Problems Don’t Just Happen in a Vacuum

The fall of the United Kingdom continues apace.   Apart from a loss of standing on the world scene and internal problems in the country wherever you look, we now have two-tier policing. has this to say about the police: “a body of officers representing the civil authority of government. Police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. These functions are known as policing.”

The riots in various cities in the UK during the early part of August this year brought out misleading statements by the Prime Minister about it being brought about by right-wing thugs, thus missing the real point which many who were not involved actually have sympathy with.   In his Standing Watch programme at that time, Mr Norbert Link spoke about “Why Riots in the UK” and gave a very sensible and reasoned view of why these events took place.

We don’t get involved in politics, we don’t vote and we don’t take sides for or against any particular group or party but comment on what the effects of any action are that is taken as compared with what God has set out in His Word as to how man should behave.

Unfortunately, the police have been very selective about their policing, no doubt taking a lead from the government.  As we have a new government in power who are trying to show how tough they are going to be on law and order, certain actions have recently been taken which have been breath-taking.   Those who have been caught in violent actions have finished up in court, convicted with prison sentences in many cases in just a matter of days showing that this is conduct that will not be tolerated.

The problem is that it is a two-tier system.   Those who have protested in other ways are ignored.  For example, pro-Hamas demonstrators are allowed to spit out their vile hatred of Israel and the police haven’t taken any action at all.   Thugs who fought with police have not had their cases heard yet when they were caught on camera with their actions clear to see.

Not that long ago, the organisation, Black Lives Matter, was able to march and spew out their anarchic approach and, again, this was all allowed without the police taking any action at all.   

The Telegraph wrote in early August 2024 that “if [Prime Minister] Sir Keir Starmer wants to know why Britain’s worst riots in more than a decade have happened on his watch, he need only pay a visit to Lord Sewell, the man who wrote a landmark report on racial and ethnic disparities in 2021.  

“Tony Sewell as he was then, ruffled feathers – particularly on the Left – by concluding that deprivation, rather than ethnicity, was the biggest driver of inequality, and that poor white people in ‘left behind’ towns made up the largest group of disadvantaged people in the country.

“Three years on, his report seems uncannily prescient, and Lord Sewell (who is black) believes that unless Sir Keir confronts the underlying issues that have driven so many people onto the streets in recent days, the appalling scenes that have shamed the country will only be repeated.

“’Taking the knee, him [Keir Starmer] and Angela Rayner [then deputy leader of the Labour Party and now Deputy Prime Minister]- disaster!’ he says. ‘Both of them were just taking their lead from the US.’”

These problems don’t just happen in a vacuum; there are always reasons why and a background that has to be addressed in an even-handed and fair way.

Many still remember the problems that the UK had when rioters damaged statues of famous people and got away with lawless behaviour.  Yes, it was a different government then but the police still had a job to do and failed to do it.   Two-tier policing.

There comes a time when even the mild mannered and suffering masses will eventually say that enough is enough if matters are not dealt with in a fair and unbiased fashion; the majority of the population will accept that but when it comes to a blatantly biased approach, trouble will not be far away.

In our booklet The Fall and Rise of Britain and America we list many sins that will bring about the fall of these nations in chapter 3 which is headed – “Impending Downfall of Great Britain, the United States and Other English-Speaking Nations”.  Add to these, the possibility of civil unrest, and for those with eyes to see, a bleak future awaits our nations.

The Church of God has been given the commission to proclaim the Ezekiel warning message that we read about in chapter 3:17 which states: “So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me.”

And that is what we are doing today!

©2025 Church of the Eternal God