
Sermon Archives

Dangerous Prayers

Kalon Mitchell | April 18, 2020

Are we willing to pray dangerous prayers? What constitutes dangerous prayers? What we pray about has serious consequences for our spiritual life and our eventual outcomes. How well do we know God?

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Do We Only Dimly See Love?

Robb Harris | April 15, 2020

We have been called out to shine and exemplify the love Christ demonstrated to this world.  Our ability to mirror Christ can only be manifest through spiritual maturity.
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The Appointed Time

Dave Harris | April 15, 2020

The Holy Days have been given to the Church of God. By keeping them, we also are able to understand their timing in revealing God’s master plan for salvation.

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A Proper Vessel to God

Kalon Mitchell | April 15, 2020

God considers the people He calls to be vessels. What type of vessels we are, depends on the effort and the care which we take to remain in close contact with God. How do we view ourselves in light of the times we are living in and the jobs which God has given us?

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Michael Link | April 15, 2020

How persistent are we in our physical and spiritual lives?  Do we have the faith and the zeal to run the race so we can obtain the ultimate prize?  We must be strong, we must never give up and we must strive to finish the race.

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Eric Rank | April 11, 2020

Do we have the patience for God to fulfill His plan? How can we overcome the human tendency of impatience as we wait for His promise?
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Let Us Keep the Feast

Dave Harris | April 11, 2020

We dutifully remove leavening from our homes to observe this Feast, but do we understand the spiritual application for unleavened bread during this time?
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Psalm 91

Michael Link | April 9, 2020

God promises safety and protection to those who are faithful, obedient and trusting in Him, even when things may seem impossible all around us. Psalm 91 explains how we can prepare and eliminate fear by putting ALL our trust in God.

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Why SEVEN Days for Overcoming Sin?

Norbert Link | April 9, 2020

We must fight against and overcome sin, and the SEVEN Days of Unleavened Bread remind us of Israel’s exodus from Egypt and the consistent refusal of Pharaoh to let Israel go. These events have deep symbolic meaning for us today and show how Satan, the ruler over sin and the powers of this world, has already lost his war with us.
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Making Room for Christ

Robb Harris | April 9, 2020

During this holy day season we are consciously trying to root out all sin from our lives.  Like all brethren before us, this was an imperfectly performed task, and yet necessary for our spiritual growth.  Paul extolled the Church at Colossae to fill themselves with the truth of Christ as a method to displace the sin that so easily ensnares us all.  Paul’s message is as critical for us today as it was to the Colossians thousands of years ago, while the world around us collapses with ungodliness.

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Stand Still, Watch This

Eric Rank | April 9, 2020

When we face what might seem to be impossible circumstances, we need to remember that God has a plan for us, individually and collectively. Do we trust in the promises that God has made to us?

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From All Sides

Robb Harris | April 4, 2020

We are pressed on all sides by Satan in his attempt to discourage and ultimately rob the promise of God.  But we are surrounded by the examples of our brethren, as outlined in the bible, to combat the Devil.  Living by those examples we can expect, like Job, to be protected by God.

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The Second Exodus

Dave Harris | April 4, 2020

The story of the Exodus fills the pages of the Bible, but prophecy reveals something more—an event which is yet to occur and one that will involve the modern nations of the House of Israel!

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God’s Message to Laodicea

Norbert Link | March 28, 2020

In what way is God’s letter to His Church in Laodicea a strong warning for us today, especially in light of the coronavirus? Are the oftentimes totalitarian measures to combat the virus a preview of the manifestation of the beast? In this sermon, we will also discuss questions such as: What is meant with a lukewarm attitude? Did Christ have a beginning?  Who was Melchizedek? Why won’t God protect many Laodiceans during the Great Tribulation? Why does God warn especially Laodiceans not to fight in war?

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God’s Letter to Philadelphia

Norbert Link | March 21, 2020

Why is the letter to the church in Philadelphia extremely important for us today? What is meant with the key of David; the open door; the hour of trial; the place of safety; the third horseman of the Apocalypse; and Satan’s wrath; and how are we to understand the prophesied expensive time and the reactions to the coronavirus which cause the financial ruin of many businesses and contribute to the complete destruction of our economy?

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A Reason For The Hope That Is In You

Eric Rank | March 14, 2020

The Bible instructs us to always be ready to have an answer for the hope that is within us when people ask us about our beliefs. What are your reasons for continuing to hope for the future that God promises?

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God’s Design Plan

Frank Bruno | March 14, 2020

We are clear that none of us have seen the face of God the Father in this earthly existence. While only a very few were blessed to have walked with Jesus Christ during His time on earth, He was clear in His messages to mankind that those who believe, without having seen, are truly blessed. The bible is rich with the information that we can rely on to grow in our faith and understanding. In addition, all that God has created—each one of us, and the world around us also has God’s signature design. In this Sermonette we will explore the scriptures that bring this to light, and help us to see just how God created mankind to reflect His and His Son’s image, and His never-ending promise to those who believe and obey His commands.

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The Coronavirus and the Migrant Crisis–Comments on News and Prophecy, March 7, 2020

Norbert Link | March 7, 2020

Europe and especially Germany are facing a most serious challenge in the form of another migrant crisis, while the hysterical reactions to the coronavirus outbreak are reaching astronomical proportions. At the same time, it has been stated by experts that within the next 18 months, 65 million people might die of the virus. The global economy is already at the brink of recession, if not depression, and there is fear that another pandemic, much more deadly than the coronavirus, is on the horizon.

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The Falling Away Has Begun!

Norbert Link | February 29, 2020

The Bible prophesies that a large group of people will fall away from the Truth just prior to Christ’s Return. We are also told that individuals have been falling away from the Truth at all times. What are the reasons for falling away from God? And how are we to act when we are confronted with lying and grievous wolves who are trying to deceive us and encourage us to leave the Church of God?

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