Don’t Keep Christmas

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Were you shocked when you read the title of this booklet? Was your first thought that the publishers of this booklet either embrace a non-Christian faith, or that they are atheists? Surely, a person calling himself Christian would not possibly suggest to NOT OBSERVE such an important Christian holiday, you might say.  After all, it celebrates the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ!  Or, does it?  Have you ever questioned the validity of Christmas?

Is Christmas a biblically commanded festival? Does the Bible even mention Christmas? Where did Christmas and its customs originate? How did Christmas become a Christian festival? What do Christmas customs have to do with the birth of Jesus Christ? And finally, what does God have to say about the celebration of Christmas? Does it matter to Him whether we keep Christmas? Does He approve of it? Or does He condemn it?  The answers may astound you!

The Keys to Happy Marriages and Families

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Many marriages and families are in desperate need of repair, especially in this Western society where we have endless cycles of marriage—divorce—remarriage. Living together without being married has come to be the accepted norm while healthy, lasting marriages, and solid, happy families are notable exceptions.

Why do we find marriages in such a state of disarray in this Western society, today? First, understand that human relationships in life are a product of the principles we apply—if we apply wrong principles, we get bad results and if we apply right principles, we get good results.

Have we, then, overlooked vital keys that would unlock the understanding of how to produce happy marriages and families? Indeed, we have!

The Gospel of the Kingdom of God

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What Is the Gospel?

When you hear the word Gospel, what comes to mind? Do you think of the gospel of grace? Do you think about the four gospel writers—Matthew, Mark, Luke and John? Do you think of the gospel about the person of Jesus Christ?

There seems to be quite a bit of confusion and some misconceptions when it comes to the gospel. What then, is the Gospel? And where can we find irrefutable answers to this most VITAL subject? We’ll go to an irrefutable source—God’s Word—the Bible.

Only One True Gospel

The word “gospel” simply means “good news.” Jesus Christ was a messenger sent by God the Father to proclaim the Gospel or the good news. But people did not want to hear it and eventually killed Christ. His true disciples were also persecuted when they continued to proclaim the very same message that Christ brought. What was it about this message that created so much hostility among the listeners? And why does there continue to be such a variety of ideas about what the Gospel is?

Angels, Demons and the Spirit World

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It is amazing how many professing Christians refuse to believe in angels or demons, let alone a spirit world “in heaven.” They consider such ideas as relics or superstitions from the distant past. While many have no problem believing in UFOs or alien life forms, they scoff at the idea of the existence of real angels and real demons. At best, they consider such beings as symbols of good and evil—a figurative way of describing a sense of right and wrong within us. The Bible clearly reveals, however, that angels and demons do exist.

There are others who do profess to believe in angels but swing the pendulum all the way to the other side and actually worship angels. The Bible is very clear that only God is to be worshiped, not angels.

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