Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen

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Some time ago, we published a booklet about predestination, addressing the question, among many others, whether YOU have been predestined to be called in this day and age for salvation… and if so, how long ago that decision was made. 

But there are still many additional questions which deserve to be answered… questions like: What does it mean to be “called” for salvation?; Is there a distinction between being called and being chosen, and if so, what is that distinction?; and why does it say that “many” are called,” but “few” are “chosen”? Could “calling” also refer to a selection which is not for the purpose of salvation?

God is a Family

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The Bible reveals that God is not just a single being, but is comprised of two separate beings. These two beings are often referred to as the “Father” and the “Son,” illustrating the fact that God is actually a Family. While the Bible reveals that God is, in fact, a Family, it also shows that God is not a trinity. The Holy Spirit is not God, nor is it a separate being within the God Family. It is literally the power of God through which the God Family works.

When we pray to God, asking that He give His Holy Spirit to us so that we might live more effectively in His way of life, we are asking for God’s power that emanates directly from the Father and from the Son.

We will show in this booklet that the New Testament Scriptures, as well as the Old Testament Scriptures, clearly reveal that God IS a Family, presently comprised of two separate beings. Many who erroneously believe that the Old Testament teaches the existence of only one God being, have glossed over some very revealing passages without realizing the full meaning of what they are reading.

Human Suffering, Why…and How Much Longer?

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Why is there so much suffering in the world?

Why do we all, from time to time, experience suffering, pain, and even death? Why don’t we have peace with other people or even other nations? Why does this life seem to have no purpose? We are born, then live to be 70, 80 or 90 years old, and then we die! Or, in far too many cases, lives are snuffed out prematurely and surviving loved ones grieve in despair and frustration. Husbands and wives who lose their mates don’t want to go on living. Children grieve when their parents die. Parents grieve for their children who died before them, maybe in war, in an accident, or through an incurable disease.

Don’t Keep Christmas

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Were you shocked when you read the title of this booklet? Was your first thought that the publishers of this booklet either embrace a non-Christian faith, or that they are atheists? Surely, a person calling himself Christian would not possibly suggest to NOT OBSERVE such an important Christian holiday, you might say.  After all, it celebrates the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ!  Or, does it?  Have you ever questioned the validity of Christmas?

Is Christmas a biblically commanded festival? Does the Bible even mention Christmas? Where did Christmas and its customs originate? How did Christmas become a Christian festival? What do Christmas customs have to do with the birth of Jesus Christ? And finally, what does God have to say about the celebration of Christmas? Does it matter to Him whether we keep Christmas? Does He approve of it? Or does He condemn it?  The answers may astound you!

Sickness and Healing – What the Bible Tells Us

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Sickness is something everyone has had to deal with at one time or another, and to varying degrees—some don’t seem to get sick very often, while others suffer from chronic illnesses.  Still others are subjected to terminal disease.

Have you ever wondered whether it is “natural” to be sick? Have you wondered if there is a correlation between sin and illness?  Is sickness the punishment that God brings on us because of sin?

What about healing? Do you know anyone who has actually been healed of an illness? Perhaps you yourself have experienced healing in your life. What do you think caused this healing? Was it a competent doctor or an appropriate medication? Are we to place our faith in doctors and medicines to heal our bodies? Did God have anything to do with this healing? Or does God even heal today?

The Theory of Evolution, A Fairy Tale for Adults?

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The theory of evolution, teaching that species developed gradually into other species, is widely expounded to be the most logical explanation for the origin of plants, animals, mankind, and in fact, the entire universe. It holds that animals have evolved over millions of years and that man is the latest product of this development—the top of the line, so to speak. Though Christianity was originally opposed to this concept, some groups gradually embraced it, with the proviso, however, that God directed the whole process. Other religious people—Christian and non-Christian alike—continue to reject evolution in its entirety, believing in Divine creation.

The Mysteries of the Bible

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It is the purpose of this booklet to introduce you to some astonishing and little-understood Biblical concepts that, until now, you may have found difficult to comprehend. While this booklet does not present comprehensive answers on each subject, it does give you a synopsis, if you will, of some great mysteries.

Mysteries? Yes, the Bible contains many mysteries! In fact, God’s Word describes and identifies them as such. It is our sincere desire to help you understand them.

In presenting this overview of the mysteries of the Bible, we first briefly discuss a given subject in broad terms, and then we offer you some additional literature (free of charge), relevant to the subject. It is through this additional literature that these vital subjects are presented in a much more comprehensive way, proving the true Biblical understanding of these mysteries.

The Gospel of the Kingdom of God

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What Is the Gospel?

When you hear the word Gospel, what comes to mind? Do you think of the gospel of grace? Do you think about the four gospel writers—Matthew, Mark, Luke and John? Do you think of the gospel about the person of Jesus Christ?

There seems to be quite a bit of confusion and some misconceptions when it comes to the gospel. What then, is the Gospel? And where can we find irrefutable answers to this most VITAL subject? We’ll go to an irrefutable source—God’s Word—the Bible.

Only One True Gospel

The word “gospel” simply means “good news.” Jesus Christ was a messenger sent by God the Father to proclaim the Gospel or the good news. But people did not want to hear it and eventually killed Christ. His true disciples were also persecuted when they continued to proclaim the very same message that Christ brought. What was it about this message that created so much hostility among the listeners? And why does there continue to be such a variety of ideas about what the Gospel is?

The Keys to Happy Marriages and Families

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Many marriages and families are in desperate need of repair, especially in this Western society where we have endless cycles of marriage—divorce—remarriage. Living together without being married has come to be the accepted norm while healthy, lasting marriages, and solid, happy families are notable exceptions.

Why do we find marriages in such a state of disarray in this Western society, today? First, understand that human relationships in life are a product of the principles we apply—if we apply wrong principles, we get bad results and if we apply right principles, we get good results.

Have we, then, overlooked vital keys that would unlock the understanding of how to produce happy marriages and families? Indeed, we have!

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