Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new Member Letter has been mailed. In this letter, Norbert Link addresses the terrible violence that is occurring and continuing to spread in the world. He also points to the importance of the Fall Holy Days we are about to observe and the Work of God we must accomplish. This letter is posted on our webpage.

The 2015 Feast Brochure has been completed by our graphics designer, Shelly Bruno. We will distribute copies at the Feast, and you can view and download a copy from our webpage.

Our newest booklet, “Do You Know the Jesus of the Bible?” was received today from the printer. It is also posted for viewing. We will distribute the booklet during the Feast of Tabernacles to our Feast attendees, and we will mail copies to those requesting the booklet shortly thereafter.

“No More Religious Freedom in the USA?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The decision of a U.S. District Judge in Kentucky to jail County Clerk Kim Davis for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples because of her religious beliefs manifests ongoing and increasing religious persecution in America. Politicians who say that Davis has to obey the law of the land do not seem to understand the complexity of the matter. Numerous examples will be presented in this program, showing that individual religious freedom is under attack and violated on a constant basis. The trend will continue, being pursued by a relentless tiny minority which is determined to impose its will on a silent majority. But whom are we to obey more–man or God?


“Biblical Prophecy,” is a new Standingwatch Talking Points, presented by Pastor Rene Messier. Here is a summary:

What does the Bible tell us about our future? What will happen from now until the time of Christ’s Return—and far beyond that? What person on earth would not want to know? The surprising answer is that God revealed thousands of years ago, in the pages of the Bible, what is going to happen, beginning very soon.

“Willst Du Gesund Werden?” is the new German sermon for this Sabbath. Title in English: “Do You Want to Be Made Well?”

“Posaunenfest 2015—Religiöse Verführung in Gottes Kirche?“ is the title of the German sermon for the Feast of Trumpets. It deals with religious deception at the time of Christ’s return. Title in English: “Trumpets 2015–Religious Deception in God’s Church?”

“Spiritually Naked,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Kalon Mitchell, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In the 3rd chapter of Revelation we find the church of Laodicea mentioned.  This church is mentioned as spiritually naked.  Later on it is mentioned that the true church is making herself ready and clothing herself with righteous acts. Let’s discover the difference between the two.

“Why Did King Saul Fail?” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Following Israel’s demand for a king to fight their battles, God instructed the judge and prophet Samuel to anoint Saul as their king. Saul received God’s Holy Spirit, but he failed miserably. Why? In this sermon we will show you numerous examples of Saul’s misconduct leading to his downfall. They must serve as a warning for us. If we repeat King Saul’s mistakes, we might be likewise at risk of falling away from God.

As a reminder, here are the dates for the Fall Holy Days:

September 14— Feast of Trumpets
September 23—Day of Atonement
September 28 through October 4—Feast of Tabernacles
October 5—Last Great Day

©2025 Church of the Eternal God