitbart added on April 14:

“Greene [also] tweeted, ‘Jake Teixeira… told the truth about troops being on the ground in Ukraine and a lot more. Ask yourself, who is the real enemy? A young, low-level national guardsmen? Or the administration that is waging war in Ukraine, a non-NATO nation, against nuclear Russia without war powers?’”

There are indeed many troubling questions. Note the next article.

“Something Is Not Right”

The Ron Paul Institute published the following article on April 16:

“The media obsession in vilifying Jack Texeira for ‘leaking’ TOP SECRET and SECRET documents and judging him guilty without any benefit of doubt, is just another symptom of the authoritarian fever that grips many inhabitants of the United States…

“One of the major revelations from this leaking incident is that most of the press in the United States have rejected the fundamental mission of the media — expose truths the Government wants to hide from the public… Fifty years ago the New York Times and the Washington Post led the way in defying the Nixon Administration’s effort to quash the publication of the highly classified Pentagon Papers. Those documents revealed that the U.S. Government, under both Republican and Democrat Presidents, lied to the American public about the war in Vietnam. And today? Those two media outlets are enthusiastically helping the U.S. Government identify the leaker and smear him in the process. So much for the viability of the First Amendment.”

Is the mass media too quick again to convict a person of a crime without having all the evidence?

Ukraine Will Cease to Exist? wrote on April 8:

“Ukraine will ‘disappear’ as ‘no one needs it,’… Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy head of Russia’s Security Council, said [continuing] Europe does not need Ukraine because it is already experiencing ‘a financial and political hell’ provoked by its support to Kyiv… The US also does not need Ukraine, he argued, saying that while some US politicians use Ukraine to ‘make publicity’ on the matter, ordinary Americans do not understand why their government is busy with Ukraine and send lots of money to Kyiv instead of dealing with its own problems

“Medvedev emphasized that Moscow does not need ‘parts of Russia named as Ukraine in 1991,’ it instead needs ‘Big Great Russia.’… ‘Such a Ukraine is not needed by anyone on the planet. That is why it will not exist,’ he concluded.”

AFP wrote on April 14 that Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has demanded of the USA to cease and desist from supporting Ukraine militarily. He also said that the EU should start speaking about peace.

According to Focus on April 15, Medvedev said that Poland will disappear too. In this, he is wrong. In other news, the Guardian reported on April 14 that “China approved the provision of lethal aid to Russia for its war in Ukraine but wanted any shipments to remain a secret, according to leaked US government documents.”

The Kings of the East are coming together, and Ukraine will indeed cease to exist in that it will become part of Russia.

Finland Joins NATO

The Sun wrote on April 4:

“Finland becomes the 31st member of the military alliance serving a heavy blow to… Putin…

Finland and Russia share a painful 810 mile border with one another… Russia has vowed to ‘strengthen our military potential in the western and northwestern direction’…

“Olga Skabeyeva, Russia-1 host… claimed the Finnish territory as ‘our historical land’… She said: ‘We have to liberate the brotherly Finnish people.’…

“Finland [is] the sixth Nato nation to share a border with Russia, joining Norway, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland. The Finnish contribution [adds] more than 257,000 troops to the combined forces.”

Ultimately, Russia will invade Europe, including Finland.

Russia’s New Hostile Neighbor

Breitbart wrote on April 15:

“Norway declared 15 Russian diplomats persona non grata on Thursday… saying it had discovered the individuals were actually ‘intelligence officers’ that were either handlers running other spies, or were ‘specialists’ actively intercepting communications…

“Russia itself responded to the expulsion with characteristic bluster and bombast, declaring that in removing Russian citizens Norway had revealed itself to be a hostile state and that repercussions would follow…”

Russia and Norway share a long land border in northern Europe.

What we said about Finland equally applies to Norway.

Turkey vs. Israel

The Jerusalem Post wrote on April 7:

“Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan told his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi over the phone that the ‘Islamic world should be united against Israel’s attacks in Palestine,’ Turkish media reported…

“Erdogan condemned the Israeli police’s actions at the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on Wednesday, calling such acts in the mosque compound a ‘red line’ for Turkey… “

Turkey will be part of an alliance of Arab nations against Israel.

Christians Persecuted in Israel?

The Associated Press wrote on April 13

The head of the Roman Catholic Church in the Holy Land has warned in an interview that the rise of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right government has made life worse for Christians in the birthplace of Christianity. The influential Vatican-appointed Latin Patriarch, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, told The Associated Press that the region’s 2,000-year-old Christian community has come under increasing attack, with the most right-wing government in Israel’s history emboldening extremists who have harassed clergy and vandalized religious property at a quickening pace…

“‘The frequency of these attacks, the aggressions, has become something new,’ Pizzaballa said… ‘These people feel they are protected … that the cultural and political atmosphere now can justify, or tolerate, actions against Christians…’

“‘The right-wing elements are out to Judaize the Old City and the other lands, and we feel nothing is holding them back now,’ said Father Don Binder, a pastor at St. George’s Anglican Cathedral in Jerusalem… 2023 is shaping up to be the worst year for Christians in a decade, according to Yusef Daher from the Inter-Church Center…”

Alleged or real persecution of Christians, and especially Catholics, in Israel will contribute to the false prophet’s invasion of the “Holy Land.” An additional factor is the infighting of Christian sects in Israel. Note the next article.

Christian Sects Are Fighting in Jerusalem

DNYUZ wrote on April 15:

“As Orthodox Christians descended on Jerusalem this Easter week to visit the holiest site in their religion, a more earthly concern hovered over the holiday: Would rival monks keep the peace this year or again engage in clashes? In a centuries-long conflict, Egyptian Coptic monks and Ethiopian Orthodox monks have competed for the control of a small monastery located on the roof of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, built at the site where Christians believe Christ was crucified, entombed and resurrected…

“‘When I first arrived in Jerusalem I was shocked,’ said Markos Alorshalemy, an Egyptian monk. ‘I was expecting to see a holy land, where everyone is living in peace and light. But instead, I found a place where everyone is constantly fighting, even inside the holiest church’…

“Rival sects of Christians have been jostling for control of their faith’s holy sites in Jerusalem for nearly two millenniums, and the sprawling Church of the Holy Sepulcher is at the heart of these contests… Six Christian denominations try to share control over the church, which is really a tangled knot of several chapels, monasteries and shrines, a complex and sometimes chaotic arrangement that has contributed to the occasional bloodshed…”

Syria to Come Out of Isolation?

The Times of Israel wrote on April 14:

“Arab countries gathered in Jeddah on Friday to discuss ending Syria’s long spell in the diplomatic wilderness, as regional relations shift following Saudi Arabia and Iran’s decision to resume ties. Ministers and top officials from the six Gulf Cooperation Council countries — Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — plus Egypt, Iraq and Jordan are meeting at Saudi Arabia’s request.

“Up for discussion in the Red Sea city is Syria’s suspension from the Arab League, imposed when President Bashar al-Assad’s government launched a bloody crackdown on pro-democracy protests in 2011. Backed by Iran and Russia, Assad has been shunned by many Middle Eastern countries and is a Western pariah over the war, which has killed more than half-a-million people and forced about half of Syria’s pre-war population from their homes.

“But on Wednesday, in the latest sign of an easing in tensions with Damascus, Syria’s Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad arrived in Jeddah, the first such visit since the war began. Mekdad and his Saudi counterpart discussed ‘the necessary steps’ to end Damascus’s isolation, according to a Saudi statement on Wednesday.

“Any recommendation to reinstate Syria in the 22-member Arab League, whose next meeting is due to be held in Saudi Arabia in May, is likely to draw protests from Western capitals…  late on Wednesday, gas-rich Qatar and its tiny but strategic Gulf neighbors Bahrain agreed to re-establish relations, putting aside a long-running diplomatic feud…”

For more information on Syria, please read our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy.”

Sudan in Turmoil

The Wall Street Journal reported on April 15:

“Heavy fighting broke out in Sudan’s capital and other cities between the national military and a powerful militia—a dangerous escalation of tensions between the country’s top two generals, who worked together to oust Sudan’s longtime dictator, Omar al-Bashir, in 2019.

“In competing statements, the military, commanded by Lt. Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and the Rapid Support Forces, a state-sponsored militia led by Lt. Gen. Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, blamed each other for starting the conflict…

“The vast country of around 45 million is perched between Egypt and Ethiopia along the Red Sea… Both Gen. Burhan and Gen. Dagalo have been building international alliances, including with Gulf countries and Russia…

“In February 2022, days before Russia invaded Ukraine, Gen. Dagalo visited the Kremlin for talks with President  Vladimir Putin to discuss the continued export of gold to Russia, the purchase of Russian arms and construction of a new military port on the Red Sea…”

Peace vs. War

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 9:

“Thousands of people took part in Easter peace marches across [the nation] to call upon the government to push for an end to Ukraine war. The rallies, organized by the Peace Cooperative Network, called for an end to German arms exports to Ukraine and a rollback of the plans to expand and rearm the German armed forces…

“The Easter rallies —  that first began in the 1960s and gained momentum during the 1980s to oppose war and militarization — have once again regained significance against the backdrop of the Ukraine war. Even though Russia’s invasion last year represented a ‘Zeitenwende’ or a ‘change of times’ for Germany, the public opinion on Germany’s increased defense spending in the second year of the war remains divided

“Zelenskyy said that there was ‘no alternative’ for Ukraine other than the return of Crimea into its control…”

Germany will clearly continue to “rearm,” but may not continue supporting Ukraine for long.

Germany’s Controversial Move to Shut Down Last Three Nuclear Plants

Fox News wrote on April 15:

“Germany has begun dismantling its nuclear energy infrastructure, claiming the country will aim for a 100% renewable energy systems. The European financial power is shutting down its final three reactors — Emsland, Neckarwestheim II, and Isar II…”

Breitbart wrote on April 15:

“[The] end to nuclear in Germany is being celebrated by the country’s hardline political left, with the ruling Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) holding a ‘nuclear phase-out festival’ in Munich to mark the day… officials from within the country’s green agenda-loving government have insisted that the end of nuclear power will mark the beginning of an era of renewables in Germany.

Such a claim is hard to believe considering the country is already in the midst of a major energy crisis, with green technologies already failing to pick up the slack left by Russian oil and gas that has ceased to be regularly available since the invasion of Ukraine…”

Deutsche Welle added on April 16:

“[FDP] Party leader Christian Lindner, who is Germany’s finance minister… said if it was up to him, Germany would retain the last three power plants in reserve.

“Opposition conservative politicians were also disappointed, including Markus Söder, premier of the southern state of Bavaria, who told the Focus Online website on Thursday that he wanted the plants to stay online and three more to be kept ‘in reserve.’ [According to Bild Online, dated April 16, Söder is even willing to carry on with Bavaria’s own nuclear power plant.] Söder accused the coalition government’s decision of being ‘purely ideological,’ adding that it was a ‘serious mistake to exit nuclear energy at this point in time.’…

“Christian Democratic Union (CDU) chief Friedrich Merz on Friday insisted that the last three nuclear plants ‘are the safest in the world.’…

“The decision goes against plans by many other countries, such as the United States, China, France and Britain, who are counting on nuclear energy to replace planet-warming fossil fuels. Even Japan has walked back plans to phase out nuclear power…

“Meanwhile, two-thirds of Germans favor extending the lifespan of nuclear reactors or connecting old plants back to the grid, with only 28% backing the phase-out, a survey by the Forsa Institute showed earlier this week…”

Ironically, Finland has just launched Europe’s most powerful nuclear reactor. As Newsmax reported on April 16, “It will help Finland to achieve its carbon neutrality targets and increase energy security at a time when European countries have cut oil, gas and other power supplies from Russia, Finland’s neighbor.”

Germany’s government is becoming less and less popular. Everything seems to be demanding change.

Queen Camilla

The Sun wrote on April 5:

“BUCKINGHAM Palace has dropped Camilla’s ‘Consort’ title from Coronation invitations — and she will now be known as the Queen… When Camilla married Charles in 2005 it was announced she would take the title Princess Consort when Charles became King. But last year the late Queen upgraded her to Queen Consort

“The Palace said Queen Consort is Camilla’s ‘rank’ while Queen will be her title. She will officially be called Queen ­Camilla in all royal documents from the day of the Coronation…”

The Stone of Destiny

BBC News wrote on April 6:

“… this year, in the run up to the coronation of Britain’s latest king, Charles III, visitors are paying particular attention to the Coronation Chair, the seat on which English monarchs have been crowned since 1308.

“Despite its age, the chair is only part of the coronation story. Underneath the seat… is a wooden platform. This was designed by King Edward I to house the Coronation Stone, a sacred rock with mysterious origins that he brought from Scotland in 1296.

“The platform is currently empty – but before the coronation on 6 May, the stone will be brought from Edinburgh Castle (where it’s housed alongside the Scottish Crown Jewels) to the Abbey when Charles III is crowned king of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

“The Coronation Stone – also known as the Stone of Scone or Stone of Destiny – is an ancient symbol of Scottish sovereignty with links to Ireland and Spain…

“According to legend, it was the same stone used by the biblical figure Jacob (the father of the Israelites) as a pillow in Bethel when he dreamed of a ladder reaching to heaven. From here, one of Jacob’s sons is said to have taken it to Egypt, from where it travelled to Spain and later to Ireland…

“There it was placed on the sacred Hill of Tara near Skryne in County Meath and named the Lia Fail

“… the stone was taken to Scone Abbey in Perthshire after Kenneth I – who united the Scots and Pictish kingdoms and is known as the first King of Scotland – moved his capital from Western Scotland to Scone in around 840 CE. This ‘Stone of Destiny’ was used for centuries in the coronation ceremonies of Scottish monarchs.

“But following his victory at the Battle of Dunbar in 1296, England’s King Edward I marched north, seized the stone from Scone Abbey and had it fitted into the base of a specially crafted wooden Coronation Chair on which English – and later British – monarchs have been crowned inside London’s Westminster Abbey ever since…

“This same procedure will be repeated later this year, when the stone is brought to London for the crowning of King Charles. Once the stone is laid under the Coronation Chair, they will be moved from their place by the West Door to the Coronation Theatre, an area in the middle of Westminster Abbey… ‘Here the king will be anointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury…

“The Abbey will also be closed to the public in the days leading up to 6 May – as will Edinburgh Castle when the Stone of Destiny is removed. Given the stone’s history and significance, the exact details of when and how it will be transported are a closely guarded secret… the coronation will serve as a reminder of their history – a history that is entwined with that of the British Isles, and perhaps even the ancient father of the Israelites.”

The Daily Mail wrote on April 1:

“A cloak-and-dagger operation is under way to transport the sacred Stone of Destiny from Edinburgh Castle to Westminster Abbey ahead of King Charles’ Coronation next month. The Stone has had huge significance in coronations for centuries and is steeped in controversy – which is why exact timings of the carefully planned military operation to move it are being kept secret. There are fears the relic, also known as the Stone of Scone, could be hijacked by republican groups or angry Scottish nationalists…”

For more information on the Stone of Destiny, please see our two Q&As, and

Biden Hates Britain?

Daily Mail wrote on April 4:

“[Biden’s] obvious disdain, which I am prepared to call out as both monarchy and Britain-hating, has continued throughout his presidency. Be it consistently backing Ireland and the EU during highly sensitive Brexit negotiations, slamming ex-PM Liz Truss publicly for trying to cut taxes, or siding with the ghastly Prince Harry and Meghan Markle over their fake Royal Family racism claims to Oprah Winfrey…

“If Biden were prepared to show respect for the UK, there could be no better way than turning up at Westminster Abbey on Saturday, May 6, alongside dozens of other heads of state the world over, including all three presidents of our political enemies over at the EU.

“Sure, Biden is already travelling to Northern Ireland to mark the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement later this month and describing the 80-year-old gaffe-prone leader as doddery is being kind to him… US officials want to avoid the decision being seen as a snub and will possibly send the First Lady Jill Biden, but the damage has been done

Biden’s anti-English stance is indicative of the way the left internationally have started slowly turning on the UK and our Royal Family as some sort of walking talking manifestation of colonialism, which they deride for political purposes on a daily basis, forgetting the many wonders the British Empire brought to the world. Whatever one thinks of him, I have not a shadow of doubt that Donald Trump would have moved mountains to attend the King’s coronation…

“Biden might think his snub is clever, delighting his leftie base and impressing his Californian pals the Sussexes, but he’s missed the chance to make royal history – and the British public won’t forget his barely concealed hatred towards our great country.”

Breitbart wrote on April 14:

“Although the American leader’s four-day long tour of the island has been warmly welcomed by many Irish politicians, it has rubbed officials in Britain and Northern Ireland the wrong way, with the President repeatedly being accused of being ‘anti-British’ both before and during Biden’s stint abroad.

“How much damage such anger the trip may cause to future U.S. foreign policy does not appear to have been on the forefront of the commander-in-chief’s mind on Thursday however… who described his Ireland visit as a return home for him… adding that both Ireland [and] the United States must stand together on the international stage. ‘The United States will be Ireland’s closest partner,’ he insisted…”

The relationship between the USA and Great Britain will ultimately deteriorate.

America’s Shameful Blindness

Newsmax wrote on April 9:

“Constitutional law expert Alan Dershowitz has ‘never seen a weaker indictment,’ but he told Newsmax that ‘there’s no chance of a fair trial or dismissal’ for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against former President Donald Trump. ‘It’s a scandal; it’s a shame,’ Dershowitz, a self-proclaimed liberal Democrat [said]… ‘And I’m appalled that so many good lawyers in his office… went along with this travesty of justice.’…

“For Dershowitz, arguably the most renowned constitutional law expert of our lifetimes, to not find a legal standing for this case speaks volumes… ‘I don’t understand what crimes are being charged. Probably the reason he doesn’t list them in the indictment is there are no valid crimes there… I just couldn’t find anything illegal, and I was shocked…’

“Dershowitz broke down all four cases Democrats and anti-Trump operatives are using to try to keep Trump from running for president again… there is nothing to any of the four cases,’ Dershowitz concluded.”

Of course there isn’t. This is indeed a shameful left-wing political witch-hunt against Trump.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Class Action Lawsuit Against Biden

Clark County Today wrote on March 27:

“On Friday, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense (CHD) et al., filed a class action lawsuit against President Joe Biden and numerous other federal agents and agencies in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, Monroe Division. The complaint alleges that the defendants have colluded with, encouraged and pressured social media companies to suppress speech that the government does not want the public to hear and to silence specific speakers who are critical of federal policy.

“The complaint calls the government’s campaign to censor online speech one of ‘the gravest threats to free speech this country has ever faced.’”

This class action lawsuit is more than overdue, but it will in all likelihood have no chance of success.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Running for President

The Associated Press wrote on April 5:

“Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an anti-vaccine activist and scion of one of the country’s most famous political families, is running for president… Kennedy, a nephew of President John F. Kennedy and the son of his slain brother Robert F. Kennedy, was once a bestselling author and environmental lawyer who worked on issues such as clean water. But more than 15 years ago, he became fixated on a belief that vaccines are not safe. He emerged as one of the leading voices in the anti-vaccine movement, and his work has been described by public health experts and even members of his own family as misleading and dangerous. Kennedy had been long involved in the anti-vaccine movement, but the effort intensified after the COVID-19 pandemic and development of the COVID-19 vaccine…

“Kennedy released a book in 2021, ‘The Real Anthony Fauci,’ in which he accused the U.S.’s top infectious disease doctor of assisting in ‘a historic coup d’etat against Western democracy’… Kennedy has appeared at events pushing the lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen and with people who cheered or downplayed the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. A photo posted on Instagram showed Kennedy backstage at a July 2021 Reawaken America event with former President Donald Trump’s ally Roger Stone, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and anti-vaccine profiteer Charlene Bollinger. All three have promoted the lie about the 2020 election being stolen

“Kennedy has repeatedly invoked Nazis and the Holocaust when talking about measures aimed at mitigating the spread of COVID-19, such as mask requirements and vaccine mandates… “

The propaganda, with which the Associated Press reports on Kennedy whose concerns are very important, is more than telling.

Imagine… America’s Downfall

Times Life News wrote on April 13:

“Imagine a country that just a few short years ago was the only superpower on earth and suddenly it loses all stature and credibility throughout the world.

“Imagine a country if you will, that at one time was both respected and feared, and now that country’s friends don’t trust them and their enemies don’t fear them.

“Imagine a country that would have left behind $81 billion dollars’ worth of military equipment to a militant culture that hates Christianity, mocks equality, and dismisses human rights.

“Imagine a country if you will, that is so short-sighted and led so strongly by the military industrial complex that it successfully ran its two strongest enemies into the arms of each other. Now that union, China-Russia, is about ready to destroy the American dollar and the dollar will no longer be the world’s reserve currency…

“Imagine a country that makes biological males ‘Female Athlete of the Year.’ Imagine if you will, a country where abortions are considered ‘healthcare’ while being pro-life is thought to be sexist. Imagine a country if you will, where those that said the 2016 election was stolen are acclaimed, while those who said the 2020 election was stolen are imprisoned.

“Imagine if you will, a government that calls many of its political enemies Nazis and fascists, while at the same time ignoring the Nuremberg Codes and forcing its citizens under penalty of law to take an experimental, dangerous, and ineffective vaccine

“Imagine if you will, a government and its president and its military allowing a rival antagonist nation to fly a spy balloon over the entire country gathering classified military information; and this government does not shoot the spy balloon down until it is finished gathering top secret material.

“Imagine if you will, a country and its leadership that allows for the arrest of their political opponents. Imagine if you will, a political party that ignores the difference between felonies and misdemeanors, ignores the statute of limitations, and leaks lies from official departments to taint jury pools. Imagine bowels of government so corrupt that they would set up to destroy the legally elected president

“Imagine if you will, the writings of Dr. Seuss being censored from school libraries while the writings of Mao, Marx, and Nietzsche are taught in glowing terms..

“Imagine a country… that claims a 12-year-old can have a sex change but a 19-year-old cannot drink a beer

“Imagine if you will, a country’s leadership that calls evil good and good evil. Imagine a country’s leadership that calls quoting directly from the Holy Bible ‘hate speech’…

“Imagine a place where its political leadership preaches ‘Global Warming’ and states that the seas are rising is ‘settled science,’ while these same leaders buy multi-million dollar homes on the coastline…”

Just imagine such a country! But it’s not imagination; it is far too real. And it is testimony of a country going downhill and falling into the abyss.

Fear of HUGE Earthquake in the USA

The Sun wrote on April 14:

“EXPERTS are on high alert amid fears a crack at the bottom of the ocean could trigger an apocalyptic earthquake. The hole, just 50 miles off the coast of the US state of Oregon, is spewing hot liquid that scientists warn could spark a magnitude-nine earthquake with the potential to devastate the west coast. It is located along a 600-mile fault line that stretches from California to Canada known as the Cascadia Subduction Zone.

“…the liquid coming out is a so-called ‘fault lubricant’, which allows tectonic plates to move easily. Therefore, the more fluid that is in the cracks of the faults, the less pressure there is between the two tectonic plates. Without it, pressure beneath the earth’s crust can grow, leading to an unbelievably powerful quake.

“Scientists believe the Cascadia Subduction Zone will be responsible one day for the Big One, an earthquake of such destruction not seen for centuries that could devastate many cities in the western continental United States.

“Subduction systems – where one tectonic plate slides over another – have been responsible for some of the deadliest earthquakes in recent years, including the 2011 quake in Japan that killed some 20,000 people. Scientists believe the last powerful quake in the Cascadia zone was in 1700. That tremor is believed to have been 30 times more powerful than the strongest predicted earthquake along the San Andreas Fault which stretches the length of California…”

These are frightening prognostications. Our only help for individual protection during such troublesome times is in God and in Him alone.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

©2024 Church of the Eternal God