
Sermon Archives

Jacob’s Trouble

Dave Harris | December 18, 2021

Why is so much going wrong? Once great world powers, the UK and the US are now experiencing what might appear to be punishment—and it is! Punishment from God has been prophesied long ago for these nations because of their refusal to obey Him. The Bible shows that even greater catastrophes are coming!

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Eric Rank | December 18, 2021

Christians are instructed to bear Spiritual fruit. What is involved in the process? How can we practically produce the results that God expects?

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America’s Disastrous Downfall under Biden—Comments on News and Prophecy, December 11, 2021

Norbert Link | December 11, 2021

For over 20 years, we have told our audience what the future will bring, based on biblical prophecy. We have warned about ongoing worldwide dictatorships with autocratic governmental restrictions and mandates. In this report, we address the inevitable downfall of the USA under the failing Biden Administration, including inflation, unemployment, staggering costs of trillions of dollars for Biden’s proposed projects; and, following the Afghanistan debacle,  threats from China and Russia, which do not take the US President seriously. We address concerns about Joe Biden’s mental health and his repetition of his fabricated and at times slanderous stories;  and his unconstitutional vaccination mandates which are supported by Anthony Fauci, but which are smacked down by federal courts.

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Our Duty to Fulfill

Michael Link | December 11, 2021

We are in the beginning stages of self-destruction. The future for the world is heading towards a terrible time, as predicted in the book of Isaiah and Habakkuk.   Through man’s selfish desires they look to their own resources and reasoning, instead of looking to God and keeping His commandments.  There is hope however and God tells us how we can be saved, how we are to continue the work until Christ returns, so we can inherit everlasting life.

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The Fig Tree

Paul Niehoff (Australia) | December 4, 2021

When Jesus cursed the fig tree because it had no fruit, the disciples did not know the meaning of that miracle at the time. However, it was for us to learn that God requires us to bear fruit as a part of our calling. We can
understand the meaning today because of the inspiration God gives us through His Spirit.

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Are You Fully Armed?

Rene Messier (Canada) | December 4, 2021

Knowing who the enemy is and his characteristics, and ensuring you have the whole armor of God, is to guarantee success in overcoming Satan and gaining access to the Kingdom of God.

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Staying Engaged

Eric Rank | November 27, 2021

The life of a Christian requires sustaining love for the Truth. What does the Bible teach us that can help us maintain a thriving relationship with God? What can we do to stay engaged in our conversion?

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Measurable Growth

Dave Harris | November 27, 2021

Continually measuring ourselves with Christ’s example, along with God’s help, is how we can grow to become truly mature Christians.

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Trust and be Grateful

Frank Bruno | November 20, 2021

We’ve had opportunities in the past few weeks to see our faith tested. We’ve also had the opportunity to rely on God and give up our futile human sense of control. In this Sermonette, we will explore several Scriptures that can provide the light for the path that we must follow as Christians. As we’ve heard in recent Sermons, being a follower of Jesus Christ requires that we trust in Him, and illustrates our gratitude by obeying Him.

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What May Be Known of God

Dave Harris | November 20, 2021

God is not hiding! He reveals Himself in His written Word, in His Creation and in the lives of those called to salvation. But the wicked don’t even seek God—God is in none of their thoughts!

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The Two Trees in the Garden of Eden

Norbert Link | November 13, 2021

God placed Adam and Eve in a beautiful garden (Paradise) which had two special trees—the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. While the LORD (Jesus Christ) told them that they could eat freely of the Tree of Life, He ordered them not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Why? When they disobeyed, they hid from God. Why? Because of their sin, God did not allow them any longer to eat from the Tree of Life. Why? What did these trees stand for? Are the principles, symbolized by those two trees, still applicable to us today? What kind of a world would we have today if Adam and Eve had eaten from the Tree of Life? Why is there a Tree of Life in heaven? And what do we know about the existence of Paradise in heaven long before the creation of man?

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Stepping Into the Ring

Kalon Mitchell | November 13, 2021

As Christians we have to fight. We have to choose with what attitude we are going to face the never ending battles. It is never easy to spend time in the ring, but it is absolutely essential in our growth.

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The Minority

Michael Link | November 6, 2021

A new type of minority exists today where people are singled out due to the decision they make whether they want to be vaccinated or not which leads to various consequences.  As true Christians, we are familiar with what it is like to be a minority.  What is the difference between the “minorities” in the world and the “minorities” that God has chosen out of this world today?

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Does Your Suffering Last TOO Long?

Norbert Link | November 6, 2021

The Bible speaks of longsuffering and gives us many examples of God’s followers who have suffered for a long time. And today, all of us are suffering too… some for comparatively shorter, and some for much longer periods. It may appear at times that our longsuffering is just lasting TOO long. So, what does God tell us about longsuffering?

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As We Forgive

Dave Harris | October 30, 2021

There will arise times in our lives when we have the opportunity, the responsibility and the power to forgive others. HOW to forgive is set forth in the Word of God.
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Eric Rank | October 30, 2021

Whenever we may have doubts about the difficulties that we face in life, we can find absolute reassurance that everything in our life is purposed by none other than God Himself. What is the wonderful end of His purpose for us and how does His plan work in our lives?
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Your Body Is the Temple

Eric Rank | October 23, 2021

There is a lot of focus on spiritual development for Christians. Yet the Bible also acknowledges that we are made of flesh and blood, bound in physical bodies. In this state of being, what is our responsibility for maintaining our physical health according to the teaching of the Bible?

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Overcoming is a Choice!

Dave Harris | October 23, 2021

We are commanded to choose life, and that means that we must choose to do what God commands. That is how we are to overcome evil.

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The Canadian Dictatorship–Comments on News and Prophecy, October 16, 2021

Norbert Link | October 16, 2021

In this presentation, we cover the ongoing dictatorial persecution of Christian churches and their pastors, including Polish-Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski. In other news, we discuss the (temporary?) resignation of Sebastian Kurz as Austria’s chancellor; the despicable abominations within the Catholic church; and attempts to silence opponents of corona vaccination mandates and marines who criticize top military leaders over their incompetent handling of the Afghanistan debacle. We also address troublesome developments in Europe and especially in Germany.

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Being Made Perfect Through Sufferings

Norbert Link | October 16, 2021

Is suffering always the consequence of sin? Or might there be other reasons? Rather than focusing on suffering as punishment for sin, we will focus in this sermon on sufferings as God’s means to make us perfect and complete.

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