You are teaching that the Holy Spirit is not a God being or a Person. What then, exactly, IS the Holy Spirit?


God’s Holy Spirit is foremost the POWER of God, emanating from both the Father and the Son. But it is also the MIND of God, including all the characteristics of God Himself. When God’s Holy Spirit dwells in us, we are to change, by replacing our human nature with the nature of God (1 Samuel 10:6; Romans 8:13), enabling us to follow God and to be obedient to Him (Numbers 14:24; Ezekiel 11:19-20; 36:27; 1 Peter 1:22).

Let us notice several Scriptures which describe in detail God’s characteristics, which are being conveyed to us through the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. Please consider that all of these characteristics are GOD’S–that is, when we read that God’s Spirit is a Spirit of Power, it is actually GOD’s Power that is emanating from God (both the Father and the Son) through the Holy Spirit:

— God’s Spirit is a Spirit of Power (Luke 4:14; Micah 3:8; Romans 15:13), of Love (Romans 5:5) and of a Sound Mind (2 Timothy 1:7).

— God’s Spirit is a Spirit of Wisdom (Exodus 28:3) and of the Revelation in the Knowledge of God (Ephesians 1:17; compare 1 Corinthians 2:10-16), as well as of Understanding, Counsel and Might, Knowledge and the Fear of God (Isaiah 11:2).

— God’s Spirit is a Spirit of Truth (John 15:26; 16:13).

— God’s Spirit is a Spirit of Faith (2 Corinthians 4:13).

— God’s Spirit is a Spirit of Joy (1 Thessalonians 1:6) and of Peace (Romans 14:17).

— God’s Spirit is a Spirit of Grace and of Supplication or fervent prayer (Zechariah 12:10).

When God gives us His Holy Spirit, we are to bring forth the fruit of God’s Spirit, which is described as “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23). Please note that it does not say, “fruits,” but “fruit”–when God’s Spirit dwells in us, we are to produce ALL of these characteristics, as they all–together–are THE FRUIT of God’s Spirit. This means that the Holy Spirit is a Spirit of those characteristics, producing ITS fruit in us. We are told that the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness and truth (Ephesians 5:9). With God’s Spirit within us, we will also bring forth justice in our lives (Isaiah 42:1). God’s Spirit within us gives us comfort (Acts 9:31) and hope (Romans 15:13).

God’s Spirit within us teaches us all things and brings to remembrance all things (John 14:26; 1 John 2:27). With God’s Spirit within us, we can worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24; Philippians 3:3).

God’s Spirit in us is not static. It must be used by us. God’s Holy Spirit is compared with living waters. As living waters flow, so God’s Holy Spirit within us must flow from us toward others–that is, others must be able to recognize the effects of God’s Spirit within us (John 4:10, 13-14; 7:37-39). As God’s Spirit is to flow through us and out of us toward others, it must be renewed on a regular basis (through regular prayer), so that we can be constantly filled with it (Psalm 51:10-11; Philippians 1:19; Ephesians 5:18; compare 2 Corinthians 4:16). Rather than quenching the Holy Spirit within us (1 Thessalonians 5:19), we must be led by and follow the lead of the Spirit (Romans 8:14; Luke 4:1).

In order to learn more about the Biblical truth that the Holy Spirit is NOT a person, and how we can receive God’s Holy Spirit, please read our free booklets, “Is God a Trinity?” and “Baptism–A Requirement for Salvation.”

Lead Writer: Norbert Link


In the Q&A of our previous Update #253 (on Matthew 28:1), it was erroneously stated that during the crucifixion week, the annual Holy Day–the First Day of Unleavened Bread–fell on a Wednesday, beginning with sunset on Tuesday. This is incorrect. The annual Holy Day fell on a THURSDAY, BEGINNING with sunset on WEDNESDAY. The version of the Q&A, as posted on the Web, has been corrected.

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