
Sermon Archives

Access to Opportunity

Eric Rank | December 19, 2020

What kind of opportunities do you believe you have access to? How important are the opportunities presented by the world, relative to the opportunity to understand the Truth with the Holy Spirit as your guide? With access to the greatest opportunity known to mankind, what do we need to do to seize it? 

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What’s Right In Their Eyes

Kalon Mitchell | December 12, 2020

Scripture introduces us to the concept of right and wrong. What is based on God’s Word and what isn’t? Oftentimes the Bible captures stories of what was happening so many years ago. Do those stories we read about have anything to do with the time we find ourselves living in at this juncture of history? Are we guilty of choosing wrong over right? Can we discern if we are or not?

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Are we Afraid of the Truth or Opposing Viewpoints?

Norbert Link | December 12, 2020

Here are some of the topics discussed in this presentation: The Hunter Biden scandal; the Supreme Court’s denial to hear the Texas case because of “lack of standing”; the attack on free speech; and the German government’s fight against opponents of Coronavirus restrictions and lockdowns. What do all of these topics have in common?

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America in Crisis–Voter Fraud, Lockdowns and Harmful Vaccinations

Norbert Link | December 5, 2020

The evidence of voter fraud in the last Presidential election is mounting, while the mass media is unwilling to admit this fact, thereby “damaging trust in America’s democracy.” Lockdowns are on the rise again, even though it has been claimed that they do not work… and that they destroy the physical and spiritual wellbeing of many thousands of people. The new COVID-19 vaccines will produce side-effects which some medical experts declare as being normal, while others call the vaccines a crime against humanity, as they will allegedly cause genetic defects, due to genetic manipulation.  We are also speaking about the assassination of Iran’s leading scientist and discuss why this happened now… and who might have been behind it.


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That Which is Certain

Michael Link | December 5, 2020

In these times of uncertainty, it is difficult to predict what exactly will occur and how much time we in fact have left.  However, God is very clear about what He promises and what will certainly come to pass in the near future, which is why it is vital that we remain close to God.

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Draw Close to God

Rene Messier (Canada) | November 28, 2020

This sermon points out the importance of utilizing the tools God has given us to maintain a close relationship with Him, as we enter a difficult time in human history just prior to the great tribulation.
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Expose the Many Lies to My People!

Norbert Link | November 28, 2020

This world is in Satan’s clutches. The Church’s responsibility is to announce as a witness the soon-coming rule of Christ on and over this earth, and, in the meantime, to cry aloud and show the people their sins. As sin is the transgression of the law, the Church must preach love towards God and love towards neighbor.  We do not love God if we practice false worship, and we do not love neighbor if we lie to him. This presentation exposes lies by scientists and the mass media in many different areas—the lie of evolution; lies in connection with the coronavirus and man-made climate change; and lies pertaining to the US election, including the false designation of Joe Biden as President-elect and the denial of voter fraud.

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What Does Matthew 28:19 Prove?

Dave Harris | November 22, 2020

Baptizing “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” is a flagrantly false practice. All other references in the New Testament for how to baptize a person use only “the name of Jesus Christ.” The Word of God does not contradict itself!
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Be Of Good Cheer

Eric Rank | November 21, 2020

On several occasions, Jesus Christ offered encouragement to his disciples as they faced obstacles and uncertainty. What can we learn from those events recorded in the Bible to find encouragement and strength in our lives in this age?

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Maintain the Grit to Succeed

Robb Harris | November 14, 2020

Too often we become stuck in a rut of spiritual complacency. Understanding and practicing the necessities in our relationship with God can become rote. It takes a concerted effect to grow and not just sustain our connection with God. We must always be learning and increasing in wisdom and in so doing, our lights will continue to shine brightly.

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Taking God to Work

Frank Bruno | November 14, 2020

As this world continues its spiral, members of God’s church must remember that a relationship with God and with Jesus Christ must not end with the Sabbath. In order to be sure we are following His Commandments, we must rely on Him as we face challenges in our work life as well. In this Sermonette we will explore scriptures that help us to honor Him and reflect our faith in our work and all that we do.
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Political Alliance and Friendships are Useless

Norbert Link | November 7, 2020

The Bible has much to say about political alliances, covenants and “friendships,” and it shows that they transform very soon—almost without exception—into hostile relationships. God condemns modern political alliances, especially by the USA, the UK and Israel, which are not based on consideration for God but which are made because of selfish interests. All of this will contribute to the national downfall of those countries. Even friendly alliances, which will be or have been entered into by Europe with other countries, will end very soon in animosity.

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Biden the President-elect? Not so Fast!—Comments on News and Prophecy (November 7, 2020)

Norbert Link | November 7, 2020

In the morning of November 7, just prior to a press conference by President Trump’s attorneys, the mass media and most networks declared Joe Biden to be the President-elect. However, Newsmax refuses to call Biden the winner. Why is that? Newsmax explains that the votes are still being counted, recounts are certain, and accusations of fraud and irregularities in several states are going to be brought before the courts. In addition, President Trump is not conceding and has no intention of doing so anytime soon. What are some of the specific allegations which the courts will be asked to decide?

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Shining in a Dark World

Michael Link | October 31, 2020

God tells us that we are to abstain from pagan customs and we are not to associate with darkness, but rather be lights in this world.  How can we in fact be a light when there is so much darkness all around us?
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Are You a Soldier?

Kalon Mitchell | October 24, 2020

Do we consider ourselves to be Soldiers? When we are called as Christians, we also get requited into the army of God. We are not fighting though in this worlds wars, but rather we are fighting battles that are unseen, against foes that are powerful! How do we do this?

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Germany’s Democracy under Autocratic Attack—Comments on News and Prophecy October 24, 2020

Norbert Link | October 24, 2020

In this special program, we speak on the threat to German democracy and the controversial role of Germany’s health minister Jens Spahn; continue with the second and final presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden and its blunders and missed opportunities; address false predictions, as recently announced by Pat Robertson; speak on the mass media’s censorship and suppression of “politically incorrect” issues; as well as the looming Brexit disaster; and we conclude with deeply troubling developments in certain Church of God organizations.

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Do We See Our Calling?

Dave Harris | October 17, 2020

What does it really mean to be called by God? Do we truly understand the implications of God’s calling and our responsibility to respond? How can each of us succeed in our calling to salvation in the Kingdom of God?

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What Do You Have to Lose?

Eric Rank | October 17, 2020

The fear of loss has an undeniable effect on our behavior. When we consider how we make decisions, how much do we allow the fear of loss to direct us? When we think about God’s role in our lives, the power over the fear of loss in worldly terms fails to have an effect, freeing us up to act with boldness and courage.

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LGD: The Right Choice

Michael Link | October 10, 2020

What choices do we make throughout our lives when we are faced with two or more possibilities?  Will we choose the right way or will we choose the wrong way?  What does the Bible have to say about what is wrong and right?

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