
Sermon Archives

FOT: How Language Forms Life

Robert Indlekofer(Germany) | October 3, 2020

Our words and thoughts have a huge impact on how we create our environment. The words we choose influence others. God the Father and Jesus Christ choose their words in the wisest way possibly, so they could heal the world again. Do we also choose words to heal ourselves and others?

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FOT: The Joy of the Feast

Michael Link | October 3, 2020

There are several reasons why the command to keep the Feast of Tabernacles is so important and why there is so much positivity associated with it.

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FOT: Let us make the most of this Feast

Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | October 2, 2020

This Feast can fill us full of hope and optimism as we have a marvellous future to look forward to with none of the hopelessness that so many in the world can suffer from.   A vision of the coming Kingdom of God is such an exciting prospect!  Let us have an attitude of thanksgiving to the great God for this marvellous opportunity.   And let us all make the most of this Feast!

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FOT: Why are we here… tonight?

Norbert Link | October 2, 2020

God commanded to assemble this night as well as during the entire time of the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day. We are also told to stay in “temporary dwellings” during that time. What is the symbolic meaning behind this command?

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How the World Will Be Saved

Norbert Link | September 28, 2020

The Day of Atonement (September 28, 2020) pictures unique events in human history and shows us how the entire world will have access to God to reach its potential to be saved and inherit salvation. While this day refers mainly to collective reconciliation between God and man, it does not exclude the role of those who have already been begotten by God’s Spirit in this life. The rituals which were to be carried out on this day in Old Testament times show us what Christ has already accomplished and how He will deal with Satan; and they point out how the world can become at-one with God.

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In Times Like These

Michael Link | September 28, 2020

We have much to be thankful for with all the blessings God has given us, even in times like these,  and He will continue to IF we obey Him.  In the end, it’s not the material things that will save us, but it’s the spiritual blessings that matter the most.

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The Fog of War

Robb Harris | September 26, 2020

We fight a spiritual adversary that knows our greatest weaknesses and exploits them as much as he is able. As a strategist, Satan is second to none in his ability to deceive and lead man away from God. We must rely on the sight given to us through God’s Holy Spirit if we have any chance of overcoming sin.

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I Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You

Eric Rank | September 26, 2020

God makes a promise to His people, that He will not forsake them. How can we understand this promise and apply it in our own lives? What do we need to do to assure that we will never be forsaken?

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Christian Paradigm

Kalon Mitchell | September 19, 2020

How often do we do the same things, over and over? How often do we think that we know what’s best?  God challenges us to change. God challenges us to think and act as He thinks and acts. The choice is our and the question is what will we do?

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Soldier On

Eric Rank | September 19, 2020

Being a Christian inherently involves conflict with the world, which increasingly rejects God. In the battle we fight against evil, what do we need to do to assure our victory?

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We Must Be Ready

Dave Harris | September 19, 2020

The world is not watching, nor is it prepared for what is about to happen! A time of overwhelming trouble and dreadful tribulation approaches, but who understands this? Do you and will you be among the very few who are ready?

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God’s Message Must Be Preached Today

Norbert Link | September 19, 2020

The Feast of Trumpets (on September 19, 2020) has much symbolic meaning for us. It includes a message of God for the end time, which must be proclaimed today by His watchful servants in blowing trumpets loudly and clearly.  And the message will be proclaimed! In addition to serious warnings, it includes the good news of the return of Jesus Christ; the coming rule of God on earth; and our entrance in God’s eternal Kingdom.

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A False Witness

Dave Harris | September 14, 2020

We are not to bear false witness, but do we by allowing our thoughts to be influenced by false accusations?

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What Counsel Do We Live By?

Robb Harris | September 12, 2020

It isn’t enough in God’s eyes that we simply rely on our own intuitions as a means of drawing closer to Him.  Self-will and self-determination alienate us from the Father.  Through the hierarchy of the Church, as initiated and led by Christ, we have a bridge to grow in the knowledge of God the Father.

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“We know!” but do we… really?

Norbert Link | September 5, 2020

In his first letter, John rejects the false teaching of Gnosticism.  Even today, God’s Church must fight against the spirit of antichrist. Converted Christians know the Truth, while growing more and more in right knowledge and understanding.

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The Falling Away IS HERE—Comments on News and Prophecy (August 29, 2020)

Norbert Link | August 29, 2020

Looking at the ongoing fulfillment of biblical prophecy right now,  the question becomes more and more critical for you as to whether you will keep the Feast of Tabernacles at the place where God has chosen to “put His name.” And, whether you will keep it in the way which God has prescribed and ordered by God. If you are not, or if you compromise in any way, maybe because of fear, you are in danger of departing from the Truth and the living God—slowly perhaps, but surely.

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Internal Healing

Rene Messier (Canada) | August 29, 2020

We need to be healed internally as well as physically. This might require repenting and drawing closer to God by using the tools available to us. Especially asking for help is very important.

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Lockdowns and Governmental Restrictions—Comments on News and Prophecy, August 22, 2020

Norbert Link | August 22, 2020

While governmental restrictions are being imposed on American citizens, thereby causing economic hardship and ruin for many businesses and people, medical experts and governors kept enjoying their monthly paychecks.  But how dangerous is the pandemic? One professional magician claims that it is all an illusion. How is that “new reality” affecting your life and your personal choices? And how does it affect the Church of God and important decisions as they relate to Church services?

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Faith That Saves

Michael Link | August 22, 2020

Faith all by itself without any action isn’t enough to be saved. What do we need to do in order for us to be truly saved from death? How can we learn from the examples in the Bible what it means to put our complete trust in God?

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