Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

We discussed at our recent Church Conference the possibility of producing British and Canadian SW “advertising” programs. The first one has been produced, targeting the United Kingdom. In this British StandingWatch presentation, Mr. Brian Gale covers some of the intriguing questions about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God along with offering listeners more information for obtaining our free booklet on this subject. Johanna Link, our Video Production Manager, added visual componets to make this inaugural program very appealing. This program can be viewed at:

Mr. Rene Messier departed for Nairobi, Kenya, on Wednesday to visit brethren and interested parties in that nation. Mr. Messier will spend several very active days in which he will conduct Sabbath service, hold a leadership meeting, counsel potential candidates for baptism and deal with a series of questions we have received from this area. Once again, we ask that you pray for Mr. Messier.

“Race No Issue in the Zimmerman Case,” is the title of this week’s StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

On July 13, 2013, the jury of six mostly white women found Hispanic George Zimmerman not guilty of murder or manslaughter of black 17-year old teenager Trayvon Martin. The mainstream media had created a nationwide circus and resorted to falsehoods and lies in order to invent a case involving race. Sadly, the real crux of the matter took back stage in view of the hype and hysteria of unsupported allegations of racial profiling. 

“Sex zwischen Engeln und Menschen?,” is the title of this week’s German sermon. In this sermon, Mr. Norbert Link presents information which was also covered in our recent Q&A on alleged sexual intercourse between angels and women (See Update 597).

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