Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“Should Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Be Censored?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Some networks are trying to censor Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., allegedly due to his controversial views, but this could backfire. And what about censorship in general?

“Will Russia Win Against Ukraine?” is the title of our recent StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

There are more and more signs that Ukraine’s supporters in the West are not that anxious anymore to help Ukraine by delivering weapons and money. And without that help, Ukraine cannot survive and win against Russia. Does the Bible indicate as to what will happen ultimately? In this program, we focus on the true feelings of many Western Europeans, and especially Germans, towards Ukraine.

“Hat Biden überhaupt eine Chance, Präsident zu bleiben?” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Does Biden Even Have a Chance to Remain President?”

The 2023 Ministerial Conference was conducted on April 27 and 28. Details will be presented in our next monthly Member Letter.

Our new booklet, “The Rise and Fall of Germany and Europe,” has reached its final review cycle and will be sent to the printer very soon.

“Wer ist der wahre Gott?” the sermonette presented last Sabbath in Germany by Tahir Coban, is now posted. Title in English: “Who Is the True God?”

“Leuchtet das Licht in uns mit voller Kraft?” the sermon presented last Sabbath in Germany by Christoph Sperzel, is now posted. Title in English: “Does the Light Within Us Shine With Full Force?”

“Joshua,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted.

The Law of God Makes All the Difference,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Brian Gale, is now posted. Here is a summary:

If everyone on earth kept just one of God’s Ten Commandments, the whole world would be so very much better for doing that and what a difference it would make.   But when Jesus Christ sets up the Kingdom of God on earth, all 10 of the Commandments will be kept and the world will be a completely different place – and so much better for it! 

Spring Holy Day: Pentecost—May 28, 2023.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God