Good or Evil? — Catholic Ireland Votes to Legalize Same-Sex Marriages

The Irish people voted by a landslide in favor of the legalization of same-sex marriages. Catholic Ireland is now referred to as a “beacon of light” and a “leader out of darkness”, “showing others the right way. While the Roman Catholic Church officially views practicing homosexuality as “unnatural,” the German Protestant Church declared that it is “neither abnormal nor sinful.” How does God see it? What does the Bible have to say about it? And if the Bible is clear on the matter, why are so many Christians afraid to stand up for the truth?

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Modern Judaism and True Christianity

Jesus strongly condemned human traditions in Judaism which did away with the Law of God, including man-made Sabbath regulations, dishonoring parents and ritual washings. Today, it is not that much different. This program examines undue restrictions and liberal trends in modern Judaism, pertaining to the Sabbath, same sex marriages and transgender, which are all in total opposition to the Bible and true Christianity.

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