Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“The Woman Riding the Beast,” is the third of three new sermons dealing with “Prophecy – How to Understand It”—to be presented by Norbert Link on June 27, 2015. In addition, we are promoting this series through press releases, Facebook and our own webpage,

We have sent the files to our printer in Germany for the printing of four of our German booklets, i.e., “Die Geheimnisse der Bibel” (“Mysteries of the Bible”); “Ist Gott eine Dreieinigkeit?” (“Is God a Trinity?“); “Die Taufe—Voraussetzung für das Heil?” (“Baptism —a Requirement for Salvation?“) and “Europa in der Prophezeiung” (“Europe in Prophecy”).

Other printed German booklets, available on request, are: “Jesus Christus—ein grosses Geheimnis” (“Jesus Christ, a Great Mystery”); “Die Mysterien im Buch der Offenbarung” (“The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation”); “Menschliches Leid” (“Human Suffering”); “Gottes heiliger Sabbat” and “Gottes heilige Jahresfeste” (these two booklets are translations of our English booklet, “God’s Commanded Holy Days”); “Das Geheimnis des Weihnachtsfestes” (“Don’t Keep Christmas”); “Gott ist eine Familie” (“God is a Family”); “Das Evangelium vom Reich Gottes” (“The Gospel of the Kingdom of God”); and “Die Schluessel zur gluecklichen Ehe und Familie!” (“The Keys to Happy Marriages and Families”).

The following additional four German booklets have been posted on our websites, but they have not been printed yet. We hope to be able to print those before the end of the year:

“Deutschland in der Prophezeiung” (“Germany in Prophecy”); “Evolution—ein Märchen für Erwachsene?” (“Evolution—a Fairy Tale for Adults?”); “Die Zahlung des Zehnten—Heute?” (Tithing—Today?“); and “Die Zehn Europäischen Wiederauferstehungen des ehemaligen Römischen Reiches” (“The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire”).

“The Shroud of Turin–Genuine or a Fake?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Many believe that the Shroud of Turin pictures Jesus Christ at the time of His death and burial. Others are convinced that it is a fake, which was fabricated in the 13th century. What is the truth? Can we really know? The Bible gives us clear and undisputable proof. We are offering our free booklet, “Jesus Christ–a Great Mystery.”

“Stehen Sie Fest in Gottes Wahrheit?” is the new German sermon for this coming Sabbath. Title in English: “Do You Stand Firm in God’s Truth?”

Corruption & Destruction,” the sermonette presented by Kalon Mitchell last Sabbath, is now posted. Here is a summary:

As people grew into cities, nations, and civilizations, they had a tendency to become corrupt. The story line plays out time and again. They grow too wise in their own opinion and then wicked in their thoughts and deeds, so much so that there is nothing left but for them to be destroyed. What lessons can we learn from these tragedies in the Bible? How can we make sure we are not falling into the same mistakes and traps?

What Is the Mark of the Beast?” the sermon presented by Norbert Link last Sabbath, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In this second installment of our three-part series on biblical prophecy, we will show that the Bible and history reveal the identity of the famous mark of the beast. This mark is associated with the beast in Revelation 13:1-10, which is a political and military power. It collaborates with a religious power, which is described as a second beast in Revelation 13:11, having two horns like a lamb and speaking like a dragon. In what way will this religious power create an image, which will cause all to receive the mark of the beast? Why will no one be able to buy or sell who does not have the mark of the beast? What is the difference between the mark of the beast and the sign of God, which identifies true Christians?

©2025 Church of the Eternal God