
Sermon Archives

The Language of Violence

Eric Rank | June 13, 2020

With protests and anger dominating the news, we see escalating emotions, rhetoric, and violent action taking place around us. It seems that the only way that people can be heard in the world requires this kind of confrontation. Is there a better way? There is, and God commands it.

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Hostility between Germany and the USA Continues—Comments on News and Prophecy, June 6, 2020

Norbert Link | June 7, 2020

Angela Merkel refused to join the G7, to be hosted by Donald Trump at the end of June, who reacted with anger and postponed the entire summit until this fall. Germany sided with the protests in the USA against police brutality and racial discrimination and openly declared that they are done with Trump. In response, Trump announced that he will withdraw about 9,500 American troops from Germany, causing a sharp rebuke from German governmental officials. Germany also announced that while they will be allowing Europeans to travel freely throughout Europe by June 15, this will not include Americans. Where will this continuing alienation and hostility lead?

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The Tools of God

Kalon Mitchell | June 6, 2020

It is important to have the proper tools when you are working in order to be able to create or to build anything worthwhile. In all areas of life, we find that those who wield tools properly help to build up and support others in what they do. Having tools is one thing, but knowing how to use them skillfully is another. As Christians, what tools are at our disposal? And how do we use them effectively and powerfully to accomplish the Work of God, for which we have been called?

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The Greatest Gift

Kalon Mitchell | May 31, 2020

God gives us amazing gifts constantly. How do we respond in turn? Our offerings are important to God as He has command them. But what is our attitude? Is God pleased with our offerings based on our actions in how we live our lives?

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Will Christ Find Faith on the Earth?

Norbert Link | May 31, 2020

Do we have faith in God and His power to work miracles? But is this kind of faith sufficient in order to be able to enter the Kingdom of God, or is an additional kind of faith required? What exactly is that faith which God’s Holy Spirit must give us? How is faith described in the Bible; why does it not have anything to do with what we can see; and why does doubt destroy our faith?

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The Journey and The Destination

Eric Rank | May 31, 2020

With the passing of time we gain experience that shapes our character. Are we taking advantage of our opportunities, or refusing to use the Holy Spirit to learn the lessons presented to us? Are we focused only on reaching the destination, but neglecting to pay attention along the way? The Christian journey involves continual growth as we aim towards the destination of perfection.

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Singleness of Heart

Dave Harris | May 31, 2020

There was a time in recent years in which the Church of God had tremendous unity, but that was lost by far too many. Are you among those who are zealously keeping the Truth of God—without compromise?

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National Rules and Christian Responsibility—Comments on News and Prophecy, May 30, 2020

Norbert Link | May 30, 2020

What does it mean to obey God rather than men? Are we to just believe blindly what the mainstream media, doctors and politicians are telling us? How can we watch events the light of biblical prophecy unless we are willing to look behind the official façade? What about Europe’s opposition to Israel; German and US guidelines for school children; the financial downfall of the USA; unreliable statistics pertaining to the coronavirus; the questionable effectiveness of the lockdown; Alan Dershowitz’s wrong understanding of the Bible; violent riots in the USA; public prayers by women; and holding grudges?

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Facing Death

Michael Link | May 30, 2020

The Bible has many examples of those who went above and beyond in faith and courage, when all seemed hopeless, but that didn’t stop Daniel and his 3 companions, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego, to stand up for what was right and put their complete trust in God, who saved them from death.

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Are You Ready for the Day of the Lord?

Norbert Link | May 23, 2020

The Bible speaks of the terrible Day of the Lord and admonishes us to be prepared and not to be caught off-guard. Especially the book of Joel contains many warnings and shows us what will happen during that future time which is not far from us.

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Walk a Mile

Kalon Mitchell | May 23, 2020

When we start to talk about people behind their back, we cause division and strife. The Bible tells us instead to have mercy and empathy for others. We should work to help instead of accuse. God is the Judge and He alone reserves the right to pass judgement on people. How can we make sure that we are not doing those things that hurt others, but rather build them up?

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Preparing for Eternity

Robb Harris | May 16, 2020

God entrusted His physical creation into the hands of man, to tend and care for our surroundings. This job was for our own physical needs and happiness. The physical is a reflection of the spiritual realm, and likewise needs tending, with the ultimate goal of directing man to God. Man has utterly failed in maintaining the physical creation as well as the spiritual necessity of drawing closer to God—as we were designed. We must not let our commission dim, even as the world around us draws closer to destruction.

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Those Things and These Things

Dave Harris | May 16, 2020

If we truly seek to be in God’s Kingdom, then we must not compromise with the Truth of God. Rather, we must faithfully learn and live by the doctrines of God.

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Eric Rank | May 9, 2020

When we started our Christian journey, there was no way to know all of the challenges we would face and how our lives would change. Knowing that we will continue to face challenges and change, are we committed to persevere? What are the sources of inspiration that we can draw from to help us strengthen our commitment?

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The Light of the Bible

Robb Harris | May 9, 2020

We are surrounded by a culture that cannot find truth.  The deception of Satan is so complete that his lies are the only truth many understand.  We must stay clear of any worldly persuasions that lead us, not to truth, but into deceit that blinds the world of God’s truth.

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The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ

Norbert Link | May 2, 2020

Why did Jesus Christ die and shed His blood for us? Was there no other way to carry out God’s Plan? What did His death accomplish for us? Since when was it established that Christ would give His life for us? Are we truly thankful for His priceless Sacrifice, and do we show our thankfulness in our daily lives?

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Who To Trust?

Michael Link | May 2, 2020

We have to be careful where we put our trust.  The Bible gives us many examples where we should not put our complete trust and confidence.   In contrast, we should always put our complete trust in our creator – God the Father, no matter what situation we find ourselves in.

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Father and Mother

Dave Harris | April 25, 2020

Parents hold an awesome responsibility in forming the ultimate Family of God. When God created mankind, He made them male and female for the purpose of populating the earth. In fact, God created man, male and female, to fulfill the roles of father and mother—positions of great honor in the plan of God!

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Leaving So Soon?

Frank Bruno | April 25, 2020

We know that in the end times, many will fall away from their faith, and people will hate and betray one another. If any of us needed affirmation of this, COVID-19 has provided a simple introduction to the emptiness of relying solely on mankind to bring us through a crisis. We have witnessed many so quickly buying into mass hysteria, and seeking authority to turn one-another in for not complying with a political solution. God imbued in us the ability to choose and discern what is good and that which is not Godly. This Sermonette will offer the scriptural support that we need during this time, and in the trials to come. We can choose to turn to God with confidence and obedience, rather than path that leads to something far more terminal than any virus.

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Shocking Developments in Germany—Comments on News and Prophecy (April 18, 2020)

Norbert Link | April 18, 2020

What is happening in Germany right now—under the disguise of protecting the public from the coronavirus—should shake everybody up. Horrible methods are being used to silence dissenters, while restrictive measures remain in force which is clearly violating the German Constitution. But some are waking up, especially when it comes to the disproportionate prohibitions of religious services and assemblies.

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