
Member Letters

The Church of the Eternal God publishes a monthly Member Letter.

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Letter to the Brethren – September 9, 2014

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Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends:

Some of you might remember the following famous words of Herbert W. Armstrong (1892-1986), saying that this is a world of awesome progress and appalling evil. And how true this is! We can send humans to the moon and back; we can create highly sophisticated spaceships, satellites, airplanes, cars, robots and other magnificent accomplishments; but at the same time, we are not able to solve the mounting problems which are plaguing mankind, such as sickness, disease, famine, war and poverty—just to name a few.

Many suffer under oppressive and restrictive governments which all…

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Letter to the Brethren – August 14, 2014

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Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends,

When a patient goes to a doctor with unidentified injuries or physical problems, the approach for determining what is wrong with him is to check his pulse, his body temperature, the mobility of his limbs, his blood pressure and any swelling or bruising. These are all prime indicators to assess any physical problems the patient may be having. The first thing the doctor or nurse will do is to ask the patient where it hurts or where the problem is located.

If we look at the current state of the world, what do we find?…

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Letter to the Brethren – July 21, 2014

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

Now that we are in the midst of summertime in the northern hemisphere, many of us experience impressive lightning shows when thunderstorms roll through. Even though they can be dangerous, the display is fascinating to watch. It is amazing to think that mere clouds in the sky, consisting of droplets of water so tiny that they float in air, can build up an electric charge so great that hundreds of millions of volts of electricity are released in a moment. The potential energy of something so simple as a cloud is impressive.

While looking…

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Letter to the Brethren – June 2, 2014

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

In our weekly Update No. 639 dated 16th May 2014 we included a report from The Examiner which wrote on 2nd May the following: “A spokesperson for the Vatican officially announced that the coming of the Lord may not happen. They stated from the looks of it, Yashua, the only begotten Son of God will not return per John 14:1-3. Cardinal Giorgio Salvadore told WWN [Waterford Whispers News] reporters that Jesus may have been drinking (perhaps from the last Supper with his disciples) when he uttered the statements of his return. He rationalized…

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Letter to the Brethren – May 15, 2014

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

What lies ahead for US in the Work of God?

Through prophecy given by God, we know that events taking place RIGHT NOW are “signs” of the end of this age and Satan’s deceptive rule over mankind. We also know the Bible reveals many detailed occurrences which have NOT YET taken place—but that they are at hand and on the way!

Beyond the key prophecies about end-time world events, the Word of God also addresses the Church during the tumultuous future that is coming.

When Jesus was asked about His return and when that would occur,…

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Letter to the Brethren – April 7, 2014

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Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends,

We have finished our annual Church Conference, and all in attendance felt that this was the most profitable and peaceful conference we have had for a long time. Even though some might doubt the accuracy of this assessment, as it may sound too good to be true, we are confident that our statement reflects objectively what we have experienced. We are all on the same page and dedicated to the Work of preaching the Gospel and feeding the Flock in the way that God would want us to do—something which could not…

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Letter to the Brethren – March 11, 2014

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Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends:

As we are bombarded with terrible news from around the world, showing the perilous times and the lives of self-centered human beings in these last days (2 Timothy 3:1-5), those called by God to His Way of Life must be different. True Christians are to be happy people, reflecting and manifesting their inner joy which is focused on their future as glorified eternal Spirit beings in the very Family and Kingdom of God (John 17:13; Galatians 5:22; Romans 14:17). As we walk through this dark valley of human suffering and death, we…

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Letter to the Brethren – February 10, 2014

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Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends.

God commands us to examine ourselves on an annual basis prior to partaking of the Passover in the spring of the year. We are to analyse how we have been doing spiritually during the year that has just past, and how we are doing now by comparison. This is similar to checking your pulse to get an indication as to your health, and if you discover a physical problem, you need to find out what you can do to alleviate it.

To go a step further, let us take the pulse of English-speaking…

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Letter to the Brethren – January 8, 2014

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

In our weekly Update of the 6th December, I wrote an editorial entitled “Getting On Together”. In this I wrote: “The Church of God should be a homogenous group, all pulling in the same direction, with the same goal of growing and overcoming so that we ‘may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man’ (Luke 21:36). In order to achieve that goal, we must pull together as the people of God, not pull apart.”

I have observed over 40 years…

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Letter to the Brethren – December 15, 2013

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

Daniel was made aware of future events that were beyond his grasp, and he said to the angel, “‘My lord, what shall be the end of these things?’” (Daniel 12:8). Responding to statements made by Jesus, His disciples asked Him: “‘Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age?’” (Matthew 24:3).

Unlike Daniel or the disciples of Jesus, we are NOW living in the time of the end which they marveled at and which is culminating into “‘“…a time of…

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Letter to the Brethren – November 14, 2013

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Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends:

Something remarkable about the patriarchs of the Bible is their frequent movement from one place to another. It seems like they rarely stayed in one place for very long, and wherever they did stay, they were considered to be foreigners. The Bible describes Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob each living out of tents in lands that they considered to be far from home. When Jacob fled hundreds of miles from his home, in fear of his brother Esau’s wrath, he even used a stone as a pillow to rest his head (Genesis 28:11).…

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Letter to the Brethren – October 18, 2013

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Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends,

It is hard to believe that the Feast of Tabernacles 2013 has ended over three weeks ago. We have returned from a marvelous occasion which portrayed a time of universal peace and happiness, and we must cope now once again with trials and persecutions in this present evil world, which is ruled by Satan the devil.

In our first weekly Update after the Feast (No. 607, dated October 4), Brian Gale wrote in his Editorial: “We have just kept the Feast of Tabernacles which pictures the coming reign of Jesus Christ on this…

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