Will President Biden Unify the Country?

The USA is divided as never before. President Biden, in his inauguration speech, emphasized the need for unity. But shortly thereafter, he signed 17 sweeping executive orders, undoing much of Trump’s policies. This will do little to create any form of unity with the over 74 million Trump voters. The war of the mass media, being in cahoots with Big Tech and many Democrats, against Trump and his supporters continues.
Both the Republican Party and the Democratic seem to be deeply divided. There will not be any meaningful substantial cooperation between them.
What will 2021 bring, and what can we expect from the Biden Presidency? One thing is certain: Biden will NOT unify the country.
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Are we Afraid of the Truth or Opposing Viewpoints?

Here are some of the topics discussed in this presentation: The Hunter Biden scandal; the Supreme Court’s denial to hear the Texas case because of “lack of standing”; the attack on free speech; and the German government’s fight against opponents of Coronavirus restrictions and lockdowns. What do all of these topics have in common?

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Are You Prepared for Civil War?

We are facing numerous challenges, all of which can lead or have already led to violence, but the outcome may not only be civil unrest, but also civil war. This program discusses some of the current challenges, from the contested US election and racism to coronavirus restrictions, which, taken together, are turning the US into a “powder-keg” and creating a perfect storm; and it presents an astonishing and frightening lesson from history. Are you prepared for what might be coming very soon?

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