
Sermon Archives

Mass Murderer Putin—the Modern Hitler; Comments on News and Prophecy, February 26, 2022

Norbert Link | February 26, 2022

While Ukraine under Volodymyr Zelenskyy is fighting for its survival against mad mass murderer Vladimir Putin, the world stands idly by—which is reminiscent of the world’s conduct in 1939.  In fact, the similarities between Hitler and Putin are remarkable, and we should not think for a moment that Putin will be satisfied with conquering Ukraine. He may even attack NATO members to restore the old Soviet Republic. Zelensky has become a national hero, while Western leaders like Joe Biden, Olaf Scholz, Emmanuel Marcon or Boris Johnson have failed miserably. Putin is totally unpredictable because the same spiritual force possesses him which controlled and used Hitler. America will have to remember its betrayal of Ukraine, because when the USA is being attacked in the future, no one will help it either.

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The Power of Mercy!

Dave Harris | February 19, 2022

Asking for mercy is seeking action from someone who holds the power to give it. Mercy is a cornerstone characteristic of God mentioned throughout the Bible, and mercy is something we not only receive but must be willing to abundantly give.

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Wrapped Around the Axle

Eric Rank | February 19, 2022

With all that is wrong in the world it is easy to become entangled in a negative frame of mind, in which anger feeds on itself. If we are not careful, this will lead us further away from God. By focusing on what is good and pure, being guided by the Holy Spirit that lives within us, we can overcome the human tendency to get wrapped around the axle.

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Does the Teaching of the Trinity Deny Jesus Christ?

Norbert Link | February 12, 2022

When one understands the doctrine of the Trinity, as taught by the Roman Catholic church and most Protestant churches, one must realize that this teaching is not only unbiblical and heretical, but that it also denies the Son of God, our King and Savior, Jesus Christ. This sermon will show why this is so, and why it constitutes the spirit of antichrist.

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Germany, Canada, and USA—Testimony of Failed Policies–Comments on News and Prophecy, February 12, 2022

Norbert Link | February 12, 2022

Germany under weak Chancellor Olaf Scholz has become the object of criticism in all the world—especially in regard to its conduct towards Russia and Ukraine.  Canada under self-righteous Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has become the object of criticism as well—especially in regard to the Freedom Convoy of truckers; and America under failing and rejected President Biden has become an unreliable laughingstock in all the world. And all of this is happening while news reports say that Putin’s invasion of Ukraine appears to be inevitable.

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The Spirit Bears Witness

Norbert Link | February 6, 2022

John tells us in his first letter that the blood, the water and the Spirit bear witness. Previous sermons discussed the blood and the water. In this sermon, we will concentrate on the Spirit, showing of what it bears witness,  and how and in what way “these three agree as one.”

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Kalon Mitchell | January 29, 2022

Water – the most abundant resource on planet earth and the most widely used by humans. What does the Bible say about this precious resource and how does it tie into our Spiritual lives?  Is there anything we should know about what God plans to do with the water on this earth in the near future?

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True Passion

Michael Link | January 29, 2022

Is there anything that we are truly passionate about?  Are we enthusiastic about God’s law?  There are many examples of those who were truly passionate about God’s law, including God’s plan for mankind.

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Germany is the Key?—Comments on News and Prophecy, January 29, 2022

Norbert Link | January 29, 2022

With the probability of Russian invasion in Ukraine in February, Germany is being described as holding the key to stop Putin. But so far, Germany has done nothing to make a difference, and the left- and right-wing US media is astonished and stunned by Germany’s hesitant attitude. Germany’s new chancellor, Olaf Scholz, is viewed as the “weakest link” in the Ukraine crisis, and Germany is no longer perceived as a credible partner and a reliable ally.

Please also view our StandingWatch program, “Germany’s Troublesome Dependency on Russia.”


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All Not Lost

Frank Bruno | January 22, 2022

The very recent fires here in Boulder County ripped through the area at an astounding rate—described by emergency officials as the length and breadth of a football field every few seconds. In just hours nearly 1000 homes, pets, possessions, and many businesses were destroyed and impacted by flames and smoke. In this Sermonette we will consider God’s messages to those He calls, and how one can persevere despite great loss.

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Eric Rank | January 22, 2022

Blood is found everywhere in the Bible. What is the significance? What can we learn about blood that can help us understand our Salvation?

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So Great A Salvation!

Dave Harris | January 15, 2022

What does greatness have to do with Salvation? Understanding what the Bible reveals about godly greatness is important, and it is key to how Christians must live.

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The Antidote

Eric Rank | January 15, 2022

Among the most elusive spiritual poisons in the life of a Christian is pride. The antidote is faith. By putting our faith in God we bring Him into every aspect of our lives, leaving no space for pride to do its harm.

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Who is your Father?

Kalon Mitchell | January 8, 2022

We all had or have physical fathers. We all have grown up under their rule. There is another father though of whom we are children. What effect should this have on us now?
How do we allow our Heavenly Father to train us as His children.
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The World in Turmoil-Comments on News and Prophecy—January 8, 2022

Norbert Link | January 8, 2022

Europe and especially Austria, France, Italy and Germany are becoming more and more autocratic and dictatorial, but this is also true for other democratic nations, including Australia, Canada and the USA. While Russia has been anxious to “help” the dictatorial government of Kazakhstan by sending troops into the troubled region, controversial information and opinions are being disseminated from many different sources within the USA, including from some US Supreme Court Judges. Further, after a relatively short calm, the fight and exchange of strong accusations between Biden and Trump have again reached dangerous proportions.

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To Judge or Not to Judge?

Norbert Link | January 1, 2022

We are  told in God’s Word that we are not to judge others. What does this mean, as we are also told to render righteous judgment? How can we solve this apparent conflict, and how do passages like these apply to jury duty?

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Lasting Impressions

Michael Link | January 1, 2022

How do we present ourselves in any situation or environment we are in?  Do we leave a good first impression and do we also leave a lasting impression?

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Stories of Friendship

Eric Rank | December 25, 2021

From the start when God created man, He highlighted the importance of friendship. What can we learn from the stories of friendship in the Bible?
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Fear and Control

Frank Bruno | December 25, 2021

This split sermon will build on recent sermons and will discuss prevailing trends over decades that resulted in fear, a loss of freedom, and the growth of governmental systems and laws designed to control people. As believers in God the Almighty, we have learned that we can insulate ourselves from the fear and control by drawing closer to God the Father and His Son. We will review Scriptures that offer these lessons and can prepare us for what is to come. 
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