Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Modern Judaism and True Christianity,” is the new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Jesus strongly condemned human traditions in Judaism which did away with the Law of God, including man-made Sabbath regulations, dishonoring parents and ritual washings. Today, it is not that much different. This program examines undue restrictions and liberal trends in modern Judaism, pertaining to the Sabbath, same sex marriages and transgender, which are all in total opposition to the Bible and true Christianity.

The program offers three of our free booklets (“Old Testament Laws—Still Valid Today?”; “God’s Commanded Holy Days”; and “The Keys to Happy Marriages and Families.”)

“Die Zehn Europäischen Wiederauferstehungen des Ehemaligen Römischen Reiches,“ is our newest booklet which has been translated into German. It will be posted shortly on our German website. The English version is, “The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire.” Along with further translations, the additional printing of German booklets has become necessary, and work is under way to accomplish this in the near future.

“Gottes Sabbate— Für Uns Heute?” is the title for a new German AufPostenStehen program. Title in English: “God’s Sabbaths—For Us Today?” The program promotes and offers two of our free German booklets, dealing with the Sabbath and the annual Holy Days.

“Kennt Gott unsere Zukunft?” is the title of the German sermon for this coming Sabbath, which is based on the Q&A for this week’s Update. Title in English: “Does God Know Our Future?”

“Today,” last Sabbath’s sermonette presented by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Those who are called out of the world to understand God’s truth today have a distinct and awesome privilege. They are blessed with the raw materials necessary to understand God’s Truth, truly become obedient, and overcome sin by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This opportunity is unique because it is available in the present moment. Christians do not need to wait to take an active role in fulfilling the plan of God.

“Freedom From What?” is the title of the sermon presented by Robb Harris last Sabbath. It is now posted and here is a summary:

The world seeks freedom from oppression, yet the most oppressive tyrant of all keeps the world in spiritual slavery.  Only through God’s Holy Spirit can we see the slavery Satan subjugates mankind with.  And only by God opening our eyes can we see what true freedom is.

The speaking schedule for May have been posted on our website.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God