
Sermon Archives

We Are God’s Workers

Eric Rank | July 13, 2024

Being a Christian involves work. What kind of work are we obligated to do as fruitful laborers in eyes of God? What does it mean to be productive in our work?

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Never Let Go

Frank Bruno | July 13, 2024

As a child learning to take those first few steps, or as a parent helping our kids do that, we appreciate the clutch of those tiny fingers on ours as the young ones take their halting first steps. There is a certainty and security that we know the child relies on. They have faith that their parent will be there to protect them. It is visceral and without question. We know that a true Christian should have that same absolute confidence in his or her relationship with the Father. If we rely on Him, He is there to protect us, guide us, and lead us in growing in our faith. In this Sermonette, we will cover several Scriptures and examples that illustrate this bond that we who are called have with our Creator.

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Biden’s Decline and Trump’s Provocations—Comments on News and Prophecy, July 6, 2024

Norbert Link | July 6, 2024

Many say that Biden must go, due to his perceived mental decline, but he does not want to quit his 2024 bid, unless “the Lord Almighty” comes out to tell him. But realistically, who could replace Biden so late in the game? There seem to be no good choices for the Democrats. On the other hand, Europe’s fear of “Trump’s second coming” is growing. And Trump does not help to alleviate those fears—his posts and comments seem to just accomplish the opposite. Some, like Ivanka Trump and Michelle Obama, say that they want to distance themselves from politics. What do they see that others don’t?

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Before You And Behind You

Kalon Mitchell | July 6, 2024

It can be hard as a Christian to always keep in mind that we are God’s childrenespeciallywhen we face various trials and tests. When we stop to contemplate just what God does for us, we can see that He truly is there for us in all aspects of our livesno matter what we will face. How much confidence do we put in God being there for us? 

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Choose Life

Paul Niehoff (Australia) | July 6, 2024

God has created us to be a part of His family forever. To fulfill His desire, we must be continually choosing life and never giving up on this choice and the way of life that this choice requires

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As You Wish

Michael Link | June 29, 2024

In this day and age there is so much want and desire, wishing for things that others have.  This is dangerous as this could lead to sin.  However, we in God’s Church have something that others do not, something that anyone can only wish for. 

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This Is the Work of God…

Norbert Link | June 29, 2024

The Work of God can be described in many different ways, but one definition which Christ gave is truly remarkable.  What is that definition, and how does it apply to us?

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Hope and Faith Versus Fear and Doubt

Eric Rank | June 22, 2024

What inspires you? Does fear and doubt seize you from moving forward? We can overcome the grip of fear and doubt by putting the power of hope for God’s promises to work in our lives!

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Who Made It?

Dave Harris | June 22, 2024

Time and again, in the Bible, God says that He made it—that He is Creator of the heavens and earth, of life and so much more!

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What Does God Want?

Dave Harris | June 16, 2024

What does the Feast of Pentecost reveal in God’s great masterplan for the salvation of mankind? What do “firstfruits” represent and who, exactly, will be included in this category?

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Eric Rank | June 16, 2024

God gives us His Holy Spirit as a down payment for our complete redemption. In this way, He invests in our salvation. When we give our offerings to God on the commanded Holy Days, we demonstrate our willingness to give back to God as an expression of our gratitude for His gifts.

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God’s Spirit of Love

Norbert Link | June 15, 2024

The Holy Spirit within us is a Spirit of love; specifically, it is God’s love in us, given to us through the Holy Spirit. But how does this divine love express itself in our daily lives? Is it separate from keeping the commandments? Can you lose this divine love? And how does God’s love relate to the proclamation of the gospel and the feeding of the flock?

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Take Heed How You Build

Kalon Mitchell | June 15, 2024

When building a structure, careful attention must be given as to how it is built. Christians are in the building-business as well, and careful attention must also be given to how we build upon Jesus Christ, our chief

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Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | June 8, 2024

This sermon looks at the matter of time – something that we can’t see, touch, feel, smell or taste but something that we are well aware of. There are seven different points which are discussed.

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Our Life Saver

Michael Link | June 8, 2024

There are occupations where life-saving plays an important role for physical protection but there is something else they can’t provide. How can our lives be saved and what is required of us to achieve this? What has God given us that would save our lives and do WE not offer life-saving advice to the world?

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Do You Dwell With God or With Satan?

Norbert Link | June 1, 2024

Either we live in the house or temple of God, as his household, or we live in the world’s house of bondage and slavery, ruled by Satan. We have been brought out of slavery and bondage by our master, Jesus Christ, to dwell in God’s house, but some leave God’s house and return to Satan’s house. The house of the world, built on sand, will fall, and its fall will be great. However, Christ’s house, built on the rock, will endure forever, and we will remain as pillars in the house of the Lord, never going out.

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Trump’s Guilty Verdict—More to Come?—Comments on News and Prophecy, June 1, 2024

Norbert Link | June 1, 2024

The “kangaroo-court” conviction of Trump in New York might lead to further incredible developments, when Judge Merchan will sentence Trump, beginning on July 11. Will Merchan send Trump to prison? Biden’s response to the verdict sounds hypocritical; and turning to other news, Biden’s allegation that Hamas is now unable to carry out another October 7th attack is incredibly naive. Focusing on Germany,. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has made his true intentions known, and they are not good.

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When the Time of Adversity Dawns

Thilo Hanstein (Germany) | May 25, 2024

God says in many passages in the Bible that terrible times of trouble will come in the end times in which we find ourselves today. Christ warns the whole world of great famines and diseases, but also of various wars in many parts of the world. What feelings do these statements trigger in us? What do humanity and the people of God have to fear? What can we use as a guide? And is there a provision formula for all these problems that are rolling towards the whole of humanity like an avalanche? There is a lot of hope for true Christians, but the time of trouble will still be unstoppable. So what can we do?

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Do We Know How to Pray?

Christoph Sperzel (Germany) | May 25, 2024

The disciples asked Christ: “Teach us to pray.” Christ gave them then, and He gives us today a guide. Do we know it? Do we know how to pray properly?

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