
Sermon Archives

Praise the LORD!

Dave Harris | April 23, 2022

Should we praise and worship God, and are there actually conditions for praising Him? The Bible reveals how and why God accepts praise from those who obey Him.
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Eric Rank | April 23, 2022

If we want God to work in our lives, we have to put in the effort that He requires. When we choose to make excuses instead of taking action, we become unprofitable. By putting our faith to work we give God an opportunity to bless our efforts.

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Three Good Reasons to Give

Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | April 22, 2022

Giving to the One Who created us all is a reflection of the priorities that we have in our life.  It is a privilege to give, and we know that a blessing is promised by God for those who follow His instructions, as we can read in Malachi 3.   This message gives three good reasons to give.

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A Catalog of Sins—Not that Important?

Norbert Link | April 22, 2022

Have you created a catalog of sins that distinguishes between important and not so important actions? Does the Bible teach the concept of the seven deadly sins? Or is every sin wrong and an abomination in God’s eyes? What does God call sin and an abomination anyway? And what does God say who will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Why does God designate certain character traits as “most important” in the law? And do you love God and neighbor when you break the spiritual law of the Ten Commandments?

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A Way of Life

Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | April 16, 2022

The Feast of Unleavened Bread is a yearly festival that shows that we have to put sin out of our lives.   It is part of a Way of Life to which we have been called. This sermon reinforces the understanding that this Way of Life is a full-time commitment for the rest of our lives.

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Don’t Add or Take Away

Michael Link | April 16, 2022

The Bible mentions several times that we are not to add or take away from what is written.  What is God referring to?

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Relativism is Failing

Frank Bruno | April 9, 2022

It is shocking how quickly the moral standards of an already corrupt world have fallen. This concept of relative morality has been embraced by so many leaders in government and the corporate world. A sliding scale of right and wrong can be convenient but will lead away from God. Those who obey God and His Son, Jesus Christ, understand that following such pronouncements will more often conflict with God’s Law. In this Sermonette we will explore several Scriptures and examples that can assist God’s people in navigating these confusing and compromised times we live in.

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The One

Dave Harris | April 9, 2022

The name, “Jesus Christ,” is spoken by a religious world deceived about Who He actually is, and the name of the Son of God is even blasphemed over and over as a curse word. Yet, “…there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Do you believe and really know that Jesus is the Messiah, and that He is the Son of God?

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Total Confusion! Spiritual Bodies in the Resurrection?

Norbert Link | April 2, 2022

Hard to believe, but there is incredible confusion about the concept of the “spiritual body” which a Christian will have when he is resurrected, and even Christ’s appearance after His resurrection has been totally misunderstood. As a consequence, many do not understand what is the potential of man, and how Christians will and will not look in the Kingdom of God.

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Natural Immunity and Nuclear Bombs in Germany—Comments on News and Prophecy, April 2, 2022

Norbert Link | April 2, 2022

We are discussing the war in Ukraine; a contemplated but ill-conceived deal between the USA and the EU to reduce the continent’s reliance on Russian energy; Putin’s demands to pay in rubles for Russian natural gas exports; American nuclear bombs being stored in Germany other European countries; the curse of abortion; and new developments regarding Covid mandates and Dr. Fauci’s surprising admissions in the past. We also speak on the hoax about Trump’s missing phone records and the return of Germany’s former health minister, Jens Spahn.

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Choose your Sacrifice

Kalon Mitchell | March 26, 2022

Life requires sacrifices. There is no one who does not sacrifice something in this life. The question really is what are we willing to sacrifice? What are we willing to change?
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Worldwide Persecution—Comments on News and Prophecy, March 26, 2022

Norbert Link | March 26, 2022

This program discusses Russian persecution of Protestants and other minorities; concepts of “just wars” and the “justified” killing of enemies;  the pope’s prayer to the “Virgin Mary” and the consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the “immaculate heart of Mary”; a bridge too far for Zelenskyy when speaking of the righteous Gentiles of Ukraine helping Jews in World War II; the Biden administration’s  hypocrisy in regard to Iran; Trudeau’s ongoing dictatorship which should ring alarm bells for America; the murder of abortion; and Germany’s “thought police” and march into totalitarianism.

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Ukraine Disappointed with NATO and Europe—Comments on News and Prophecy, March 19, 2022

Norbert Link | March 19, 2022

Many feel that Putin will not stop at Ukraine and that he will conquer other Western countries, but the question is whether God will allow it at this time. Germany is not too desirous of really helping Ukraine. Chancellor Olaf Scholz stands accused of behaving shamefully, while President Biden’s call with China did not seem to have accomplished much. Zelenskyy is getting more and more frustrated with NATO, the EU and Germany. His willingness to negotiate peace with Putin is remarkable. Prophecy is marching on.

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Why One Third Will Die

Michael Link | March 19, 2022

Have we learned anything from history through the suffering and destruction from wars and disease epidemics? The Bible prophecies that this will happen again, but in ways far more horrific than ever before.  How can we prepare ourselves NOW so we can be counted worthy to escape all these inevitable events that will come to pass?

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When Trouble Comes!

Dave Harris | March 12, 2022

How can we be, as Jesus said, “counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man”?

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I Don’t Feel Like It

Eric Rank | March 12, 2022

It is a natural human tendency to take the easy route when faced with challenges. Staying motivated to keep God’s commandments and love the Truth requires overcoming impulses to neglect our commitment to God.

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The End of Violence

Eric Rank | March 5, 2022

From the time of man’s beginning on Earth until the return of Christ, violence is a scourge. What are the causes of violence, and what will it take for it to come to an end?

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Forever Young

Frank Bruno | March 5, 2022

It is no surprise that we all want to be healthy, vital, and relevant in our daily lives. Most of us would also appreciate fewer wrinkles and gray hair. Nonetheless, life requires much from us. This sermonette will explore scriptures that can show us how we can make the most of this life that God has blessed us with. It will also illustrate how we can simplify with a renewed focus on obeying God. The only forever we can attain is through God’s word.

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God’s Wrath

Rene Messier (Canada) | February 26, 2022

This sermon discusses curses and plagues mankind is going to go through from now until  the return of Christ, and how we can be prepared for the coming events of the near future.
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Envy—A Deadly Cancer

Paul Niehoff (Australia) | February 26, 2022

Envy is a human characteristic which can very easily lead to bitterness and hatred. There are example in the Bible where envy lead to murder or attempted murder. It can be overcome by desiring good for others and being content with what we have.

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