
Sermon Archives

Preparing for Kingship

Robb Harris | May 18, 2019

We were created to become part of God’s Family. The world denies this fundamental truth, even among professing Christianity. Our individual role as part of God’s great plan is to prepare ourselves to become part of the Family of God.

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No Other Gods

Eric Rank | May 18, 2019

The first commandment forms the foundation upon which all godly obedience stands. How long has it been in effect?

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Do You Believe in the True Jesus?

Norbert Link | May 11, 2019

Christ told you: “If you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.” What did He mean by that? What is it exactly that you have to believe, and what kind of faith is required? What are the most important descriptions, specifications and characteristics of Jesus, in which you have to believe, in order to inherit eternal life?

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We Are Pawns

Michael Link | May 3, 2019

How do we in the Church relate to the pawn on a chess board? The pawn, considered the weakest piece at first glance, has the biggest potential of all the pieces.  How did God choose the average “common” man to be used by Him, to do His work and to fulfill His purpose?

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Escaping Sin

Norbert Link | May 3, 2019

We are to overcome sin continuously, but sin is very deceptive. This sermon will give many examples from the Bible of people who were not immune to sinning… who were at times easily ensnared by sin; who did not feel that a particular sin was such a big deal; or who did not even recognize sin for what it was, thinking that their actions were justified.

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Be Careful With Your Words

Kalon Mitchell | April 27, 2019

How important does God think our words are? Will we be judged by what we say? What out come is there for using wrong language?
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Reluctant Heroes

Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | April 27, 2019

This sermon shows that quite a number of the great men of the Bibleweren’tscrambling to be at the head of the queue when it came to leadership, position, power and authority.They were, in fact, reluctant heroes.

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Little to Much

Dave Harris | April 26, 2019

“He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much”—Does this describe us?

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Hidden Sins

Eric Rank | April 26, 2019

The mission of every Christian is to turn away from sin and draw close to God. But how is it possible to turn from sin when we do not understand where it lurks in our lives? In what ways can we discover our hidden sins so we can correct our paths?
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What Do You Own?

Kalon Mitchell | April 26, 2019

What do you bring into this world? What do you leave with? Is it really that important?

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Miracle after Miracle

Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | April 26, 2019

When we review what happened in Egypt as God brought one plague after another on the Egyptians, it is very evident that there was miracle after miracle performed to show who the true God was.It should also give true Christians today the comfort that God does look after His own people

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The Work is Done

Kalon Mitchell | April 20, 2019

Christ came and said that He accomplished the work given to Him by the
Father. But this in no way has precluded us from accomplishing and
carrying on with the mighty work that has been given us. We need to be
able to come to the point that Christ was at and be able to say that
we too have finished the work given to each of us.

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Are you a Temple of God?

Kalon Mitchell | April 20, 2019

The Tabernacle and later the Temple were key components in the lives
of the Israelites. God had them very specially specifically created.
The symbols that they stood for still have application for us today.
We are to become the actual living temples of God. How do we
accomplish this?

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Leavened or Unleavened?

Dave Harris | April 20, 2019

Do you understand the symbolism which leaven plays regarding sin? More importantly, do you know how you can be unleavened–spiritually?

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The Nonsense of Atheism

Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | April 13, 2019

There is plenty of evidence for God, from people’s personal experience, to the complexity, interdependence, beauty and design of the natural world.This sermon examines a number of irrefutable truths about the necessity for a great Creator God.

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Being on Guard

Kalon Mitchell | April 13, 2019

It is our duty as Christians to stand guard against the many pitfalls this world has to offer. If we are not focused on this at all times we can fall, lose our way and potentially lose everything we have worked so hard for.
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A Better World Now

Rene Messier (Canada) | April 6, 2019

Politicians and leaders are promising a better world through various strategic methods and ways to do things, but could we have a better world now? Here’s how.

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Clearing the Decks

Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | April 6, 2019

As the Passover approaches, we need to make sure that we examine ourselves so that we have a worthy attitude to take it. One of those areas that can cause even church members a real problem is that of holding grudges which we must eliminate, and we must remember that grudges never get better when nursed – let go and forgive!

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