
Member Letters

The Church of the Eternal God publishes a monthly Member Letter.

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Letter to the Brethren – November 30, 2001

Dear Members and Co-workers,
Jesus Christ gave us a sober warning in Matthew 24: 6-8: “And you will hear of wars and rumors
of wars… And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are
the beginning of sorrows.” More terrible things will have to happen first, before the end is here (v.
6). Imagine that! The terror attack on New York and the subsequent war in Afghanistan, for
example, are only the “beginning.” Terror and war, earthquakes and other natural disasters (cp.
Luke 21:25-26), as well as famines and disease epidemics will increase!
Let’s consider how terrible the next few years,…

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Letter to the Brethren – October 18, 2001


Dear Brethren and Co-workers,

As we begin to take stock of where we are after the Feast of Tabernacles, the first thing we want to do is to give thanks and credit where it is due. What a peaceful, rewarding and joyful feast we have just experienced! God has blessed us richly in every way. Our hope and our strength have been renewed, and we are continuously being encouraged to go forward. As the dust settles, more and more brethren who have remained steadfast in the faith have been coming together in this common effort.

Once again, God has given us the…

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Letter to the Brethren – September 4, 2001


Dear Brethren,

God’s festival season is almost upon us, though it seems we just completed the observance of the Feast of Pentecost. Time seems to move so rapidly, yet we are definitely looking forward to the upcoming feast days with great anticipation and excitement.

God tells us we are to keep His feast days in their seasons. God has a definite timetable He is working on, brethren. We must stay in tune with that timetable. We are about to enter the fall festival season, which has tremendous significance for the people of God, as well as for the whole…

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