The Sacrificial System and the Tabernacle in the Wilderness

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This booklet addresses a topic that might seem ancient, irrelevant and too boring to consider in our busy 21st century lifestyle. Why should we care about what the ancient Israelites did in the wilderness thousands of years ago? Why should we take the time to read about their sacrifices and their tabernacle? Besides, didn’t Jesus’ death abolish these ancient rites, so that there could not possibly be any importance attached to them, at least for true Christians, right?

Well, you just might be surprised!

The fact of the matter is, the sacrifices and the tabernacle in the wilderness have a very DEEP meaning for true Christians today! God was very specific—for good reason—when He instructed Moses and ancient Israel on the sacrificial system and the tabernacle in the wilderness, and their relevance for us today is NOT to be cast aside!

The Meaning of God’s Fall Holy Days

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WHY has God commanded us to keep holy certain annual Holy Days, which are listed, for example, in Leviticus 23? What possible relevance and meaning could these “ancient” Holy Days have for us today? In this booklet, you will learn the truth about the annual Holy Days and Festivals to be kept in the Fall of the year. These days carry a deep and rich meaning, actually revealing to us the great master plan of God for mankind. But just knowing about them academically is not enough! Blessed are those who understand them and actually DO them, keeping them holy as God made them holy!

As an introduction, we are setting forth a very brief summary of God’s annual Holy Days and Festivals that come in the Fall. We will then describe and analyze the meaning of each of these days and festivals in much more detail. The following summary is adapted from our free booklet, “God’s Commanded Holy Days”:

Is That In the Bible? The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation

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In this booklet, we are going to discuss seemingly mysterious passages in the book of Revelation—passages that invoke much curiosity, but, in fact, are commonly misunderstood.

While many have heard about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Great Tribulation, the Day of the Lord, the beast, the false prophet, the mark of the beast, the number 666, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, the dragon, the woman riding the beast, Armageddon, Babylon the Great, the two witnesses, the Marriage Supper with the Lamb, the 144,000, the Millennium, the Great White Throne Judgment, the New Jerusalem, etc., very few have correctly understood what God is conveying through these symbols and detailed descriptions.

Jesus Christ—A Great Mystery!

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Part 1

Did Jesus Exist?

Is there any historical proof that a person called Jesus Christ ever existed? Although it is sometimes claimed by atheists and agnostics that the very person of Jesus was an invention by early writers, very few educated people down through history have doubted the existence of Christ. There are more than 1,000 works of literature that were written very early in Church history affirming the existence of Christ, and much of it was written by pagans or Jews—people who acknowledged His existence, but denied that He was, indeed, the Son of God.

H.G. Wells wrote in “Outline of History”: “…one is obliged to say, ‘Here was a man. This part of the tale could not have been invented.’” Will Durant, professor of philosophy, and a non-Christian, wrote extensively about Christ’s existence and His effect on society in “The Story of Civilization.” The Encyclopedia Britannica refers to Christ more than 20,000 times—more than Socrates, Aristotle, Buddha, Napoleon, Confucius, Mohammed, or Shakespeare. It says in one instance: “These independent accounts prove that in ancient times even the opponents of Christianity never doubted the historicity of Jesus, which was disputed for the first time and on inadequate grounds by the end of the 18th, during the 19th, and at the beginning of the 20th centuries.”

How to Keep the Sabbath

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Many believe and teach that Christians are no longer obligated to observe the weekly Sabbath—the period from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. This conclusion is incorrect. True Christians know and have proven for themselves from the pages of the Bible that they are still duty-bound today to keep the weekly Sabbath, as it is holy time. We offer biblical proof in our free booklet, God’s Commanded Holy Days.

Questions often arise, however, as to HOW to keep the Sabbath. Are there any principles or passages in the Bible that tell us what kinds of activities are permitted and which are prohibited? Are we told how to apply those passages and concepts practically in specific situations?

In this booklet, we will address many of these questions that have perplexed Christians for decades. We will concentrate on God’s command not to do work on the Sabbath; not to pursue our own pleasure; and not to engage in business; and we will discuss whether or not we should eat out in a restaurant on the Sabbath. We will also speak on Church attendance on the Sabbath, as well as proper appearance and conduct during Church services. Finally, we will provide some guidelines for opening and closing prayers, and the delivery of sermonettes in Sabbath services. 

The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire

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Dramatic events are occurring in Europe that will have tremendous consequences for the entire world! In spite of this, many are blind to the significance of what is happening before their very eyes! They fail to see how to connect the dots and make sense of it all.

The key to correctly understanding the impact of current events lies in viewing the present and the future through the lens of the past. Only when we open the pages of history can we truly grasp the dimensions of the prophesied end-time scenario as it crescendos globally out of proportion and out of mankind’s control.

This booklet will help guide you through the maze of wrong prophetic speculations and false interpretations and viewpoints, and will help you see the truth as it is revealed in the Bible, and as substantiated by history itself. 

How Can We Know That Christ’s Return Is Near?

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It seems that Christians throughout history have commonly believed that Christ would return during their lifetime. The early New Testament apostles believed this until it became clear to them that His return would not occur that quickly.

Based on the upheaval at the time of Martin Luther, he believed that Christ would return soon, as did those who were plagued by the devastating Black Death. Strong earthquakes, heavenly occurrences, devastating natural disasters, famine, pestilences and great wars prompted many to believe that they would experience the soon-coming return of Christ. They all looked at certain signs and predictions, which were startling and frightening, but they did not look at the entire picture.

God’s Law…or God’s Grace?

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The cover image for this booklet depicts two paths reflecting the erroneous beliefs that one must “have works” OR “have faith” in order to be saved! James addressed this controversy in chapter 2, verses 17-18—as we also do in the pages which follow. The cover image shows that the two paths lead to opposite directions, without reaching the same destination.


The topic of law and grace has been widely discussed among various Christian groups, yet it remains fundamentally confusing for many people. Traditional Christianity believes that Christ came to abolish the law of the Ten Commandments, and that we are absolved from any responsibilities simply because we are under grace. But is this true? How does one who claims to be a Christian know what to believe?

The Authority of the Bible

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The Bible seems to be a book that very few people really understand. Many do not even care to grasp the teachings of God’s Word, let alone acknowledge that it is God’s instruction to us. Many who claim to understand, have differing ideas and opinions about what it means. Why is this? How can we be sure that the Bible IS God’s Word, and that it speaks to us with divine authority?

Considering the history of the Bible, how can we know which books and passages belong in the inspired text and which do not? And who had the authority to make this kind of decision? How can we ascertain whether or not the translations from the original Hebrew and Greek texts are reliable? How can we even know whether the original texts have been faithfully preserved?

Are You Already Born Again?

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Have you been born again? It’s a catchy phrase. It invokes thoughts of piety and gives the appearance of true Christianity. It claims to describe spiritual maturity—the release from sin and the receipt of salvation. It has become the litmus test for many professing Christians to determine whether one is “saved” or “lost”—whether one will “go to heaven” or “hell” after death.

Many professing Christians think they are already born again, and they readily share their convictions with others, presenting what would seem to be a convincing case for the need to be “born again” in this life. In reality, they miss one of the most important teachings of the Bible—what man’s ultimate potential is and how to attain it.

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