Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The new July member letter by Norbert Link has been posted on the Web.

A new SW program, titled, “Enslaved to the Government?,” was recorded this week and will also to be broadcast on radio, beginning Sunday, July 29, 2012. Here is a summary of this program: Are we in danger of losing our individual liberties and freedoms? Are we becoming slaves of the government? As examples, consider the individual mandate in the new health care law; controversial executive orders pertaining to Immigration proposals bypassing Congress and the control of the Internet by Homeland Security; invoking the executive privilege to withhold documents from the House Committee in the Fast and Furious debacle; the use of drones throughout the US; and the reading of private emails by the government. It is high time to wake up.

Norbert Link has begun a new series of German sermons on the subject of “hell.” The first in this series, “NEU! Gibt es eine Hoelle?,” is now posted.

A new booklet about tithing, in German and titled, “Die Zahlung des Zehnten—Heute?,” has been finalized and will be posted shortly (this is a translation of our English language version, “Tithing – Today?” ).

The cut-off date for submissions of articles to our Feast newspaper is to be July 31, which will give Karen Myers a month to finalize the project, submit to the printers and have the newspapers ready for the Feast. Currently we have 30 submissions, and if we could receive another 10, it would make for a first class production. As this will probably be a one-off, it would be good if as many as possible could contribute. After all, this could well turn out to be a collector’s item, with high-quality paper and full-color pictures. Please submit your article(s) to Brian Gale.
A reminder for those wishing to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with us for 2012–please review details posted on our website under the “FEASTS” heading. Our locations for this year are Pismo Beach, California, and Deganwy, North Wales.

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