Does Revelation 3:14 teach that God the Father created Jesus Christ, and that Christ had a beginning?


The Bible teaches that God had no beginning, but that He has always
existed. We read that God created all things; that is, human beings,
animals and all physical things, as well as angelic beings and all
spiritual “things.” However, God is not just one Person, but a Family,
presently consisting of God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son. We
read that God created everything through Jesus Christ (Colossians
1:15-17)–proving that God the Father and Jesus Christ existed before
there was anything else. Hebrews 1:1-2 tells us that God the Father
created “the worlds” through His Son, Jesus Christ. John 1:1 says that
the “Word”–Jesus Christ (compare Revelation 19:13)–was “in the
beginning” with God and that the Word WAS God. John 1:3 tells us that
“all things” were made through Him, and “without Him nothing was made
that was made.”

claim that God the Father first created His
Son, Jesus Christ, and proceeded afterwards to create everything else
through Christ. They say that the Word was created, and when that
happened, there were no days or time created, so Christ had no
beginning of days as such. This is not, however, what the Bible

Micah 5:2 talks about the coming Messiah when it states “But you,
Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of
Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in

Isaiah 9:6 states: “For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is
given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will
be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince
of Peace.” According to Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible
Concordance, the Hebrew for “Father” can also convey the meaning of
“ancestor, source, inventor.”

Hebrews 7:1-10, we are introduced to the Son, Jesus Christ, who was
known as the High Priest Melchizedek at the time of Abraham (When
Christ was here on earth as a human being, born as a man, He confirmed
that He actually met Abraham in His prior life as an immortal God
being, compare John 8:56-58).

Note how the Son of God or Melchizedek is described:

— Hebrews 7:1: He was the Priest of the Most High God–God the Father, who is higher than Christ (1 Corinthians 11:3).
— Hebrews 7:3: He was “without father, without mother, without
genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life.” Christ
said later that He is the One who “was and who is to come, the
Almighty” (Revelation 1:8).
— Hebrews 7:3: When He appeared as Melchizedek, He was made like, or
better, He was “resembling” (compare Revised Standard Version) or
“bearing the likeness of” (compare Revised English Bible) the “Son of
God”–that is, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, manifested Himself as a
human being, as He did on other occasions in the Old Testament (for
instance, He and two angels appeared to Abraham before Sodom and
Gomorrah were destroyed, Genesis 18:1-2, 13, 16-17; 19:1).
— Hebrews 7:3: The One known as Melchizedek and the Son of God, Jesus
Christ, “remains a priest continually.” He is still alive, confirming
what Christ said in Revelation 1:18: “I am He who lives, and was dead
(and in the grave for 72 hours), and behold, I am alive forevermore.”
— Hebrews 7:8: He was not a “mortal man” but someone who still “lives” today.

the clear Biblical testimony, we must conclude that Jesus Christ, as a
Spirit being and as the second member of the God Family, has always
lived together with God the Father. He had no beginning.

then are we to understand Revelation 3:14 which says that Christ is
“the Beginning of the creation of God”? Since the Bible does not
contradict itself, we can rule out the idea that God the Father created
Christ so that Christ became the very first act–the “beginning”–of
God’s creation. What, then, is the meaning of the verse?

Let us note how other translations render this verse:

— New International Version: “the ruler of God’s creation”
— Living Bible: “the primeval source of God’s creation”
— New Revised Standard Version: “the origin of God’s creation”
— Revised English Bible: “the source of God’s creation”
— New Jerusalem Bible: “the Principle of God’s creation”

Please also note the following statements from a few commentaries:

— The Broadman Bible Commentary gives the following explanation:

beginning of God’s creation’ is not easy to interpret. If taken to mean
that Christ was the first creature, then one has ignored the
Christology of Revelation… Beckwith translated this phrase ‘the one
from whom creation took its beginning.’ Another good translation is
‘who is the origin of all that God has created.’… God is the primary
source (4:11; 10:6), and Christ is the agent of creation as in John 1:3
(see Col. 1:16; Heb. 1:2). The letter to Colossae was intended by Paul
for Laodicea also (Col. 4:16). He spoke of Christ as the agent of
creation, and this is probably the intent of the writer of Revelation.”

— The Nelson Study Bible states:

the Beginning, meaning the ‘First Place’ or ‘The Ruler.’… The phrase
about creation has been interpreted by some to teach that Jesus is the
first being that God created. This is certainly not required by Greek
grammar, and is contrary to other biblical passages. Christ is
described in other passages of the New Testament as eternal (see John
1:1-1) and as being God Himself (see John 8:58; Phil. 2:6; Titus 2:13).
Revelation speaks of Him as the First and the Last, the Alpha and
Omega, the Beginning and the End. In fact, the Greek phrase in this
verse can be translated in a more active sense, so as to read, ‘the One
who begins the creation of God.'”

— The “New Bible Commentary: Revised” adds the following:

the title ‘the beginning of God’s creation’ (better translated ‘the
principle’ or ‘source’ of creation) exalts Christ as Creator above the
proud but puny creatures that boast in their self-sufficiency.”

The Commentary of Jamiesson, Fausset and Brown agrees, pointing out:
“‘beginning of the creation of God’–not he whom God created first, but
as in Colossians 1:15-18… the Beginner of all creation, its
originating instrument. All creation would not be represented adoring
Him, if He were but one of themselves. He being the Creator is a strong
guarantee for His faithfulness as ‘the Witness and Amen.'”

foregoing has also been the established understanding of the Church of
God. In a letter from the Worldwide Church of God, dated January 1988,
it is stated: “The correct meaning of the phrase ‘the beginning of the
creation of God’ is the BEGINNER of all creation. It refers to ITS
ORIGINATING INSTRUMENT (see Colossians 1:15-17). Jesus is the Head and
Governor of all creatures; He is the King of creation… The Bible
tells us plainly that Jesus… had no beginning of days… He… was
the Creator of all things that were made… He was with the Father in
the beginning, and all things were made by Him… He has always

In a number of Church of God publications, the eternal
nature of Christ was emphasized and has, historically, been the
understanding of the Church. In Herbert Armstrong’s article, “Is Jesus
God?” dated 1958, it is stated on page 1: “Therefore, Jesus who is and
was God, who has always existed (John 1:1-2) was actually made flesh
(v14).” The Bible Correspondence Course, Lesson 13, “Who and What Is
God?” stated on page 5: “Christ, when He was ‘the Word,’ was an
immortal being who had always existed–there had never been a time when
He did not exist–He was literally without ‘beginning of days.'” And in
the booklet, “Why Humanity Cannot Solve Its Evils,” it is stated on
page 3: “In order of time sequence the first revelation of who and what
is God is found in John 1:1, ‘In the beginning was the Word.’ This
‘Word’ was a personage, eternally self-existent.”

In Revelation
22:13, Christ refers to himself as the “beginning [arche] and the end
[telos].” If “beginning” suggests that there was a time when Christ did
not exist, but that He came into existence as the first being of God’s
creation, does “end” indicate that there will be a point at which He
will no longer exist? That would be a ridiculous suggestion!

on all the biblical evidence, we can dogmatically state that Jesus
Christ had NO beginning. Rather, He is the BEGINNER of God’s creation:
God the Father created everything through Jesus Christ, who existed
since all eternity. For more information, please read our free
booklets, “God is a Family” and “Jesus Christ–A Great Mystery.”

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

©2025 Church of the Eternal God