
Sermon Archives

A Time for Everything

Michael Link | September 21, 2019

Everything has its time as Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 talks about. How can we apply each of these verses in our physical and spiritual lives?

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Lack and Limitation

Kalon Mitchell | September 14, 2019

Often times throughout our Christian life we can run into situations which stop us from growing or moving forward. When we encounter these situations we need to understand that there is a way out and a way forward. When we are not growing we are limiting how God can work in our lives. We need to continually remember that it is through our own lack and limitations that God either works in and through us, or He cant. The choice is entirely ours.

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Our Unrighteous School- and Education- Systems

Norbert Link | September 14, 2019

What is the origin of our modern education- and school- systems?  Do they help us to understand the Truth? What does the Bible tell us about human wisdom, ethics and philosophy? What are some of the many wrong concepts which our children are being taught in school? What can parents do to counteract the oftentimes devastating influence which our children experience in school?

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Conquering the Storm

Robb Harris | September 7, 2019

The judgement of mankind is going to come upon the world like a thief in the
night.  Putting off our spiritual growth for another day will lull us into a
state of unpreparedness. We must make it a daily goal to be spiritually
ready for these tumultuous times ahead.
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Eric Rank | August 31, 2019

God does not call people out of the world to become true Christians because they have done something themselves to become worthy. But rather, He calls people to become Christians because of their potential. Spiritual growth is an ongoing endeavor that never ends in the life of a Christian.

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Eric Rank | August 24, 2019

The human condition is one which is prone to fatigue following prolonged exertion. In such a weary state, strength to continue on simply fades. What can Christians do to overcome the inevitable fatigue we face in overcoming sin?
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Choosing Our Consequences

Robb Harris | August 24, 2019

We are given many examples in the Bible of men and women who faced consequences for their actions before God. These examples must become part of our consideration and the basis for our own daily actions. The path each of us takes is our choice to make. The rewards are there before us—will we follow God’s lead?

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When It Rains, It Pours

Norbert Link | August 17, 2019

Are you confronted with distress, calamity and adversity in your life? Could God have anything to do with it? Is it possible to have unshakable confidence in times of affliction, misery and trouble? How should one act and not act in the face of evil? Do great nations, such as the USA and the UK, experience today catastrophe and disaster, or will they encounter them soon? Could they avoid their impending adversity and imminent destruction? Will calamity and disaster ever end?
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Gaining Help and Strength From Others

Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | August 17, 2019

As church members, we should all be there for one another.   We should gain help and strength from others and, just as importantly, we should give help and strength to others, wherever possible.   That approach will help us all as we strive to make it into the Kingdom of God!

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Mass Shooting, Satanism and the Third Temple–Comments on News and Prophecy (August 10, 2019)

Norbert Link | August 10, 2019

It is obvious that the Dayton Ohio murderer who killed nine innocent victims was acting because of his fascination with Satanism, while being demonically influenced or possessed. Satan’s activities are becoming more and more blatant. At the same time, the fulfillment of other end-time prophecies evolves around the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem and President Trump’s potential role regarding the same, as he himself seems to be aware of. You might be surprised to learn about the most recent developments in this regard.

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Small to Big

Michael Link | August 10, 2019

How can we as True Christians relate to the parable of the mustard seed in Matthew 13?

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Christian Evolution

Kalon Mitchell | August 10, 2019

As a Christian, it is imperative to change. But how should one change? Why should one change? Does God expect it? And if so, how can we do so in our modern busy world?

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How Strong Is the US Military? — Comments on News and Prophecy (August 3, 2019)

Norbert Link | August 3, 2019

Surprising as it may sound, the US military is by no means as strong as it is claimed. As an article in the Atlantic (July 27, 2019) mentioned, the most recent 4th of July parade looked more like a “military antiques road show.” The development and placement of intermediate-range missiles seems to be years away, and newer sophisticated weapons and bombers don’t seem to have found their way into the US military. The Bible prophecies a nuclear attack on the USA in the very near future. Will America even be prepared militarily to meet such a challenge?

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This Life

Dave Harris | July 27, 2019

Do we understand the words of the Bible? They are God’s words, and we must ask whether or not we are able to hear what God says. Jesus Christ spoke God’s words, and they are the words of eternal life! Do we understand Him?

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Nothing New Under the Sun

Frank Bruno | July 27, 2019

While there are people in the world who might bristle at the thought that the Bible has influenced their thinking; either directly or more subtly, the fact is it does indeed. Many of our ideas and conversations and even some of the most passionate public speeches recorded in history have been greatly influenced by biblical verses. This Sermonette will cover several of the most poignant scriptures as well as the impact they had on the world stage.

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Don’t Get Too Comfortable

Eric Rank | July 20, 2019

The life of a Christian involves commitment to living in a way that is contrary to the ways of the world. Discomfort is an expected result because of this. Since our ultimate goal lies beyond the boundary of physical life, it is important that we don’t seek our satisfaction within that boundary. Our pursuit in life must not end until we are raised in glory at the return of Christ.

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Wholehearted Choice

Robb Harris | July 20, 2019

We must constantly be asking ourselves if we have a Philadelphian attitude. If we don’t care, then we are in jeopardy of allowing ourselves to fall into a Laodicean spirit.  Drawing close to God on a daily basis is the surest way to thrive and persevere in an age filled with a lackadaisical attitudes.
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