This Week in the News

60 Years of Europe

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 25:

“Leaders from 27 member states declared ‘Europe is our common future’ in a final declaration signed [at a palace in Rome], where on March 25, 1957 six founding states signed the Treaty of Rome paving the way for today’s EU.

“Noticeably absent was British Prime Minister Theresa May…

“… The document signed in Rome sets a new course for the EU, laying out the principle of a multi-speed bloc wherein some countries move ahead on stronger integration while others may not participate on certain issues. ‘We will act together, at different paces and intensity where necessary, while moving in the same direction,’ the declaration states…”

Poland and Greece had threatened to veto the declaration, which has to be unanimous, but they finally signed it as well; which means, Europe of two speeds or a core Europe is now the official European policy of the EU.

Brexit Process Launched

The Independent wrote on March 29:

“Britain has officially launched the Brexit process, triggering Article 50 and starting a two-year countdown before the country drops out of the European Union.

“The historic moment came as a letter signed by Prime Minister Theresa May was delivered to the Brussels office of European Council President Donald Tusk, notifying him of the UK’s intention to leave…

“Manfred Weber, an ally of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel tweeted: ‘EU has done everything to keep the British. From now on, only the interests of the remaining 440 million Europeans count for us…’

“… the Prime Minister said… ‘This is an historic moment from which there can be no turning back.’”

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 29:

“London can expect an expensive divorce… [The] EU [is]  seeking a 60-billion-euro… ‘exit bill’ from [the] UK…”

The Daily Mail wrote on March 29:

“The tensions between the two sides was underlined when German Chancellor Angela Merkel flatly rejected Mrs May’s call for the talks on the divorce and a future trade deal to happen in parallel.”

Germany’s Martin Schulz… One of Brexit’s Harshest Critics

The Telegraph wrote on March 26:

“Martin Schulz, who has emerged as the most serious challenger Angela Merkel has faced in more than a decade in power, is best known in Britain as one of Brexit’s harshest critics… He has threatened ‘the hardest Brexit possible’…

“As for Brexit negotiations, he made his priorities clear: ‘With me there will be no Europe bashing’”.

Renewed Battle for Gibraltar

The Telegraph wrote on April 2:

“Theresa May would go to war to defend the sovereignty of Gibraltar just as Margaret Thatcher did with the Falklands, a former Tory leader has suggested. Lord Howard said the British Government will stand by Gibraltar during Brexit talks amid claims of an EU ‘land grab’ for the territory by Spain…

“This morning the Prime Minister told Gibraltar’s chief minister that Britain will never allow Spain to take over the peninsula against its will. Sir Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, has also pledged to ‘protect’ Gibraltar ‘all the way’…

“A European Council document on Friday suggested that Spain will be given an effective veto on whether the Brexit deal applies to Gibraltar. The draft guidelines drawn up by EU leaders state that the Brexit deal will not apply to Gibraltar without an ‘agreement between the kingdom of Spain and the UK’. The clause has taken British officials by surprise. ‘The Rock’, a British Overseas Territory since 1713 with 30,000 residents, remains a major source of diplomatic tensions.

“… Last night Boris Johnson, the Foreign Secretary, said that the UK’s support for Gibraltar will remain ‘implacable and rock-like’…”

The Church of God has felt for a long time that ultimately, the UK will lose Gibraltar to Europe.

The Gibraltar War

The EUObserver wrote on April 3:

“The European Commission has put its ‘full support’ behind giving Spain a veto on the economic future of Gibraltar. Commission spokesman Margiritis Schinas said on Monday (3 April) that veto, as proposed by the European Council last week, had ‘the full backing of the European Commission, of president Juncker and of Michel Barnier, let there be no doubt about that’.

“He said the Commission president and Barnier, its Brexit negotiator, had ‘worked closely’ on the EU guidelines for Brexit that included the veto. ‘We’re very happy to reaffirm our support’, he said…

“The spectacle of the EU institutions and the 27 remaining member states taking a common line against an outgoing member is a first in EU history…”

EU Threatens USA

Express wrote on March 31:

“European Union boss Jean-Claude Juncker issued a jaw-dropping threat to the United States, saying he could campaign to break up the country in revenge for Donald Trump’s supportive comments about Brexit. In an extraordinary speech the EU Commission president said he would push for Ohio and Texas to split from the rest of America if the Republican president does not change his tune and become more supportive of the EU.

“The remarks are diplomatic dynamite at a time when relations between Washington and Brussels are already strained… A spokesman for the bloc later said that the remarks were not meant to be taken literally, but also tellingly did not try to pass them off as humorous and insisted the EU chief was making a serious comparison.”

White House in the Dark

Newsmax wrote on March 30:

“A day after Prime Minister Theresa May signed the letter beginning the process known as ‘Brexit,’ the White House hailed the decision of British voters last year to take the United Kingdom out of the European Union. ‘We respect the will of the British electorate and Her Majesty’s government in taking steps of departing the European Union,’ Press Secretary Sean Spicer told Newsmax, ‘Whatever future the UK-EU relationship looks like, we want the UK to remain a strong leader in Europe, for both the EU and Europe to remain strong leaders globally.’

“Spicer also fired back at a warning from Jean Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, for Mr, Trump to stop encouraging countries to copy Brexit because ‘if the European Union collapses, you will have a new war in the Balkans.’ Juncker also told the Financial Times last Friday that Trump ‘does not understand anything about Europe.’

“When Newsmax read Juncker’s comments to Spicer Wednesday, the President’s top spokesman replied: ‘I think the President is very well steeped in world affairs, especially Europe, NATO, all of the issues. He was a leader in the effort to call Brexit, as you know.’”

Sadly, the Trump Administration does NOT understand much about Europe, and especially not about biblical prophecies, predicting Europe’s future. The idea that Britain could remain a strong leader in Europe after Brexit shows a complete failure of comprehension as to what is and will be happening. The fact that Mr. Trump strongly supported Brexit will backfire in dramatic and hostile ways.

President Trump’s Politics Cause for Great Concern in Germany

Deutsche Welle reported on April 2:

“Following US President Donald Trump’s executive orders signed on Friday to review causes of US trade deficits, Germany’s Economy Minister Brigitte Zypries said US President Donald Trump is signaling policy decisions that would send the country in ‘completely the wrong direction.’ ‘The US obviously wants to move away from free trade and trade agreements,’ Zypries said…

“Trump repeated on Friday claims that he made throughout his campaign about seeking to bring back industrial jobs to the US. Before signing the orders, he said it was time to ‘correct’ bad agreements with other countries and claimed that ‘thousands of factories have been stolen from our country.’… Zypries… criticized a lack of clear communication and communication channels concerning trade under the new Trump administration.

“Germany’s Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel has said he shares Zypries’ concerns. Gabriel told German newspaper ‘Rheinische Post’ that Trump’s executive orders signaled the US government ‘is ready to favor American companies, even if it contradicts international law.’ Gabriel told the EU on Friday to consider filing a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) over a US plan to impose duties on steel plate imports from eight countries including Germany. The plan to impose duties came from one of Trump’s executive orders signed on Friday and also includes steel imports from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.”

The Local wrote on March 31:

“Germany Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel isn’t mincing his words. The pugnacious politician has called a Nato defence spending target being pushed by the US ‘completely unrealistic’ for Germany. ‘I don’t know of a single German politician who believes that is either achievable or desirable,’ he added…

“Nato heads of state are meeting at the end of May in Brussels, with the US reportedly planning for the 2 percent target to be agreed upon as a fixed amount which all states will have to meet. But Gabriel said that no other country could demand of Germany that it spends 2 percent of GDP on its military. The Social Democrat Foreign Minister further claimed that no such 2 percent goal had been agreed upon in Wales. Nato members had only agreed to work towards this goal, he insisted.”

The relationship between Europe under German Leadership and America under the Trump Administration is predestined to deteriorate rapidly.

Will North Korea Be Stopped by China or USA?

The Telegraph wrote on April 2:

“The US will take unilateral action to eliminate the North Korean nuclear threat if China does not help bring pressure to bear on Pyongyang, Donald Trump has warned. Mr Trump, who will meet Xi Jinping, the president of China, for the first time on Thursday, said the US would go it alone if Beijing refuses to cooperate, but refused to say whether he implied taking military action against the hermit dictatorship…

“Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, also issued a stark warning saying America would ‘no longer take excuses from China’.

“… Concern has been mounting about the North Korean missile program in the US for some years. Barack Obama’s administration identified North Korea as the top national security issue for Mr Trump’s administration during the handover of power.

“Ash Carter, US Defence Secretary under President Barack Obama, said he doubted Beijing would cooperate. He said: ‘I’ve been working on the North Korea problem since 1994 and we have consistently asked Chinese leaders, because they uniquely have the historical and the economic relationship with North Korea, to make a difference. They haven’t used that influence, and so it’s hard for me to be optimistic with that.’ Mr Carter… warned a US pre-emptive strike against North Korea’s nuclear weapons risked triggering an invasion of South Korea.”

North Korea is becoming more and more a thorn in the flesh of the United States. A unilateral military attack by the USA on North Korea would surely prove to be disastrous for America in its relationship with other countries in the Far East, including China.

Bannon Removed from National Security Council

The Los Angeles Times reported on April 5:

“President Trump has removed chief strategist Stephen Bannon from the National Security Council in a shakeup that consolidated the power of White House national security advisor H.R. McMaster… During the first weeks of Trump’s presidency, Trump was criticized for taking the unusual step of allowing his political advisor to attend all National Security Council meetings, giving Bannon unusual influence over key military and intelligence decisions… Bannon, the former head of Breitbart News, is widely seen as a disruptive force in the White House, but has been close to Trump since the campaign.”

“Frustrated” McCain Attacks “Incredible” Trump Policy Regarding Syria

Newsmax reported on April 4:

“Following reports of a gas attack by the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that has killed dozens of civilians, Sen. John McCain lashed out Tuesday on CNN’s ‘New Day’ at the Trump administration’s decision to no longer prioritize ending the Syrian civil war as ‘another disgraceful chapter in American history.’… McCain said statements by the U.S. administration figures that ‘the Syrian people would be determining their own future themselves one of the more incredible statements I’ve ever heard given the involvement of Hezbollah, of the Iranians, of the Russians.’

“Activist groups have blamed Assad’s regime for the attack in the north of Syria on Tuesday in which dozens of people were killed and more than 200 injured due to asphyxiation caused by exposure to a chemical agent… The Republican Arizona senator said he is frustrated that Trump does not have any clear foreign policy doctrine and insisted the U.S. must ‘help people who are struggling against one of the great dictators [Assad] in history.'”

It was stated in the press that both Obama’s declaration of a “red line,” which was not followed, and Trump’s declaration of non-involvement have emboldened Assad to use chemical weapons against his own people.

Irresponsible GOP Healthcare Proposal

Newsmax wrote on April 4:

“Proposals to revive the Republican healthcare bill would cast aside a popular requirement of Obamacare: a mandate that people would be allowed to buy insurance even if they have pre-existing conditions. States could opt out of Obamacare regulations on pre-existing conditions and on essential health benefits, according to terms described by Rep. Mark Meadows… Meadows said the proposed changes, which are not final, would be of interest to the Freedom Caucus. Any bill in the House would need that group to pass, and nearly every Republican would need to be on board to get it past the Senate.

“Opting out of benefit requirements could damage the usefulness of insurance, for example, if a cancer patient could buy a plan but the plan was not required to cover chemotherapy. Opting out of essential benefits and community ratings would prevent denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions, but it would lead to insurers being allowed to charge whatever they wanted for the coverage, although the government would provide subsidies, the Times reported.

“State governments, under the proposal, would face the tough choice of cutting rules that become optional, which would leave sick people without insurance choices, or keep the options, and see prices increase for those who cannot afford them under the new subsidies. Those with pre-existing conditions would still struggle with comprehensive health plans, like before Obamacare was installed in 2009, according to the Times. ‘There is no deal, in principle,’ Meadows said, but called the proposal a ‘solid idea.’’

This is not a solid idea, but a stupid idea. The fact that such an appalling concept is even proposed and considered is mind-boggling. On his campaign trail, Mr. Trump assured the public and his supporters that the mandate of insurance for people with pre-exiting conditions would be retained. Let us hope that he keeps his promise.

More Deaths and Wars under President Trump

AFP wrote on March 25:

“The Pentagon under President Donald Trump is enjoying greater freedom to run its wars the way it wants… Many in the military appreciate this increased autonomy, but critics charge it is raising civilian death rates, puts the lives of US troops at greater risk and leads to a lack of oversight of America’s conflicts…

“Trump… has repeatedly deferred to his defense secretary, Jim Mattis, on military moves. Mattis, a retired general, has delegated expanded authorities to his battlefield commanders… Trump has also faced criticism for his hands-off approach, especially after he approved a special operations raid in Yemen that went horribly wrong, leading to the death of a Navy SEAL, multiple civilians including children and a crashed helicopter… Observers are also calling into question whether the Pentagon is allowing civilian casualties to mount…

“Airwars, a London-based collective of journalists and researchers, said Friday it had become… overwhelmed tracking civilian deaths allegedly caused by US and coalition planes… The Pentagon has acknowledged at least 220 civilians have been unintentionally killed since operations to defeat IS began in late summer 2014. Airwars estimates the real number to be more than 10 times that.”

Another Defeat–Second Travel Ban Barred

Newsmax wrote on March 29:

“President Donald Trump was barred from enforcing his revised travel ban on six mostly Muslim nations while he defends it in a court battle that will stretch for months, perhaps years. While [the] Trump administration tailored the latest version to shed all religious references, a Honolulu federal judge found that the president’s campaign rhetoric, including calls for a Muslim ban and registry, point toward discriminatory intentions. The Justice Department will probably appeal the ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco, the same court that upheld the order stopping Trump’s original travel order.

“U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson turned an earlier temporary restraining order into a preliminary injunction in a lawsuit brought by the state of Hawaii challenging Trump’s travel directive as unconstitutional religious discrimination… Hawaii and other opponents of the ban claim that the motivation behind it is based on religion and Trump’s election campaign promise of ‘a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.’

“Seeking the longer-lasting hold, state Attorney General Douglas Chin argued that the ban’s implied message is like a ‘neon sign flashing “Muslim ban, Muslim ban'” that the government didn’t bother to turn off.”

This was a predictable outcome… at least for the time being, even though many legal “experts” did not see it coming. The next article shows that the American immigration policy under President Trump is clandestinely changing in a drastic way. Nevertheless, it seems that President Trump is failing on many different fronts. The Bible has made it clear that the downfall of the USA is unavoidable, due to its many sins.

President Trump’s Shift in Immigration Procedures Affects Green Card Applicants

WBUR News reported on March 31:

“Federal immigration officers arrested five people in Lawrence on Wednesday when they showed up for scheduled appointments at a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office. WBUR has confirmed that at least three of those arrested were beginning the process to become legal permanent residents. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) says the agency had orders to detain each of the five individuals for deportation…

“Because Doyle’s client is married to a U.S. citizen, she is eligible for a specific application process sponsored by her husband. Both [attorney] Doyle’s client and her husband were present at the USCIS office for what’s called a marriage petition interview, a process used to screen for fraudulent marriages. Doyle said his client, a small business owner with no criminal record, had just completed her 40-minute question and answer session when an ICE agent entered the office and informed her that she was ordered removed and was being taken into custody… He says his client could be detained, away from her three children and husband, for weeks while the legal process unfolds. Ultimately, she could be deported to Brazil — a country she has not visited in more than 15 years.

Susan Church, who heads the New England chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, says she finds the arrests at the USCIS office not only troubling but also surprising. ‘The detention of an individual under these circumstances and most likely the arrest would be something that is definitely new,’ Church said…  ‘What this means is that people who are eligible to obtain their green card in the United States, who are following the law, who are following the rules, who are doing what the government is instructing them to do, are going to be too terrified to show up and follow through with the process,’ Church said. ‘And now a whole new category of people is going to go back into the shadow of immigration land and be living in fear.’”

It is hard to justify these procedures when applying Mr. Trump’s declaration that only the “bad dudes” would be dealt with.

Highly Controversial Immigration Changes Pursued by Trump Administration

The Wall Street Journal wrote on April 4:

“Foreigners who want to visit the U.S., even for a short trip, could be forced to disclose contacts on their mobile phones, social-media passwords and financial records, and to answer probing questions about their ideology, according to Trump administration officials conducting a review of vetting procedures. The administration also wants to subject more visa applicants to intense security reviews and have embassies spend more time interviewing each applicant. The changes could apply to people from all over the world, including allies like France and Germany…

“Homeland Security officials say the agency is planning to significantly increase demands for information from all visa applicants, including visitors, refugees and others seeking to immigrate. The changes might even apply to visitors from the 38 countries that participate in the Visa Waiver Program… That includes some of the U.S.’s closest allies, such as the U.K., Japan and Australia.

“The biggest change to U.S. policy would be asking applicants to hand over their telephones so officials could examine their stored contacts and perhaps other information… ‘We want to say for instance, “What sites do you visit? And give us your passwords,” so that we can see what they do on the internet,’ Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said at a congressional hearing in February. ‘If they don’t want to give us that information then they don’t come.’

“In response to Mr. Kelly’s hearing, a coalition of about 50 civil liberties and other groups issued a statement that month saying requiring passwords is ‘a direct assault on fundamental rights,’ including freedom of expression. They also complained that the policy could be mirrored by foreign governments demanding passwords from Americans.”

If these plans by the Trump Administration are being carried out, they would cause tremendous backlash from America’s closest allies and the entire world. They would strongly contribute to America’s ultimate downfall.

Terror Attacks in Jerusalem

Time of Israel wrote on April 2:

“A senior police officer said Sunday that security will be bolstered in Jerusalem ahead of the upcoming Passover festival as a precaution against possible terror attacks. Speaking a day after a terrorist stabbed three people in Jerusalem’s Old City, Commander Doron Turgeman… said terror groups seek to attack Israelis around the Jewish holidays.  ‘Holidays and festivals over the years have caused higher tensions and sensitivity and are a preferred period for attacks,’ Turgeman told Army Radio…

“The weeklong Passover festival begins on April 10. Tens of thousands of people are expected to visit Jerusalem’s Old City during the holiday… On Saturday afternoon, a Palestinian terrorist stabbed two young men and the police officer in the Old City, wounding them, before being shot and killed by security forces… It was the second stabbing attack in the Old City last week.

“Palestinian media identified the assailant as 17-year-old Ahmad Jazal from the West Bank village of Sebastia, near Nablus… Shortly before carrying out the attack Jazal photographed himself smiling outside the Temple Mount’s Dome of the Rock. The photos were shared by Palestinians on social media, with some praising the ‘martyr’ for his actions… In the past year and a half the Old City, and the Damascus Gate in particular, have seen several attacks by Palestinians, and in one case a Jordanian national.”

Incitement of Hatred by Palestinians

The Times of Israel wrote on April 3:

“The Palestinian Authority’s new textbooks for first to fourth grades demonize Israel and glorify ‘martyrdom,’ a report published Sunday claims…  The report… says that the 2016-2017 elementary school curriculum in the PA ‘teaches students to be martyrs, demonizes and denies the existence of Israel, and focuses on a “return” to an exclusively Palestinian homeland.’”

Jews Forbidden to Sacrifice Passover Lamb Near Temple Mount

The Times of Israel wrote on April 2:

“The High Court of Justice on Monday upheld a police decision to bar a group of Temple Mount activists from trying to reenact the ritual slaughter of a sacrificial animal near the Jerusalem holy site in preparation for the upcoming Passover holiday. The attempt by the activists and the routine denial by the law and order authorities has become a ritual in its own right in recent years.

“For over a decade a group called the Temple Mount Institute have held a demonstration of the ritual slaughter of the Passover offering, a sheep or goat sacrifice. Each year they request to do it on or near the Jerusalem holy site where ritual sacrifices were carried out at the time of the temple. And each year they are refused by police and the courts fearing it could cause unrest, with the site that currently houses the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, the most hotly contested site in the Middle East conflict.

“The group perform the demonstration because a ‘real’ Passover sacrifice may only be conducted on the Temple Mount. The group this year requested to hold the religious ceremony at Davidson Park, an archaeological site adjacent to the West Wall on the southern side of the Temple Mount complex. This too was rejected by the court. The group launched a crowdfunding appeal and has already raised over half the money for the sacrifice, said to cost NIS 30,000 ($8,250). As in previous years, it is expected that the group will relocate their demonstration to another site. The sacrifice is expected to take place Thursday.”

In the not-too-distant future, animal sacrifices WILL be brought again on or near the Temple Mount, which will create an outcry around the world.

Anti-Semitism in Germany

Deutsche Welle reported on April 2:

“The story of a 14-year-old who had to change schools to escape anti-Semitism is making headlines in Germany. The boy’s tormentors were of Arab and Turkish descent – making the news even more explosive.

“… The story opened the floodgates for social media posts attacking Muslims and excoriating Chancellor Angela Merkel’s welcoming stance toward refugees. In fact, there was no indication that any of the tormentors came from refugee families, and anti-Semitic attacks on Jews in Germany are carried out not just by Muslims… On the other hand, there is no denying that anti-Semitic thought and speech is common among some Muslim students in some German schools. Activists have been drawing attention to the problem for years… And the problem is by no means confined to the German capital.”

Vast Majority for Gay Marriages in Germany

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 2:

“… an opinion survey carried out by pollster Emnid for ‘Bild am Sonntag’ on gay marriage showed that 75 percent of respondents favored full legal equality for homosexuals in life partnerships with the laws for a traditional marriage between a man and a woman… In January, a survey by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Bureau (ADS) showed 83 percent of respondents saying marriage between two men or two women should be allowed…

“The chancellor candidate for the Social Democratic Party (SPD), Martin Schulz, has called for equality for gay marriage, and the party looks set to make it an election issue. The party has proposed protection for the status of marriage and family and to extend it to ‘other forms of cohabitation,’  Thomas Oppermann, chairman of the SPD parliamentary group, said last month. The Greens and Left (Linke) parties also support the idea.”

God does not. He calls it an abomination in the Bible.

“Russia’s Jehovah’s Witnesses Could Be Labeled Extremist, Worship Banned”

Newsmax reported on April 4:

“Russia’s Supreme Court may declare Jehovah’s Witnesses an extremist organization at a hearing Wednesday, which means the Jehovah’s Witnesses headquarters would be seized and their organized worship banned in the country. ‘If the Supreme Court rules in favor of the authorities, it will be the first such ruling by a court declaring a registered centralized religious organization to be “extremist,”’ the UN human rights’ high commissioner’s office said in a statement, Time reported.

“David Semonian, an international spokesperson for Jehovah’s Witnesses, said the decision is troublesome (for) the religious group. ‘They would basically be prosecuting Jehovah’s Witnesses as criminals,’ Semonian said, according to Time magazine. ‘Anyone who would actually would have our publications could be criminalized. It is of great concern.’

“According to Newsweek, Thomas J. Reese, chair of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, said, ‘The Russian government’s latest actions appear designed to eliminate the legal existence of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia… USCIRF calls on the Russian government to stop its harassment of this peaceful religious group… The treatment of the Jehovah’s Witnesses reflects the Russian government’s tendency to view all independent religious activity as a threat to its control and the country’s political stability.’…

“Many on Twitter expressed their disdain for the potential ban.”

Russia’s Supreme Court Considers Jehovah’s Witnesses Ban

BBC News reported on April 5:

“Russia’s Supreme Court has begun hearing a government request to outlaw the Jehovah’s Witnesses and declare it an extremist organisation. The justice ministry has already placed its headquarters near St Petersburg on a list of extremist groups… As the case began in Moscow on Wednesday, lawyers representing the movement submitted a counter suit, asking the High Court to declare its members victims of political repression and the justice ministry’s action unlawful. The court ruled that this was not part of its jurisdiction, but did not say whose it was… The case was eventually adjourned until Thursday.

“The ministry argues that the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ activities ‘violate Russia’s law on combating extremism’ and their pamphlets incited hatred against other groups… The group was founded in the US in the late 19th Century and during Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in the Soviet Union it was outlawed and thousands of members were deported to Siberia. As the Soviet Union collapsed, there was a revival of Christianity in Russia and the ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses was lifted in 1991. Gradually attitudes towards the movement hardened and in 2004 a group was banned on charges of recruiting children and preventing believers from accepting medical assistance…

“In 2009 a report commissioned by prosecutors in southern Russia found that they ‘undermined respect’ in other religions. Human rights group Sova has said that an ‘official repressive campaign’ has been conducted against the movement for years and many of their members have been physically attacked.”

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