Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was recorded this week and placed on the Web. It is titled, “Your Reaction to World News.”

Our new German booklet, “Gott ist eine Familie” (“God Is A Family”), has been posted on the Web.

The Global Church of God in the UK received this letter from a reader:

a month ago I requested some booklets of the Global Church of God,
after having found your interesting website. Again, I would like to
thank you for having sent the literature. Meanwhile, I managed to study
almost all of the booklets (except for ‘Jesus Christ‘, which I will
start reading this very weekend), and I really enjoyed the reading very
much–although I must admit, it wasn’t always very easy. Being a
baptized Catholic, there are some items that are different from what I
learned in school, but then again, it was a challenge to check whether
my opinion about these things is right at all. (Furthermore, I am proud
I didn’t have to use my English dictionary very often, me being a
non-native speaker.) In these booklets, I found some other publications
that would interest me [requests 6 booklets]. I would be very pleased,
if you could send me a copy of these titles, too! Thank you very much
in advance. Kind regards from a very cold Germany.”

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