Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“The Ukraine War—Germany’s and Merkel’s Fault?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Was former German Chancellor Angela Merkel the main cause for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, as the Wall Street Journal claims, listing numerous facts for that allegation? Is the politic of appeasement continuing under Germany’s new Chancellor, Olaf Scholz? Will Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s ill-advised recent praise for Scholz backfire, and is Zelenskyy in danger of losing all sympathy in Germany?

We are very pleased to announce the baptism of Marius Malastschenko in Germany on the Day of Pentecost. Elders Thilo Hanstein and Christoph Sperzel conducted the baptism.

Our new booklet, “The Rise and Fall of Germany and Europe,” was received from the printer and will be sent out to our subscribers early next week.

A new German booklet, “Die Autorität der Bibel,” translated from our English booklet, “The Authority of the Bible,” has been sent to graphic artist Shelly Bruno in preparation for printing.

“Müssen wir unseren Nächsten bedingungslos lieben?” is the title for this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Do We Have to Have Unconditional Love for Our Neighbor?”

“Ruhe und Gelassenheit,” last Sabbath’s sermonette in Germany by Robert Indlekofer, is now posted. Title in English: “Calm and Serenity.”

“Das Kreuz, das wir tragen,” the Offertory presented on the Day of Pentecost in Germany by Manuel Giermann, is now posted. Title in English: “The Cross We Carry.”

“Consider the Firefly,” last Sabbath’s sermonette presented by Brian Gale, is now posted. Here is a summary:

God tells us to consider many things in the Bible that are advantageous for us to think carefully about. This message looks at the firefly and is a physical example that can help us to see the bigger picture.

“A New Creation Through God’s Spirit of Power,” last Sabbath’s sermon presented by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

What is the connection between the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and the Ten Commandments? What roles do the spiritually circumcised heart and the crucifixion of the old man and the creation of the new man play in all of this? Who or what is the new man, and what is the function of God’s Holy Spirit of power in the re-creation of converted Christians? And how can we be sure that we will be in God’s Kingdom?

“Extra,” the Offertory presented on the Day of Pentecost by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Going above and beyond what is expected or making a bigger effort than what is required certainly has application for Christians! Are we profitable servants in this regard? Do we serve God in extra ways?

“The Firstfruits,” the sermon presented on the Day of Pentecost by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The Feast of Pentecost stands out as having a focus on firstfruits. When established in the time of Moses, the firstfruits were from the grain harvest. Following the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the relevance of firstfruits shifts to the elect in Christ. We review the references to firstfruits in the Bible, and delve into the question of why firstfruits are important in the plan of God.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God