Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians — How to Understand It

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Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is one of the most comprehensive letters written by Paul to explain to us the nature of God and God’s great plan and purpose for His creation, especially the future of mankind. Sadly, it has been greatly misunderstood by almost everyone who reads it.

Although the exact date the letter was written is somewhat unknown, it is widely believed that Paul wrote the letter around 60 A.D., while he was imprisoned in Rome (compare Acts 28).

Paul was undoubtedly concerned about the Ephesians and he tried to give them encouragement and hope. At the time of Paul’s writings, Ephesus was the commercial metropolis of Asia. It was known for the Temple of Diana—one of the so-called seven wonders of the ancient world. Paul had resided in Ephesus for two years, until the worshippers of Diana stirred up a violent riot against him. Before being incarcerated in Rome, Paul returned to the area for a final visit to warn the elders of deception (Acts 20:17–38).

Current Events

War Profiteers–USA, Russia and Germany

Der Spiegel Online wrote on May 16:

“According to a recent study, only the United States and Russia export more military goods than Germany — and the supposedly pacifist nation leads the EU in such sales. The rise in weapons profits is part of a global trend. Once one of the world’s most aggressive powers, Germany today likes to project a pacifist image. From the German army’s reluctance to fight abroad to a foreign policy that promotes peaceful intentions and global harmony, Germany regards itself as a model the world should follow.

“But a report released yesterday by the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), a German think tank, reveals a different side of Germany’s relationship to war… Germany, it turns out, exports nearly a billion euros worth of military goods each year ($1.55 billion) to developing countries. In fact, the BICC estimates, Germany’s total defense sales in 2006 made it the world’s third largest arms exporter. ‘That makes Germany the European Union’s biggest military goods exporter…'”

Does the Bible permit adultery, when the non-involved mate consents; or premarital sex when the involved parties subsequently marry?

The short answer is, No. We read in 1 Corinthians 6:18 that we are
to “flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the
body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.”
Members of God’s Church are also told not to “make provisions for the
flesh, to fulfill its lusts (Romans 13:14).” Further, they are
commanded to “abstain from sexual immorality; that each of you should
know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, not in
passion of lust, like the Gentiles who do not know God” (1
Thessalonians 4:3-5).

Regarding this last passage, the Ryrie
Study Bible comments that this “means either mastery over one’s own
body, keeping it pure (1 Cor. 9:24-27),” or that it “refers to an
honorable marriage (vessel = wife, as 1 Pet. 3:7).” A third possibility

What is a Family?

There is so much confusion about the definition of a family today where secular society, governments and politicians have made up their own definitions, and so this question is not quite as simple as it might at first seem.

Marriage and the family have been generally accepted for a long time that they are the building blocks on which a stable society is founded.   However, attitudes have changed; the liberal society with its permissiveness has invaded every nook and cranny of society and, instead of looking for inspiration and direction from the Word of God, most countries now find themselves overtaken by secularism.   God is generally excluded from any discussions about right and wrong, with man making up his own definitions.

One UK politician said that a family was any group of people who lived together.   That was something that he thought up without consulting the Holy Bible.   That means that he (and others) would consider that homosexuals living together would be a family, as would be two lesbians. Co-habiting would also fall, erroneously, into that same category.   Any group, however made up, would be a family!   And politicians who make such ridiculous assertions are those who frame our laws!

How Can Young People… Cope with Life?

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This booklet was written for all of our readers, with special emphasis on parents and their children. It addresses the problems with which especially young people are confronted today, and it is meant to help parents to help their children to deal with those problems. In this evil world, it is necessary that parents teach their children God’s values, as set forth in the Bible. But how can the Bible become attractive to young people, and how can Bible study become a joy, rather than “boring” and a “nuisance”? 

Parents have a vital and all-important role in making the Bible known to their children, and so, we offer suggestions in this booklet to the parents as to how to fulfill this critical responsibility of teaching their children God’s Way of Life.

Sermons by Women?

Is it in accordance with the Bible for Christian women to give sermons or Bible studies, or to publish, or have published, their Biblical or spiritual articles?

The Bible is very clear that such conduct would be in violation of Scripture. We are setting forth below excerpts from pages 13-14 of our booklet, “The Keys to Happy Marriages and Families”:

“Notice 1 Timothy 2:11-15 where Paul says, ‘Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence…’ Notice, too, the parallel passage in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, ‘Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak… And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church.'”

This Week in the News

Murder in Connection With the British Referendum?

Britain is in mourning and in shock because of the terrible murder of Labour’s pro-Europe politician, Jo Cox. She has been praised, by political supporters and opponents alike, as a “great star” and as “one of the brightest and most popular MPs.” The situation in Britain has been described by Bild Online as similar to the time of the death of “Lady Di.” Connections have been drawn between the murder and the “tone” of the two camps regarding the Referendum, but quite a different picture emerges upon further scrutiny, as we point out in our italicized comments at the end of the article, titled, “The Story Behind the Story.”

The Independent wrote on June 17:

“Jo Cox, the Labour MP for Batley and Spen, has died after being shot and stabbed in West Yorkshire…

“A former aid worker, she campaigned in economically deprived and war-torn countries across the world on issues such as discrimination and poverty. Before entering politics, Ms Cox… worked with charities such as Save the Children, acted as a senior advisor to the anti-slavery charity the Freedom Fund and as an advisor to Sarah Brown. Ms Cox was a vocal advocate for those affected by the Syrian crisis and abstained in the contentious vote on allowing British military action in Syria. She backed the Dubs amendment before it was defeated in the House of Commons that would have allowed the UK to accept 3,000 child refugees stranded in camps in Europe…

The Fall and Rise of Britain and America

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This booklet is made available to the nations of Great Britain, the United States of America and other English-speaking peoples—part of the modern descendants of the ancient houses of Israel and Judah—as well as to everyone who is willing to heed God’s message of the imminent fall, and ultimate rise of, Britain and America. It is in true loving concern, but with a sense of urgency, that we seek to bring attention to the need to repent of the sin of rebellion against the great God and His way of life as revealed in the Holy Bible. Only by turning to God will ANYONE be saved from, or out of, the Great Tribulation that will strike this earth in the near future! This warning applies to God’s true Church, as well as to the modern descendants of the ancient house of Israel. The nations where these descendants are currently located are clearly identified in the Bible; therefore, this important message is being brought to the attention of these specific nations. The good news is that ultimately, most will listen to the warning; for many, however, serious lessons will first have to be learned the hard way.

The Church of England has recently voted in favour of Women Bishops. Is this Biblical?

Before answering this question, here is some background first:

The Church of England website stated the following (as at 14th July 2014):

“The General Synod of the Church of England has today given its final approval for women to become bishops in the Church of England.   The vote in the General Synod on the measure was carried by the required two-thirds majority in the three constituent parts of the Synod:  the House of Bishops, the House of Clergy and the House of Laity.  This means the first woman bishop could potentially be appointed by the end of the year.

“Today’s vote comes 18 months after the proposal was last voted upon in November 2012 when the proposal failed to achieve the required two thirds majority in the House of Laity.

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