Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Plans are being finalized for next year’s Church Conference beginning on March 20, 2015, and concluding on March 25, 2015. Also, we are finalizing ministerial assignments for the Spring Holy Days.

A new member letter has been written by Pastor Brian Gale. In this letter, Mr. Gale focuses on dramatic and prophetically significant events occurring in Europe–with special emphasis on Britain’s growing alienation with the European Union.

“Germany–the Predestined Leader of Europe” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

More and more news reporters realize that Germany is the leader of Europe, and that nothing goes without Angela Merkel, the “world’s most powerful woman” and the German “Chancellor of Europe.” The New Yorker and the Telegraph published insightful articles about Germany’s superpower status and the fact that Britain is a lame duck. Reference is also made to a “reconstituted Holy Roman Empire governed from Berlin” with “charisma and sanctity [to be] bestowed [on it]… by Rome.” All of this is in fulfillment of biblical prophecy. We are offering three free booklets, “Germany in Prophecy,” “Europe in Prophecy” and “The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire.”

“Ist Zungenreden biblisch?,” is the title of this week’s German sermon. Title in English: “Is Speaking in Tongues Biblical?”

“Den Standort Wechseln?” (vom 30. November 2014), a German translation of this week’s Editorial by Norbert Link, has been sent to members and subscribers and was posted on the German website.

Four new printed German booklets have been received from the printer. They will be distributed this Sabbath in Church services and sent to our subscribers next week. We will also begin to advertise them in our AufPostenStehen programs.

“Past, Present, Future,” the sermon from last Sabbath by Michael Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The Bible shows us how the past, present and future all work together.  Through past examples for our own admonition, we can learn from them in our present lives by obeying God, so we can be counted worthy to make it in the future.

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