Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new German booklet, “Kennen Sie den Jesus der Bibel?” (German translation of, “Do You Know the Jesus of the Bible?”)  has been sent to our German printer.

“Die wahre Weihnachtsgeschichte ,” is the title of this coming Sabbath’s new German sermon. Title in English: “The True Christmas Story.”

“Find Peace,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In a world where conflict at every scale demands attention, it is a relief to find a source of enduring peace. How can we find peace in our lives to overcome our struggles?

“Your Eyes—Your Ears,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

We have knowledge that separates us from other people. So much so that we are outcasts—aliens to the societies in which we live

©2025 Church of the Eternal God