Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter was written by Dave Harris. It will be sent out shortly. In the letter, Mr. Harris reminds us of the bad consequences of sin and disobedience, as well as the blessings for righteousness and obedience—collectively and individually. We will also enclose a copy of our new booklet, “When and How Will Christ Return?” 

We would like to thank all of our listeners and viewers who called in to thank us for the StandingWatch programs. In addition, here are some of the recent written comments we have received:

“Dear Evangelist Norbert Link and the Eternal Church of God. I live in the Philippines and I have just listened to your latest video about the Mid-term Elections. I listen to all of your videos and have downloaded many of them. For me personally, because I do not know what others believe or even think, Standing Watch is the best of the best. Please inform Evangelist Norbert Link.”

“It saddens me to realize how completely we have been hoodwinked. Your work is very much needed. It’s life changing & saving.”

“Dear friends at the Church of the Eternal God. Thank you for the internet simulcast of the Sabbath, and God’s annual Holy Days services. I really appreciate the time, effort and costs that it takes to prepare your sermon and sermonettes etc. and the set-up of TV cameras and sound equipment etc. Thanks again!”

“Zion—Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft,” is the title of this week’s German sermon. The title in English is, “Zion—Past, Present and Future.”

“Appreciating Our Salvation,” the sermon presented by Robb Harris last Sabbath, in now posted. Here is a summary:

We have been given a wonderful opportunity to become members of God’s Family. That opportunity does not come without cost. Christ died to pave a way for our Salvation and we can show our appreciation by living as He lived—fulfilling God’s Will.

Sermons from Brian Gale and Rene Messier, which were given at the Feast in Germany, were posted on the British and Canadian Websites. They are:

Rene Messier, (Talking Points) “Rebuilding and Reclamation”.

Brian Gale (Global Trailer), “Do We Truly Realize What is Ahead?” and, “What We Can Look Forward To!” 

©2024 Church of the Eternal God